Exam Details
Subject | management studies | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | ph d | |
Department | ||
Organization | central university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 05, June, 2012 | |
City, State | telangana, hyderabad |
Question Paper
Ph. D Management Studies
(June 2012: 2.00-4.00 P.M)
(75 Marks)
Write your Hall Ticket Number in the OlltfR Answer sheet given to you. Also write the Hall Tick Number in the space provided above.
The question paper booklet consists ofPart A and Part B which carries 75 questions.
Each question carries one mark.
The Questions contains in Part A cover areas of Research Methodology and General Management questions) and Part B contains questions in Marketing, Finance. HRM, Organizational Behaviour and Operations Management (26-75 questions). Each
question carries one Mark.
4. There is negative markingfor Part A. Each wrong answer carries -0.33 marks.
Answers are to be marked on the OMR answer sheet following the instructions provided
Hand over both the question paper booklet and OMR answer sheet at the end of the examination to the invigilator.
No additional sheets will be provided Rough work can he done in the question paper itself or in the space provided at the end ofthe booklet
Calculator, mobile phones and electronic gadgets are not allowed
I. Research literally means:
A. Systematic search
B. Search data
C. Search information
D. Search again.
2. Basic research is also known as:
A. Applied research.
B. Evaluation research.
C. Pure research.
D. Action research.
3. Data in research represents
A. Body of facts suitable for decision making
B. Recorded measures ofcertain phenomena
C. Statistics
D. None ofthe above.
4. A theory is a
A. Generalized idea about a class of objects
B. Coherent set of general propositions
C. Abstraction ofreality
D. None of the above.
5. Empirical research refers to
A. The level ofknowledge
B. Level of knowledge that is verifiable
C. The level of knowledge that establishes relationships
D. None ofthe above
6. The common method of generating primary data is:
A. Interviews
B. Survey
C. Experiments
D. Observation
7. An example for Primary data is
A. Studying the consumer preference on soaps
B. Collecting information from Indexes
C. Examining the data in the databases
D. Collecting information fromjoumals.
8. The first step in the research process is
A. Selecting the topic
B. Write the objectives
C. State the hypothesis
D. Clarify the methodology
9. Sales forecast based on organizational records is
A. Primary Data
B. Sales Data
C. Secondary Data
D. Company Data
10. A question like "Do you smoke on the job" is a
A. Disguised question
B. Direct question
C. Research question
D. Survey question
11. Studies that monitor voters' attitude towards issues at different points of time can be categorized as
A. Longitudinal Study
B. Cross-sectional study
C. Short-term study
D. Contract study
12. Questions like "what do you like most about your college" are referred to as
A. Probing questions
B. Open-ended
C. Close-ended
D. Response Questions
13. An inductive theory is one that:
A. involves testing an explicitly defined hypothesis.
B. does not allow for findings to feed back into the stock ofknowledge.
C. uses quantitative methods whenever possible.
D. allows theory to emerge out ofthe data.
14. According to the guidelines to avoid plagiarism, when in doubt
A. Paraphrase the source
B. Don't indicate source material
C. Cite the source
D. Use your own language style
15. Whichofthefollowingisanexample ofdeception in business research?
A. The obtaining of company material without permission.
B. The researcher wearing a disguise during an observation.
C. The researcher representing their research as being about a different topic.
D. The researcher failing to ask permission to interview someone.
16. Which ofthe following statements best describes Corporate Social Responsibility?
A. A corporation's requirement to make as much profit as possible.
B. A corporation's obligation to society that goes beyond the requirements ofthe law and economics to take into account the social and environmental impact ofits decisions.
