Exam Details
Subject | linguistics | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | ph d | |
Department | ||
Organization | central university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2011 | |
City, State | telangana, hyderabad |
Question Paper
Time: 2 Hours Marks: 7S
Uan Ticket No:
Code NO: X -68
Write your Booklet Code and Hall TIcket Number in the OMR Answer Sheet given to you. Also write the Hall TIcket Number in the space provided above.
ii). There is negative marking. Each wrong answer carries -0. 33 mark.
iii) Answers are to be marked on the OMR answer sheet following the instructions provided there upon.
iv). Hand over both the question paper booklet and OMR answer sheet, atthe endoftheexamination,tothe invigilator.
v). No additional sheet will be provided. Rough worlc can be done in the question paper itselfI space provided at the end ofthe booklet.
1. A finite machine mUll
A. Exactly one initial
B. ODe or more initia1_
C. More !ban one fina1 slates
D. Exactly cine fina1_
2. An indexed grammar bas greater generative ClIpIICity !ban
A. Context-seusitive grammar
B. Turing machine
C. ConteXt-me grammar
D. Transfonnational grammar
3. The statement " Mother tongue interference causes major problems in learning the grammatical structureofasecond language"is__
A. entilely true.
B. partially true.
C. not at all true.
D. mostlytnle.
4. Whicb of the following languages is known to be beyond the generative capllCity of context-me grammars?
A. English
B. Telugu
C. French
D. Swiss Gennan
5. Which of the following is not a machine translation system?
6. is the author of" Clnsing statements: Linguistics and Poetics"
A. I.Mukarovsky
B. M.Ha1le
C. R.1akobson
D. L.Bloomfield
7. propoled the concept ... lCIt for lCItina"
B. R.Lado
C. H.Widdowaon
D. A.Davies
S.. first made a distinction between learning and acquiaition.
A. S.Pi! Corder
B. C.C.Fries
C. B.F.Skinner
D. S.I<rasben
9. The Input Hypothesis is IISSOCiaIed with
A. R. Lado
B. N.Cbomsky
C. S.Krasben
D. C.F.Hoc:kett
For each of the following ungrammatiCl! sentences, select the nile, principle, seneralization or module of grammar that lICCOunts for its ungrammaticality:
10. •Anand; thinks Sheila likes himself,.
A. PrincipleA ofBindingTheory
B. Principle C ofBinding Theory
C. Subjacency
D. The Bijection Principle
It.·Anand thinks Sheil.. likes her;.
A. Principle A of Binding Theory
B. Principle B of Binding Theory
C. Principle C ofthe Binding Theory
D. The A-<Jver·A Condition 12 ·Who; does he; like?
A. Principle A of Binding Theory
B. Principle B of Binding Theory
C. Principle C of the Binding Theory
D. The Bijection Principle
13. °1 thiDk John to be clew:r
A. 1bda tbeory
B. PriDciple B ofBinding Theory
C. e-tbeory
14. °Is euy to John.
A. The Specified Subject CoDdition
B. 1bda tbeory
C. The Ex1ended Projection PriDciple
D. The A-<Jver-A CoDdition
1S. °1 smiled a cal
A. e-tbeory
B. 1bda tbeory
C. Binding Theory
D. Subjacency
16. °John was killed Bill.
A. Burzio's generalizJltion
B. The Extended Projection PriDciple
C. Binding Theory
D. Subjacency
17. °Who do you think that likes Mary?
A. Case tbeory
B. Theta theory
18. °Who do you thiDk Mary likes John and?
A. Complex NP Constlainl
B. Coordinate stJUcture conslIaint
C. Burzio's Generalization
D. Weak Crossover
19. "WilD do you know wbcD Bi1l1aw?
