Exam Details
Subject | psychology | |
Paper | paper 2 | |
Exam / Course | ugc net national eligibility test | |
Department | ||
Organization | university grants commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | December, 2015 | |
City, State | , |
Question Paper
Signature and Name of Invigilator OMR Sheet No. ..........................................................
(To be filled by the Candidate)
1. (Signature)
Roll No.
(In figures as per admission card)
2. (Signature) Roll No.
(In words)
PAPER II PSYCHOLOGY [Maximum Marks l00
Number of Pages in this Booklet 32 Instructions for the Candidates
Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page.
This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions.
At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below
To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of this cover page. Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal and do not accept an open booklet.
Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of minutes. Afterwards, neither the Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given.
After this verification is over, the Test Booklet Number should be entered on the OMR Sheet and the OMR Sheet Number should be entered on this Test Booklet.
Each item has four alternative responses marked and You have to darken the circle as indicated below on the correct response against each item.
where is the correct response.
Your responses to the items are to be indicated in the OMR Sheet given inside the Booklet only. If you mark your response at any place other than in the circle in the OMR Sheet, it will not be evaluated.
Read instructions given inside carefully.
Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet.
If you write your Name, Roll Number, Phone Number or put any mark on any part of the OMR Sheet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, or use abusive language or employ any other unfair means, such as change of response by scratching or using white fluid, you will render yourself liable to disqualification.
You have to return the original OMR Sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall. You are however, allowed to carry original question booklet and duplicate copy of OMR Sheet on conclusion of examination.
Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen.
Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited.
There are no negative marks for incorrect answers.
In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions, English version will be taken as final.
Number of Questions in this Booklet s0
wannf. .1 f f.$1 "n
-11n cri .i- n f n nI n Yn n f fm I
ir nm,fcciw- m
n a ci 3 -ciI r r I rn fi
mI r 3 -ciI mI r . ci f Y f fm cri f f r
r ci 3 -ciI 3c
f ci n m
r ci n ci ci ci r
ci mI cri f mi r nI fn ci n-n ci c ci n
ci ci r nI
i -gg fr t ri ti -gg m i i m.m ut i i t f i t t t I -if i f rit -gg ii i m t f it r mm f i i ifi i r i t m
i -if t 1i i t
i i ti m r t I ti f l m i fu firi f t t tI r m i i t r
m1 m i mf f ni i f t I
cri n
ci ci n OMR ci n 3 fci ci r n 3n1 n OMR ci ci n
ci n 3 fci ci n r I
4. -lrci cri f n .n fcciw- f r r m I 3 -ciI m . n nci n ci m fci r
cri c1 ciI r ci n
f m m I
nfci m . n m I
cri . n ti -if i ti m f t t OMR i 3*fci ci n r m f 3 OMRn ci n f r r c1 cri 3 c fci 3R n . n f Rm fci ci n r m I . ci i wn m mI
ci I
3R f r f I ciI .
n r r c ci r nI
ci ci i (Rough Work)
ci cri 3fR i -11n n ci r nI
f 3 OMR ci n f cri 3 c n r Yn mi r Yn n ci r f f r 3 -ci m r cri, 3*fci ci n r m 3 c l m ci r ci n r m ci 3R 3 . ci -lr ci n r m r fci 3*fci fci r r . n ci r fi:n mri m r n r n a cri f r r
3 m rfm fci r ci r m
3 -ciI n a i mI r n i OMR ci f n a ci imI ciI n1:n 3 cci m 31 n n a i f cri n . r r n a r n m n rci n r I m ci OMR
*fci 3 n a i f n i
ci ci cri:n -lf r r ci r m
ti r i t . i -tr i ti i t I
f i i i i ti ii ti it m f i f tI
ti f l i t r i i i mc i r c tcI
f lr fm* fcc n ir* ci fc f m r lr fcc n 3*f i i I
Note This paper contains fifty objective type questions of tto marks each. All questions are compulsory.
l Motion sickness can occur when
one loses his vestibular sense.
one relies only on visual information.
one's visual information and vestibular system's information are congruent.
one's visual system and vestibular system are in conflict.
only and
only and
2 Read each of the following two statements Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below Assertion Iconic store is a discrete visual sensory store. Reason Because information is believed to be stored in the form of visual codes. Codes
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.
3 Backward Conditioning occurs when
CS and US are presented simultaneously
CS is presented first and US is presented before the termination of CS
CS is presented first and US is presented after the termination of CS
US is presented first and CS is presented after the termination of US
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 2 Paper-II
q f fc;ff
1-1Bf II
f.$1 "n . " 5e iff w.n. c . m m-f1 fc cf 3.c m-f1 . .f..n m-f1
l Tfn "A fmm efT d" f 2fn iff mefne
fc "m c m 'eeeUe "f fe "ieB mef enm m-1
c ef . f n cf " e3eff f i mne m-1
fc "m im " e3eff 3e- 'eeeUe nf5e c m " e iff ne if mefne m-1
fc "m cf nF5e 3e- 'eeeUe nf5e iff 3Fn F mefne m-1
cf 3e-
2 f A f f{n ef c 2 eff .f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf 3 e dte mf
.f ... 'fnie c iUe f f-6 f "f f m iU e m-1
o. efffc f"e ie e ene fc "e f ceff cf . iff iU efn mefnm m-1
3e- ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm . e e m-1
3e- ef eff "mm ffc c m "mm . e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
3 Teim 3 fm mefne
3 f n d m c 3e- 3 e f n d m c "e2-"e2 n,n mefnf m-f1
3 f n d m c m f ie- mefne 3e- 3 e f n d m c 3 f n d m c cf f "ie cf n,n mefne m-1
3 f n d m c m f ie- mefne 3e- 3 e f n d m c 3 f n d m c cf f "ie cf en n,n mefne m-1
3 e f n d m c m f n,n mefne 3e- 3 e f n d m c cf f "ie cf en 3 f n d m c ie- mefne m-1
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 3 Paper-II
Which among the following defines problem space
An initial state
A goal state
A set of operations
and and and and
s The James-Lange theory and the cognitive theory of emotion disagree on whether
specific brain centers are involved in specific emotions.
bodily feedback determines which emotion is felt.
individuals can judge their emotions accurately.
there is no any biological involvement in human emotions.
6 Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below
List-I List-II
Binet Intelligent people often have intelligent relatives
Broca Performance based intelligence tests eliminate cultural bias
Wechsler Correlation between intelligence and brain size
Calton Intelligence is a collection of mental abilities
Trait Type Temperament Style
7 Biologically based emotional and behavioural tendencies that are evident in early childhood represent
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 4 Paper-II
4 f A f f{n iff "f c "i e aef5e c ef f ief.n c nf
c 'e2fic 3 2e
c a 3 2e
3fi e eff c e c "i m
3e- 3e- 3e- 3e-
s "f fT cf fA"- -fTf "f.ee e.ic f"fefn f A iff "f fc " "min ..
f f e if n c cff f f e "f fTeff iff "f . mefnf m-f1
ee mf c f f f m n c nm fc fc " "f fT c e 3 mefne m-1
. f n 3 f "f fTeff cf "f fm iff "mm f T "f f Ue f "c nf m-f1
ie m "f fTeff iff c ef c "ff Bne mmf mefnm m-1
6 .¥. 3e- .¥. -II c ef ",iff n c mf 3e- m f f T c eff iff "f .. dte
.¥. .¥. -II
f f ,ffie efTeff cf f nf e ,ffie mefnf m-f
'efc e f e 3emef n ,ff maeUe "ef c fnc e " c ef "ieB c nm m
f ,ff 3e- if n c cf 3ec e cf m "m-"f fm
Te. ,ff-ie f"c aeine3eff c e "fT'm m
7 iff e e f e m m f .ee 3emef n ie e.ic 3e- me "f fmm fte ei f A f f{n c e 'fnf fm.
c nm m-f
em e ie fn m
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll s Paper-II
8 In Jungian theory, the idea that energy is automatically redistributed in the psyche in order
to achieve equilibrium or balance depicts
Principle of Equivalence Principle of Synchronicity
Principle of Entrophy Principle of Opposites
9 After the recent terrorist attacks in France, a psychologist proposed a study wherein he
would interview two hundred French citizens to find whether their attitude towards fate as
a consequence of the attack. This study can best be labelled as
attitude change experiment field experiment
ex post facto study psychometric study
l0 Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given
List-I List-II
(Cutaneous receptors) (Responds to)
Free nerve endings Sudden displacement of skin
Ruffini endings Cradual skin indentation
Merkel's disks Cradual skin stretch
Pacinian corpuscles Temperature change and pain
ll Read each of the following two statements -Assertion and Reason and indicate
your answer using the codes given below
Assertion A tree shall appear in same perceived size whether one views it from near
or far point.
