Exam Details

Subject law
Paper paper 3
Exam / Course ugc net national eligibility test
Organization university grants commission
Exam Date 28, August, 2016
City, State ,

Question Paper


J-58-16 1 P.T.O.

Paper III

Note This paper contains seventy five objective type questions of two marks each. All questions are compulsory.
1. Read Assertion and Reason and give the correct answer using the codes given below Assertion By amendment, the parliament cannot destroy the Basic features of the
Constitution of India. Reason The power to amend, does not include the power to abrogate the Constitution of India.

Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of

Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

is false, but is true.

is true, but is false.

2. The Special Bench of the Supreme Court unanimously observed that, even petitions filed under Article 32 are subject to the general principle of res judicata in one of the following cases.

M.S.M. Sharma v/s. Dr. Sree Krishna Sinha

S.P. Gupta v/s. Union of India

Charanlal Sahu v/s. K.R. Narayanan

Ranji Thomas v/s. Union of India

3. Which of the following Article/Articles of the Constitution empowers the Parliament and the Legislature of a State to create 'the contingency Fund of India' or "the Contingency Fund of the State"?
265 266
267 268


and and

and only

4. In case of a bill other than money bill the State Legislative Council

can veto the bill

cannot veto the bill

request a joint session of the Legislature

send the fill back for reconsideration

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5. In case of inconsistency between the laws made by Parliament and the laws made by the State Legislature, which one of the following shall prevail

The Law made by Legislature of the State.

The Law made by Parliament before the Law made by Legislature of the State.

The Law made by Parliament after the law made by the State.

The Law made by Parliament either before or after the law made by the Legislature of the State.

6. The term includes every branch of Law, yet there is difference between Constitutional law made in exercise of Sovereign Powers and hence an amendment is not covered within the definition of Law provided in Article and of the Constitution of India. This observation was made by the Supreme Court in

Sajjan Singh v/s. State of Rajasthan

Sankari Prasad v/s. Union of India

Golaknath v/s. State of Punjab

Maneka Gandhi v/s. Union of India

7. Match List-I with List-II and give the correct answer by using codes given below the lists. List- I List- II

Rajesh Gupta v/s. State of U.P. Execution of Death
sentence by public hanging.

Attorney General of India v/s. Reservation to women.
Lachma Devi

Avinash Mehrotra v/s. Union of Traffic in human beings
India includes devadasis.

Vishal Jeet v/s. Union of India Right to safe education.


8. Match List-I with List-II and find the correct answer by using codes given below the lists. List- I List- II

A.C. Jose v/s. Sivan Pillai Powers of Electron Commissioners

S.S. Dhanoa v/s. Union of India Provisions for NOTA

Digivijay Mote v/s. Union of Use of electronic machines for India casting votes

Peoples union for Civil liberties Postponement of the election on v/s. Union of India account of disturbed conditions






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9. Read Assertion and Reason and answer by using the codes given below Assertion Administrative law is a law, but it is not law in the lawyer's sense of the term like property or contract law.
Reason In India, Administrative law, is a combination of judicial precedents and statutes.


Both and are true and is correct explanation of

Both and are true, but is not correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.

10. In which of the following cases doctrine of necessity was applied by the Supreme Court Answer by using the codes below

Election Commission of India v/s. Dr. Subramaniam Swamy.

Ashok Kumar Yadav v/s. State of Haryana.

Institute of Charted Accountants of India v/s. L.K. Ratna.

Amarnath Chowdhary v/s. Braithwaite.


and only and only

and only and all

11. In which of following cases the Supreme Court of India made reference to 'legitimate expectation' to review the administrative action

State of Haryana v/s. Darshana Devi.

State of Kerala v/s. K.G. Madhavan Pillai.

Mahavir Singh v/s. State of Rajasthan.

SAHELI, A Women Resource Centre v/s. Commissioner of Police.

12. Which of the following statement is correct in relation to the establishment of Lokayukta under the Lokpal and Lokayukta Act, 2013

Every State shall establish Lokayukta strictly under this Act within four years from the date of commencement of the Act.

Every State shall establish Lokayukta by the law of legislature, if not established earlier, within one year from the date of commencement of the Act.

The states already having Lokayukta shall amend their Acts within one year and other states shall establish within two years from the date of commencement of the Act.

States need not to establish Lokayukta.





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13. In the following cases Lokpal has jurisdiction to conduct inquiry. Answer by using the codes below

Member of Parliament

Group and public servants

Employee of the Board or Corporation or Company financed by Central Government.

Any officer of Society or Association or Trust wholly or partly financed by Central Government.


and only and only

and only and all

14. Give correct answer by using the codes given below

The writ of mandamus as well as the writ of certiorari is available against administrative authorities as well as judicial and Quasi judicial authorities.

The writ of mandamus acts where authority declines jurisdiction whereas the writ of certiorari acts where the courts and tribunals exceed their jurisdiction.

The writ of mandamus compels whereas the writ of certioraris corrects.


Only is correct. Only and are correct.

Only and are correct. and all are correct.

15. Match List-I with List-II using codes given below List- I List- II

A.K. Kraipak v/s. Union of India. Rule of Pecuniary bias.

Gullapalli Nageswar Rao v/s. A.P.S.R.T. Rule of official bias.

State of Orissa v/s. Binapani Devi. Rule of Personal bias.

Mahapatra Co. v/s. State of Orissa. Rule of hearing.


16. Which one of the following theories of punishment studies the psychology of the criminal and takes the punishment as a social end

Preventive Deterrent

Reformative Retributive





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17. "The movement of progressive societies has hitherto been a movement from status to contract." This statement is of

Savigny Roscoe Pound

Henery Maine Puchta

18. The difference between judicial and legislative creativity has been that "the creative power of the court is limited by existing legal material at their command. They find the material and shape it. The legislature may manufacture entirely new material." This statement is of

Kelsen Blackstone

Allen Bentham

19. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using codes given below.
List- I List- II (Statement) (Kind of Possession)

Principal deposits goods with an agent. Corporeal Possession

Buyer purchasing a book from the shopkeeper. Mediate Possession

Owner losing his watch. Incorporeal Possession

Author's copyright to his work. Immediate Possession


20. Read Assertion and Reason and give the correct answer with the help of codes given below Assertion The most important power of an owner is the right to exclude others.
Reason The owner may grant to another many of his rights and yet remain owner. Codes

and are true and is the correct explanation of

and are true, but is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.

17. "¯ÖÏ

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