A. That-tnoce filler
B. Doubly filled COMP
C. TeDIed-S CoDdition
D. The Theta Criterion
For each of the following senteDces, indicate the part of speech to wbich the IIIIderIiDed word belODlll'
20. ElxiII& planes are dangerous.
A. Gerund
B. Participle
C. Adverb
D. Determiner
21. Chomsky is amx clever linguist.
A. Adjective
B. Preposition
C. Adverb
D. Conjunction
22. lUke linguistics l!!!lllOt geography
A. PrqIosition
B. Conjunction
C. Gerund
D. Interjection
23. I know Vishal is taller than Vivek.
A. DemoDSlJ1llive
B. Adjective
C. Determiner
D. Complementizer
24. I study linguistics.
A. Preposition
B. Conjunction
C. Inflection
A. Verb 25. I MIl be studying Iinguistica.
A. Main verb
B. Modal auxililllY
C. Adverb
26. In formalll!llWrtics generalized qll-utili"", III"C IIICId to Jepl"CICIIl deuolJlli01ll of-
A. Vorb phrucs
B. NoUII phrucs
C. Cia"...
D. De1amiDcn
27. The extensions ofintramitive YeJbs can be modelled
A. SeJs of CIltities
B. SeJs ofpain ofentities
C. SeJs ofentities
D. SeJs of indexes
28. The extensions oftransitive vCJbs can be modelledas--
A. SeJs ofentities
B. SeJsofsetsofentities
C. SeJs ofindexes
D. Sets ofpossible worlds
29. Quantifiers like I!!llIIYjustify the need for
A. UorcstricJcd quantification
B. Function composition
C. RestricJcd quantification
D. Schoenfioke1ization
30. in the sentence is going home is
A. Noun
B. Adjective
C. Adverb
D. None ofthc above
31 All oatuJa1laoguage quantifiers
A. Cooscrvalive
B. Non-monotonic
C. M_increuiDg
D. MODOloIJe.decrea
32. iepiC.i1laa--
A. Sarteoce
B. UUenmce
C. Proposition
D. Contradiction
33. Meronymy is a relation of-
A. Inclusion
B. Identity
C. Incompatibility
D. Divagence
34. _out ofthe following WOlds is inherently anon refening expression.
A. Almost
B. Sun
C. Boy
D. Girl
35. is an example oca perfonnative veri>.
A. Flatter
B. Amuse
C. Apologize
D. Laugh
36. mother is a woman' is an example ofa_sentence
A. Synthetic
B. Analytic
C. Interrogative
D. Imperative
37. outofthefollowingis anexampleofastative veri>
A. Laugh
B. Ciy
C. Know
D. Blow
38. outofthe foUowins contains the JftIUIlIlOIitio 'Mike broke the
A. Did mike break the glass?
B. I wonder bow Mike broke the g1ua
C. It would be Dice ifMike cou1d brcak the glass.
D. Mike could IIOt brcak the glass.
39. The oentences "My brother is • bachelor" and "My biolber is an IDlmarried mao" an: examples of_ ....tences
A. Synonymous
B. ambiguous
C. conlllldictions
D. entailment
40. is • main proponent ofthe ProtDtype theory
A. H.PGrice
B. Eleanor Rosch
C. Steven Pinker
D. James Pustejovky
41. Aristotle's mod.. poaeu is an argument in_steps
A. One
B. Two
C. three
D. four
42. _is.striking example of context effects in language comprehension
A. Phoneme ratonIion effect
B. Gsrdenpath .ffect
C. Categorical peroeplion
D. Speech disfluency
43. The Wernicke',ares islocated inthe_lobeofthebrain.
A. Frontal
B. Temporal
C. PsrietaI
D. Occipital
44. The CriticoI Ptriod Hypolhosis_ ....-Iby
A. Naom Chomsky
B. S_Pinker
C. Ray JlCkendoff
D. Eric: t.enneberJ
45. The_mocleloflexical_ ..op.-! byF...-a-in 1971 .... theanalo&Yof .libnry.
A. Logopn
B. In10nctive AclivIIioa
C. Mcgurk
D. Serial Seorch
46.. When. speech error by oayina 'Ioadins lilt' wben be inlBldocI to say' 'Rilldinglist', it is on example ofo(o) error