Reason The size of retinal image remains invariant.
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 6 Paper-II
8 ,ffT f"fefn iff m f e fc .e c e f n Ue ie " iff 3 f 3e mef ene nefc "fn, e mf,
f A f f{n f"fefn c ef ee ne
n,. ne c e f"fefn "ic ef c ne c e f"fefn
ne nA ne c e f"fefn f mnne c e f"fefn
9 me iff ef" iff 3enfc e m 3ec' iUe cf e c i ef -.eef c f f"e 3. c f c e ne fc e f "iff m ef ef"m"m eTf c eff c e "eaee.c e fc m ne Te Te fc e f " 3ec' iUe c e c e Ue ie. c ef ie nf m-f1 " 3. c ef c me ene m-1
3fi fte f n efT aef5e efT
ee efte 3. i effinm 3.
l0 .¥. c ef .¥. -II cf "e2 ",iff n c mf n2e f A f f{n c eff c e efT c nf dte c e c mf
.¥. .¥. -II
(... 1 n.. (.1 ..§f. n .
n e 3ffni 6 ef 3ec f ic . e f 2e
. fC m 3ffni 6 ef e e e fn, mc Ue
ic f.c e e e e
-"ff c fUec e ne i f n 3e-m e
ll f A f f{n ef c 2 eff .f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf "mm dte mf
f .. e" e "f f c ef f d"m aee.ic 3ec e iff 'nmn mefTe1
o 3fae m 3ec fn c e 3ec e 3 f n m mne m-1
ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm e e m-1
ef eff "mm m-f f c m "mm e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 7 Paper-II
l2 Which of the following is correct while comparing classical and operant conditioning
Operant conditioning takes place before reinforcement while classical conditioning takes place after reinforcement.
Operant conditioning takes place as a result of some voluntary action while classical conditioning takes place without choice.
In operant conditioning, response is elicited while in classical conditioning it is emitted.
In operant conditioning magnitude of the response is the index of conditioning while in classical conditioning it is the rate of response.
l3 Words learned under water are recalled
Better on land than under water
Better above land than on land
Better above land than under water
Better under water than on land
l4 Read each of the following two statements -Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below Assertion People overlook flaws if the overall issue is perceived as important. Reason People have some biases. Codes
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 8 Paper-II
.efU ef"c 3e- e n (3e f F 3 c m e c nf "i f A f f{n iff "f c "e
e n 3 "f m f mefne m-fc m ef"c 3 cf e mefne m-1
e n 3 6 ff-6 c e cf C mefne fc m 3 f e fc "m f c .cf mefne m-1
e n 3 iff 3 e c m enm fc m 3 iff d."f n mefnm m-1
e n 3 iff 3 e c m Tm ne 3 c e " c m-fc m 3 iff m 3 e "f e mefnm m-1
l3 e m cf 3f e fc T e. eff c ef i Ue fc e ene
e m cf 3f c m e iff im fmn
im c m e iff im "f (3ec e fmn
e m cf 3f c m e iff im "f (3ec e fmn
im c m e iff e m cf 3f fmn
l4 f A f f{n ef c 2 eff .f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf "mm dte mf
f .. f "i f iei f c ef im. Ue "i.ee e nef . f n d"c m c fi eff c m 3ef e mmf fne m-1
o f n eff iff 6 e f" (3fi fn) mefnf m-f1
ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm e e m-1
ef eff "mm f c m "mm e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 9 Paper-II
ls Simi is totally blind, but she follows a 24-hr day-night cycle like the rest of us, and seems comfortably adapted to it. Studies on animals suggest she relies on a built-in rhythm in her Supra-Chiasmatic Nucleus (SCN). non-visual receptors in her eyes. social activity clocks Codes
only only and and
l6. Flynn effect is High IQ score of a generation in comparison to succeeding generation. High IQ score of a generation in comparison to preceding generation. A person's increase in accumulated knowledge with increase in age. A person's change in accumulated knowledge with increase in age.
l7 Which of the following sequence is correct Oral phase . Anal phase . Latency . Phallic . Cenital Anal . Oral . Phallic . Latency . Cenital Oral . Anal . Phallic . Latency . Cenital Oral . Phallic . Anal . Cenital . Latency
l8 Which one of the following is considered as a non-parametric alternative to one-way ANOVA for independent samples Kruskal Wallis H test Mann Whitney U test Kolmogorov -Smirnov test Friedman's ANOVA
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll l0 Paper-II
ls f"im c ef f f mmf fne, f m ef. mi efTeff cf "ie mm 24 eef f cf f c nm 3e- f"e Tne fc m m n m "f "cf 3 mef T m-1 e,3eff fc m f A f f{n iff "f fc "m c f i d"cf e-fc e i-f c cf F "J"mJ iff 3Fnf fmn "eif 3ei{eff iff 3 e.ic "fT'emc "eief c e eef ei .¥ -en c c e fc 3. eff "f ne e ne m
cf cf 3e- 3e-
l6. . e
fc "m m m c e d"c m 3 nm mf eff c m e iff d.e ,ff fc "m m m c e d"c m nm mf eff c m e iff d.e ,ff 3e iff ff cf "e2-"e2 .f n cf "ff n .ee iff ff 3e iff ff cf "e2-"e2 .f n cf "ff n .ee iff f n f.m (3e J f.m (3e J 3fc 3fc
l7 f A f f{n iff "f c i Ue m Ue m -ffTc m -ffTc -ffTc m f e f e f e m m m m Uef e m m m -ffTc Ue m Ue
l8 f A f f{n iff "f fc "f c "c e -ef " c ef.iefTef ef f i ef 2 f f Ue f f.Ue J J3efJ mJ c e 3 f c f c i-f.f f i-F" ef e ie e ene
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll ll Paper-II
l9 Read each of the following two statements -Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below Assertion Action potentials normally travel along axons in one direction. Reason The portions of an axon over which an action potential has just travelled are left momentarily refractory.
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.
20 Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below
List-I List-II
(Cues) (Perception)
Linear perspective Our two eyes observe objects from slightly different positions.
Aerial perspective Parallel lines appears to converge at distance.
Atmospheric perspective Objects below the horizon appear near.
Retinal disparity Farther away objects are less distinctly seen.
2l Read each of the following two statements -Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below Assertion A desirable behaviour of an individual can be effectively used as a reference for another less desirable activity. Reason Premack has suggested that all responses should be thought of as potential reinforcers.
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll l2 Paper-II
l9 f A f f{n ef c 2 eff .f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf "mm
dte mf
.f ... e f i "eieF n e 3aenfn, cf "e2-"e2 c mm f ee iff n mefnf m-f1
o 3aenfn, cf f " ieT iff c ef e f i f n n m,3e f 6 f cf f f mef enf m-f1
ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm e e m-1
ef eff "mm f c m "mm e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
20 .¥. c ef .¥. -II cf "e2 ",iff n c mf n2e f A f f{n c eff c e efT c nf dte c e c mf .¥. .¥. -II .1 an)
(w .
