Exam Details

Subject pharmaceutical chemistry (chemistry of natural products)
Exam / Course b. pharmacy 3/4
Organization G. Pulla Reddy College Of Pharmacy
Exam Date April, 2018
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

B. Pharmacy 3/4 II-Semester (Main) Examination, April 2018
Subject Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Chemistry of Natural Products)
Time 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 Classify carbohydrates with examples. Write structure, properties and reactions
of fructose.
What are 'Compound lipids'. Define each class with examples. Write
physiological importance of oils and fats.
Write a note on Isomerism in carbohydrates. Write the chemistry and
applications of starch.
Define and write the significance of acid value, saponification value and
iodine value .
2 Write about
Isoelectric point
Ninhydrin reaction
(iii)Method for isolation of amino acids
Discuss chemistry and uses of Oxytocin.
Write about
Sanger's method
Secondary structure of proteins
Discuss chemistry and therapeutic significance of thyroxine.
3 Classify terpenoids with examples. Explain reactions used for determining
the nature of oxygen atom.
Discuss Chemistry of citral.
Write a note on methods for extraction of essential oils. Write structure and
uses of menthol and amygdalin.
Discuss chemistry of quercitin.
4 Describe the general procedure for extraction of alkaloids. Write a note on
the color tests for identification of alkaloids.
Write structure and identification Test for Ephedrine Quinine
Classify alkaloids. Write their physiological and pharmaceutical importance.
Discuss chemistry of papaverine.
5 Write a detail note on 7x2
Cardiac glycosides Steroidal Saponins
Write about:
Bile acids Contraceptives


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