C. A corporation's obligation to consider the impact ofits decisions on the environment.
D. The duty ofcare a corporation has to its employees and customers.
17. Organization structure primarily refers to
A. how activities are coordinated and controlled
B. how resources are allocated
C. the location ofdepartments and office space
D. the policy statements developed by the firm
18. The terms 'Order Qualifiers' and 'Order Winners' were coined by?
A. James Taylor
B. Terry Hill
C. Philip Kotler
D. Robert Jacobs Richard Chase
19. Which ofthe following could be defined as a multinational company?
A. A firm that owns shares in a foreign company but does not participate in the company's decision making.
B. A UK based internet package holiday firm specializing in selling tours to Turkey to German customers.
C. A fum owning a chain of supermarket outlets outside its country oforigin.
D. A finance company transferring its HQ and all its activities from the UK to the US.
20. In the sketch ofthe BCG matrix, what is the label ofthe horizontal axis?
A. Product range
B. Business strength
C. Market growth rate
D. Market share
21. Which of the following provides directions, serves as standard for evaluating performance and motivates members ofthe organization?
A. Mission
B. Values
C. Objectives
D. Goals
22. Which one is not the part of Porters five force model?
A. Threat of new entrants
B. Firms core competency
C. Rivalry among existing players
D. Threat of substitutes
23. Which one ofthe following is not the generic strategy?
A. Positioning
B. Focus
C. Cost leadership
D. Differentiation
24. Product Market Expansion grid developed by
A. Chandler
B. Michel E. Porter
C. Peter Drucker
D. Igor Ansoff
25. "Innovation and Entrepreneurship" was written by:
A. Philip Kotler
B. C.K. Prahlad
C. Henry Fayol
D. Peter F. Drucker
26. Whichofthefollowingtheoriesstatethatemployeesmakecomparison oftheireffortsand rewards with those ofothers in similar work situation?
A. Vrooms Expectancy Theory
B. Adams Equity Theory
C. Alderfers ERG Theory
D. Hertzbergs Two Factor Theory
27.' Emotional Intelligence includes:
A. Selfawareness, selfmanagement and selfmotivation
B. Selfawareness, self knowledge and self understanding
C. Knowledge, belief, culture and perception
D. All the above
28. Who propounded the Two -Factor Theory?
A. Frederick Herberg
B. J. S. Mill
C. Mc Gregor
D. Adam Smith
29. The Neo -classical theory oforganizational structure was propounded by:
A. Henry Fayol
B. Peter Drucker
C. Elton Mayo
D. J.T. Dunlop
30. Those functions in an organisation, which are perceived to be directly contributing to the organisation's objectives, are known as:
A. Stafffunction
B. Integration function
C. Corporate function
D. Line function
31. Theerror ofselection/rejectionofacandidate in interview based on his interview performance alone is called
A. Constant error
B. Measurement error
C. Halo effect
D. Estimation error
32. In Vrooms theory, motivation is expressed as:
A. Valence expectancy
B. Valence x expectancy
C. Valence -expectancy
D. Valence -;-expectancy
33. ofview.
A. Attitude
B. Motivation
C. Behaviour
D. Perception
34. A leader may use the following methods:
Use criticism
Encourage growth
Set objectives
Give orders and directions
Which ofthese methods are used by a democratic leader?
A. and
B. and
C. and
D. and
35. Sometimes your behaviour results in a congruent response from other person. Such behaviour is referred to as:
A. perceptual defence
B. misperception
C. perceptual bias
D. response evocation
36. Which ofthe following is the sole vehicle for creating and delivering customer value?
A. Marketing channel
B. Marketing mix
C. Marketing communication
D. Marketing research
37. The Psychographical factors in Market Segmentation will include:
A. Income and occupation
B. Hobbies and activities
C. Sex and Age
D. Living standard and Income
38. "Marketing mayopia" is based upon:
A. current product offerings
B. dropping a product
C. forecasting the future product offering
D. adding a product
39. Skimming Pricing is useful for:
A. Luxury goods
B. Necessities
C. Consumption goods
D. Industrial goods
40. A brand is a means of: A Naming the products
B. Packaging of the products
C. Contents of the products
D. Identifying and differentiating the companys products
41. All marketing activities that attempt to stimulate quick buyer action or immediate sales of a product are known as
A. Sales promotion
B. Sponsorship
C. Advertising
D. Personal selling
42. Marketing information system is the system of information that flows to assist:
A. Promotional programmes
B. Sales personnels development
C. Marketing planning and decision making
D. Marketing-mix
43. A Business that sets prices in line with the market average is said to be
A. Risk taker
B. Price taker
C. Me-too brand
D. Loss leader
44. Sponsorship is form of:A Personal selling
B. Advertisement
C. Direct Marketing
D. Public Relations
45. The product Portfolio analysis is used to examine:
A. Potential gaps in the market for new products
B. The potential growth of its product markets
C. The current strategic position of a firms products
D. The past position ofa firms products
46. The discount rate that equates the present value of the future net cash flows from an investment project with the projects initial cash outflow is known as:
A. Average rate ofreturn
B. Cost ofcapital
C. Internal rate ofreturri
D. Hurdle rate
47. Whilecomputingtheaveragecost ofcapitalofthefirm,thecost ofwhichofthefollowing sources of funds is considered almost equal to the cost of equity?