f{c f mie m ef eff 3ei{ff 6 fi-e f 2fn "f n,3eff c ef f{nm m-f1
e m f "ie eFn f i m 3fi"f n mefnm 'nmn mefnm m-f1
e ,if m f faefn "f m f c m i mc 'nmn mefnm m-f1
3fae m f .ine f 2n i c i f {nm m-f1
2l f A f f{n ef c 2 eff -.f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf 3 e dte mf
f .. fc "m . f n cf eff6 n me c e m d efT fc "m 3F c i ef6 m e cf "f i iff
fc e e "c ne m-1. n 'mifc c e ",.ee 2e fc "im 3 e3eff c ef "fie. c cf iff "i.ee e e efm 1
ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm e e m-1
ef eff "mm ffc c m "mm e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll l3 Paper-II
22 Which memory is the result of instrumental/motor learning processes Semantic memory Episodic memory Sensory memory Procedural memory
23 If you begin with a problem and come up with many different solutions; you are using which is a form of creative thinking; contrarily sometimes you come up with correct solution by using thinking. convergent, inductive convergent, deductive convergent, divergent divergent, convergent
24 Choose the correct formula to measure Body Mass Index (BMI). Weight in kg squared/height in meters Weight in kg squared/Height in meters squrared Weight in kg/height in meters Weight in kg/height in meters squared
2s Which of the following are not identified by Thurstone Induction Spatial Symbolic Semantic Codes
and and and and
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll l4 Paper-II
22 c i fn -ifftec /Tfnc 3fmTi e. e2 i fn ffF i fn e c e f Ueei ee e F i fn e.ic i fn
23 f 3e c "i e cf "ieme c e f i c nf m-f f fi-e e cf "ieme eff cf e f iff "ef nf m-f nef e c e " e.ic f fn c nf m-f1 "cf f mn fc "m "i e c e c "mm "ieme i nf m-f nef e cf f fn c e d efT c nf m-f 3fi" Ue, 3eTif c nc 3fi" Ue, fmT if c nc 3fi" Ue, 3 " Ue 3 " Ue, 3fi" Ue
24 e. m ie" fc fc fc fc f f " c ef ie f cf f C ei f c e efT'ei iff ie c e T /im iff f e efT'ei iff ie c e T/im iff f e c e T efT'ei iff ie /im iff f e efT'ei iff ie /im iff f e c e T c mf
2s 2 e e f A f f{n iff "f fc "c e Ue 2ef c 'nmc e.ic e. e2 f .c ne .. Te e T
3e- 3e- 3e- 3e-
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll ls Paper-II
26 Match the items of List-I with the items of List-II. Select the correct answer from the answer codes given below
List-I List-II
(Concept) (Theorist)
Rational Functions Freud
Impetus Jung
Masculine Protest Adler
Hyper competitiveness Horney
27 Match List-I with List-II and indicate your answer using the codes given below List-I List-II (Types of variable) (Examples)
Continuous variable Examination results in terms of pass and fail
Real discrete variable Voice pitch
Artificially discrete variable Intelligence
Qualitative variable Nationality
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll l6 Paper-II
26 .¥. c ef .¥. -II cf "e2 ",iff n c mf n2e f A f f{n c eff c e efT c nf dte c e
c mf
.¥. .¥. -II
(..Tn .nn) (f.in o
nc "fTn e e
c ef n ,fT
.eff n f efm
3fn- me mef m
27 .¥. c ef .¥. -II cf "e2 ",iff n c mf n2e f A f f{n c eff c e efT c nf "mm dte c e
c mf
.¥. .¥. -II
f f n dtemUe 3e- 3 ,temUe cf iff maee cf f Ueei
e nf c 3"nn nm
c f5ei 3"nn ,ff
T,Uee.ic e l m ne
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll l7 Paper-II
28 In which lobe of the cerebral cortex, the primary olfactory cortex lies
Frontal lobe Occipital lobe Temporal lobe Parietal lobe
29 "Factor Analysis is used as a means of confirming a structured model than as a means of discovering a structural model". This is true of which theory of intelligence Spearman Thurstone Jensen Cuilford
30 Read each of the following two statements -Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below
Assertion One focuses on the discovery of truth and interests that are empirical, critical and rational.
Reason A person high on economic values focuses on usefulness and practicality.
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of is true, but is false. is false, but is true.
3l A supervisor, who was asked to rate his subordinates on the basis of his observations, found an employee who did not take a medical leave in that year. On the basis of this observation, the supervisor rated the employee as 'medically 'highly efficient' and 'meticulous'. This is an example of
lineancy error tendency to give extreme rating constant error halo effect
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll l8 Paper-II
28 n c .c, cf fc " f f c iff 'e2fic ee'eUe .c, f fmn mefne
e ef ef{ ef
3 e ef fitem ef
29 11c e c f f.Ue c e d efT fc "m "f e.ic 'fn. c m {ef cf d e c m e iff "f e.ic 'fn. c m cf d e cf iff fc e ene m-1II fc " ,ff f"fefn cf f m ".
m if 2
f " fT C ef
30 f A f f{n ef c 2 eff .f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf "mm dte mf
f .. f c ef f n f"f ". 3e-3fi- f eff c m {ef fne ef efTe.ic 3e ef e.ic 3e-nc "fTn mefnf m-f1
o d.e 3ef2 c i .eff c e . f n d effTne 3e- e mef c ne fne m-1
ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm e e m-1
ef eff "mm f c m "mm e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
3l c faec f "f 'faeUeeff cf 3eme 3 f 3mm 2eff c e i . efc c f cf f c me T e 2e, f e e fc c c i e m f d" cf e-e f fc ."e 3 c e e mmf f e 2e1 " n& cf 3eme faec f d" c i e m c e i .efc 1f fc ."m f "f fC 13. fn c e e I 3e- 1"nc I cf iff fc e1 m d em Ue
d e ne 5e,f c e f 2 5e,f c e
3. fmc i .f me Ue c m fte c e f c e
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll l9 Paper-II
32 Which of the following parts of the basal ganglia constitute the striatum
Clobus Pallidus
and and and and
33 Among the laws of perceptual grouping, the law of simplicity is a tendency to
perceive simple patterns in terms of complex shapes
perceive complex patterns in terms of simpler shapes
perceive simpler shapes only
perceive complex shapes only
34 What is the role of positive and negative reinforcement
To increase the likelihood that responses preceding both will be repeated.
To decrease the likelihood that responses preceding negative reinforcement will be repeated.
To increase the likelihood that responses preceding only positive reinforcement will be repeated.
To ensure that there are no negative consequences following the behaviour.
3s Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below
List-I List-II
Sensory memory Information that passes through a gate and transferred to short term memory
Attention Information subjected to deep processing
Short term memory Temporary storage of sensory information
Elaborative rehearsal Brief storage of information
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 20 Paper-II
32 3emef c T-fTf e c e f A f f{n c ieT lf i c e f ie Ue c ne
3i,. e e
c f
. ef " "
33 aee.ic "i mmc Ue cf f ieff iff " ne c e f i f A f f{n fte
f 3ec fn eff cf iff " 'fnie eff c e aemc Ue
" 3ec fn eff cf iff f 'fnie eff c e aemc Ue
cf " 3ec fn eff c e aemc Ue
cf f 3ec fn eff c e aemc Ue
34 "c e e.ic 3e-c e e.ic c m e i fic e mefnm
" "fie e iff ff c e fc ef eff c m nm 3 e i e fn n meffTm1
" "fie e iff c im e e fc c e e.ic c m nm 3 e i e fn n meffTm1
" "fie e iff ff c e fc cf m e.ic c m nm 3 e i e fn n meffTm1
m f n c e fc me cf en c ef c e e.ic f Ueei mmf 3e f1
3s .¥. 3e-.¥. -II c ef ",iff n c mf 3e- m f f T c eff iff "f dte c e c mf .¥. .¥. -II
"f f m i fn " e fc "m e "f mefc enm 3e- 3. c ef c i fn iff f fn n mefnm m
3 me " e c e Tm "f"em mefne m
3. e fmc i fn "f f m " e c e 3 2e m iU e Ue
f Uee.ic e" " e c e "ffaeB iU e Ue
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 2l Paper-II
36 While forming a concept one chooses to take one hypothesis and selects many of its features to quickly form the concept at once Successive scanning Conservative focusing Focus gambling Simultaneous scanning
37. Which among the following are the final outcome of curiosity .rives to explore Increases arousal Cains information and resources Reduction in tension Codes
and and and and
38 Read the statement and choose the correct answer out of given options "If one hand is placed in a container of hot water and other in cold water. Then both hands are placed in a container of lukewarm water." Most people experience The hand initially placed in hot water feels the lukewarm water as cool whereas hand initially placed in cold water feels it as hot. The hand initially placed in hot water feels the lukewarm water as hot whereas hand initially placed in cold water feels it as cold. Both the hands will have feeling of equal hotness but more than temperature of lukewarm water.
Both the hands will have feeling of equal coldness lower than temperature of lukewarm water.
39 An accused is harassed and tortured until he confesses to the crime is an example of Negative reinforcement Punishment Primary reinforcement Secondary reinforcement
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 22 Paper-II
36 c 3 me Uee c ef T nf "i 3 me Uee c m emee'ne "f Ti cf f c . f n fc "m c m f c .e 3e- "c m m,n "m f ef.ne3eff c e c ne
3 fic i maeUe "fc, f n cf F Ue
m e "fcf fF "ic ef c i maeUe
37. f A f f{n iff "f c d.",c ne cf 3ffni f Ueei
3F f.Ue c e 3Fn ef
d ef m
" e i 3e- "f"em c e
n e iff c im
38 f A f f{n c 2 c ef f 3e-f T f c .eff iff "f dte c e c mf
11 f c me2 Ti e m e f n iff ene 3e- " e me2 if f e m e f n iff ene m-1 "cf e ef eff me2 e e m e f n iff ene m-1II 3fmc ef e efTeff c ef " e im" " mefTe
e,. iff Ti e m iff T me2 c ef e e m if e im" " mefTe fc e,. iff if f e m iff T me2 c ef m Ti im" " mefTe1
e,. iff Ti e m iff T me2 c ef e e m Ti im" " mefTe fc e,. iff if f e m iff T me2 c ef m if e im" " mefTe1
ef eff me2eff c ef c mm e c m f f e m "f 3fmc Uene im" " mefTm1
ef eff me2eff c ef c mm e c m f f e m cf if "f 3fmc if im" " mefTe1
f e
39 fc "m ef.m . f n c ef d"cf e e 3 em c fc e f nc f ee 3e-'nef n c e fc "c e d em Ue
c e e.ic U
'e2fic Te-Ue
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 23 Paper-II
40 Which of the following are not Mnemonic devices
Categorical clustering
Pegword system
and and and and
4l Read each of the following two statements -Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below
Assertion Advertising and media campaigns are based frequently on the availability heuristic.
