Exam Details
Subject | animal sciences | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | ph d | |
Department | ||
Organization | central university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2011 | |
City, State | telangana, hyderabad |
Question Paper
IHall Ticket Number:
Ph. D Animal Sciences
Time: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 75
Enter your hall ticket number on this sheet and the answer sheet.
Answers have to be marked on the OMR sheet with ball point pen (Blue/Black) following the Instructions provided there upon.
All questions carry equal marks.
0.33 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer.
There are a total of 10 pages In this question paper booklet including space for rough work. Check the question paper thoroughly before answering.
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B. The marks obtained in Part A will be considered for the preparation of the merit list when two or more students get equal marks
1. Which stage of meiosis prophase I Is arrested for long time (termed as
"sleepIng beauty} In human females? Leptotene Diplotene Zygotene Diakinesis
Which one of the following reactions Is unique to gluconeogenesis? Lactate to pyruvate Phosphoenol pyruvate to pyruvate Dxaloacetate to phosphoenol OJ 1,3 Blsphosphoglycerate to 3
pyruvate phosphoglycerate
The number of major and minor grooves present In 100bp of B-form of
duplex DNA Is 10, 10 100, 100 1,1 4,4
4. If a double helical DNA molecule stretches from the earth to the moon
(320.000 Km). calculate the weight of this DNA based on the following Information. The DNA double helix weighs about 1 x 10.11 g per 1000 nucleotide pairs; each base pair extends 0.34 nm.
0.94 9 0.94 x 10" 9
0.1088 x 10" 9 1.088 9
5. Calculate the molar extinction co-efficient of compound when 1 mg/ml of gives an absorbance of 75 at 235 nm. The molecular weight of Is 400
7,500 . 15,000
22,500 30,000
6. Activation-Induced (cytidine) deamlnase plays an Important role In the
enhancement of antibody
Secretion Diversification
Affinity Synthesis
7. What happens to the melting point of a duplex DNA molecule after the addition of NaCI?
Decreases NO change
Increases Initially Increases and then
8. In pregnant women, Insulin has been proposed to act as
Implantation factor Uterine contraction factor
Fetal growth factor lactation factor
9. In a simple bimolecular ligand-receptor Interaction, If B Is the amount of bound ligand, F Is the amount of free ligand, K Is the equilibrium constant and Ito Is the total receptor concentration, the Scatchard equation will be
10. A lake rich In minerai and organic nutrients, promoting phytoplanktons but
low In oxygen is called as Dystrophic Oligotrophic
Eutrophic Ectouophlc
11. The reaction catalyzed by succinate dehydrogenase Is Inhibited by
oxaloacetate. The characteristics of such a type of Inhibition are Reversible and competitive Reversible and non-competitive
Irreversible and non-competitive Irreversible and competitive
12. Which on.. of the following statements Is COlTf'lct with reference to apoptosls? It 15 the only mechanism of cell The rate of apoptosls must be equal death In multi-cellular organisms to the rate of cell division at all stages of development
Apoptosis requires disruption of Apoptosls Involves breakdown of the the Integrity of the cell's plasma nuclear DNA
13. A polysaccharide consisting of a-l-6-lInked D-glucose units Is found In Agarose cellulose
Dextran Glycogen
14. An E. strain 'acklng DNA polymerase I will be deficient In DNA
methylation splicing
repair degradation
15. The protection against smallpox afforded by prior Infection with cowpox represents
Antigen specificity Antigen cross reactivity
Antigen presentation Antigenic diversity
16. The peptide having a sequence of "Gly-His-Phe-Leu-Arg-Ala-Gly-Met-LysGIy-Val-Leu" was digested with trypsin. Which one of the following tryptic peptldes you would get?
Gly-Hls-Phe-Leu, Gly-Hls-Phe-Leu-Arg,
Arg-Ala-Gly-Met &. Ala-Glv-Met-Lys &.
