Exam Details

Subject psychology
Paper paper 3
Exam / Course ugc net national eligibility test
Organization university grants commission
Exam Date June, 2015
City, State ,

Question Paper

1. Which of the following is an application of operant conditioning

Aversive conditioning

Behaviour modification

Systematic desensitization

Transfer of learning
2 The basic assumptions of Humanistic approach
People are naturally striving to be creative and happy.
It is possible to specify an universal set of values that will provide people with moral anchor enabling them to decide what is right or wrong and good or bad.
It believes in uniqueness of individuals and they should be trained to realise their inner potentials.
All the innate potentials and growth mechanisms can be studied scientifically similar to natural success.




3 Deductive and inductive reasoning refers to
Universal to universal Universal to particular
Particular to particular Particular to universal

4 According to Wallas creative performance completes through following sequence

Preparation . Illumination . Incubation . Verification

Problem funding . Problem Identification . Incubation . Insight

Problem identification . Preparation . Incubation . Illumination

Preparation . Incubation . Illumination . Verification
5 Read each of the following two statements Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below Assertion Gf and Gc correlate positively with each other across the age levels but with
moderate magnitude. Reason Gf and Gc have different growth patterns. Gc grows rapidly in childhood and adolescence where as Gf grows rapidly during adulthood.

Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.
6 In absorptive phase of energy metabolism, what is the position of insulin and glucagon hormones
High insulin High glucagon
Low insulin Low glucagon




7 Pygmalion effect is

Exceptional fall in the performance of a student as a result of teacher's expectations

Exceptional progress made by a student as a result of teacher's expectations

Exceptional fall in the performance of a student because of peer competition

Exceptional progress made by a student as a result of peer competition
8 Which one of the following semantic dimensions are measured by the "semantic differential scale"

Evaluation and potency

Potency and action

Evaluation and action

Evaluation, potency and action
9 Conversion Disorder (Hysteria) is now placed in the category of

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety related Disorders

Somatoform Disorders

Psychological Factors Affecting Physical conditions
10 Suppose Merry wants to know if she can learn Spanish by playing some language tapes while she sleeps. Her question concerns the general topic of and according to the text, the answer would most likely be .

Subliminal perception; may be

Signal detection; no

Subliminal perception; no

Signal detection; may be
11 Read each of the following two statements Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below. Assertion In the randomized two-group design, if the mean difference between the
two groups is analysed both by t and F tests, F is always larger than t. Reason In the randomized two group design, the t2=F. Codes

Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.
12 Which one of the following laid down the social foundation of organizational behaviour




13 Which theories of personality are considered third-force-movement in contemporary Psychology

Psycho analysis



14 Read each of the following two statements Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below Assertion Ego-involved learners are driven by performance goals. Reason Ego-involved learners are preoccupied with them serves and are concerned
with their evaluation by others.

Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.
15 According to Piaget, which is the primary motivating force behind development




16 Read each of the following two statements Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below Assertion Method of loci helps keeping memories intact and retrievable. Reason Familiar loci are already organized in our long term memories. Codes

Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.
17 Which one of the following biases play important role in stereotyping and prejudice

False consensus

Illusory correlation


18 Which of the following glands does secrete sex steroids that are released by the gonads

Adrenal medulla

Anterior pituitary

Adrenal cortex

19 Which one of the following was not an assumption of the foundation of "Scientific Management" propounded by Taylor

Interest of Employer and employees are the same.

Employees mostly want high wages/salary.

Employer want a low labour cost.

