Exam Details

Subject philosophy
Paper paper 2
Exam / Course civil services main optional
Organization union public service commission
Exam Date 2012
City, State central government,

Question Paper

Write aitica.1 on enc.b of the following in not than 150 words oach =SO
'"Oemocmc commlttcd treaUnr evcrybo y
equally. is ineffective w..a t,-ystcm or go.vernmen??.??·.
Who amongst AuS'tln, Bodin and Laski, is the mobt
tons.i.stent. in his analysis of Lhc concept kr
The 4politica) idcologl of Annrchia:m.
Cd) Woman empowerment and Social Justice.
Can we dis.soci.ato righe..,.. citiicos fronr, their
2 . ..S eculariam in the Indian context is not a rojectfol".I
o(. religion but a (ellowahip of rcligjon.a: Oiscuu. · 20
Ia thor:o o noee11tary connection. between social
progrcit :G.nd prot.ection fomalc foet.id'de
Di,cu.ss. • 20
In what way11 is Humanism diffcircnt• Crom
Mnrxism Discuss. 20

3 . Whnt. it multlcultumlism Can it bo an
impediment 1roi development and progr,ess
Discuss. 20
Which of Lho theories or punishment would help us
prevent the crmc or corrupt.ion in Indian society?
Discuu. 20
Cc) "Doninl of B«e'ss and intioritanee of la,nd and
property t.o womo..n ia a denio.l oft.heir fundo.ment.aJ
rights as humuns." Discuss. 20
What were Gandhi's views on v11ri and jliti
Critically disc:u,s Ambedkar's diiagreemeni wit.b
Gandhi's tTeabnent ua.r,.ia . 30
What. cnn the cnu&e.s for mas.a violerice Can
mtiss violence o....,6-r be justified en mora.l grounds
Discu.s.s. 30

Dis.cuss aU five of the following in not more tbBlf
150 words eath · 12x5=60
"God permitted suffering to discipline the human
b<>ing." I
Can the oxistoncc of Cod be proved with! 4gent
and convincing rationnl argument.s
1 Are rebirth and liberation analogou.t; conc??
Can the 'not.ion of absolute trufa be justified on
rational grounds
(el Oo th o concepts of lshuo'rci and Brahman signify
the aame :reality in Advaita Vedanta
"IC God does not exilt th.en why ah.ould bo
moral all the time Dlacu&s.
Analyse Paul Tillich' s statemCWt that "s??bolic
hm.gungc alone is. able t.o express the ultimele.,.
Discuss the cognitivisL ae<0unt of the oati'° of
rcligious language.

"'Explain tho distinction 1b??tween Deism and
Is tho idea of immortality of tbe soul utopian or it . .
is reaHzab1e Discuss.
ean ht! morsl without being religious, but. l
cannot be religious without being moral." Do you
agree 7 Oive reasons yOur an.ewer.
What. is the object. of TCUgious experience .J& it.
omphice l or trana-empiriul Explain in detail.
Tho conc ept of re veletion is essentially opp0sad to
religious pluralism. Do you '9.gnlO? Give reasons for
your answer.


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