A. Retained earnings
B. Preference capital
C. Public deposits
D. Loan from financial institutions
48. The Irrelevance Theory of dividend is also known as
A. Guthman Theory
B. W. B. Theory
C. M. M. Theory
D. Vanhorne Theory
49. The basic goal of financial management is
A. Maximising the profit
B. Maximising shareholders wealth in the long run
C. Maximising the rate of dividend
D. Minimising the business risk
50. Which ofthe following statement is correct?
A. ARR method makes the use ofcash flow after tax
B. Payback method considers cash flows only upto the payback period
C. Lowerthecost ofcapital,lowerthechance ofacceptanceoftheproject
D. Profitability index method does not make use ofsalvage value ofthe project
51. What are the three primary means by which a firm can diversify?
A. Mergers and acquisitions; joint ventures and strategic alliances; internal development
B. Mergers and acquisitions; differentiation; overall cost leadership
C. Joint ventures and strategic alliances; integration of value chain activities; acquiring human capital
D. Mergers and acquisitions; internal development; differentiation
52. The rate ofreturn required by investors in the market for owning a bond is called the:
A. Coupon
B. Face value
C. Maturity
D. Yield to maturity
53. The heading in a Cash Flow Statement 'Changes in Financing' means:
A. the cash outflow due to loan interest payments being made
B. the cash flow from share and loan issues and repayments
C. cash dividends paid to shareholders
D. the change in the level of bank balances in the period
54. Which one ofthe following could not be classified as Revenue Income?
A. Goods sold for cash
B. Goods sold on credit
C. Income from the sale of services
D. Income from the sale of fixed assets
55. The unsecured debts of a firm with maturities greater thail 10 years are most literally called:
A. Debentures
B. Unfunded liabilities
C. Sinking funds
D. Bonds
56. Which of the following alternatives is the closest translation for the Japanese words: 'Jidoka, Kaizen, Andon, Poka-Yoke' respectively?
A. Sort, Straighten, Automation, Error Avoidance
B. Sort, Action Plate, Waste, Sustain
C. Automation, Action Plate, Waste, Standardize
D. Automation, Continuous Improvement, Lantern, Mistake-Proofing
57. The Shortest Processing Time Rule is associated with which ofthe following?
A. Balances the utilization of capacity to achieve equal time supply
B. Effective in job shop scheduling with valid and updated due dates and process times
C. Effective in scheduling jobs of equal importance
D. Minimizes the total times for all jobs through two machines
58. The scheduling stage to specify various options for a product is called:
A. Master production scheduling
B. Final assembly scheduling
C. Input/output planning
D. Rough-cut planning
59. Vijay owns a computer accessories business. Annual demand for processors is 16,000. The annual holding cost per unit is Rs.2.50 and the cost to place an order is Rs.50. Calculate economic order quantity per order.