Management of incentives has great value.
20 Which one of the following proposed the "ABX" theory of dyadic attraction




21 The statement, "Normalcy and Abnormalcy differ in degree not in kind" represents the of abnormalcy.

Deviance Criteria

Personal Discomfort Criteria

Statistical Criteria

Social Discomfort Criteria
22 According to signal detection theory detection of stimuli depends on
Their physical energy
Internal factors like relative costs
Absolute threshold
Internal factors like benefits with detecting their presence

23 Which of the following are the sources of error in social cognition
Counterfactuals thinking
Thought suppression
Magical thinking
Judging by resemblance




24 Match the items of List with the items of List -II. Select the correct response from the answer codes given below
List I List II
Latent learning Learning a response to terminate an aversive stimulus.
Cognitive learning Occurrence of learning is not evident in behaviour until later.
Escape learning A change in the way of processing informations as a result of experiences.
Avoidance learning Learning a response to avoid an aversive stimulus

25 The diagram below is an example of
The boy hit
the ball
over the fence


Linguistic Universals


Underlying representation
26 Creativity is considered to be grouded in Right Hemisphere because
Left Hemisphere specialises in sequential and analytical processes.
Right Hemisphere specialises in global, parallel and holistic processes.
Left Hemisphere is involved in generation of novel ideas.
Creativity involves divergent thinking that is function of right hemisphere.




27 Read each of the following two statements Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below Assertion Being awake disrupts the homeostasis of the body. Reason Sleep is terminated by a return to homeostasis. Codes

Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.
28 Which one of the following can be primarily employed to assess creativity

Abstract thinking.

Convergent thinking.

Divergent thinking.

Symbolic thinking.
29 Which of the following psychologists first empirically established that social stress distort physical health


Lazarus and Folkman

Holmes and Rahe

Srivastava and Pestonjee
30 Which of the following two styles of leadership were identified in Ohio State Leadership studies

Employees centered and production centered

Initiating structure and people oriented

Initiating structure and consideration for relationship

Authoritarian and democratic
31 Read each of the following two statements Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below Assertion The recognition -by -components model provides a method for
recognising three dimensional objects across variations in new points. Reason Any three dimensional object can be generally described according to its parts and their spatial relations.

Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.
32 Which one of the following may not be put in the category of "Absolute Standard" methods of performance appraisal

Critical incidents method

Behaviourally Anchored Rating method

Ranking method

Checklist method
33 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below List (Designs) List -II (Features)
Randomized block design Each subject participates under all experimental conditions.
Factorial design Analyses the data for matched groups
Single-factor repeated measures Suitable for studying the interactions among design the independent variables
Design with a covariate Employs statistical control

34 Cultures of honour are characterized by strong norms indicating that aggression is

an inappropriate response to insults to one's honour.

an appropriate response to regards to one's honour.

an appropriate response to insults to one's honour.

an inappropriate response to regards to one's honour.
35 Discovery and understanding of our own abilities bring happiness but also bring fear of new responsibilities and duties. It is called

Electra complex

Jonah complex

Motives conflict

Motive to avoid success
36 Memory for surprising and consequential events (emotional public events) are known as

Photographic memory

Flash bulb memory

Iconic memory

Implicit memory
37 Intimacy, Passion and commitment are the components of

Romantic Love

Companionate Love

Infatuated Love

Consummate Love
38 Which of the following are innate behaviours
Reflexes Taxes
Fixed Action Patterns Genotype

and only

and only

and only

39 Which one of the following proposed the "response inhibition" theory of extinction




40 Read each of the following two statements Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below Assertion An infant often acts as if objects stop existing when they are moved out of
his perceptual range
Reason The infant has not yet developed the object concept.

Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.
41 Rollo May's views on personality development can be described in following sequence

Physical Dependence -Pychological dependence -Rebellion -ordinary consciousness of self creative consciousness of self.

Physical dependence Rebellion ordinary consciousness of self self actualization

Psychological dependence -physical dependence -ordinary consciousness of self creative consciousness of self

Physical dependence -psychological dependence -ordinary consciousness of self-Rebellion-creative consciousness of self.
42 We tend to attribute to another's behaviour to external causes when information is of
High consensus Low distinctiveness
High distinctiveness High consistency



43 According to Kohlberg, and are the major reasons of moral behaviour during the stage of conventional morality

Gaining acceptance and Getting rewards

Avoiding censure by others and Achieving justice

Gaining acceptance and Avoiding censure by others

Avoiding censure by others and Achieving justice
44 Match the List I and List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below List I List II
Sufficient cause A condition, existence of which guarantee for the genesis of a mental disorder
Reinforcing cause A condition that tends to maintain maladaptive behaviour that has already occured
Contributory cause A condition that occurs relatively in early life and may not show its effect for many years
Distal cause A condition that increases the probability of a disorder

45 Match List I with List II and choose your answer by using the codes given below List I List II (Name) (Feature)
Template Matching Model The extent to which Spatial relations deviate from the prototype.
Feature Matching Model Description of three dimensional objects according to their parts and spatial relations.
Recognition-by-Component Model Visual analysis detects colours and edges
Configuration Model Recognition of bar codes and finger prints.

