Exam Details

Subject translation studies
Exam / Course ph d
Organization central university
Exam Date 2011
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

Time: 2 Hours Marks: 75
Hall Ticket No:
Code NO: X -69

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I. isa BangIa writer.
.A. Indira Goswami
B. Ram Vral Shastri
C. Budhadev Bose
D. Ninoal Venna
2. "Sonnet" consists of lines.
A. 18
B. 14
C. 21
D. 12
3. is nola nOel by Dankimchar.Jm Chanopadh)ay:
A. Devadas
B. Anandamalh
C. Kapalakundala
D. Durgeshanandini
4. The following phrase comes from William Shakespeare's play Haml.,:
A. 'Action is e1oqucncc'
B. greal in as you have been in thoughl'
C. <To be or not to be; that is the qucstion'
D. "Assume virtuc, ifyou have it nor'
5. Tick Ihe odd one out:
A. Kannada
B. Telugu
C. Khasi
D. Malaya/am
6. Number ofIndian women writers who won the prestigious Man Booker Prize:
A. 4
B. 2
C. 3
D. I
7. My Slory is an aUlobiographical work by:
A. Shashi Deshpande
B. Shashi Taroor
C. Kamala Das
D. Amnia Pritam
8. 'Tamasha' is n folk dmlce of:
A. Maharnstra
B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Bengal
D. Gujarot
9. Bharatipura is a no'el by:
A. Ninnal Verma
B. M T Vasudcvan Nair
C. Kinm Desai
D. U R Ananthmurty
10. is a novel by Th.kazhi Shi"",,"karn Pillai:
A. Keshavante ViI.panga)
B. N.lukCIIU
C. Chemmcen
D. Ma>'}'azhippuzhayude Theerongalil
Questions 11-16: Read the following paragraph and answer Ihe que.,tions hased on It.
At some level. every book written by an Indian, inside the country or abroad. is part of a thing called 'Indian Literature'. But the institutions that could produce a coherent and unified knowledge of the v3l'ious language-literature in either in a strictly comparitivist framework or as a unified. albeit multilingual object of knowledge. have had a
rother sporodie development, so that despite superb work by individual schnlars. there arc
very few institutional sites where such knowledge may be systcmati7.ed and Jisseminated among large numbers of students nod teachers. As a result, the intelligentsia that could reproduce these knowledges on an extended scale remains quite dispersed and in some key areas largely undeveloped,leading to several kinds ofdiffieully.
II. The above passage
A. valorizes 'Indian literature'
B. problematises 'Indian literature'
C. complains about literature in Indin
D. blames the intelligentsia in India
12. I Albeit' means:
A. altogether
B. bY means of
C. as a result
D. although


13. 'Sporadic' can mean either:
A. scallcred or isolated
B. pervasive or all-eneompassing
C. here and there or everywhere
D. rare or not usual
14. Which ofthe following words does not carry the meamng of'dissc:minatc'?
A. Sow
B. Diffuse
C. Circulate
D. Store
15. Intelligentsia designates the:
A. Intellectual classes in a society
B. Intelligence quotient
C. Intelligence department
D. Any group ofpeople who intelligently
16. In this paragraph, the author laments the laek of:
A. Intelligent people in India
B. Institutional sites that can disseminate knowledge on litcrnturc in India
C. Intcrested teachers 3J1d students
D. Any group ofpeople who behaves intelligently
17. Shilpa's sister-in-law is the daughter ofRahul. IfShilpa is the only child ofher parents, then how is Shilpa's husband related 10 R:lhul?
A. Son
8. Father
C. Uncle
D. Father-in-law
18. Which was the first newspaper to be published in India?
A. The Hindu
B. Bengal Chronicle
C. Bengal Gazette
D. Bombay Samachar
19. Who among the following wrote RDmayana in Him/rl
A. Kabe..
8. Ramdas
C. Guru Arjun
D. Tulsidas