A. 1200
B. 700
C. 850
D. 800
60. News Boy problem is related to:
A. Queuing problem
B. Replacement problem
C. Inventory problem
D. Linear programming problem
61. Duality Problem is related to:
A. Markov analysis
B. Linear Programming problem
C. Inventory problem
D. Queueing Problem
62. In crashing a CPM network, which ofthe following is true?
A. The first activity to be crashed the highest expensive activity on the critical path
B. The last activity to be crashed is the least expensive activity on the critical path
C. When path with the lowest length cannot be reduced further
D. None ofthe above
63. The decision making under risk is the process when
A. the probability distribution ofthe variable is known
B. the objective function is not known
C. how to take the decision is not known
D. none ofthe above
64. AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) is
A. Quality level acceptable in the society
B. Fraction defective that the user acceptable
C. Fraction defective that the producer considers acceptable
D. Quality level acceptable in the industry
65. Production system which enables for maximizing the scale advantage is:
A. Flowtype
B. Batch type
C. Intermittent type
D. None ofthe above 14
66. What is meant by the term 'management by objectives'?
A. A system of giving the authority to carry out certain jobs by those lower down the management hierarchy.
B. The system ofmanagement that is based on bringing together experts into a team.
C. The setting ofobjectives to bring about the achievement ofthe corporate goals.
D. The control ofthe organization by those in the 'head office'.
67. The Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) was developed by:
A. Michael Porter
B. Kaplan
C. P. F. Drucker
D. Louis Kelso
68. When monotony in work is reduced by giving a wider variety ofduties to employees, this is known as:
A. Job enrichment
B. Job rotation
C. Job enlargement
D. Job redesign
69. The book HR Champions is authored by
A. Mintzberg
B. 1. Pfeffer
C. M. Porter
D. Dave Ulrich
70. The Central Trade Union CITU is associated with:
A. Congress Party of India
B. Communist Party of India
C. Communist party ofIndia Marxist
D. Shiv Sena
15 (.-92...
71. A systematic comparison done in order to determine the value ofJob is called:
A. Job upgradation
B. Job Evaluation
C. Job enrichment
D. Job analysis
72. A wilful disobedience ofauthority is called:
A. Insubordination
B. Wilful disobedience
C. Indiscipline
D. Misconduct
73. Theuse ofpredesignedset ofquestionsused inaninterviewprocessleadsto:
A. Behavioural interview
B. Non-directional interview
C. Situational interview
D. Structured interview
74. One ofthe following is a Training provided to enhance decision making skills:
A. On the job training
B. Managementgames
C. Behavioural modeling
D. Action learning
75. Referring a dispute to an agreed third party for settlement or advice without the force of litigation or resort to law is known as:
A. Adjudication
B. Conciliation
C. Arbitration
D. All ofthe above
Ph. D Management Studies
(June 2012: 2.00-4.00 P.M)
(75 Marks)
Write your Hall Ticket Number in the OlltfR Answer sheet given to you. Also write the Hall Tick Number in the space provided above.
The question paper booklet consists ofPart A and Part B which carries 75 questions.
Each question carries one mark.
The Questions contains in Part A cover areas of Research Methodology and General Management questions) and Part B contains questions in Marketing, Finance. HRM, Organizational Behaviour and Operations Management (26-75 questions). Each
question carries one Mark.
4. There is negative markingfor Part A. Each wrong answer carries -0.33 marks.
Answers are to be marked on the OMR answer sheet following the instructions provided
Hand over both the question paper booklet and OMR answer sheet at the end of the examination to the invigilator.
No additional sheets will be provided Rough work can he done in the question paper itself or in the space provided at the end ofthe booklet
