Exam Details
Subject | management concepts | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.com. | |
Department | ||
Organization | solapur university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | November, 2017 | |
City, State | maharashtra, solapur |
Question Paper
M.Com. (Semester (CBCS) Examination Oct/Nov-2017
Day Date: Thursday, 16-11-2017 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives: 14
During the communication process, the message is converted to a
symbolic form, called
Decoding Encoding
Deciphering Expanding
The final step in the decision- making process is to
Pick the criteria for the next decision
Reevaluate the weightings of the criteria until they indicate the correct
Evaluate the outcome of the decision
Reassign the ratings on the criteria to find different outcomes
Deciding in advance the future course of action is
Motivation Decision making
Organizing Planning
The process of monitoring, comparing and correcting is called
Controlling Coordinating
Leading Organizing
A function which a manager performs to arrive at a conclusion and
judgment is
Coordination Decision making
Planning Communication
Need hierarchy theory of motivation is given by
Herzberg Urwick
McGregor Maslow
Which description best characterizes a 9,1 leadership style on the
managerial grid?
Impoverished management Task management
Middle of the road management Country club management
The final link in the communication process is
Encoding Decoding
Feed forward Feedback
A model of leadership that describes the relationship between leadership
style and specific organizational situations is referred as
Contingency approach Behavioral approach
Trait approach Organizational approach
Page 2 of 2
10) Long term employment is the feature of
Need theory Theory X
Control None of these
11) Which leadership style tends to centralize authority and make unilateral
Cultural style Autocratic style
Democratic style Laissez-faire style
12) Which of the following must be present in order to initiate the decisionmaking
Plenty of time Pressure of act
A lack of authority A lack of resources
13) The most effective leader is one who
Has the leadership style most appropriate to the situation and the
employee involved
Has the leadership according to the environment
Has the leadership style with own rules
None of the above
14) Motivation is related to
Planning Controlling
Leading Directing
Q.2 Write short notes on: 14
Trait approach of leadership.
Environment levels in management.
Q.3 Answer in brief: 14
Rationality in decision making.
Need and significance of coordination.
Q.4 Answer any one of the following questions: 14
Define the term Control. Explain the objectives, nature and process of
control in detail.
Define the term leadership. Briefly explain various theories of leadership.
Q.5 Answer any one of the following questions: 14
Explain the process of Communication. State various techniques of good
What is Motivation? Discuss about different theories of motivation.
Day Date: Thursday, 16-11-2017 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives: 14
During the communication process, the message is converted to a
symbolic form, called
Decoding Encoding
Deciphering Expanding
The final step in the decision- making process is to
Pick the criteria for the next decision
Reevaluate the weightings of the criteria until they indicate the correct
Evaluate the outcome of the decision
Reassign the ratings on the criteria to find different outcomes
Deciding in advance the future course of action is
Motivation Decision making
Organizing Planning
The process of monitoring, comparing and correcting is called
Controlling Coordinating
Leading Organizing
A function which a manager performs to arrive at a conclusion and
judgment is
Coordination Decision making
Planning Communication
Need hierarchy theory of motivation is given by
Herzberg Urwick
McGregor Maslow
Which description best characterizes a 9,1 leadership style on the
managerial grid?
Impoverished management Task management
Middle of the road management Country club management
The final link in the communication process is
Encoding Decoding
Feed forward Feedback
A model of leadership that describes the relationship between leadership
style and specific organizational situations is referred as
Contingency approach Behavioral approach
Trait approach Organizational approach
Page 2 of 2
10) Long term employment is the feature of
Need theory Theory X
Control None of these
11) Which leadership style tends to centralize authority and make unilateral
Cultural style Autocratic style
Democratic style Laissez-faire style
12) Which of the following must be present in order to initiate the decisionmaking
Plenty of time Pressure of act
A lack of authority A lack of resources
13) The most effective leader is one who
Has the leadership style most appropriate to the situation and the
employee involved
Has the leadership according to the environment
Has the leadership style with own rules
None of the above
14) Motivation is related to
Planning Controlling
Leading Directing
Q.2 Write short notes on: 14
Trait approach of leadership.
Environment levels in management.
Q.3 Answer in brief: 14
Rationality in decision making.
Need and significance of coordination.
Q.4 Answer any one of the following questions: 14
Define the term Control. Explain the objectives, nature and process of
control in detail.
Define the term leadership. Briefly explain various theories of leadership.
Q.5 Answer any one of the following questions: 14
Explain the process of Communication. State various techniques of good
What is Motivation? Discuss about different theories of motivation.
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