Exam Details
Subject | psychology | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | combined competitive examination | |
Department | ||
Organization | Jammu Kashmir Public Service Commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2011 | |
City, State | jammu kashmir, |
Question Paper
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I. Number ofpairs ofchromosomes in each human cell
20 21
22 23
2. Tendency to perceivc the whole figure ignoring the missing parts:
Closure Continuity
Similarity Proximity
3. Chiefexponents ofGestaltSchool areWertheimer,Koftkaand:
Pavlov Kohler
Woodt Hull
4. ConsciousProcess ofrevivingthepreviouseventsorlearnedmaterial toawareness:
Relearning Remembering
Perception RCCOl,'nition
5. Perceiving something as having been experienced before, as being familiar
Recall Relearning
Recognition Redintegration
6. Shiftofemotionfromaperson toanotherpersonorobject:
Denialofreality Compromise
Displacement Identification
7. Recallofitemsintheexactordershown tothesubjectiscalled as:
Free recall Serial recall
Recognition Redintegration
8. One ofthe following theories states that memory tracc deteriorates unless it is used:
Decay theory Interterenee theory
Balance theory Drive theory
9. Something learned previously interteres with present learoing or recall:
Proactive inhibition Forgetting
Retroactive inhibition Decenter
10. Attempt to Screen out disagreeable realities by ignoring or refusing 10 acknowledge them:
Denialofreality Repression
Regression Identification
II. What a person sees in any ambiguous situation reveals his own personality in one ofthe following tests:
Semantic Differential TAT
12. A Picture perceived alternately as one symbol, then another:
Reversible figure Retinal image
Hallucination Delusion
13. Capacity to face novcl situations, ability to leam, the ability to carry on with abstract relational thinking is called as
Intelligence MemoI)'
Decision making Learning
14. Underactivity ofThyroid gland produces:
Tension Lethargy
Depression Peptic Ulcer
15. Detenninersofinheritanee located within the chromosonies:
Cells Axons
Genes Dendrites
16. The principle that the line or movement tends to be perceived as continuing in the established direction:
Law ofSimilarity LawofProximitiy
Law ofClosure Law ofContinuity
17. Bogardus Social Distance Scale is used to meas.ure;
Motivation Attitude
Achievement Emotion
18. Conditioning in which the organism's rcsponse is instrumental in gaining reward.:
Instrumental conditioning Modelling
Classical conditioning Motor learning
19. Internal bodily state that direct an organism's behavior toward a goal
Psychological motive Physiological motive
Social motive Vitamin deficiency
88D-24015-D 4
20. Any behavior directcd toward management ofstress;
Aggression Pmsocial Behavior
Coping Behavior Competition
21 Numberofpairsofnervesthatleavethecordateach orthcopeningsbetweenthevertebrae of the spinal column;
31 32
33 34
22. To impart knowledge or to make known
Affection Action
CommWlication Reaction
23. Body movements and posture are maintained by a structure called;
CcrcbellWll Thalamus
Temporal Lobes Occipital Lobes
24. Groupofsubjectssubjectedtotreatmentwhoseeftect isunderinvestigation:
Control group Crowd
Dependent group Experimental group
25. Simple,inborn,automaticresponse ofsomepart ofthebody;
Learning Emotion
Reflex Synapse
26. A relaxed easy going behavior pattern
Type Aggressive
27. Process of exchanging offers by two or more parties to a conflict to attain acceptable agreement:
Neb'Oliation Cooperation
Competition Third party intervention
28. Areaofpsychologyconcernedwiththeapplication ofprinciplesofpsychologytotheprocess of education:
Healthpsychology Commwlitypsychology
Social psychology Educational psychology
SSD-2401S-D S [Turn nvcr
68. Condition arising from thyroid deficiency: Cretinism Tension
PKU Depression
69. Nurnberofchromosomes in eachhurnancell
42 44
46 48
70. Tendency to perceive stimuli which are nearer as belonging together:
Similarity Principle Proximity Principle
Closure Principle Continuity Principle
71. Relatively Permanent change in behavior that occur as a result ofpractice or experience:
Memory Perception
Sensation Learning
72. Classical conditioning was demonstrated by
Skinner Pavlov
Kohler Thorndike
73. Retention which has been established by repeated practice for long periods
Long term memory Forgetting
Spaced Learning Short term memory
74. Loss ofability to recall what has been learnt previously;
Zeigamik effect Short term memory
Relearning Forgetting
75. Memory involving intervals less than halfa minute in length
Rehearsal Short term memory
MemoryLoss Longtermmemory