46 Which of the following statements are true about the principal components analysis
Unities (values of are retained in the diagonal spaces of the correlation matrix.
The first principal component explains maximum variance.
Principal components analysis follows common factor model.
Principal components analysis yields oblique unrotated factors.

and only

and only

and only

and only
47 Find the correct sequence among the following oxytocin related events
Carrying down by axons
Contraction of uterine muscles
Synthesis in paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus
Secretion by neurosecretory cells in posterior pituitary

48 Match List with List -II and select the correct answer by choosing correct code

List I List II (Concept) (Explanation)
Situated Learning Internalize knowledge and skills developed in interaction with others
Social Negotiation Aspect of learning process that relies on collaboration with others and respect for different perspectives
Appropriate Skills are tied to the settings in which they are learned and are difficult to apply in new settings
Cognitive Apprenticeship A relationship in which a less experienced learner acquires knowledge and skills in interaction with expert.


49 Which one of the following concepts is equivalent to the concept of "habit family hierarchy" proposed by Hull

Drive reduction

Cognitive map

Habit strength

Means-end remedies
50 A psychotic disorder in which a person's functioning is not markedly impaired, whether is behaviour obviously odd or bizarre and free from hallucinations is called

Schizo-affective Disorder

Schizophreniform Disorder

Delusional Disorder

Shared Psychotic Disorder
51 What is not typical of Atkinson and Shiffrin model of memory

STM is engaged in complex cognitive activities.

STM is gateway to LTM.

It is a sequential model

STM controls and enhances information to LTM
52 According to Erikson, adequate training, sufficient education and good models during the age range . to 11 years will lead to




53 Read each of the following two statements Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below

Assertion People's fantasies would reflect their achievement concerns.
Reason All people strive to succeed by excelling at any task where evaluation is possible.


Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.
54 Match List and List -II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below

List I List II

(Method) (Effect on behaviour)
Electrical stimulation of satiety centre Cessation of eating
Electrical stimulation of hunger centre Initiation of eating
Lesion of satiety centre Hyperphagia
Lesion of hunger centre Aphagia


55 Which of the following statements are true about simple bivariate linear regression
The b coefficient is a slope of the regression line.
The b coefficient denotes change in when X changes by 1 unit.
The errors of prediction have a mean and variance of zero.
If the b coefficient is significant, the product moment correlation between X and Y is also significant.





56 People vary in their perceptual -cognitive styles, which may be due to

The degree to which their perceptions are flexible
Aspects of their personality
Rigid belief
Field dependence or independence


57 Which of the following fit into declarative memories
Semantic memory Short term memory
Episodic memory Procedural memory




58 Read each of the following two statements Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below

Assertion In operant conditioning the rat presses the bar spontaneously.
Reason Shaping is a procedure in which rewards gradually guide an animal's behaviour toward a desired goal.


Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.
59 According to cognitive approach. The role of a teacher is to
Correct wrong answers Correct misconceptions
Facilitate and Supervise Teach effective strategies





60 Match List I and List II and indicate your correct choice by using codes given below

List I List II

(Theories of motivation) (Characteristic)

Drive theories Pulling by goal
Incentive theories Information
Opponent-process theories Hedonic
Cognitive (social) Pushing toward goal


61 Match the List I and List II and select the correct answer from codes given below

List I List II

Mitwelt A person exists in a given particular place at a particular time. Being conscious of it one can choose the direction of one's life.
Dasein The experiences and meaning we share with others through our relationships
Unwelt Unique presence of human beings of self-awareness and self relatedness.
Eigenwelt The biological and natural environment for human beings and animals including biological needs, drives, and instincts.