Gly-Hls-Phe-Leu-Arg-Ala, Gly-Hls-Phe-Leu-Arg,
Gly-Met-Lys &. Leu-Arg-Ala-Gly-Met &.
Gly-Val-Leu Lys-Gly-Val-Leu
17. Membrane carrier proteins differ from membrane channel proteins by which of the following characteristics?
Carrier proleins are carrier proteins transport molecules down
glycoprotelns while channel lhelr electrochemical gradient, while
proteins are lipoproteins channel proteins transport molecules
against their electrochemical gradient
Carrier proteins mediate Carrier prolelns mediate passive transport active transport while while channel proteins mediate active channel proteins cannot transport
Polymorphism Is best defined as CO-segregation of alleles MUltiple phenotyes, one genotype
One locus, multiple abnormal One locus, multiple normal aileles alleles
Structure of Insects that may be analogous to liver of vertebrates Is Malplghlan tubules Phallic gland
Salivary glands Fat body
20. If the second mutation In the same gene restores the Wild-type phenotype,
this phenomenon Is known as Epistasis Gene conversion
Intergenlc complementation Intragenlc suppression
21. Hydrogenosomes are Al Organelles that produce Organeiles that consume hydrogen hydrogen and ATP from pyruvate and ATP by electron transport Organelles that are defective In Organelles that produce In an producing hydrogen and ATP by oxidative reaction Involving molecular electron transport oxygen and hydrogen atoms removed
from specific organic substrates
The process that occurs at the position of cytidine and often correlates with gene Inactivation Is
Gene conversion DNA acetylation
Gene rearrangement DNA methylation
The quantity of glucose present In 1 ml of 0.1 mM glucose solution Is
1 nmole 10 nmoles
100 nmoles 1
24. All the following statements about the M-proteln of group A Streptococci
are correct excePt
M-Proteln Is the major constituent The amino terminal position Is of the capsule of group A variable accounting for over 80 StreptocoCCI distinct serotypes
M protein Is the major Virulence Antibodies to M-proteln confer typefactor of group A Streptococci specific Immunity
25. One of the following Is not an example for the first order protein that binds
directly to ca"
Calclneurln Calretlnln
Calblndln Calmodulin
26. Xeroderma plgmentosum Is caused due to genetic defect In
Base excision repair Mismatch repair
SOS repair Nucleotide excision repair
Which one of the following Is found only In organisms that contain polyclstronlc mRNA7
Pol"r mutations Point mUl"tlons
Missense mutations Alternative splicing sites
Atherosclerosis Is caused by The proliferation of smooth muscle The proliferation and differentiation cells of epithelial cells
The proliferation of endothelial The proliferation of skeletal muscle cells cells
Vectors in the genus Phlebotomus aid In the transmission of Trypanosomiasis Toxoplasmosis
leishmaniasis Schistosomiasis
Which one of the following when present In cooking 011 will cause the
maximum rancidity (or spoilage) of the 011 up on exposure at room temperature CH3(CH,lz,COOH CH3(CH,lsCH=CH(CH,),COOH
Unlng of glandular endothelial cells Islt2l: a characteristic of
Pancreas Pituitary
Intestine D) Uver
The function of reduced glutathione In red blood cells Is to
Produce NADPH II) Reduce methemoglobin to
Reduce pyruvate to lactate Reduce OXidizing agents such as
When eukaryotlc DNA Is denatured by heat and allowed to cool slowly, the sequences that will anneal rapidly are
Introns Coding sequences
Repetitive sequences Regulatory sequences
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Is caused by Mycoplasma Prions
Japanese encephalitis virus SV 40 virus
The excitation/emission maxima of a blue fluorescent dye DAPI 6-dlamldlno-2-phenyllndole) that binds to DNA Is
431/480 504/523
358/461 593/618
36. Structures that have the same evolutionary origin, even though they may now have different structures or functions are said to be
Analogous I!» Homologous
Heterologous Contlglous
37. In C8enorhabdftfs e/egans, the homeotlc gene mab-5 plays an Important
role In
Neuroblast migration Gastrulation
sex determination Axis specification
The binomial system of classification was developed by
Darwin Wallace
Unnaeus Malthus
The anterlor--posterlor polarity of the embryo, larva and adult has Its origin In the anterlor--posterlor polarity of the egg. Which of the following proteins regulate production of the cephalic structures?