76. Revival ofpast experience
Recognition Relearning
Recall Over Learning
77. Method in which the subject is required to reproduce a list ofstimuli in any sequence:
Massed method Spaced method
Free recall Whole method
SSD-24015-D 10
78. Tendency to recall unfinished tasks rather than completed tasks:
Zeigamik effect Relearning
Recall Proactive interference
79. Ratio ofmental agc to chronological age multiplied by 100:
Basal age £mage
Intelligence Quotient Memory
80. People with IQ above 140 arc called:
Average Above average
Mildly retarded Gifted
81. Portion ofthe skull which contains brain:
Cranium Spinal Cord
Hypothalamus Frontal Lobe
82. Retardation with IQ scores falling below 20
Moderate Severe
ProfOlUld Mild
83. Endocrine glands secrete their hormones directly into:
Liver Pancreas
Blood Kidneys
84. TheconceptofIntelligenceQuotientwasdeveloped by:
WilliamStern WiliiamWundt
Binet Wechsler
85. Productive thinking with novel rather than routine outcomes:
Recall Creative thinking
Relearning Recognition
86. An urge to attain some goal object:
Emotion Maturation
Motive Development
87. Internalconditionsdirecting anorganismtowardaspecificgoal:
Instinct Emotion
Intelligence Drive
88. A relatively enduring personality characteristic which can be measured
Type Ego
Trait Super ego
89. The integration ofid, cgo and Super cgo:
Instinct Per.ronality
Development Growth
90. ProjectivetestconsistingofI0cards with colored inkblots
WISC Rorschach test
(Cl WAiS Sentence Completion test
91. Thc mask worn by an actor in ancient times to indicate his role:
Persona Device
Apparatus lns1nunent
92. Excluding threatening or painful thoughts from consciousness
Regression Projection
Rationalization Repression
93. Hunting for reasons to justifY one's behavior:
Displacement Projection
Rationalization Repression
94. Readoptionofresponses,characteristic ofanearlierphase ofdevclopment:
Regression Repression
Displacement Identification
95. The child's use ofparents as models to imiiate is called
Compensation Identification
Displacement .Rationalization
96. Conflict in which a person is motivated to approach two different goals that are equally attractive:
Approach-Approach Approach-Avoidancc
Avoidance-Avoidance Adjusanent
97. Thurstone Equal appearing interval method is used to measure:
Motivation Emotion
Attitude Per.ronality
SSD-24015-D 12
98. A theory focuses on attitude change:
Social icaming theory Balance theory
Psycho-analytic theory Drive theory
99. Festinger's Cognitive Dissonance theory is related 10:
Moral development Emotions
Psycho-social development Attitudes
100. Reasonably accuratc understanding ofsomeone else's experience:
Sympathy CommWlication
Cognition Fmpathy
101. Variable manipulated in an experimenttodetenninc its effect on behavior:
Situational variable Intervening variable
Independent variable Dependent variable
102, ANeuroniscomposed oftwotypes ofnervefibresnamely.axonsand: NM
Dendrites Fovea
103. Sensory neurons are also known as
Efferent Neurons Afferent Neurons
Synapse Vertebre
104. Secretions secreted by endocrine glands:
Photopsin Honnoncs
Jelly Saliva
105. Gland or small structure located below the brain stem:
Pituitarygland Thyroidgland
Gonads Adrenals
106. Motor neurons are also known as
EfferentNeurons Afferent Neurons
Synapse Vertebre
107. Retum ofa conditioned response afterextinction
Spontaneous Recovery
Shaping Modelling
SSD-24015-1> 13
108. An aggressive impatient behavior pattern associated with coronary disease
Type Type
Endomorphy Mesomorphy
109. Individual intelligence test for children
110. Onecelledorganismresultingfromtheunion ofspermand egg:
Embryo Fetus
Zygote Mitosis
III. Subjects who receive the treatment ofinterest in an experiment:
Control group Intervening group
Dependent group Experimental group
112. Development that takes place [rom head to toe is known as
Cognition Motivation
Proximodista1 Cephalocaudal
113. Subjects who do not receive the treatment ofinterests in an experiment:
• Control group Experimental group
Intervening group Independent group
114. Study in which subjects ofdifferent ages are measured on one occasion:
Longitudinal study Cross sectional study
Case history Simulation method
11 5. The operating Principle for the id
Morality Principle Reality Principle
Pleasure Principle Closure Principle
116. Observable characteristics ofa person:
Ectomorphic Endomorphic
Genotype Phenotype
SSD-240IS-D 14 117. Aperson'sconcept ofwhathc orsheis:
Selfconcept Ideal self
Looking glass self Selfesteem
118. Deliberaterepetitionofinformationtokeepit inmemory:
Recall Rehearsal
Recognition Redintegration
119. How people evaluate themselves is called