A. Anticipation
B. Substitution
C. Blend
D. Exchange
47. In lexical decision tasks, possible non words in • given !ang1'"ll". recognizlld_ than I not probable non -word
B. FU1er
C. Inaccurately
D. No effect
41. The psychologist B.F. Skinner is associated
A. Behaviourism
B. Mentalim
C. Cognitivism
D. IMati...
49. The movements ofthe eye bill during RIlIding is known
A. primes
B. latencies
C. Slccades
D. none ofthe above
50. Malapropism is • type of
A. tip oftile toIIgue phenomenon
B. speech error
C. telegrophic speech
D. ophuic speech A. GrIpbeme Conversion
B. Milmaldl
C. Semantic cieficit
D. Phonological deficit.
52. The direction of stnIcluraI cue IISSipunent is in a1I1qu1aes.
B. Parametric
C. Bi-<lircctional
D. Inherent
53. A nominal anaphor cannot occur in
A. Di=t object
B. Indirect object
C. Subject
D. Oblique object
54. Adjacency for case assignment is a for
A. All Indian languages
B. No Indian language
C. All human languages
D. Some Indian languages.
55. Expletive expressions are found in,
A. All Indian languages
B. Some Indian languages
C. All human languages
D. Some languages.
56. All dative predicates are
A. Intransitive
B. Transitive
C. Ditransitive
D. Causative
57. Implieatillll81 typology wu jliOjllIWid by
A. E.Sapir
B. ROI!llII! JlIcobson
C. J.H.Oreenberg
D. N.Cbomsky
58. How many types oflanguages wen> listed by Oreenberg in lid
word order Typology?
B. 29
C. 32
D. 24
59. The milestone paper of Oreenberg 00 word order typologies wu written in the year--
A. 1963
B. 1974
C. 1960
D. 1976
60. is Ihe iDbuilt dictionary ofID individual ora lang"....
A. Procticol dictiOlWY
B. Theormc.J dictiOlWY
C. MOIIolinguol dictionary
D. Speciol dietiOl)ory.
61. The bookentitled"MID..IofLexioopaplly" iswri1Ialby
A. R.A.Singh
B. Uriel Weinreich
C. Lodisl"" Zugusla
D. S.M.Kotre.
62. used to collect dolo 011 • tribol
A. Litcrory worIts
B. LlDguoge Infol1lWltl
C. Text books
D. Inscriptions
63. The jJbononmeno where words with Ihe spelling mel prllIIIIDCiotio but differalt lIIOIDings are
A. Hypoaymy
B. SyDonymy
C. Homonymy
D. Polyoemy
64. Tho finI tbeM'll1JS in llqIiJb IalP'llJO oompiJod by
A. Weboter
B. Collins
C. Roget
D. Johnson
65. Stale which of the following statements i.
A. The grammatical category ofa motpbologically complex word is detcrmiDed by its bead.
B. The grammatical category ofa morphologically complex word is detcrmiDed by its lIOn-bead.
C. The gramm1tical category ofa morphologically complex word is detewdnod neither by the head nor the non-belld.
D. Morphologically complex words lie not beaded at all.
66. In the word or.1I the plural 0I0Ipbeme is:
A. Grammatically conditioned.
B. Lexically conditioned.
C. Phonologically conditioned.
D. None ofthe above.
67. In the words underlined below which one i. not a IIOminalised expession?
A. Qmhing makes the man.
B. That is an ancient l!IIiIlIi!I&.
C. The hole is amipa,
D. The painting is Picassos.
68. In the word Crow, is
A. Both root and stem.
B. Neither root nor stem.
C. Only root and IIOt stem.
D. Only stem and not root.
69. For verbs like Put and Cut the past tense form i. realised by:
A. Empty morpho
B. Zero a110m0rph.
C. Smplus Morph.
D. None oftile above.
70. In. morphologically complex word:
A. Inflection pecedes derivation.
B. Derivation pe.xdes inflection.
C. None oftbem precede each otber.
D. No relation exists between them.
71. The Lexical Phonology Morphology Model is propciaed by:
A. KiplJ'Sky and Mohanan
B. Mark Aronoff
C. Noam Chomsky
D. PeterMatthews
72. The used to refer to tile let of all tile inf1ected fonns of.Iexeme.
A. Syntagm.
B. PlIIlIdigm
C. Derivation
D. None ofthe above.
73. In English compounds are norma1Iy show_:
A. On the first word
B. On the second word
C. Both on first and second words
D. On neither.
74. In Item andA"angementMINkI. tile basis ofmorphological ana1yaia
A. Word
B. Morpheme
C. CompolUld
D. Phrase
75. DWks the begiMing ofOeueiative Morphology
A. Syntactic Strul:tlRs
B. ReDWks on NomiMli7Jlli/ln
C. Word Formation in. GeDeiative Oramlllll!'
D. Aspects ofthe Theory ofSyntax
Time: 2 Hours Marks: 7S
Uan Ticket No:
Code NO: X -68
Write your Booklet Code and Hall TIcket Number in the OMR Answer Sheet given to you. Also write the Hall TIcket Number in the space provided above.
