Exam Details

Subject pharmaceutical chemistry (chemistry of natural products)
Exam / Course b. pharmacy 3/4
Organization G. Pulla Reddy College Of Pharmacy
Exam Date April, 2016
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

B. Pharmacy 3/4 II-Semester (Main) Examination, April 2016
Subject Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Chemistry of Natural Products)
Time 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 Explain the constitution of Fructose.
Define, classify and write a note on Pharmaceutical importance of Carbohydrates.
Define and classify the lipids. Explain the IP analytical methods of oils.
Write the structure and nomenclature of constituents of any two oils.
2 Define and classify the amino acids. Write three methods of amino acid synthesis.
Discuss about Protein synthesis.
Discuss the constitution of Oxytocin.
Write the color reaction of protein and amino acids.
3 Define and classify the Flavonoids and their biological importance.
Discuss chemistry of citral, menthol and camphor.
Write the sources, therapeutic significance and structural features of
Amygdalin Quercetin
4 Define and classify the alkaloids.
Elucidate the structure of Ephedrine.
Explain the Hoffmann's exhaustive methylation method.
Discuss the sources and chemistry of Quinine.
5 Define steroids. Classify and give the color reactions of steroids.
Explain the position of angular methyl groups in Cholesterol.
Write about
Cardiac glycoside Oral contraceptives


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  • pharmaceutical chemistry (chemistry of natural products)
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