20. Lord Buddha wos born in
A. Vaishali
B. Lumbini
C. BodhGay.
D. Mathura
21. Mateh the following:
I. Eugene Nida A. Translation Studies
2. Susan Bassnett B. Te>-tbook ofTransl.tion
J. Peter Newm:uk C. Translation Studies Reader
4. L:m renee Venuti D. Towards a Science
The correct order is:
A. 4-C.
B. 4-D.
C. 4-D.
D. 4-C.
QuestioD' 22-24: Cbooselbe most appropriate word to eomplete tbe aDalogy.
22. WEARY: ENERGETIC:: timid:
A. Shy
B. Bold
C. Healthy
D. Intelligent
A. Sunlight
B. Dull
C. Water
D. House

A. lIuge
B. Tiny
C. Beside
D. Near
Queslion. 25-27: In eaoh of the queslion. ..1001 the word most nearly OPPOSITE In mo:anlng to tho oapitallzed ,,·onl.

A. Thooretical
B. Experimental
C. Psychological
D. Thoughtful
A. Trivial
B. Lu<tful
C. Fruitful
D. Dumble
A. Selflessness
B. Altruism
C. Selfishness

28. [met lawyer who lives in our street.
A. An
B. A

D. None
29. We h.ve great pleasure meeting you.
A. Over
B. Of
C. About
D. In
30. Which of the following words is wrongly spelt?
A. Reequire
B. Acquire
C. Tackle
D. Pickle
3I. Which ofthe following words is com:ctly spelt?
A. Annonymolls
B. Anonymous
C. Aniversary
D. Tommorrow
32. Gideon TouryOs approoch is known as:
A. Source-language oriented approach
B. Communicative approach
C. Scientific approoch
D. Target-oriented approach
33. Eugene Nida distinguishes bchccn "dynamic equivalence' .nd
A. Literal
B. Tex-ru.1
C. Fonn.'
D. Oblique
34. Etymology me.ns:
A. A study of insects
B. Study of word origins
C. Study of atoms
D. Study ofvocol sounds
35. considers translation as a semiotic process:
A. Roman Jakobson
B. Thea Hennans
C. Anton Popovic.
D. John Dryden
36. 'Ghatotkacha' is a character in:
A. Mahabharala
B. Ram.yana
C. Bhagavala
D. Uttararamacharitha
When a novel is made into a film it is called:
A. Intra-semiotic translation
B. Inter-semiotic translation
C. rnter-Iingual transl.tion
D. Intra-lingual tronslation 38. After Babel is a work on translation by:
A. Hilaire Bellce
B. Catherine Belsey
C. George Steiner
D. Joseph Graham
39. By genre we mean:
A. the artistic genius oflhe writer
B. the originality of a literary text
C. the attitude of a speaker in a literal) Ie"
D. a specific mode or kind ofliterary practice
40. is a famous Tolmil D3lit "Tiler:
A. Barna
B. Co Ayyappan
C. Lalilhambika Antharjenam
D. Sharan Kumar Limbale
41. Jhulan is a novel by:
A. Siddhalingayya
B. Arjun Dangle
C. Omprakash Valmiki
D. Bhimraa Shirwale
42. The idea of /l'eltliteratur (world literature) was propounded by:
A. Johann Wolfgangvon Goethe
B. Madame de Stae!
C. Leo Tolstoy
D. Bertolt Brecht
43. is a dance fonn from the North Eastern part oflndia:
A. Garbha
B. Odissi
C. Bihu
D. Bhavai
44. Tick the odd member out:
A. Vyasa
B. Valmiki
C. John Milton
D. Charles Dickens
45. Who \TOte the introduction for the English translation ofTngore's GitanjaJi:
A. W. H. Auden
B. W. B. Yeals
C. John Keals
D. William Wordsworth
46. is not n post-colonial writer:
A. Homi Bhabha
B. Helon Tiffins
C. Gayatri Chakravarty Spivak
D. Raymond Williams
47. A Room ofOne', Own was written by:
A. Virginia Wolf
B. Simone de Beauvoir
C. Emily Bronle
D. Jane Austen
48. ho.< changed the direclion ofthoughl in Translation Studies:
A. Structuralism
B. Deconstruction
C. Feminism
D. Marxism
49. Speaking ofSh;"a is lranslaled by:
A. Sluart Blackburn
B. Velehero Narayana Rao
C. A. K. Ramanujan
D. Nissim Ezekiel
so. is nol a lexicographer:
A. Ferdinand Kittel
B. C. P. Brown
C. Sita Ram Lalas
D. Naval Kishore Munshi
5I. The nOlion of polysyslem Iheory is proposed by:
A. George Luis Borges
B. ltamar Even-Zohar
C. Ezra Pound
D. Vladimir Nabokov 52. Gender in Trans/alion is a book by:
A. Lori Chamberlain
B. Keilh Harvey
C. Sherry Simon
D. Kwame Anthony Appiah
53. is a play by Girish Kama<!
A. Shantalha Court Chaloo Ah.
B. Andhayug
C. Sangya·Balya
D. Vaynati
54. Wordsworth's poems belong to school of poetry:
A. Metaphysical
B. Neo-classical
C. Romi1Jltic
D. Classical
55. Vikramon'ashi)'tl is a play by:
A. Bha..
B. KaJidasa
C. Bhavabhuti
D. Bharavi
56. Oharata wrotc:
A. Natyashastra
B. Soopashas/ra
C. Nalyaratnakora
D. RasasiddhanJa
5;. is an Odiya writer:
A. Prcmi Harikrishna
B. Bhisham Sohni
C. Sam..
D. Fakir Mohan Senapati
58. The Romantic Movement in Telugu is called:
A. Navodaya
B. Adhunika Kavitvam
C. Navoddhana kavithvam
D. Bhava Kavitvam
59. Prem Chand used to \rite in:
A. Hindi and Urdu
B. Hindi and English
C. Urdu and English
D. Hindi alone
60. is • novel on Kolk:lQ:
A. Shantaram
B. Q&A
C. 17,. City ofJoy
D. 17>e Name ofthe Rose
61. The international prize UlJt is meant only lor female authors:
A. Commonwealth Writer's PrilC
B. Orange Broadband Prize for F:ction
C. \lanvick Prize for Vritins
D. Man Booker Prize
62. novcl won the Man Booker Prize in 2010:
A. The Finkler Question
B. The White Tiger
C. SeaofPoppies
D. Animal's People
63. is a culluml anthropologist who was also written on tr:mslatioh:
A. Dipank:lr Gupta
B. Edward Said
C. Aijaz Ahmed
D. Talal Azad
64. is an essay on translation by Walter Renjamin:
A. The Task ofthe Translator
B. Meaning and translation
C. Translation Shifts
D. Translation as a Decision Process
65. Practical Criticism is a book by:
A. Terry Eagleton
B. Herald Bloom
C. I. A. Richards
D. F. R. Levis