Calculator, mobile phones and electronic gadgets are not allowed
I. Research literally means:
A. Systematic search
B. Search data
C. Search information
D. Search again.
2. Basic research is also known as:
A. Applied research.
B. Evaluation research.
C. Pure research.
D. Action research.
3. Data in research represents
A. Body of facts suitable for decision making
B. Recorded measures ofcertain phenomena
C. Statistics
D. None ofthe above.
4. A theory is a
A. Generalized idea about a class of objects
B. Coherent set of general propositions
C. Abstraction ofreality
D. None of the above.
5. Empirical research refers to
A. The level ofknowledge
B. Level of knowledge that is verifiable
C. The level of knowledge that establishes relationships
D. None ofthe above
6. The common method of generating primary data is:
A. Interviews
B. Survey
C. Experiments
D. Observation
7. An example for Primary data is
A. Studying the consumer preference on soaps
B. Collecting information from Indexes
C. Examining the data in the databases
D. Collecting information fromjoumals.
8. The first step in the research process is
A. Selecting the topic
B. Write the objectives
C. State the hypothesis
D. Clarify the methodology
9. Sales forecast based on organizational records is
A. Primary Data
B. Sales Data
C. Secondary Data
D. Company Data
10. A question like "Do you smoke on the job" is a
A. Disguised question
B. Direct question
C. Research question
D. Survey question
11. Studies that monitor voters' attitude towards issues at different points of time can be categorized as
A. Longitudinal Study
B. Cross-sectional study
C. Short-term study
D. Contract study
12. Questions like "what do you like most about your college" are referred to as
A. Probing questions
B. Open-ended
C. Close-ended
D. Response Questions
13. An inductive theory is one that:
A. involves testing an explicitly defined hypothesis.
B. does not allow for findings to feed back into the stock ofknowledge.
C. uses quantitative methods whenever possible.
D. allows theory to emerge out ofthe data.
14. According to the guidelines to avoid plagiarism, when in doubt
A. Paraphrase the source
B. Don't indicate source material
C. Cite the source
D. Use your own language style
15. Whichofthefollowingisanexample ofdeception in business research?
A. The obtaining of company material without permission.
B. The researcher wearing a disguise during an observation.
C. The researcher representing their research as being about a different topic.
D. The researcher failing to ask permission to interview someone.
16. Which ofthe following statements best describes Corporate Social Responsibility?
A. A corporation's requirement to make as much profit as possible.
B. A corporation's obligation to society that goes beyond the requirements ofthe law and economics to take into account the social and environmental impact ofits decisions.
C. A corporation's obligation to consider the impact ofits decisions on the environment.
D. The duty ofcare a corporation has to its employees and customers.
17. Organization structure primarily refers to
A. how activities are coordinated and controlled
B. how resources are allocated
C. the location ofdepartments and office space
D. the policy statements developed by the firm
18. The terms 'Order Qualifiers' and 'Order Winners' were coined by?
A. James Taylor
B. Terry Hill
C. Philip Kotler
D. Robert Jacobs Richard Chase
19. Which ofthe following could be defined as a multinational company?
A. A firm that owns shares in a foreign company but does not participate in the company's decision making.
B. A UK based internet package holiday firm specializing in selling tours to Turkey to German customers.
C. A fum owning a chain of supermarket outlets outside its country oforigin.
D. A finance company transferring its HQ and all its activities from the UK to the US.
20. In the sketch ofthe BCG matrix, what is the label ofthe horizontal axis?
A. Product range
B. Business strength
C. Market growth rate
D. Market share
21. Which of the following provides directions, serves as standard for evaluating performance and motivates members ofthe organization?
A. Mission
B. Values
C. Objectives
D. Goals
22. Which one is not the part of Porters five force model?
A. Threat of new entrants
B. Firms core competency
C. Rivalry among existing players
D. Threat of substitutes
23. Which one ofthe following is not the generic strategy?
A. Positioning
B. Focus
C. Cost leadership
D. Differentiation
24. Product Market Expansion grid developed by
A. Chandler
B. Michel E. Porter
C. Peter Drucker
D. Igor Ansoff
25. "Innovation and Entrepreneurship" was written by:
A. Philip Kotler
B. C.K. Prahlad
C. Henry Fayol
D. Peter F. Drucker
26. Whichofthefollowingtheoriesstatethatemployeesmakecomparison oftheireffortsand rewards with those ofothers in similar work situation?
A. Vrooms Expectancy Theory
B. Adams Equity Theory
C. Alderfers ERG Theory
D. Hertzbergs Two Factor Theory
27.' Emotional Intelligence includes:
A. Selfawareness, selfmanagement and selfmotivation
B. Selfawareness, self knowledge and self understanding
C. Knowledge, belief, culture and perception
D. All the above
28. Who propounded the Two -Factor Theory?
A. Frederick Herberg
B. J. S. Mill
C. Mc Gregor
D. Adam Smith
29. The Neo -classical theory oforganizational structure was propounded by:
A. Henry Fayol
B. Peter Drucker
C. Elton Mayo
D. J.T. Dunlop
30. Those functions in an organisation, which are perceived to be directly contributing to the organisation's objectives, are known as:
A. Stafffunction
B. Integration function
C. Corporate function
D. Line function
31. Theerror ofselection/rejectionofacandidate in interview based on his interview performance alone is called
A. Constant error
B. Measurement error
C. Halo effect
D. Estimation error
32. In Vrooms theory, motivation is expressed as:
A. Valence expectancy
B. Valence x expectancy
C. Valence -expectancy
D. Valence -;-expectancy
33. ofview.