62 Intelligence is necessary but not sufficient condition for creativity. It represents

Threshold theory

Certification theory

Interference theory

Collaborative theory
63 In which of the following disorders a person has two or more different personalties, and either of which is dominant at a time

Dissociative amnesia

Split personality

Dissociative identity disorder

64 What is not true of facial feedback hypothesis of emotions

Acting as another acts does not help us feel what another feels.

Facial expressions influence our emotional experience.

To be empathic mimic other's emotional expressions.

Professional actors exhibit expression specific autonomic nervous system changes.
65 Which is not a characteristic symptom of Narcolepsy


Sleep paralysis

Nocturnal myoclonus

Hypnagogic hallucinations
66 In a study, twenty-five subjects performed the same task under three conditions-relaxed, moderately stressed, and highly stressed. The suitable analysis of variance was carried out. The degrees of freedom for the conditions X subjects interaction (used as an estimate of error variance) would be




67 Which one of the following is not included in Hackman and Oldham's Job characteristics model of work motivation

Variety of skill

Significance of the task

Quality of job life

68 Which is the correct sequence of stages involved in creative thinking

Preparation -orientation -illumination -verification, incubation.

Preparation -incubation illumination -orientation verification.

Orientation -preparation -incubation -illumination -verification.

Orientation -preparation -illumination -incubation -verification.
69 Which of the following is not correct of the Piaget's theory

Disequilibrium terminates in structural change

Individual stages of development cannot be skipped or omitted from the sequence.

Stages of equilibrium do not last as long as stages of disequilibrium

Later stages are independent of the elements and experiences of early stages
70 Match the List and List -II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below

List I List II

Knowing one's emotions Having skills in managing emotions of others
Motivating oneself Handling feelings and emotions so they are appropriate
Managing Emotions Marshalling emotions in service of goal
Handling Relationships Monitoring feelings from moment to moment


Instructions for Question numbers 71 to 75.
Read the following paragraph and answer the five questions that follows
The most popular method of measuring attitudes is to administer the attitude scale. Although Bogardus Social Distance Scale (1925) is one of the first attitude scales, a major breakthrough in attitude scaling was made by L.L. Thurstone who developed the law of comparative judgement and also proposed the three scaling methods -paired comparison, equal appearing intervals, and successive intervals. In the paired comparison, every statement/ stimulus is paired with every other statement/stimulus. The computational methods of paired comparison are most extensively developed and use Thurstone's LCJ directly for this purpose. Since the paired comparison method has limitations in scaling large number of statements/ stimuli, the two other methods -equal appearing intervals, and successive intervals -were developed by Thurstone. The method of successive intervals was computationally laborious in the pre-computer era and hence it was not so popular. In the classical scaling tradition Guttmann developed the scalogram technique and Edwards developed the scale discrimination technique. Likert's development of summated ratings represent an important landmark in attitude measurement. It follows the traditional psychometric model. Aiken and Groth -Marnatt (2009) pointed out that other scaling techniques, less frequently used for attitude assessment, include Osgood's semantic differential, Q-sort, magnitude estimation, expectancy value scaling, facet analysis, multidimensional scaling etc.

71 If eleven attitude statements are to be scaled by the method of paired comparison, what would be the number of pairs





72 In which of the scaling method, item-remainder correlations are frequently calculated

Equal appearing intervals

Paired comparison

Successive intervals

Summated ratings

73 Read each of the following two statements
Assertion and Reason and indicate your answer using the codes given below Assertion In method of equal appearing intervals, median is often used as a measure
of scale value.
Reason In normal distribution mean, median and mode are equal.

Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.

74 Which one of the following technique usually yields multidimensional attitude scales

Summated ratings

Paired comparison

Equal appearing intervals


75 Which of the following technique/s is/are well-known for being associated with cumulative scales
Bogardus Social Distance Scales
Likert's summated ratings
Guttman's scalogram analysis
Osgood's semantic differential



and only

and only

and only


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