Reason Consumers recall instances of being satisfied and expect this outcome to recur.
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.
42 Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below
List-I List-II
(Measures) (.ody part)
EMC Sweat glands
EEC Iris
CSR Muscles
Pupilometry Cortical neurons
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 24 Paper-II
40 f A f f{n iff "f c i fn "me c f fm ei ..
Tm c Uee.ic
fT 'Uee m
4l f A f f{n ef c 2 eff .f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf "mm dte mf
.f ... f .ee 3e-imf e 3fi e d .mne e ,ief c m 3emef n mefnf m-f1
o d ief ne "fn, 3 eff cf efneff c e i Ue c nf m-f 3e- "cf f Ueei cf "ei f 3e f c m 3 faee {nf m-f1
ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm e e m-1
ef eff "mm f c m "mm e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
42 .¥. c ef .¥. -II cf "e2 ",iff n c mf n2e f A f f{n c eff c e efT c nf dte c e c mf
.¥. .¥. -II
n 1.
J iJ mJ "m f c m T'ff2 ei
J J mJ 3e f e
mJ "J3e J (iii) iei"- ff e ei
mfifnc e .c, m nff5ec ec ef e
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 2s Paper-II
43 Read each of the following two statements -Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below
Assertion Value of h2 (heritability) derived for a particular population is not the correct estimation for other populations.
Reason .ifferent populations have similar genotypes but they experience different environment.
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.
44 What is the correct sequence an auditory stimulus takes to reach the primary auditory cortex
Cochlear nuclei Superior olive Inferior colliculus Medial geniculate nucleus
Cochlear nuclei -Inferior colliculus Superior olive Medial geniculate nucleus
Superior olive Cochlear nuclei Inferior colliculus Medial geniculate nucleus
Medial geniculate nucleus Inferior colliculus Superior olive Cochlear nucleus
4s Read each of the following two statements -Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below
Assertion Non-equivalent control groups are often encountered in quasi-experimental research.
Reason Quasi-experimental designs are highly useful in policy and program evaluation research.
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 26 Paper-II
43 f A f f{n ef c 2 eff -.f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf
3 e dte mf
f .. fc "m f ef. "if cf f 3fi h2 (3e ff ec c e ie 3F "if eff cf f "mm "ie mmf m-1
o fi-e-fi-e "if cf "ie f ef e mefnf m-f f f fi-e e Ue c e 3 c nf m-f1 .¥
ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm e e m-1
ef eff "mm f c m "mm e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
44 'e2fic .ee fUec .c, nc m,i f cf f .ee fUec d m c e i e
c ef f F f mf 3eff mf c eff " -iff ff f F f 3"
c ef f F f mf c eff " mf 3eff -iff ff f F f 3"
mf 3eff ef f F f mf c eff " -iff ff f F f 3"
iff ff f F f 3" mf c eff " mf 3eff ef f F f 3"
4s f A f f{n ef c 2 eff .f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf "mm dte mf
.f ... 3f effTc 3 ,"fme iff 3n,. F5eUe "i meff c e d efT mefne m-1
o 3f effTc 3fic mfn 3e- c e i i . efc 3 ,"fme iff c eC m d efTm mefnf m-f1 .¥
ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm e e m-1
ef eff "mm f c m "mm e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 27 Paper-II
Instruction for Q Nos 46 to s0
Read the following paragraph and answer the five questions which follow.
Paragraph A psychometrician wanted to develop a new test of Abstract Thinking. He prepared eighty items, presumably assessing abstract thinking. Each item had five alternative answers, one of them being correct. The psychometrician carried out item analysis by using item-remainder correlations. Item analysis retained sixty items. To examine internal consistency among the items, inter-item correlations were inspected. Then the split-half reliability coefficient, Kuder -Richardson reliability coefficient, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were obtained for the sixty item test. The analysis yielded the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.90. Since the test was fairly long and the alpha coefficient was also quite high, an attempt was made to develop two short versions of equal length by randomly dividing the test items. The 60 item version was, then, correlated with the already established abstract reasoning test, using N=500. The correlation between the new and an established test was 0.24, significant at .01 level.
46 In the above context, which one of the following correlation should be computed to obtain item-remainder correlations
Point biserial correlation Phi-coefficient
Rank difference correlation Tetrachoric correlation
47 Which one of the following statement would be true in the above context
Kuder Richardson reliability coefficient would also be .90, but the split-half reliability coefficient may differ from .90.
Split-half reliability coefficient would also be .90, but the Kuder Richardson reliability coefficient may differ from .90.
Both Kuder Richardson reliability coefficient and split-half reliability coefficient would be .90.
The correlation between odd and even parts of the test would be .90.
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 28 Paper-II
w ". . n 46 .1 s0 .1 f ..§$1"n
..§. 1 c i effifnc 3i n f Fn c e e maeUe f c f"n c e emne m-1 m "fi 3i n f fn c e f me Ue c cf 3 "m i e c ne m-1 fc i cf ei f. c dte m-f f iff "f c "mm m-1 i effifnc f i 3fm ef. "m"f fm c e efT c cf i f f.Ue fc e1 i f f.Ue iff "ei i 'fnmef n enf m-f1 i eff cf m 3efnf c "eif ne c m ef cf f 3fn m "m"f fm c e f maeUe fc e T e1 n. en "ei i
maeUe cf f {fU n 3f f " m ne T,Ueefc " f " m ne T,Ueefc e. fc 3.C e T,Ueefc fc T 1 f f.Ue "f e. fc 3.C e T,Ueefc 0.90 m,3e1 ffc maeUe c eC m A e 2e 3e- 3.C e T,Ueefc c eC m 3fmc 2e "f maeUe i eff c e e f-6 c f ie c cf "ie -.cf ef 6 ef f "f c Ue f c f"n c f c e e" fc e1 n. en 60 i "f c Ue c ef, N=500 c e d efT c nf m f "f 2ef n 3i n nc maeUe "f "m"f f fc e T e1 3e-2ef n maeUe cf m "m"f fm 0.24 2e, ef .01 n "e2 c 2e1
46 d n "f i iff f A f f{n iff "f fc " "m"f fm c m TUe e i 3fm ef. "m"f fm 'efB cf f c m e m efm
f F f .efUem "m"f fm C e -T,Ueefc
c eff f if "m"f fm c ef i "m"f fm
47 d n "f i iff f A f f{n iff "f c "e c 2 mefTe?
" f " m ne T,Ueefc im .90 mefTe, fcf {fU n-3f f " m ne T,Ueefc .90 "f fi-e mef "c ne m-1
{fU n 3f f " m ne T,Ueefc im .90 mefTe, fcf f " f " m ne T,Ueefc .90 "f fi-e mef "c ne m-1
f " f " m ne T,Ueefc 3e-{fU n 3f " m ne T,Ueefc .90 mefTe1
maeUe cf "i 3e- f .i ieTeff cf m "m"f fm .90 mefTe1
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 29 Paper-II
48 To obtain inter-item correlations, which one of the following correlation coefficient should be used in the above analysis Biserial correlation Point biserial correlation Phi-coefficient Rank difference correlation
49 What is the expected Cronbach alpha for the short versions, referred to in the paragraph 0.45 0.6. 0..2 0.90
s0 Which one of the following conclusion can be drawn from the data provided above The new Abstract Thinking Test has Satisfactory convergent validity Satisfactory divergent validity Satisfactory concurrent validity Unsatisfactory concurrent validity
o 0 o
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 30 Paper-II
48 3Fn "m"f fm c efm f .efUem "m"f fm C e T,Ueefc f cf f d n f f.Ue iff f A f f{n iff "f fc " "m"f fm c e d f F .efUem "m"f fm c eff f if "m"f fm efT c e
49 3 iff df. f{n 0.45 ee, "f c Ue cf f 0.6. ef en e. fc 3.C e 0..2 e 0.90
s0 f T e i n f fn "fnef. "fnef. te "f e f c .f c e e maeUe iff mefne c 3fi" c -mne c "i nm -mne e "c ne "fnef. 3"fnef. c 3 " Ue c "i nm -mne -mne
o 0 o
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 3l Paper-II
.pace .or Rough .ork
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 32 Paper-II
(To be filled by the Candidate)
1. (Signature)
Roll No.