A. Attitude
B. Motivation
C. Behaviour
D. Perception
34. A leader may use the following methods:
Use criticism
Encourage growth
Set objectives
Give orders and directions
Which ofthese methods are used by a democratic leader?
A. and
B. and
C. and
D. and
35. Sometimes your behaviour results in a congruent response from other person. Such behaviour is referred to as:
A. perceptual defence
B. misperception
C. perceptual bias
D. response evocation
36. Which ofthe following is the sole vehicle for creating and delivering customer value?
A. Marketing channel
B. Marketing mix
C. Marketing communication
D. Marketing research
37. The Psychographical factors in Market Segmentation will include:
A. Income and occupation
B. Hobbies and activities
C. Sex and Age
D. Living standard and Income
38. "Marketing mayopia" is based upon:
A. current product offerings
B. dropping a product
C. forecasting the future product offering
D. adding a product
39. Skimming Pricing is useful for:
A. Luxury goods
B. Necessities
C. Consumption goods
D. Industrial goods
40. A brand is a means of: A Naming the products
B. Packaging of the products
C. Contents of the products
D. Identifying and differentiating the companys products
41. All marketing activities that attempt to stimulate quick buyer action or immediate sales of a product are known as
A. Sales promotion
B. Sponsorship
C. Advertising
D. Personal selling
42. Marketing information system is the system of information that flows to assist:
A. Promotional programmes
B. Sales personnels development
C. Marketing planning and decision making
D. Marketing-mix
43. A Business that sets prices in line with the market average is said to be
A. Risk taker
B. Price taker
C. Me-too brand
D. Loss leader
44. Sponsorship is form of:A Personal selling
B. Advertisement
C. Direct Marketing
D. Public Relations
45. The product Portfolio analysis is used to examine:
A. Potential gaps in the market for new products
B. The potential growth of its product markets
C. The current strategic position of a firms products
D. The past position ofa firms products
46. The discount rate that equates the present value of the future net cash flows from an investment project with the projects initial cash outflow is known as:
A. Average rate ofreturn
B. Cost ofcapital
C. Internal rate ofreturri
D. Hurdle rate
47. Whilecomputingtheaveragecost ofcapitalofthefirm,thecost ofwhichofthefollowing sources of funds is considered almost equal to the cost of equity?
A. Retained earnings
B. Preference capital
C. Public deposits
D. Loan from financial institutions
48. The Irrelevance Theory of dividend is also known as
A. Guthman Theory
B. W. B. Theory
C. M. M. Theory
D. Vanhorne Theory
49. The basic goal of financial management is
A. Maximising the profit
B. Maximising shareholders wealth in the long run
C. Maximising the rate of dividend
D. Minimising the business risk
50. Which ofthe following statement is correct?
A. ARR method makes the use ofcash flow after tax
B. Payback method considers cash flows only upto the payback period
C. Lowerthecost ofcapital,lowerthechance ofacceptanceoftheproject
D. Profitability index method does not make use ofsalvage value ofthe project
51. What are the three primary means by which a firm can diversify?
A. Mergers and acquisitions; joint ventures and strategic alliances; internal development
B. Mergers and acquisitions; differentiation; overall cost leadership
C. Joint ventures and strategic alliances; integration of value chain activities; acquiring human capital
D. Mergers and acquisitions; internal development; differentiation
52. The rate ofreturn required by investors in the market for owning a bond is called the:
A. Coupon
B. Face value
C. Maturity
D. Yield to maturity
53. The heading in a Cash Flow Statement 'Changes in Financing' means:
A. the cash outflow due to loan interest payments being made
B. the cash flow from share and loan issues and repayments
C. cash dividends paid to shareholders
D. the change in the level of bank balances in the period
54. Which one ofthe following could not be classified as Revenue Income?
A. Goods sold for cash
B. Goods sold on credit
C. Income from the sale of services
D. Income from the sale of fixed assets
55. The unsecured debts of a firm with maturities greater thail 10 years are most literally called:
A. Debentures
B. Unfunded liabilities
C. Sinking funds
D. Bonds
56. Which of the following alternatives is the closest translation for the Japanese words: 'Jidoka, Kaizen, Andon, Poka-Yoke' respectively?