Nanos and Hunchback B) Blcold and Hunchback
Nanos and caudal D) Blcoid and caudal
40. Color blindness Is caused by
Defective cone cell opsin receptor Defective rhodopsin receptor Defective myosin receptor Abnormal rod and cone cell number
'j... -60
Which one of the following techniques are used to detect the absence of a given gene In an Individual?
Northem blotting, RT-PeR Southem blotting, PCR Wcstcm blotting, PeR Northem blotting, Differential PCR
Which type of cells produce anti-MUllerian hormone to facilitate the
development of Wolman duct system?
leydIg cells Sertoli cells
Modified mOliertan cells Germ cells
43. Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) Is a technique used for detecting
Protein-protein Interactions DNA-protein Interactions
DNA-DNA Interactions DNA-RNA interactions
44. The central nervous system of earth worm consists of a pair of following
Suprapharyngeal ganglion Clrcumpharyngeal connective
Eplpharyngeal ganglion Subpharyngeal ganglion
45. Approximately how many mole" of ATP will be generated as a result of
oxidation of one mole of FADH, in an actively respiring mitochondrion? A)3 4.5
2 D)6
46. The biophysicist Yenkataraman Ramakrlshnan won the Nobel Prize for
Chemistry for the work on Structure and function of the Structure of RNA polymerase I
Structure and function of the Structure of RNA polymerase III
Compared to that of herbivores, a carnivore's Intestine Is generally Lenger More convolutcd
About the samc Less convoluted
Sodium cromoglycate Promotes mast celi degranulation Decreases intracellular cAMP levels In ma"t celis to release histamines
Prevents mast ccll acllvatlon Increasing the adenylate cyclase
activit, of mast celis to release
Guanosine triphosphate Is required by which of the following steps In protein synthesis? Amlnoacyl-tRNA syntt-etase Attachment of ribosomes to actlvallon of Dmlno acids endoplasmic reticulum
Translocation of tRNA-nascent Attachment of signal recognition
protein complex from A to Psite protein to rtbosomes
50. The prerequisite for the entry of secretory, lysosomal and plasma membrane proteins Into endoplasmic reticulum Is
Glycosylatlon Presence of signal sequence Proteolytic cleavage Presence of common sorting signal
The binding capacity of DEAE-cellulose can be Increased bV equilibratingthe column with
Higher buffer strength Lower buffer strength
Higher pH Lower pH
If the cell has one chromosome In excess of the normal number of
chromosomes present In the nucleus, It Is referred to as
Aneuploid Polyploid
Triploid Tetraploid
53. The cluster of differentiation marker CDZ9 Is associated with
B cells Leukocytes
Macrophages DendritiC cells
54. When the nucleus of a frog red blood cell which IlJzJ::i. a2t replicate DNA is transplanted Into an enucleated fl'09 egg, the egg goes through several cell divisions. Which of one the following is the best Interpretation for the
The transplanted nucleus plays no An enucleated egg can divide even role In cell division In the absence of transplanted nucleus
The cytoplasmic determinants do The cytoplasmic determinants not control the nuclear DNA control the nuclear DNA synthesis division
What Is the O-antlgen of Enterobacteriaceae? Cell surface polysaccharide A f1ageller protein
A peptidoglycan matrix Important Cell wall lipopolysaccharide
for cellular rigidity
Major risk factor associated with intracytoplasmic sperm Injection Is Microdeletlon ofY chromosome Mlcrodeletlon of X chromosome
The development of chromosomal The development of somatl: anomaly mutation
Vitamin K Is Involved In posttranslatlonal modification of the blood clotting factors by acting as cofactor for the enzyme
carboxylase Hydroxylase
Decarboxylase Oxidase
Elevation of Intracellular Inositol triphosphate results In the release of ca" from which of the following organelles
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
511. Which one of the following compartments In the human nucleus Is
associated with gene silencing?