(In figures as per admission card)
2. (Signature) Roll No.
(In words)
PAPER II PSYCHOLOGY [Maximum Marks l00
Number of Pages in this Booklet 32 Instructions for the Candidates
Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page.
This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions.
At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below
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Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of minutes. Afterwards, neither the Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given.
After this verification is over, the Test Booklet Number should be entered on the OMR Sheet and the OMR Sheet Number should be entered on this Test Booklet.
Each item has four alternative responses marked and You have to darken the circle as indicated below on the correct response against each item.
where is the correct response.
Your responses to the items are to be indicated in the OMR Sheet given inside the Booklet only. If you mark your response at any place other than in the circle in the OMR Sheet, it will not be evaluated.
Read instructions given inside carefully.
Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet.
If you write your Name, Roll Number, Phone Number or put any mark on any part of the OMR Sheet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, or use abusive language or employ any other unfair means, such as change of response by scratching or using white fluid, you will render yourself liable to disqualification.
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Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen.
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There are no negative marks for incorrect answers.
In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions, English version will be taken as final.
Number of Questions in this Booklet s0
wannf. .1 f f.$1 "n
-11n cri .i- n f n nI n Yn n f fm I
ir nm,fcciw- m
n a ci 3 -ciI r r I rn fi
mI r 3 -ciI mI r . ci f Y f fm cri f f r
r ci 3 -ciI 3c
f ci n m
r ci n ci ci ci r
ci mI cri f mi r nI fn ci n-n ci c ci n
ci ci r nI
i -gg fr t ri ti -gg m i i m.m ut i i t f i t t t I -if i f rit -gg ii i m t f it r mm f i i ifi i r i t m
i -if t 1i i t
i i ti m r t I ti f l m i fu firi f t t tI r m i i t r
m1 m i mf f ni i f t I
cri n
ci ci n OMR ci n 3 fci ci r n 3n1 n OMR ci ci n
ci n 3 fci ci n r I
4. -lrci cri f n .n fcciw- f r r m I 3 -ciI m . n nci n ci m fci r
cri c1 ciI r ci n
f m m I
nfci m . n m I
cri . n ti -if i ti m f t t OMR i 3*fci ci n r m f 3 OMRn ci n f r r c1 cri 3 c fci 3R n . n f Rm fci ci n r m I . ci i wn m mI
ci I
3R f r f I ciI .
n r r c ci r nI
ci ci i (Rough Work)
ci cri 3fR i -11n n ci r nI
f 3 OMR ci n f cri 3 c n r Yn mi r Yn n ci r f f r 3 -ci m r cri, 3*fci ci n r m 3 c l m ci r ci n r m ci 3R 3 . ci -lr ci n r m r fci 3*fci fci r r . n ci r fi:n mri m r n r n a cri f r r
3 m rfm fci r ci r m
3 -ciI n a i mI r n i OMR ci f n a ci imI ciI n1:n 3 cci m 31 n n a i f cri n . r r n a r n m n rci n r I m ci OMR
*fci 3 n a i f n i
ci ci cri:n -lf r r ci r m
ti r i t . i -tr i ti i t I
f i i i i ti ii ti it m f i f tI
ti f l i t r i i i mc i r c tcI
f lr fm* fcc n ir* ci fc f m r lr fcc n 3*f i i I
Note This paper contains fifty objective type questions of tto marks each. All questions are compulsory.
l Motion sickness can occur when
one loses his vestibular sense.
one relies only on visual information.
one's visual information and vestibular system's information are congruent.
one's visual system and vestibular system are in conflict.
only and
only and
2 Read each of the following two statements Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below Assertion Iconic store is a discrete visual sensory store. Reason Because information is believed to be stored in the form of visual codes. Codes
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.
3 Backward Conditioning occurs when
CS and US are presented simultaneously
CS is presented first and US is presented before the termination of CS
CS is presented first and US is presented after the termination of CS
US is presented first and CS is presented after the termination of US
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 2 Paper-II
q f fc;ff
1-1Bf II
f.$1 "n . " 5e iff w.n. c . m m-f1 fc cf 3.c m-f1 . .f..n m-f1
l Tfn "A fmm efT d" f 2fn iff mefne
fc "m c m 'eeeUe "f fe "ieB mef enm m-1
c ef . f n cf " e3eff f i mne m-1
fc "m im " e3eff 3e- 'eeeUe nf5e c m " e iff ne if mefne m-1
fc "m cf nF5e 3e- 'eeeUe nf5e iff 3Fn F mefne m-1
cf 3e-
2 f A f f{n ef c 2 eff .f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf 3 e dte mf
.f ... 'fnie c iUe f f-6 f "f f m iU e m-1
o. efffc f"e ie e ene fc "e f ceff cf . iff iU efn mefnm m-1
3e- ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm . e e m-1
3e- ef eff "mm ffc c m "mm . e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
3 Teim 3 fm mefne
3 f n d m c 3e- 3 e f n d m c "e2-"e2 n,n mefnf m-f1
3 f n d m c m f ie- mefne 3e- 3 e f n d m c 3 f n d m c cf f "ie cf n,n mefne m-1
3 f n d m c m f ie- mefne 3e- 3 e f n d m c 3 f n d m c cf f "ie cf en n,n mefne m-1
3 e f n d m c m f n,n mefne 3e- 3 e f n d m c cf f "ie cf en 3 f n d m c ie- mefne m-1
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 3 Paper-II
Which among the following defines problem space
An initial state
A goal state
A set of operations
and and and and
s The James-Lange theory and the cognitive theory of emotion disagree on whether
specific brain centers are involved in specific emotions.
bodily feedback determines which emotion is felt.
individuals can judge their emotions accurately.
there is no any biological involvement in human emotions.
6 Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below
List-I List-II
Binet Intelligent people often have intelligent relatives
Broca Performance based intelligence tests eliminate cultural bias
Wechsler Correlation between intelligence and brain size
Calton Intelligence is a collection of mental abilities
Trait Type Temperament Style
7 Biologically based emotional and behavioural tendencies that are evident in early childhood represent
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 4 Paper-II
4 f A f f{n iff "f c "i e aef5e c ef f ief.n c nf
c 'e2fic 3 2e
c a 3 2e
3fi e eff c e c "i m
3e- 3e- 3e- 3e-
s "f fT cf fA"- -fTf "f.ee e.ic f"fefn f A iff "f fc " "min ..
f f e if n c cff f f e "f fTeff iff "f . mefnf m-f1
ee mf c f f f m n c nm fc fc " "f fT c e 3 mefne m-1
. f n 3 f "f fTeff cf "f fm iff "mm f T "f f Ue f "c nf m-f1
ie m "f fTeff iff c ef c "ff Bne mmf mefnm m-1
6 .¥. 3e- .¥. -II c ef ",iff n c mf 3e- m f f T c eff iff "f .. dte
.¥. .¥. -II
f f ,ffie efTeff cf f nf e ,ffie mefnf m-f
'efc e f e 3emef n ,ff maeUe "ef c fnc e " c ef "ieB c nm m
f ,ff 3e- if n c cf 3ec e cf m "m-"f fm
Te. ,ff-ie f"c aeine3eff c e "fT'm m
7 iff e e f e m m f .ee 3emef n ie e.ic 3e- me "f fmm fte ei f A f f{n c e 'fnf fm.
c nm m-f
em e ie fn m
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll s Paper-II
8 In Jungian theory, the idea that energy is automatically redistributed in the psyche in order
to achieve equilibrium or balance depicts
Principle of Equivalence Principle of Synchronicity
Principle of Entrophy Principle of Opposites
9 After the recent terrorist attacks in France, a psychologist proposed a study wherein he
would interview two hundred French citizens to find whether their attitude towards fate as
a consequence of the attack. This study can best be labelled as
attitude change experiment field experiment
ex post facto study psychometric study
l0 Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given
List-I List-II
(Cutaneous receptors) (Responds to)
Free nerve endings Sudden displacement of skin
Ruffini endings Cradual skin indentation
Merkel's disks Cradual skin stretch
Pacinian corpuscles Temperature change and pain
ll Read each of the following two statements -Assertion and Reason and indicate
your answer using the codes given below
Assertion A tree shall appear in same perceived size whether one views it from near
or far point.