A. Sort, Straighten, Automation, Error Avoidance
B. Sort, Action Plate, Waste, Sustain
C. Automation, Action Plate, Waste, Standardize
D. Automation, Continuous Improvement, Lantern, Mistake-Proofing
57. The Shortest Processing Time Rule is associated with which ofthe following?
A. Balances the utilization of capacity to achieve equal time supply
B. Effective in job shop scheduling with valid and updated due dates and process times
C. Effective in scheduling jobs of equal importance
D. Minimizes the total times for all jobs through two machines
58. The scheduling stage to specify various options for a product is called:
A. Master production scheduling
B. Final assembly scheduling
C. Input/output planning
D. Rough-cut planning
59. Vijay owns a computer accessories business. Annual demand for processors is 16,000. The annual holding cost per unit is Rs.2.50 and the cost to place an order is Rs.50. Calculate economic order quantity per order.
A. 1200
B. 700
C. 850
D. 800
60. News Boy problem is related to:
A. Queuing problem
B. Replacement problem
C. Inventory problem
D. Linear programming problem
61. Duality Problem is related to:
A. Markov analysis
B. Linear Programming problem
C. Inventory problem
D. Queueing Problem
62. In crashing a CPM network, which ofthe following is true?
A. The first activity to be crashed the highest expensive activity on the critical path
B. The last activity to be crashed is the least expensive activity on the critical path
C. When path with the lowest length cannot be reduced further
D. None ofthe above
63. The decision making under risk is the process when
A. the probability distribution ofthe variable is known
B. the objective function is not known
C. how to take the decision is not known
D. none ofthe above
64. AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) is
A. Quality level acceptable in the society
B. Fraction defective that the user acceptable
C. Fraction defective that the producer considers acceptable
D. Quality level acceptable in the industry
65. Production system which enables for maximizing the scale advantage is:
A. Flowtype
B. Batch type
C. Intermittent type
D. None ofthe above 14
66. What is meant by the term 'management by objectives'?
A. A system of giving the authority to carry out certain jobs by those lower down the management hierarchy.
B. The system ofmanagement that is based on bringing together experts into a team.
C. The setting ofobjectives to bring about the achievement ofthe corporate goals.
D. The control ofthe organization by those in the 'head office'.
67. The Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) was developed by:
A. Michael Porter
B. Kaplan
C. P. F. Drucker
D. Louis Kelso
68. When monotony in work is reduced by giving a wider variety ofduties to employees, this is known as:
A. Job enrichment
B. Job rotation
C. Job enlargement
D. Job redesign
69. The book HR Champions is authored by
A. Mintzberg
B. 1. Pfeffer
C. M. Porter
D. Dave Ulrich
70. The Central Trade Union CITU is associated with:
A. Congress Party of India
B. Communist Party of India
C. Communist party ofIndia Marxist
D. Shiv Sena
15 (.-92...
71. A systematic comparison done in order to determine the value ofJob is called:
A. Job upgradation
B. Job Evaluation
C. Job enrichment
D. Job analysis
72. A wilful disobedience ofauthority is called:
A. Insubordination
B. Wilful disobedience
C. Indiscipline
D. Misconduct
73. Theuse ofpredesignedset ofquestionsused inaninterviewprocessleadsto:
A. Behavioural interview
B. Non-directional interview
C. Situational interview
D. Structured interview
74. One ofthe following is a Training provided to enhance decision making skills:
A. On the job training
B. Managementgames
C. Behavioural modeling
D. Action learning
75. Referring a dispute to an agreed third party for settlement or advice without the force of litigation or resort to law is known as:
A. Adjudication
B. Conciliation
C. Arbitration
D. All ofthe above
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