Transcription factors GaJal bodies
Perlnucleolar domain PML bodies
Apodemes in cockroach provide
Attachment to tracheal system Attachment to muscles
Attachment to cuticle Strength to Internal organs
Nitrifying bacteria are examples of
Photoautotrophs Chemoautotrophs
Photoheterotrophs Chemoheterotrophs
62. The RNA primers used to initiate replication In E. coli
Are Joined together by DNA ligase Are removed by hellcase ATP
Are removed by DNA polymerase I Result In Okazaki fragments on the by nick translation leading strand
The rate of enzyme-eatalyzed reaction was measured using several substrate concentrations, that were much lower than K.... The dependence of reaction velocity on substrate concentration can best be described as
Indirectly proportIonal to substrate Directly proportional to substrate concentratIOn concentration Zero order with respect to First order with respect to enzyme substrate concentration concentration
Which one of the following 15 NOT one of the Koch's postUlated statements? The organism Is regularly found In The organism can be Isolated lesion of the dlseose from diseased tissue In pure culture on artificial media
Treatment of the disease with a broad Inoculation of a Isolate from a spectrum oral antimicrobial compound pure culture Into an experimental eradicates the orgimlsm and cures the animal produces a similar disease disease
65. Degradation of secretory vesicles In the endocrine glands occurs through
its fusion to Iysosomes by a process called as Heterophagy Endophagy
Crlnophagy Polyphagy
66. The principle Involved In differential Interference contrast microscopy 15 Variation In thickness and refractive Gradient of refractive Index Index within specimen across the specimen
Difference In refractive Index for Difference In the refractive Index
perpendicular beams of polarlzed of bl-refrlngent elements In
light specimen
Which one of the following Is NOT CORRECT about the Fc regions of Immunoglobulins? They can be cleaved from the Fab They are Involved In the activation regions by papain. of the complement cascade
They are Involved In mast cell They are responsible for antibody binding. binding.
Animal diseases that can be transmitted to humans are termed as
Zoonoses Panzootic
Epizootiology Enzootic
In lactating mothers, which one of the following hormones prevent conception for a limited period?
Prolactin Somatomammotropln
Luteinizing hormone Follicle stimulating hormone
A mixture of the follOWing lipids Is applied to a silica gel column and the column Is then washed with progressing more polar solvents. The mixture containing phosphatldyl choline phosphatldyl serine cholesterol cholesteol palmitate and triacylglycerol will elute in the following
71. Chromosomal analysis reveals a 47, XX+21 karyotype. Which one of the
following descriptions best fits this abnormality? A female with Turner's syndrome Edward's syndrome
Autosomal aneuploidy Down's syndrome
72. Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxln-1 Is an example of super antlge,.. This Is secreted by one of the follOWing bacteria
Streptococcus pyogenes Usteria monocytogenes
Staphylococcus aureus Salmonella typhimurium
Which one of the following does not belong to phanerozoic eon? Cenozoic Mesozoic
Paleozoic Archeozoic
Which one of the following Is the most correct sequence of events In gene
repair mechanisms In patients with Impaired repair process? Nicking, excision, replacement, Recognition, nicking, excision, sealing, recognition replacement, sealing Nicking, scaling, recognition, Recognition, nicking, sealing, exdslon, replacement excisIon, replacement
7S. Amyloid deposits are hall marks for Parkinson's disease Alzheimer's disease
Wernecke's Aphasia
Sensory Aphasia
Ph. D Animal Sciences
Time: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 75
Enter your hall ticket number on this sheet and the answer sheet.