ii). There is negative marking. Each wrong answer carries -0. 33 mark.
iii) Answers are to be marked on the OMR answer sheet following the instructions provided there upon.
iv). Hand over both the question paper booklet and OMR answer sheet, atthe endoftheexamination,tothe invigilator.
v). No additional sheet will be provided. Rough worlc can be done in the question paper itselfI space provided at the end ofthe booklet.
1. A finite machine mUll
A. Exactly one initial
B. ODe or more initia1_
C. More !ban one fina1 slates
D. Exactly cine fina1_
2. An indexed grammar bas greater generative ClIpIICity !ban
A. Context-seusitive grammar
B. Turing machine
C. ConteXt-me grammar
D. Transfonnational grammar
3. The statement " Mother tongue interference causes major problems in learning the grammatical structureofasecond language"is__
A. entilely true.
B. partially true.
C. not at all true.
D. mostlytnle.
4. Whicb of the following languages is known to be beyond the generative capllCity of context-me grammars?
A. English
B. Telugu
C. French
D. Swiss Gennan
5. Which of the following is not a machine translation system?
6. is the author of" Clnsing statements: Linguistics and Poetics"
A. I.Mukarovsky
B. M.Ha1le
C. R.1akobson
D. L.Bloomfield
7. propoled the concept ... lCIt for lCItina"
B. R.Lado
C. H.Widdowaon
D. A.Davies
S.. first made a distinction between learning and acquiaition.
A. S.Pi! Corder
B. C.C.Fries
C. B.F.Skinner
D. S.I<rasben
9. The Input Hypothesis is IISSOCiaIed with
A. R. Lado
B. N.Cbomsky
C. S.Krasben
D. C.F.Hoc:kett
For each of the following ungrammatiCl! sentences, select the nile, principle, seneralization or module of grammar that lICCOunts for its ungrammaticality:
10. •Anand; thinks Sheila likes himself,.
A. PrincipleA ofBindingTheory
B. Principle C ofBinding Theory
C. Subjacency
D. The Bijection Principle
It.·Anand thinks Sheil.. likes her;.
A. Principle A of Binding Theory
B. Principle B of Binding Theory
C. Principle C ofthe Binding Theory
D. The A-<Jver·A Condition 12 ·Who; does he; like?
A. Principle A of Binding Theory
B. Principle B of Binding Theory
C. Principle C of the Binding Theory
D. The Bijection Principle
13. °1 thiDk John to be clew:r
A. 1bda tbeory
B. PriDciple B ofBinding Theory
C. e-tbeory
14. °Is euy to John.
A. The Specified Subject CoDdition
B. 1bda tbeory
C. The Ex1ended Projection PriDciple
D. The A-<Jver-A CoDdition
1S. °1 smiled a cal
A. e-tbeory
B. 1bda tbeory
C. Binding Theory
D. Subjacency
16. °John was killed Bill.
A. Burzio's generalizJltion
B. The Extended Projection PriDciple
C. Binding Theory
D. Subjacency
17. °Who do you think that likes Mary?
A. Case tbeory
B. Theta theory
18. °Who do you thiDk Mary likes John and?
A. Complex NP Constlainl
B. Coordinate stJUcture conslIaint
C. Burzio's Generalization
D. Weak Crossover
19. "WilD do you know wbcD Bi1l1aw?