Reason The size of retinal image remains invariant.
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 6 Paper-II
8 ,ffT f"fefn iff m f e fc .e c e f n Ue ie " iff 3 f 3e mef ene nefc "fn, e mf,
f A f f{n f"fefn c ef ee ne
n,. ne c e f"fefn "ic ef c ne c e f"fefn
ne nA ne c e f"fefn f mnne c e f"fefn
9 me iff ef" iff 3enfc e m 3ec' iUe cf e c i ef -.eef c f f"e 3. c f c e ne fc e f "iff m ef ef"m"m eTf c eff c e "eaee.c e fc m ne Te Te fc e f " 3ec' iUe c e c e Ue ie. c ef ie nf m-f1 " 3. c ef c me ene m-1
3fi fte f n efT aef5e efT
ee efte 3. i effinm 3.
l0 .¥. c ef .¥. -II cf "e2 ",iff n c mf n2e f A f f{n c eff c e efT c nf dte c e c mf
.¥. .¥. -II
(... 1 n.. (.1 ..§f. n .
n e 3ffni 6 ef 3ec f ic . e f 2e
. fC m 3ffni 6 ef e e e fn, mc Ue
ic f.c e e e e
-"ff c fUec e ne i f n 3e-m e
ll f A f f{n ef c 2 eff .f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf "mm dte mf
f .. e" e "f f c ef f d"m aee.ic 3ec e iff 'nmn mefTe1
o 3fae m 3ec fn c e 3ec e 3 f n m mne m-1
ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm e e m-1
ef eff "mm m-f f c m "mm e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 7 Paper-II
l2 Which of the following is correct while comparing classical and operant conditioning
Operant conditioning takes place before reinforcement while classical conditioning takes place after reinforcement.
Operant conditioning takes place as a result of some voluntary action while classical conditioning takes place without choice.
In operant conditioning, response is elicited while in classical conditioning it is emitted.
In operant conditioning magnitude of the response is the index of conditioning while in classical conditioning it is the rate of response.
l3 Words learned under water are recalled
Better on land than under water
Better above land than on land
Better above land than under water
Better under water than on land
l4 Read each of the following two statements -Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below Assertion People overlook flaws if the overall issue is perceived as important. Reason People have some biases. Codes
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 8 Paper-II
.efU ef"c 3e- e n (3e f F 3 c m e c nf "i f A f f{n iff "f c "e
e n 3 "f m f mefne m-fc m ef"c 3 cf e mefne m-1
e n 3 6 ff-6 c e cf C mefne fc m 3 f e fc "m f c .cf mefne m-1
e n 3 iff 3 e c m enm fc m 3 iff d."f n mefnm m-1
e n 3 iff 3 e c m Tm ne 3 c e " c m-fc m 3 iff m 3 e "f e mefnm m-1
l3 e m cf 3f e fc T e. eff c ef i Ue fc e ene
e m cf 3f c m e iff im fmn
im c m e iff im "f (3ec e fmn
e m cf 3f c m e iff im "f (3ec e fmn
im c m e iff e m cf 3f fmn
l4 f A f f{n ef c 2 eff .f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf "mm dte mf
f .. f "i f iei f c ef im. Ue "i.ee e nef . f n d"c m c fi eff c m 3ef e mmf fne m-1
o f n eff iff 6 e f" (3fi fn) mefnf m-f1
ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm e e m-1
ef eff "mm f c m "mm e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 9 Paper-II
ls Simi is totally blind, but she follows a 24-hr day-night cycle like the rest of us, and seems comfortably adapted to it. Studies on animals suggest she relies on a built-in rhythm in her Supra-Chiasmatic Nucleus (SCN). non-visual receptors in her eyes. social activity clocks Codes
only only and and
l6. Flynn effect is High IQ score of a generation in comparison to succeeding generation. High IQ score of a generation in comparison to preceding generation. A person's increase in accumulated knowledge with increase in age. A person's change in accumulated knowledge with increase in age.
l7 Which of the following sequence is correct Oral phase . Anal phase . Latency . Phallic . Cenital Anal . Oral . Phallic . Latency . Cenital Oral . Anal . Phallic . Latency . Cenital Oral . Phallic . Anal . Cenital . Latency
l8 Which one of the following is considered as a non-parametric alternative to one-way ANOVA for independent samples Kruskal Wallis H test Mann Whitney U test Kolmogorov -Smirnov test Friedman's ANOVA
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll l0 Paper-II
ls f"im c ef f f mmf fne, f m ef. mi efTeff cf "ie mm 24 eef f cf f c nm 3e- f"e Tne fc m m n m "f "cf 3 mef T m-1 e,3eff fc m f A f f{n iff "f fc "m c f i d"cf e-fc e i-f c cf F "J"mJ iff 3Fnf fmn "eif 3ei{eff iff 3 e.ic "fT'emc "eief c e eef ei .¥ -en c c e fc 3. eff "f ne e ne m
cf cf 3e- 3e-
l6. . e
fc "m m m c e d"c m 3 nm mf eff c m e iff d.e ,ff fc "m m m c e d"c m nm mf eff c m e iff d.e ,ff 3e iff ff cf "e2-"e2 .f n cf "ff n .ee iff ff 3e iff ff cf "e2-"e2 .f n cf "ff n .ee iff f n f.m (3e J f.m (3e J 3fc 3fc
l7 f A f f{n iff "f c i Ue m Ue m -ffTc m -ffTc -ffTc m f e f e f e m m m m Uef e m m m -ffTc Ue m Ue
l8 f A f f{n iff "f fc "f c "c e -ef " c ef.iefTef ef f i ef 2 f f Ue f f.Ue J J3efJ mJ c e 3 f c f c i-f.f f i-F" ef e ie e ene
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll ll Paper-II
l9 Read each of the following two statements -Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below Assertion Action potentials normally travel along axons in one direction. Reason The portions of an axon over which an action potential has just travelled are left momentarily refractory.
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.
20 Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below
List-I List-II
(Cues) (Perception)
Linear perspective Our two eyes observe objects from slightly different positions.
Aerial perspective Parallel lines appears to converge at distance.
Atmospheric perspective Objects below the horizon appear near.
Retinal disparity Farther away objects are less distinctly seen.
2l Read each of the following two statements -Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below Assertion A desirable behaviour of an individual can be effectively used as a reference for another less desirable activity. Reason Premack has suggested that all responses should be thought of as potential reinforcers.
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll l2 Paper-II
l9 f A f f{n ef c 2 eff .f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf "mm
dte mf
.f ... e f i "eieF n e 3aenfn, cf "e2-"e2 c mm f ee iff n mefnf m-f1
o 3aenfn, cf f " ieT iff c ef e f i f n n m,3e f 6 f cf f f mef enf m-f1
ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm e e m-1
ef eff "mm f c m "mm e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
20 .¥. c ef .¥. -II cf "e2 ",iff n c mf n2e f A f f{n c eff c e efT c nf dte c e c mf .¥. .¥. -II .1 an)
(w .