Answers have to be marked on the OMR sheet with ball point pen (Blue/Black) following the Instructions provided there upon.
All questions carry equal marks.
0.33 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer.
There are a total of 10 pages In this question paper booklet including space for rough work. Check the question paper thoroughly before answering.
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B. The marks obtained in Part A will be considered for the preparation of the merit list when two or more students get equal marks
1. Which stage of meiosis prophase I Is arrested for long time (termed as
"sleepIng beauty} In human females? Leptotene Diplotene Zygotene Diakinesis
Which one of the following reactions Is unique to gluconeogenesis? Lactate to pyruvate Phosphoenol pyruvate to pyruvate Dxaloacetate to phosphoenol OJ 1,3 Blsphosphoglycerate to 3
pyruvate phosphoglycerate
The number of major and minor grooves present In 100bp of B-form of
duplex DNA Is 10, 10 100, 100 1,1 4,4
4. If a double helical DNA molecule stretches from the earth to the moon
(320.000 Km). calculate the weight of this DNA based on the following Information. The DNA double helix weighs about 1 x 10.11 g per 1000 nucleotide pairs; each base pair extends 0.34 nm.
0.94 9 0.94 x 10" 9
0.1088 x 10" 9 1.088 9
5. Calculate the molar extinction co-efficient of compound when 1 mg/ml of gives an absorbance of 75 at 235 nm. The molecular weight of Is 400
7,500 . 15,000
22,500 30,000
6. Activation-Induced (cytidine) deamlnase plays an Important role In the
enhancement of antibody
Secretion Diversification
Affinity Synthesis
7. What happens to the melting point of a duplex DNA molecule after the addition of NaCI?
Decreases NO change
Increases Initially Increases and then
8. In pregnant women, Insulin has been proposed to act as
Implantation factor Uterine contraction factor
Fetal growth factor lactation factor
9. In a simple bimolecular ligand-receptor Interaction, If B Is the amount of bound ligand, F Is the amount of free ligand, K Is the equilibrium constant and Ito Is the total receptor concentration, the Scatchard equation will be
10. A lake rich In minerai and organic nutrients, promoting phytoplanktons but
low In oxygen is called as Dystrophic Oligotrophic
Eutrophic Ectouophlc
11. The reaction catalyzed by succinate dehydrogenase Is Inhibited by
oxaloacetate. The characteristics of such a type of Inhibition are Reversible and competitive Reversible and non-competitive
Irreversible and non-competitive Irreversible and competitive
12. Which on.. of the following statements Is COlTf'lct with reference to apoptosls? It 15 the only mechanism of cell The rate of apoptosls must be equal death In multi-cellular organisms to the rate of cell division at all stages of development
Apoptosis requires disruption of Apoptosls Involves breakdown of the the Integrity of the cell's plasma nuclear DNA
13. A polysaccharide consisting of a-l-6-lInked D-glucose units Is found In Agarose cellulose
Dextran Glycogen
14. An E. strain 'acklng DNA polymerase I will be deficient In DNA
methylation splicing
repair degradation
15. The protection against smallpox afforded by prior Infection with cowpox represents
Antigen specificity Antigen cross reactivity
Antigen presentation Antigenic diversity
16. The peptide having a sequence of "Gly-His-Phe-Leu-Arg-Ala-Gly-Met-LysGIy-Val-Leu" was digested with trypsin. Which one of the following tryptic peptldes you would get?
Gly-Hls-Phe-Leu, Gly-Hls-Phe-Leu-Arg,
Arg-Ala-Gly-Met &. Ala-Glv-Met-Lys &.
Gly-Hls-Phe-Leu-Arg-Ala, Gly-Hls-Phe-Leu-Arg,
Gly-Met-Lys &. Leu-Arg-Ala-Gly-Met &.