A. That-tnoce filler
B. Doubly filled COMP
C. TeDIed-S CoDdition
D. The Theta Criterion
For each of the following senteDces, indicate the part of speech to wbich the IIIIderIiDed word belODlll'
20. ElxiII& planes are dangerous.
A. Gerund
B. Participle
C. Adverb
D. Determiner
21. Chomsky is amx clever linguist.
A. Adjective
B. Preposition
C. Adverb
D. Conjunction
22. lUke linguistics l!!!lllOt geography
A. PrqIosition
B. Conjunction
C. Gerund
D. Interjection
23. I know Vishal is taller than Vivek.
A. DemoDSlJ1llive
B. Adjective
C. Determiner
D. Complementizer
24. I study linguistics.
A. Preposition
B. Conjunction
C. Inflection
A. Verb 25. I MIl be studying Iinguistica.
A. Main verb
B. Modal auxililllY
C. Adverb
26. In formalll!llWrtics generalized qll-utili"", III"C IIICId to Jepl"CICIIl deuolJlli01ll of-
A. Vorb phrucs
B. NoUII phrucs
C. Cia"...
D. De1amiDcn
27. The extensions ofintramitive YeJbs can be modelled
A. SeJs of CIltities
B. SeJs ofpain ofentities
C. SeJs ofentities
D. SeJs of indexes
28. The extensions oftransitive vCJbs can be modelledas--
A. SeJs ofentities
B. SeJsofsetsofentities
C. SeJs ofindexes
D. Sets ofpossible worlds
29. Quantifiers like I!!llIIYjustify the need for
A. UorcstricJcd quantification
B. Function composition
C. RestricJcd quantification
D. Schoenfioke1ization
30. in the sentence is going home is
A. Noun
B. Adjective
C. Adverb
D. None ofthc above
31 All oatuJa1laoguage quantifiers
A. Cooscrvalive
B. Non-monotonic
C. M_increuiDg
D. MODOloIJe.decrea
32. iepiC.i1laa--
A. Sarteoce
B. UUenmce
C. Proposition
D. Contradiction
33. Meronymy is a relation of-
A. Inclusion
B. Identity
C. Incompatibility
D. Divagence
34. _out ofthe following WOlds is inherently anon refening expression.
A. Almost
B. Sun
C. Boy
D. Girl
35. is an example oca perfonnative veri>.
A. Flatter
B. Amuse
C. Apologize
D. Laugh
36. mother is a woman' is an example ofa_sentence
A. Synthetic
B. Analytic
C. Interrogative
D. Imperative
37. outofthefollowingis anexampleofastative veri>
A. Laugh
B. Ciy
C. Know
D. Blow
38. outofthe foUowins contains the JftIUIlIlOIitio 'Mike broke the
A. Did mike break the glass?
B. I wonder bow Mike broke the g1ua
C. It would be Dice ifMike cou1d brcak the glass.
D. Mike could IIOt brcak the glass.
39. The oentences "My brother is • bachelor" and "My biolber is an IDlmarried mao" an: examples of_ ....tences
A. Synonymous
B. ambiguous
C. conlllldictions
D. entailment
40. is • main proponent ofthe ProtDtype theory
A. H.PGrice
B. Eleanor Rosch
C. Steven Pinker
D. James Pustejovky
41. Aristotle's mod.. poaeu is an argument in_steps
A. One
B. Two
C. three
D. four
42. _is.striking example of context effects in language comprehension
A. Phoneme ratonIion effect
B. Gsrdenpath .ffect
C. Categorical peroeplion
D. Speech disfluency
43. The Wernicke',ares islocated inthe_lobeofthebrain.
A. Frontal
B. Temporal
C. PsrietaI
D. Occipital
44. The CriticoI Ptriod Hypolhosis_ ....-Iby
A. Naom Chomsky
B. S_Pinker
C. Ray JlCkendoff
D. Eric: t.enneberJ
45. The_mocleloflexical_ ..op.-! byF...-a-in 1971 .... theanalo&Yof .libnry.
A. Logopn
B. In10nctive AclivIIioa
C. Mcgurk
D. Serial Seorch
46.. When. speech error by oayina 'Ioadins lilt' wben be inlBldocI to say' 'Rilldinglist', it is on example ofo(o) error