Selfabasement Ideal self
LookinggJass self Selfesteem
. 120. Endocrine gland called as master gland
Thyroid gland Adrenal gland
Pituitary gland Gonads
I. Number ofpairs ofchromosomes in each human cell
20 21
22 23
2. Tendency to perceivc the whole figure ignoring the missing parts:
Closure Continuity
Similarity Proximity
3. Chiefexponents ofGestaltSchool areWertheimer,Koftkaand:
Pavlov Kohler
Woodt Hull
4. ConsciousProcess ofrevivingthepreviouseventsorlearnedmaterial toawareness:
Relearning Remembering
Perception RCCOl,'nition
5. Perceiving something as having been experienced before, as being familiar
Recall Relearning
Recognition Redintegration
6. Shiftofemotionfromaperson toanotherpersonorobject:
Denialofreality Compromise
Displacement Identification
7. Recallofitemsintheexactordershown tothesubjectiscalled as:
Free recall Serial recall
Recognition Redintegration
8. One ofthe following theories states that memory tracc deteriorates unless it is used:
Decay theory Interterenee theory
Balance theory Drive theory
9. Something learned previously interteres with present learoing or recall:
Proactive inhibition Forgetting
Retroactive inhibition Decenter
10. Attempt to Screen out disagreeable realities by ignoring or refusing 10 acknowledge them:
Denialofreality Repression
Regression Identification
II. What a person sees in any ambiguous situation reveals his own personality in one ofthe following tests:
Semantic Differential TAT
12. A Picture perceived alternately as one symbol, then another:
Reversible figure Retinal image
Hallucination Delusion
13. Capacity to face novcl situations, ability to leam, the ability to carry on with abstract relational thinking is called as
Intelligence MemoI)'
Decision making Learning
14. Underactivity ofThyroid gland produces:
Tension Lethargy
Depression Peptic Ulcer
15. Detenninersofinheritanee located within the chromosonies:
Cells Axons
Genes Dendrites
16. The principle that the line or movement tends to be perceived as continuing in the established direction:
Law ofSimilarity LawofProximitiy
Law ofClosure Law ofContinuity
17. Bogardus Social Distance Scale is used to meas.ure;
Motivation Attitude
Achievement Emotion
18. Conditioning in which the organism's rcsponse is instrumental in gaining reward.:
Instrumental conditioning Modelling
Classical conditioning Motor learning
19. Internal bodily state that direct an organism's behavior toward a goal
Psychological motive Physiological motive
Social motive Vitamin deficiency
88D-24015-D 4
20. Any behavior directcd toward management ofstress;
Aggression Pmsocial Behavior
Coping Behavior Competition
21 Numberofpairsofnervesthatleavethecordateach orthcopeningsbetweenthevertebrae of the spinal column;
31 32
33 34
22. To impart knowledge or to make known
Affection Action
CommWlication Reaction
23. Body movements and posture are maintained by a structure called;
CcrcbellWll Thalamus
Temporal Lobes Occipital Lobes
24. Groupofsubjectssubjectedtotreatmentwhoseeftect isunderinvestigation:
Control group Crowd
Dependent group Experimental group
25. Simple,inborn,automaticresponse ofsomepart ofthebody;
Learning Emotion
Reflex Synapse
26. A relaxed easy going behavior pattern
Type Aggressive
27. Process of exchanging offers by two or more parties to a conflict to attain acceptable agreement:
Neb'Oliation Cooperation
Competition Third party intervention
28. Areaofpsychologyconcernedwiththeapplication ofprinciplesofpsychologytotheprocess of education:
Healthpsychology Commwlitypsychology
Social psychology Educational psychology
SSD-2401S-D S [Turn nvcr
68. Condition arising from thyroid deficiency: Cretinism Tension
PKU Depression
69. Nurnberofchromosomes in eachhurnancell
42 44
46 48
70. Tendency to perceive stimuli which are nearer as belonging together:
Similarity Principle Proximity Principle
Closure Principle Continuity Principle
71. Relatively Permanent change in behavior that occur as a result ofpractice or experience:
Memory Perception
Sensation Learning
72. Classical conditioning was demonstrated by
Skinner Pavlov
Kohler Thorndike
73. Retention which has been established by repeated practice for long periods
Long term memory Forgetting
Spaced Learning Short term memory
74. Loss ofability to recall what has been learnt previously;
Zeigamik effect Short term memory
Relearning Forgetting
75. Memory involving intervals less than halfa minute in length
Rehearsal Short term memory
MemoryLoss Longtermmemory
76. Revival ofpast experience
Recognition Relearning
Recall Over Learning
77. Method in which the subject is required to reproduce a list ofstimuli in any sequence:
Massed method Spaced method