Gly-Val-Leu Lys-Gly-Val-Leu
17. Membrane carrier proteins differ from membrane channel proteins by which of the following characteristics?
Carrier proleins are carrier proteins transport molecules down
glycoprotelns while channel lhelr electrochemical gradient, while
proteins are lipoproteins channel proteins transport molecules
against their electrochemical gradient
Carrier proteins mediate Carrier prolelns mediate passive transport active transport while while channel proteins mediate active channel proteins cannot transport
Polymorphism Is best defined as CO-segregation of alleles MUltiple phenotyes, one genotype
One locus, multiple abnormal One locus, multiple normal aileles alleles
Structure of Insects that may be analogous to liver of vertebrates Is Malplghlan tubules Phallic gland
Salivary glands Fat body
20. If the second mutation In the same gene restores the Wild-type phenotype,
this phenomenon Is known as Epistasis Gene conversion
Intergenlc complementation Intragenlc suppression
21. Hydrogenosomes are Al Organelles that produce Organeiles that consume hydrogen hydrogen and ATP from pyruvate and ATP by electron transport Organelles that are defective In Organelles that produce In an producing hydrogen and ATP by oxidative reaction Involving molecular electron transport oxygen and hydrogen atoms removed
from specific organic substrates
The process that occurs at the position of cytidine and often correlates with gene Inactivation Is
Gene conversion DNA acetylation
Gene rearrangement DNA methylation
The quantity of glucose present In 1 ml of 0.1 mM glucose solution Is
1 nmole 10 nmoles
100 nmoles 1
24. All the following statements about the M-proteln of group A Streptococci
are correct excePt
M-Proteln Is the major constituent The amino terminal position Is of the capsule of group A variable accounting for over 80 StreptocoCCI distinct serotypes
M protein Is the major Virulence Antibodies to M-proteln confer typefactor of group A Streptococci specific Immunity
25. One of the following Is not an example for the first order protein that binds
directly to ca"
Calclneurln Calretlnln
Calblndln Calmodulin
26. Xeroderma plgmentosum Is caused due to genetic defect In
Base excision repair Mismatch repair
SOS repair Nucleotide excision repair
Which one of the following Is found only In organisms that contain polyclstronlc mRNA7
Pol"r mutations Point mUl"tlons
Missense mutations Alternative splicing sites
Atherosclerosis Is caused by The proliferation of smooth muscle The proliferation and differentiation cells of epithelial cells
The proliferation of endothelial The proliferation of skeletal muscle cells cells
Vectors in the genus Phlebotomus aid In the transmission of Trypanosomiasis Toxoplasmosis
leishmaniasis Schistosomiasis
Which one of the following when present In cooking 011 will cause the
maximum rancidity (or spoilage) of the 011 up on exposure at room temperature CH3(CH,lz,COOH CH3(CH,lsCH=CH(CH,),COOH
Unlng of glandular endothelial cells Islt2l: a characteristic of
Pancreas Pituitary
Intestine D) Uver
The function of reduced glutathione In red blood cells Is to
Produce NADPH II) Reduce methemoglobin to
Reduce pyruvate to lactate Reduce OXidizing agents such as
When eukaryotlc DNA Is denatured by heat and allowed to cool slowly, the sequences that will anneal rapidly are
Introns Coding sequences
Repetitive sequences Regulatory sequences
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Is caused by Mycoplasma Prions
Japanese encephalitis virus SV 40 virus
The excitation/emission maxima of a blue fluorescent dye DAPI 6-dlamldlno-2-phenyllndole) that binds to DNA Is
431/480 504/523
358/461 593/618
36. Structures that have the same evolutionary origin, even though they may now have different structures or functions are said to be
Analogous I!» Homologous
Heterologous Contlglous
37. In C8enorhabdftfs e/egans, the homeotlc gene mab-5 plays an Important
role In
Neuroblast migration Gastrulation
sex determination Axis specification
The binomial system of classification was developed by
Darwin Wallace
Unnaeus Malthus
The anterlor--posterlor polarity of the embryo, larva and adult has Its origin In the anterlor--posterlor polarity of the egg. Which of the following proteins regulate production of the cephalic structures?