f{c f mie m ef eff 3ei{ff 6 fi-e f 2fn "f n,3eff c ef f{nm m-f1
e m f "ie eFn f i m 3fi"f n mefnm 'nmn mefnm m-f1
e ,if m f faefn "f m f c m i mc 'nmn mefnm m-f1
3fae m f .ine f 2n i c i f {nm m-f1
2l f A f f{n ef c 2 eff -.f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf 3 e dte mf
f .. fc "m . f n cf eff6 n me c e m d efT fc "m 3F c i ef6 m e cf "f i iff
fc e e "c ne m-1. n 'mifc c e ",.ee 2e fc "im 3 e3eff c ef "fie. c cf iff "i.ee e e efm 1
ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm e e m-1
ef eff "mm ffc c m "mm e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll l3 Paper-II
22 Which memory is the result of instrumental/motor learning processes Semantic memory Episodic memory Sensory memory Procedural memory
23 If you begin with a problem and come up with many different solutions; you are using which is a form of creative thinking; contrarily sometimes you come up with correct solution by using thinking. convergent, inductive convergent, deductive convergent, divergent divergent, convergent
24 Choose the correct formula to measure Body Mass Index (BMI). Weight in kg squared/height in meters Weight in kg squared/Height in meters squrared Weight in kg/height in meters Weight in kg/height in meters squared
2s Which of the following are not identified by Thurstone Induction Spatial Symbolic Semantic Codes
and and and and
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll l4 Paper-II
22 c i fn -ifftec /Tfnc 3fmTi e. e2 i fn ffF i fn e c e f Ueei ee e F i fn e.ic i fn
23 f 3e c "i e cf "ieme c e f i c nf m-f f fi-e e cf "ieme eff cf e f iff "ef nf m-f nef e c e " e.ic f fn c nf m-f1 "cf f mn fc "m "i e c e c "mm "ieme i nf m-f nef e cf f fn c e d efT c nf m-f 3fi" Ue, 3eTif c nc 3fi" Ue, fmT if c nc 3fi" Ue, 3 " Ue 3 " Ue, 3fi" Ue
24 e. m ie" fc fc fc fc f f " c ef ie f cf f C ei f c e efT'ei iff ie c e T /im iff f e efT'ei iff ie c e T/im iff f e c e T efT'ei iff ie /im iff f e efT'ei iff ie /im iff f e c e T c mf
2s 2 e e f A f f{n iff "f fc "c e Ue 2ef c 'nmc e.ic e. e2 f .c ne .. Te e T
3e- 3e- 3e- 3e-
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll ls Paper-II
26 Match the items of List-I with the items of List-II. Select the correct answer from the answer codes given below
List-I List-II
(Concept) (Theorist)
Rational Functions Freud
Impetus Jung
Masculine Protest Adler
Hyper competitiveness Horney
27 Match List-I with List-II and indicate your answer using the codes given below List-I List-II (Types of variable) (Examples)
Continuous variable Examination results in terms of pass and fail
Real discrete variable Voice pitch
Artificially discrete variable Intelligence
Qualitative variable Nationality
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll l6 Paper-II
26 .¥. c ef .¥. -II cf "e2 ",iff n c mf n2e f A f f{n c eff c e efT c nf dte c e
c mf
.¥. .¥. -II
(..Tn .nn) (f.in o
nc "fTn e e
c ef n ,fT
.eff n f efm
3fn- me mef m
27 .¥. c ef .¥. -II cf "e2 ",iff n c mf n2e f A f f{n c eff c e efT c nf "mm dte c e
c mf
.¥. .¥. -II
f f n dtemUe 3e- 3 ,temUe cf iff maee cf f Ueei
e nf c 3"nn nm
c f5ei 3"nn ,ff
T,Uee.ic e l m ne
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll l7 Paper-II
28 In which lobe of the cerebral cortex, the primary olfactory cortex lies
Frontal lobe Occipital lobe Temporal lobe Parietal lobe
29 "Factor Analysis is used as a means of confirming a structured model than as a means of discovering a structural model". This is true of which theory of intelligence Spearman Thurstone Jensen Cuilford
30 Read each of the following two statements -Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below
Assertion One focuses on the discovery of truth and interests that are empirical, critical and rational.
Reason A person high on economic values focuses on usefulness and practicality.
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of is true, but is false. is false, but is true.
3l A supervisor, who was asked to rate his subordinates on the basis of his observations, found an employee who did not take a medical leave in that year. On the basis of this observation, the supervisor rated the employee as 'medically 'highly efficient' and 'meticulous'. This is an example of
lineancy error tendency to give extreme rating constant error halo effect
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll l8 Paper-II
28 n c .c, cf fc " f f c iff 'e2fic ee'eUe .c, f fmn mefne
e ef ef{ ef
3 e ef fitem ef
29 11c e c f f.Ue c e d efT fc "m "f e.ic 'fn. c m {ef cf d e c m e iff "f e.ic 'fn. c m cf d e cf iff fc e ene m-1II fc " ,ff f"fefn cf f m ".
m if 2
f " fT C ef
30 f A f f{n ef c 2 eff .f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf "mm dte mf
f .. f c ef f n f"f ". 3e-3fi- f eff c m {ef fne ef efTe.ic 3e ef e.ic 3e-nc "fTn mefnf m-f1
o d.e 3ef2 c i .eff c e . f n d effTne 3e- e mef c ne fne m-1
ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm e e m-1
ef eff "mm f c m "mm e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
3l c faec f "f 'faeUeeff cf 3eme 3 f 3mm 2eff c e i . efc c f cf f c me T e 2e, f e e fc c c i e m f d" cf e-e f fc ."e 3 c e e mmf f e 2e1 " n& cf 3eme faec f d" c i e m c e i .efc 1f fc ."m f "f fC 13. fn c e e I 3e- 1"nc I cf iff fc e1 m d em Ue
d e ne 5e,f c e f 2 5e,f c e
3. fmc i .f me Ue c m fte c e f c e
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll l9 Paper-II
32 Which of the following parts of the basal ganglia constitute the striatum
Clobus Pallidus
and and and and
33 Among the laws of perceptual grouping, the law of simplicity is a tendency to
perceive simple patterns in terms of complex shapes
perceive complex patterns in terms of simpler shapes
perceive simpler shapes only
perceive complex shapes only
34 What is the role of positive and negative reinforcement
To increase the likelihood that responses preceding both will be repeated.
To decrease the likelihood that responses preceding negative reinforcement will be repeated.
To increase the likelihood that responses preceding only positive reinforcement will be repeated.
To ensure that there are no negative consequences following the behaviour.
3s Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below
List-I List-II
Sensory memory Information that passes through a gate and transferred to short term memory
Attention Information subjected to deep processing
Short term memory Temporary storage of sensory information
Elaborative rehearsal Brief storage of information
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 20 Paper-II
32 3emef c T-fTf e c e f A f f{n c ieT lf i c e f ie Ue c ne
3i,. e e
c f
. ef " "
33 aee.ic "i mmc Ue cf f ieff iff " ne c e f i f A f f{n fte
f 3ec fn eff cf iff " 'fnie eff c e aemc Ue
" 3ec fn eff cf iff f 'fnie eff c e aemc Ue
cf " 3ec fn eff c e aemc Ue
cf f 3ec fn eff c e aemc Ue
34 "c e e.ic 3e-c e e.ic c m e i fic e mefnm
" "fie e iff ff c e fc ef eff c m nm 3 e i e fn n meffTm1
" "fie e iff c im e e fc c e e.ic c m nm 3 e i e fn n meffTm1
" "fie e iff ff c e fc cf m e.ic c m nm 3 e i e fn n meffTm1
m f n c e fc me cf en c ef c e e.ic f Ueei mmf 3e f1
3s .¥. 3e-.¥. -II c ef ",iff n c mf 3e- m f f T c eff iff "f dte c e c mf .¥. .¥. -II
"f f m i fn " e fc "m e "f mefc enm 3e- 3. c ef c i fn iff f fn n mefnm m
3 me " e c e Tm "f"em mefne m
3. e fmc i fn "f f m " e c e 3 2e m iU e Ue
f Uee.ic e" " e c e "ffaeB iU e Ue
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 2l Paper-II
36 While forming a concept one chooses to take one hypothesis and selects many of its features to quickly form the concept at once Successive scanning Conservative focusing Focus gambling Simultaneous scanning
37. Which among the following are the final outcome of curiosity .rives to explore Increases arousal Cains information and resources Reduction in tension Codes
and and and and
38 Read the statement and choose the correct answer out of given options "If one hand is placed in a container of hot water and other in cold water. Then both hands are placed in a container of lukewarm water." Most people experience The hand initially placed in hot water feels the lukewarm water as cool whereas hand initially placed in cold water feels it as hot. The hand initially placed in hot water feels the lukewarm water as hot whereas hand initially placed in cold water feels it as cold. Both the hands will have feeling of equal hotness but more than temperature of lukewarm water.
Both the hands will have feeling of equal coldness lower than temperature of lukewarm water.
39 An accused is harassed and tortured until he confesses to the crime is an example of Negative reinforcement Punishment Primary reinforcement Secondary reinforcement
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 22 Paper-II
36 c 3 me Uee c ef T nf "i 3 me Uee c m emee'ne "f Ti cf f c . f n fc "m c m f c .e 3e- "c m m,n "m f ef.ne3eff c e c ne
3 fic i maeUe "fc, f n cf F Ue
m e "fcf fF "ic ef c i maeUe
37. f A f f{n iff "f c d.",c ne cf 3ffni f Ueei
3F f.Ue c e 3Fn ef
d ef m
" e i 3e- "f"em c e
n e iff c im
38 f A f f{n c 2 c ef f 3e-f T f c .eff iff "f dte c e c mf
11 f c me2 Ti e m e f n iff ene 3e- " e me2 if f e m e f n iff ene m-1 "cf e ef eff me2 e e m e f n iff ene m-1II 3fmc ef e efTeff c ef " e im" " mefTe
e,. iff Ti e m iff T me2 c ef e e m if e im" " mefTe fc e,. iff if f e m iff T me2 c ef m Ti im" " mefTe1
e,. iff Ti e m iff T me2 c ef e e m Ti im" " mefTe fc e,. iff if f e m iff T me2 c ef m if e im" " mefTe1
ef eff me2eff c ef c mm e c m f f e m "f 3fmc Uene im" " mefTm1
ef eff me2eff c ef c mm e c m f f e m cf if "f 3fmc if im" " mefTe1
f e
39 fc "m ef.m . f n c ef d"cf e e 3 em c fc e f nc f ee 3e-'nef n c e fc "c e d em Ue
c e e.ic U
'e2fic Te-Ue
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 23 Paper-II
40 Which of the following are not Mnemonic devices
Categorical clustering
Pegword system
and and and and
4l Read each of the following two statements -Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below
Assertion Advertising and media campaigns are based frequently on the availability heuristic.