A. Anticipation
B. Substitution
C. Blend
D. Exchange
47. In lexical decision tasks, possible non words in • given !ang1'"ll". recognizlld_ than I not probable non -word
B. FU1er
C. Inaccurately
D. No effect
41. The psychologist B.F. Skinner is associated
A. Behaviourism
B. Mentalim
C. Cognitivism
D. IMati...
49. The movements ofthe eye bill during RIlIding is known
A. primes
B. latencies
C. Slccades
D. none ofthe above
50. Malapropism is • type of
A. tip oftile toIIgue phenomenon
B. speech error
C. telegrophic speech
D. ophuic speech A. GrIpbeme Conversion
B. Milmaldl
C. Semantic cieficit
D. Phonological deficit.
52. The direction of stnIcluraI cue IISSipunent is in a1I1qu1aes.
B. Parametric
C. Bi-<lircctional
D. Inherent
53. A nominal anaphor cannot occur in
A. Di=t object
B. Indirect object
C. Subject
D. Oblique object
54. Adjacency for case assignment is a for
A. All Indian languages
B. No Indian language
C. All human languages
D. Some Indian languages.
55. Expletive expressions are found in,
A. All Indian languages
B. Some Indian languages
C. All human languages
D. Some languages.
56. All dative predicates are
A. Intransitive
B. Transitive
C. Ditransitive
D. Causative
57. Implieatillll81 typology wu jliOjllIWid by
A. E.Sapir
B. ROI!llII! JlIcobson
C. J.H.Oreenberg
D. N.Cbomsky
58. How many types oflanguages wen> listed by Oreenberg in lid
word order Typology?
B. 29
C. 32
D. 24
59. The milestone paper of Oreenberg 00 word order typologies wu written in the year--
A. 1963
B. 1974
C. 1960
D. 1976
60. is Ihe iDbuilt dictionary ofID individual ora lang"....
A. Procticol dictiOlWY
B. Theormc.J dictiOlWY
C. MOIIolinguol dictionary
D. Speciol dietiOl)ory.
61. The bookentitled"MID..IofLexioopaplly" iswri1Ialby
A. R.A.Singh
B. Uriel Weinreich
C. Lodisl"" Zugusla
D. S.M.Kotre.
62. used to collect dolo 011 • tribol
A. Litcrory worIts
B. LlDguoge Infol1lWltl
C. Text books
D. Inscriptions
63. The jJbononmeno where words with Ihe spelling mel prllIIIIDCiotio but differalt lIIOIDings are
A. Hypoaymy
B. SyDonymy
C. Homonymy
D. Polyoemy
64. Tho finI tbeM'll1JS in llqIiJb IalP'llJO oompiJod by
A. Weboter
B. Collins
C. Roget
D. Johnson
65. Stale which of the following statements i.
A. The grammatical category ofa motpbologically complex word is detcrmiDed by its bead.
B. The grammatical category ofa morphologically complex word is detcrmiDed by its lIOn-bead.
C. The gramm1tical category ofa morphologically complex word is detewdnod neither by the head nor the non-belld.
D. Morphologically complex words lie not beaded at all.
66. In the word or.1I the plural 0I0Ipbeme is:
A. Grammatically conditioned.
B. Lexically conditioned.
C. Phonologically conditioned.
D. None ofthe above.
67. In the words underlined below which one i. not a IIOminalised expession?
A. Qmhing makes the man.
B. That is an ancient l!IIiIlIi!I&.
C. The hole is amipa,
D. The painting is Picassos.
68. In the word Crow, is
A. Both root and stem.
B. Neither root nor stem.
C. Only root and IIOt stem.
D. Only stem and not root.
69. For verbs like Put and Cut the past tense form i. realised by:
A. Empty morpho
B. Zero a110m0rph.
C. Smplus Morph.
D. None oftile above.
70. In. morphologically complex word:
A. Inflection pecedes derivation.
B. Derivation pe.xdes inflection.
C. None oftbem precede each otber.
D. No relation exists between them.
71. The Lexical Phonology Morphology Model is propciaed by:
A. KiplJ'Sky and Mohanan
B. Mark Aronoff
C. Noam Chomsky
D. PeterMatthews
72. The used to refer to tile let of all tile inf1ected fonns of.Iexeme.
A. Syntagm.
B. PlIIlIdigm
C. Derivation
D. None ofthe above.
73. In English compounds are norma1Iy show_:
A. On the first word
B. On the second word
C. Both on first and second words
D. On neither.
74. In Item andA"angementMINkI. tile basis ofmorphological ana1yaia
A. Word
B. Morpheme
C. CompolUld
D. Phrase
75. DWks the begiMing ofOeueiative Morphology
A. Syntactic Strul:tlRs
B. ReDWks on NomiMli7Jlli/ln
C. Word Formation in. GeDeiative Oramlllll!'
D. Aspects ofthe Theory ofSyntax
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