Exam Details

Subject psychology
Paper paper 3
Exam / Course ugc net national eligibility test
Organization university grants commission
Exam Date 28, August, 2016
City, State ,

Question Paper


J-04-16 1 P.T.O.

Paper III

Note This paper contains seventy five objective type questions of two marks each. All questions are compulsory.
1. Behavioural Assessment is characterized by

Behaviour can be most effectively understood by focusing on preceding events and resulting consequences.

It places the emphasis on understanding of situational determinants of behaviour.

It is concerned with the latent aspects of the ways with which a person interacts with his or her environment.

Knowledge from behavioural assessment can be used to specify methods for changing relevant behaviours.


and only and only

and only and only

2. Complex cognitive activities such as thinking and reasoning involve the role of

Frontal lobe Parietal lobe

Occipital lobe Association cortex

3. "The inherent tendency to seek out novelty and challenge, to extend and exercise one's capacities, to explore and learn" describes

Extrinsic Motivation Intrinsic Motivation

Unconscious Motivation Sensation Seeking

4. A tendency to search for information that confirms one's own preconceptions refers to

Functional fixedness Mental set

Confirmation bias Overconfidence

5. Read each of the following two statements Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using codes given below Assertion According to Rollo May, the conflict that generates ontological anxiety is between being and non-being.
Reason Anxiety occurs as the individual does not attempt to realise his or her potentialities.


Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true but is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.

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6. Bilingual children and adults appear to do better tasks that drawn heavily on memory and control resources.

verbal; cognitive verbal; non-cognitive

non-verbal; cognitive non-verbal; non-cognitive

7. The following term is no longer used as a subtype of the Schizophrenia spectrum.

Disorganized Hebephrenic

Catatonic Undifferentiated

8. Painful and unpleasant experience hurts the ego of a person. In order to get rid of this one tends to forget it is repressed to unconscious. This Freudian concept highlighted by

Alfred Adler Anna Freud

Rosenzweig Kurt Lewin

9. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below List- I List- II (Authors) (Concepts)
Jensen i. Inbreeding Depression

Cattell, R.B. ii. Operations

Guilford iii. Motivating oneself

Goleman iv. Beyondism

a b cd

i ii iii iv

i iv ii iii

ii iii iv i

iii i ii iv

10. Cognitive theories of motivation conceive of an action sequence as instigated by some

External Stimulation Source of Information

Extrinsic Motivation Unconscious Motivation

11. While drawing inferences about people or events which type of information is given more weight

Positive information

Negative information

Both positive and negative information are given more weight

Positive and negative information has no relationship in social inference

12. When an employee is paid in accordance to his performance measure, it refers to……. but when an employee is paid a fixed sum for each unit of performance, then it refers to

Variable-pay piece rate pay Piece rate pay Variable-pay

Variable-pay Profit-sharing Profit-sharing piece rate pay







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13. A number of types of amnesia have been mentioned below. Which one of these is not due to physiological reasons

Senile amnesia

Biological amnesia

Marijuana, alcohol related amnesia

Defensive amnesia

14. According to Weiner, most of the attributed causes for school successes or failures can be characterised in terms of three dimensions. These are

Expectancy, Stability, Controllability

Locus, Stability, Deficiency

Stability, Complexity, Controllability

Locus, Stability, Controllability

15. According to Cattell-Horn-Caroll theory of Intelligence, which of the following sequences of second-stratum-abilities in rank order from highest to lowest loadings

Fluid intelligence . general memory learning . crystallized intelligence . broad visual perception . broad auditory perception . broad retrieval ability . broad cognitive speediness . processing speed

Fluid intelligence . crystallized intelligence . general memory learning . broad visual perception . broad auditory perception . broad retrieval ability . broad cognitive speediness . processing speed

Fluid intelligence . crystallized intelligence . broad visual perception . broad auditory perception . general memory learning . broad retrieval ability . processing speed . broad cognitive speediness

Fluid intelligence . crystallized intelligence . broad visual perception . broad auditory perception . broad retrieval ability . general memory learning . broad cognitive speediness . processing speed

16. The following is not a form of epilepsy

Jacksonian Petit Mal

Grand Mal Orbitofrontal

17. Humanistic theories of personality are characterised by

Which emphasise personal responsibility.

Which do not deny the importance of past, they generally focus on the present.

Which depict persons as naturally striving to be creative and happy rather than to be mediocre and conventional.

Which assume that there are some key dimensions alongwhich individuals differ in consistent, stable ways.


and only and only

and only and only

18. The following is not one of the mechanism of coping described in coping assessment instruments

Problem focused coping Emotion focused coping

Seeking social support Defence focused coping

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19. Long tem potentation is

Increase in synaptic strength resulting from the simultaneous activation of pre and post synaptic neurons.

Increase in synaptic strength resulting from differential activation of pre and post synaptic neurons.

Decrease in synaptic strength resulting from the simultaneous activation of pre and post synaptic neurons.

Decrease in synaptic strength resulting from the differential activation of pre and post synaptic neurons.

20. Which of the following are not cluster B disorders of personality

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Dependent Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder

Schizotypal Personality Disorder


and only and only

and only and only

21. Read each of the following two statements Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using codes given below Assertion People respond more favourably to physically attractive individuals. Reason Aesthetic appeal based on physical attractiveness does not predict


Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true but is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.

22. Expectancy theory of work motivation does not focus on

Effort Performance relationship Performance Goal relationship

Performance Reward relationship Rewards Personal goal relationship

23. Read each of the following two statements Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using codes given below Assertion When asked waiter didn't recall the amount received by him because of
sense of satisfaction. Reason Waiter was unconcerned about the customers who were already served. Codes

Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true but is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.

24. In a 4 × 3 factorial design with A and B as two factors, the sum of squares for A is 42 and the mean square for error is 5. What would be the F ratio associated with the main effect of A

2.8 7.0

8.4 10.5






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