66. Tick the odd member out
A. Michael Foucault
B. G. W. F. Hegel
C. Jacques Dcrrida
D. Paul de Man
67. W. O. V. Quine talked about:
A. Dreading and Recoding
B. Cultural translation
C. Indeterminacy of translation
D. Translation as rewriting
68. The language from which the translation is being done is called .:J.s:
A. Mother tongue
B. Source language
C. Receptor language
D. Original language
69. Trooslator of Rubaiyyal into Englbh:
A. Edward Fitzgerald
B. Harivamsh Rai Baechao
C. William Jones
D. Ezra Pound
70. Syntax deals with
A. Words
B. Discourse
C. Phonemes
D. Sentences
71. Discovery ofIndia isatext by
A. Mobathma Gandhi
B. Motilal Nehru
C. Jawaharlal Nehru
D. A.L.Basham
'DefamiliarisationS is a concept in:

New Criticism

B. Structuralism
C. The Chicago School
D. Russian Formalism
73. Ash/adhya)'i is. work by:
A. Bh:ll1rbari
B. Panini
C. Bham.h.
D. Abhin.v.gupta
74. 'Beating around the bush' means:
A. indirect answer to a question
B. good expression
C. saying nothing
D. creating 3I11bivalcnce
75. Siting Transla/ion is a book by:
A. Rita Kothari
B. Rukmini Bhaya Nair
c. Tc:jaswini Niranjana
D. Mcenakshi Mukhcrjc:c


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