Nanos and Hunchback B) Blcold and Hunchback
Nanos and caudal D) Blcoid and caudal
40. Color blindness Is caused by
Defective cone cell opsin receptor Defective rhodopsin receptor Defective myosin receptor Abnormal rod and cone cell number
'j... -60
Which one of the following techniques are used to detect the absence of a given gene In an Individual?
Northem blotting, RT-PeR Southem blotting, PCR Wcstcm blotting, PeR Northem blotting, Differential PCR
Which type of cells produce anti-MUllerian hormone to facilitate the
development of Wolman duct system?
leydIg cells Sertoli cells
Modified mOliertan cells Germ cells
43. Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) Is a technique used for detecting
Protein-protein Interactions DNA-protein Interactions
DNA-DNA Interactions DNA-RNA interactions
44. The central nervous system of earth worm consists of a pair of following
Suprapharyngeal ganglion Clrcumpharyngeal connective
Eplpharyngeal ganglion Subpharyngeal ganglion
45. Approximately how many mole" of ATP will be generated as a result of
oxidation of one mole of FADH, in an actively respiring mitochondrion? A)3 4.5
2 D)6
46. The biophysicist Yenkataraman Ramakrlshnan won the Nobel Prize for
Chemistry for the work on Structure and function of the Structure of RNA polymerase I
Structure and function of the Structure of RNA polymerase III
Compared to that of herbivores, a carnivore's Intestine Is generally Lenger More convolutcd
About the samc Less convoluted
Sodium cromoglycate Promotes mast celi degranulation Decreases intracellular cAMP levels In ma"t celis to release histamines
Prevents mast ccll acllvatlon Increasing the adenylate cyclase
activit, of mast celis to release
Guanosine triphosphate Is required by which of the following steps In protein synthesis? Amlnoacyl-tRNA syntt-etase Attachment of ribosomes to actlvallon of Dmlno acids endoplasmic reticulum
Translocation of tRNA-nascent Attachment of signal recognition
protein complex from A to Psite protein to rtbosomes
50. The prerequisite for the entry of secretory, lysosomal and plasma membrane proteins Into endoplasmic reticulum Is
Glycosylatlon Presence of signal sequence Proteolytic cleavage Presence of common sorting signal
The binding capacity of DEAE-cellulose can be Increased bV equilibratingthe column with
Higher buffer strength Lower buffer strength
Higher pH Lower pH
If the cell has one chromosome In excess of the normal number of
chromosomes present In the nucleus, It Is referred to as
Aneuploid Polyploid
Triploid Tetraploid
53. The cluster of differentiation marker CDZ9 Is associated with
B cells Leukocytes
Macrophages DendritiC cells
54. When the nucleus of a frog red blood cell which IlJzJ::i. a2t replicate DNA is transplanted Into an enucleated fl'09 egg, the egg goes through several cell divisions. Which of one the following is the best Interpretation for the
The transplanted nucleus plays no An enucleated egg can divide even role In cell division In the absence of transplanted nucleus
The cytoplasmic determinants do The cytoplasmic determinants not control the nuclear DNA control the nuclear DNA synthesis division
What Is the O-antlgen of Enterobacteriaceae? Cell surface polysaccharide A f1ageller protein
A peptidoglycan matrix Important Cell wall lipopolysaccharide
for cellular rigidity
Major risk factor associated with intracytoplasmic sperm Injection Is Microdeletlon ofY chromosome Mlcrodeletlon of X chromosome
The development of chromosomal The development of somatl: anomaly mutation
Vitamin K Is Involved In posttranslatlonal modification of the blood clotting factors by acting as cofactor for the enzyme
carboxylase Hydroxylase
Decarboxylase Oxidase
Elevation of Intracellular Inositol triphosphate results In the release of ca" from which of the following organelles
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
511. Which one of the following compartments In the human nucleus Is
associated with gene silencing?