Free recall Whole method
SSD-24015-D 10
78. Tendency to recall unfinished tasks rather than completed tasks:
Zeigamik effect Relearning
Recall Proactive interference
79. Ratio ofmental agc to chronological age multiplied by 100:
Basal age £mage
Intelligence Quotient Memory
80. People with IQ above 140 arc called:
Average Above average
Mildly retarded Gifted
81. Portion ofthe skull which contains brain:
Cranium Spinal Cord
Hypothalamus Frontal Lobe
82. Retardation with IQ scores falling below 20
Moderate Severe
ProfOlUld Mild
83. Endocrine glands secrete their hormones directly into:
Liver Pancreas
Blood Kidneys
84. TheconceptofIntelligenceQuotientwasdeveloped by:
WilliamStern WiliiamWundt
Binet Wechsler
85. Productive thinking with novel rather than routine outcomes:
Recall Creative thinking
Relearning Recognition
86. An urge to attain some goal object:
Emotion Maturation
Motive Development
87. Internalconditionsdirecting anorganismtowardaspecificgoal:
Instinct Emotion
Intelligence Drive
88. A relatively enduring personality characteristic which can be measured
Type Ego
Trait Super ego
89. The integration ofid, cgo and Super cgo:
Instinct Per.ronality
Development Growth
90. ProjectivetestconsistingofI0cards with colored inkblots
WISC Rorschach test
(Cl WAiS Sentence Completion test
91. Thc mask worn by an actor in ancient times to indicate his role:
Persona Device
Apparatus lns1nunent
92. Excluding threatening or painful thoughts from consciousness
Regression Projection
Rationalization Repression
93. Hunting for reasons to justifY one's behavior:
Displacement Projection
Rationalization Repression
94. Readoptionofresponses,characteristic ofanearlierphase ofdevclopment:
Regression Repression
Displacement Identification
95. The child's use ofparents as models to imiiate is called
Compensation Identification
Displacement .Rationalization
96. Conflict in which a person is motivated to approach two different goals that are equally attractive:
Approach-Approach Approach-Avoidancc
Avoidance-Avoidance Adjusanent
97. Thurstone Equal appearing interval method is used to measure:
Motivation Emotion
Attitude Per.ronality
SSD-24015-D 12
98. A theory focuses on attitude change:
Social icaming theory Balance theory
Psycho-analytic theory Drive theory
99. Festinger's Cognitive Dissonance theory is related 10:
Moral development Emotions
Psycho-social development Attitudes
100. Reasonably accuratc understanding ofsomeone else's experience:
Sympathy CommWlication
Cognition Fmpathy
101. Variable manipulated in an experimenttodetenninc its effect on behavior:
Situational variable Intervening variable
Independent variable Dependent variable
102, ANeuroniscomposed oftwotypes ofnervefibresnamely.axonsand: NM
Dendrites Fovea
103. Sensory neurons are also known as
Efferent Neurons Afferent Neurons
Synapse Vertebre
104. Secretions secreted by endocrine glands:
Photopsin Honnoncs
Jelly Saliva
105. Gland or small structure located below the brain stem:
Pituitarygland Thyroidgland
Gonads Adrenals
106. Motor neurons are also known as
EfferentNeurons Afferent Neurons
Synapse Vertebre
107. Retum ofa conditioned response afterextinction
Spontaneous Recovery
Shaping Modelling
SSD-24015-1> 13
108. An aggressive impatient behavior pattern associated with coronary disease
Type Type
Endomorphy Mesomorphy
109. Individual intelligence test for children
110. Onecelledorganismresultingfromtheunion ofspermand egg:
Embryo Fetus
Zygote Mitosis
III. Subjects who receive the treatment ofinterest in an experiment:
Control group Intervening group
Dependent group Experimental group
112. Development that takes place [rom head to toe is known as
Cognition Motivation
Proximodista1 Cephalocaudal
113. Subjects who do not receive the treatment ofinterests in an experiment:
• Control group Experimental group
Intervening group Independent group
114. Study in which subjects ofdifferent ages are measured on one occasion:
Longitudinal study Cross sectional study
Case history Simulation method
11 5. The operating Principle for the id
Morality Principle Reality Principle
Pleasure Principle Closure Principle
116. Observable characteristics ofa person:
Ectomorphic Endomorphic
Genotype Phenotype
SSD-240IS-D 14 117. Aperson'sconcept ofwhathc orsheis:
Selfconcept Ideal self
Looking glass self Selfesteem
118. Deliberaterepetitionofinformationtokeepit inmemory:
Recall Rehearsal
Recognition Redintegration
119. How people evaluate themselves is called
Selfabasement Ideal self
LookinggJass self Selfesteem
. 120. Endocrine gland called as master gland
Thyroid gland Adrenal gland
Pituitary gland Gonads
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