Exam Details
Subject | management concepts | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.com. | |
Department | ||
Organization | solapur university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | October, 2018 | |
City, State | maharashtra, solapur |
Question Paper
M.Com. (Semester (CBCS) Examination Nov/Dec-2018
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives: 14
Deciding in advance the future course of action is
Planning Organizing
Directing Motivating
Contingency approach is also known as
Situational approach System approach
Scientific approach Functional approach
is the ability to influence a group towards the achievement of goals.
Motivation Leadership
Workmenship None of these
Two factor theory of motivation is developed by
Henry Fayol Frederic Herzberg
Urwicked David McClelland
concept is given by Peter Drucker.
Managerial Grid concept on styles of leadership developed by
Likert Blake and Mouton
Hersey None of these
Autocratic Leadership is effective in
Ordinary Situation Normal Situation
Emergency Situation None of these
Theory people is
Dynamic Idle
Self-disciplined None of these
Maslow's theory of motivation deals with
Theory X and Y Different types of behavior
Hierarchy of needs None of these
10) The situational theory is based on
High Low
Maturity None of these
11) Budget is single-use planning expressed in Terms.
Quantitative Qualitative
Both None of these
12) developed the contingency theory of leadership.
Likert Hersey and Blanchards
Blake and Mountond Fiedler
Page 2 of 2
13) Team management leader has concern for both production and
Minimum Maximum
Equal None of these
14) In Communication, the sender communicates to the receiver but
does not want a feedback from the receiver.
One-Way Two-Way
Diagonal None
Q.2 Answer the following. 14
Characteristics of a Sound Plan
Likerts Four System Leadership
Q.3 Answer the following. 14
Explain Managerial Grid Theory.
Write the process of Motivation.
Q.4 Answer any one of the following questions: 14
What is Leadership? Explain in detail the various styles of Leadership.
Define Controlling and Explain process of Controlling.
Q.5 Answer any one of the following questions: 14
What is Decision Making? Explain steps in Decision Making.
Define the term Communication and Explain the Communication process
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives: 14
Deciding in advance the future course of action is
Planning Organizing
Directing Motivating
Contingency approach is also known as
Situational approach System approach
Scientific approach Functional approach
is the ability to influence a group towards the achievement of goals.
Motivation Leadership
Workmenship None of these
Two factor theory of motivation is developed by
Henry Fayol Frederic Herzberg
Urwicked David McClelland
concept is given by Peter Drucker.
Managerial Grid concept on styles of leadership developed by
Likert Blake and Mouton
Hersey None of these
Autocratic Leadership is effective in
Ordinary Situation Normal Situation
Emergency Situation None of these
Theory people is
Dynamic Idle
Self-disciplined None of these
Maslow's theory of motivation deals with
Theory X and Y Different types of behavior
Hierarchy of needs None of these
10) The situational theory is based on
High Low
Maturity None of these
11) Budget is single-use planning expressed in Terms.
Quantitative Qualitative
Both None of these
12) developed the contingency theory of leadership.
Likert Hersey and Blanchards
Blake and Mountond Fiedler
Page 2 of 2
13) Team management leader has concern for both production and
Minimum Maximum
Equal None of these
14) In Communication, the sender communicates to the receiver but
does not want a feedback from the receiver.
One-Way Two-Way
Diagonal None
Q.2 Answer the following. 14
Characteristics of a Sound Plan
Likerts Four System Leadership
Q.3 Answer the following. 14
Explain Managerial Grid Theory.
Write the process of Motivation.
Q.4 Answer any one of the following questions: 14
What is Leadership? Explain in detail the various styles of Leadership.
Define Controlling and Explain process of Controlling.
Q.5 Answer any one of the following questions: 14
What is Decision Making? Explain steps in Decision Making.
Define the term Communication and Explain the Communication process
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