Transcription factors GaJal bodies
Perlnucleolar domain PML bodies
Apodemes in cockroach provide
Attachment to tracheal system Attachment to muscles
Attachment to cuticle Strength to Internal organs
Nitrifying bacteria are examples of
Photoautotrophs Chemoautotrophs
Photoheterotrophs Chemoheterotrophs
62. The RNA primers used to initiate replication In E. coli
Are Joined together by DNA ligase Are removed by hellcase ATP
Are removed by DNA polymerase I Result In Okazaki fragments on the by nick translation leading strand
The rate of enzyme-eatalyzed reaction was measured using several substrate concentrations, that were much lower than K.... The dependence of reaction velocity on substrate concentration can best be described as
Indirectly proportIonal to substrate Directly proportional to substrate concentratIOn concentration Zero order with respect to First order with respect to enzyme substrate concentration concentration
Which one of the following 15 NOT one of the Koch's postUlated statements? The organism Is regularly found In The organism can be Isolated lesion of the dlseose from diseased tissue In pure culture on artificial media
Treatment of the disease with a broad Inoculation of a Isolate from a spectrum oral antimicrobial compound pure culture Into an experimental eradicates the orgimlsm and cures the animal produces a similar disease disease
65. Degradation of secretory vesicles In the endocrine glands occurs through
its fusion to Iysosomes by a process called as Heterophagy Endophagy
Crlnophagy Polyphagy
66. The principle Involved In differential Interference contrast microscopy 15 Variation In thickness and refractive Gradient of refractive Index Index within specimen across the specimen
Difference In refractive Index for Difference In the refractive Index
perpendicular beams of polarlzed of bl-refrlngent elements In
light specimen
Which one of the following Is NOT CORRECT about the Fc regions of Immunoglobulins? They can be cleaved from the Fab They are Involved In the activation regions by papain. of the complement cascade
They are Involved In mast cell They are responsible for antibody binding. binding.
Animal diseases that can be transmitted to humans are termed as
Zoonoses Panzootic
Epizootiology Enzootic
In lactating mothers, which one of the following hormones prevent conception for a limited period?
Prolactin Somatomammotropln
Luteinizing hormone Follicle stimulating hormone
A mixture of the follOWing lipids Is applied to a silica gel column and the column Is then washed with progressing more polar solvents. The mixture containing phosphatldyl choline phosphatldyl serine cholesterol cholesteol palmitate and triacylglycerol will elute in the following
71. Chromosomal analysis reveals a 47, XX+21 karyotype. Which one of the
following descriptions best fits this abnormality? A female with Turner's syndrome Edward's syndrome
Autosomal aneuploidy Down's syndrome
72. Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxln-1 Is an example of super antlge,.. This Is secreted by one of the follOWing bacteria
Streptococcus pyogenes Usteria monocytogenes
Staphylococcus aureus Salmonella typhimurium
Which one of the following does not belong to phanerozoic eon? Cenozoic Mesozoic
Paleozoic Archeozoic
Which one of the following Is the most correct sequence of events In gene
repair mechanisms In patients with Impaired repair process? Nicking, excision, replacement, Recognition, nicking, excision, sealing, recognition replacement, sealing Nicking, scaling, recognition, Recognition, nicking, sealing, exdslon, replacement excisIon, replacement
7S. Amyloid deposits are hall marks for Parkinson's disease Alzheimer's disease
Wernecke's Aphasia
Sensory Aphasia
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- hindi
- history
- human rights
- indian diaspora
- language endangerment studies
- linguistics
- management studies
- materials engineering
- mathematics
- philosophy
- physics
- plant sciences
- political science
- psychology
- regional studies
- sanskrit
- science technology & society studies
- social exclusion & inclusion policy
- sociology
- statistics
- telugu
- theatre arts
- translation studies
- urdu