Reason Consumers recall instances of being satisfied and expect this outcome to recur.
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.
42 Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below
List-I List-II
(Measures) (.ody part)
EMC Sweat glands
EEC Iris
CSR Muscles
Pupilometry Cortical neurons
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 24 Paper-II
40 f A f f{n iff "f c i fn "me c f fm ei ..
Tm c Uee.ic
fT 'Uee m
4l f A f f{n ef c 2 eff .f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf "mm dte mf
.f ... f .ee 3e-imf e 3fi e d .mne e ,ief c m 3emef n mefnf m-f1
o d ief ne "fn, 3 eff cf efneff c e i Ue c nf m-f 3e- "cf f Ueei cf "ei f 3e f c m 3 faee {nf m-f1
ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm e e m-1
ef eff "mm f c m "mm e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
42 .¥. c ef .¥. -II cf "e2 ",iff n c mf n2e f A f f{n c eff c e efT c nf dte c e c mf
.¥. .¥. -II
n 1.
J iJ mJ "m f c m T'ff2 ei
J J mJ 3e f e
mJ "J3e J (iii) iei"- ff e ei
mfifnc e .c, m nff5ec ec ef e
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 2s Paper-II
43 Read each of the following two statements -Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below
Assertion Value of h2 (heritability) derived for a particular population is not the correct estimation for other populations.
Reason .ifferent populations have similar genotypes but they experience different environment.
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.
44 What is the correct sequence an auditory stimulus takes to reach the primary auditory cortex
Cochlear nuclei Superior olive Inferior colliculus Medial geniculate nucleus
Cochlear nuclei -Inferior colliculus Superior olive Medial geniculate nucleus
Superior olive Cochlear nuclei Inferior colliculus Medial geniculate nucleus
Medial geniculate nucleus Inferior colliculus Superior olive Cochlear nucleus
4s Read each of the following two statements -Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below
Assertion Non-equivalent control groups are often encountered in quasi-experimental research.
Reason Quasi-experimental designs are highly useful in policy and program evaluation research.
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 26 Paper-II
43 f A f f{n ef c 2 eff -.f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf
3 e dte mf
f .. fc "m f ef. "if cf f 3fi h2 (3e ff ec c e ie 3F "if eff cf f "mm "ie mmf m-1
o fi-e-fi-e "if cf "ie f ef e mefnf m-f f f fi-e e Ue c e 3 c nf m-f1 .¥
ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm e e m-1
ef eff "mm f c m "mm e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
44 'e2fic .ee fUec .c, nc m,i f cf f .ee fUec d m c e i e
c ef f F f mf 3eff mf c eff " -iff ff f F f 3"
c ef f F f mf c eff " mf 3eff -iff ff f F f 3"
mf 3eff ef f F f mf c eff " -iff ff f F f 3"
iff ff f F f 3" mf c eff " mf 3eff ef f F f 3"
4s f A f f{n ef c 2 eff .f ... 3e-o. c ef f 3e- m f f T c eff c e d efT c nf "mm dte mf
.f ... 3f effTc 3 ,"fme iff 3n,. F5eUe "i meff c e d efT mefne m-1
o 3f effTc 3fic mfn 3e- c e i i . efc 3 ,"fme iff c eC m d efTm mefnf m-f1 .¥
ef eff "mm m-f 3e- c m "mm e e m-1
ef eff "mm f c m "mm e e mmf m-1
"mm ffc T n m-1
T n ffc "mm m-1
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 27 Paper-II
Instruction for Q Nos 46 to s0
Read the following paragraph and answer the five questions which follow.
Paragraph A psychometrician wanted to develop a new test of Abstract Thinking. He prepared eighty items, presumably assessing abstract thinking. Each item had five alternative answers, one of them being correct. The psychometrician carried out item analysis by using item-remainder correlations. Item analysis retained sixty items. To examine internal consistency among the items, inter-item correlations were inspected. Then the split-half reliability coefficient, Kuder -Richardson reliability coefficient, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were obtained for the sixty item test. The analysis yielded the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.90. Since the test was fairly long and the alpha coefficient was also quite high, an attempt was made to develop two short versions of equal length by randomly dividing the test items. The 60 item version was, then, correlated with the already established abstract reasoning test, using N=500. The correlation between the new and an established test was 0.24, significant at .01 level.
46 In the above context, which one of the following correlation should be computed to obtain item-remainder correlations
Point biserial correlation Phi-coefficient
Rank difference correlation Tetrachoric correlation
47 Which one of the following statement would be true in the above context
Kuder Richardson reliability coefficient would also be .90, but the split-half reliability coefficient may differ from .90.
Split-half reliability coefficient would also be .90, but the Kuder Richardson reliability coefficient may differ from .90.
Both Kuder Richardson reliability coefficient and split-half reliability coefficient would be .90.
The correlation between odd and even parts of the test would be .90.
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 28 Paper-II
w ". . n 46 .1 s0 .1 f ..§$1"n
..§. 1 c i effifnc 3i n f Fn c e e maeUe f c f"n c e emne m-1 m "fi 3i n f fn c e f me Ue c cf 3 "m i e c ne m-1 fc i cf ei f. c dte m-f f iff "f c "mm m-1 i effifnc f i 3fm ef. "m"f fm c e efT c cf i f f.Ue fc e1 i f f.Ue iff "ei i 'fnmef n enf m-f1 i eff cf m 3efnf c "eif ne c m ef cf f 3fn m "m"f fm c e f maeUe fc e T e1 n. en "ei i
maeUe cf f {fU n 3f f " m ne T,Ueefc " f " m ne T,Ueefc e. fc 3.C e T,Ueefc fc T 1 f f.Ue "f e. fc 3.C e T,Ueefc 0.90 m,3e1 ffc maeUe c eC m A e 2e 3e- 3.C e T,Ueefc c eC m 3fmc 2e "f maeUe i eff c e e f-6 c f ie c cf "ie -.cf ef 6 ef f "f c Ue f c f"n c f c e e" fc e1 n. en 60 i "f c Ue c ef, N=500 c e d efT c nf m f "f 2ef n 3i n nc maeUe "f "m"f f fc e T e1 3e-2ef n maeUe cf m "m"f fm 0.24 2e, ef .01 n "e2 c 2e1
46 d n "f i iff f A f f{n iff "f fc " "m"f fm c m TUe e i 3fm ef. "m"f fm 'efB cf f c m e m efm
f F f .efUem "m"f fm C e -T,Ueefc
c eff f if "m"f fm c ef i "m"f fm
47 d n "f i iff f A f f{n iff "f c "e c 2 mefTe?
" f " m ne T,Ueefc im .90 mefTe, fcf {fU n-3f f " m ne T,Ueefc .90 "f fi-e mef "c ne m-1
{fU n 3f f " m ne T,Ueefc im .90 mefTe, fcf f " f " m ne T,Ueefc .90 "f fi-e mef "c ne m-1
f " f " m ne T,Ueefc 3e-{fU n 3f " m ne T,Ueefc .90 mefTe1
maeUe cf "i 3e- f .i ieTeff cf m "m"f fm .90 mefTe1
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 29 Paper-II
48 To obtain inter-item correlations, which one of the following correlation coefficient should be used in the above analysis Biserial correlation Point biserial correlation Phi-coefficient Rank difference correlation
49 What is the expected Cronbach alpha for the short versions, referred to in the paragraph 0.45 0.6. 0..2 0.90
s0 Which one of the following conclusion can be drawn from the data provided above The new Abstract Thinking Test has Satisfactory convergent validity Satisfactory divergent validity Satisfactory concurrent validity Unsatisfactory concurrent validity
o 0 o
D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 30 Paper-II
48 3Fn "m"f fm c efm f .efUem "m"f fm C e T,Ueefc f cf f d n f f.Ue iff f A f f{n iff "f fc " "m"f fm c e d f F .efUem "m"f fm c eff f if "m"f fm efT c e
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D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 3l Paper-II
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D-04ls lllllllllllllllll 32 Paper-II
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