Exam Details

Subject philosophy
Paper paper 2
Exam / Course civil services main optional
Organization union public service commission
Exam Date 2010
City, State central government,

Question Paper

Main Exam 2010 Question Paper -II PHILOSOPHY

Time Allowed Three Hours Maximum Marks 300
Each question is printed both in Hind'i and
in English.
Answers must be written in. the · medium
specified iri the Admission Certificate issued
to you, which mua, be stated elearly on the
cover of the answer-book in the space
provided for the purpose. No marks will be
giuen for the answers rpritten in a medium
other ·thaft that spe??fied in the Admission
Candidates sh·ould attempt Question Nos. 1
and 5 which are compulsory, and any three
of the remai'ning questions .selecting at least
one questio_n from each Section.
The number of marks carri.ed by each
question is: indicated at the end of· the
Answers should be precise and to .. the-point.

1. Answer all the four parts belQw in not more
than 150 words· each l 5x4=60
{a)Discuss tht nature of relationship between Liberty and Equality.
(b)Why did Kautilya think that sovereignty is hierarchical? Explain.
(c)Does Accoun t,.1 bility necessarilv contribute to moral perfection? Offe·iyour views.
Is social progress possible without Huinanisrn? Examine.

2. Answer all the three parts below in about 200 words each 20x3=60

Which type of · Socialism, according to you. is superior-Utopian or Democratic? Why?
"Caste 1s not a sin, but caste discrimination is As a concerned citizen, comment critically on this statement.
Does the right to property bring economic disparity and threaten human fraternity? Discuss.

3. Answer all. the three parts below in about 200 words each 20x3=60

1s majority-rule meaningfully reflected in present-day democratic governments? Substantiate your answer with suitable examples.
Can only the political empowerment of women wipe out gender discrimination in a male-dominated Indian society?
If capital punishment is legally awarded, then no ethico-political consideration should subvert it. Express your opinion for or against.

4. Answer all the three parts below in about 200 words each 20x3=60

Whlch type of individual, according to you, can contribute more to strengthen the State-a liberalist or a socialist?
Does Bodin's theory of sovereignty 'float in the air? Critically examine.
List the various 'sanctions' permitting genocide and clearly bt;ing out the ethical counter-arguments against each .


5. Answer each of the following 1n not _nore than 150 words l 5x4=60
What iss J:he central concept in a religion without God? Discuss.
"The problem of evil arises when we attribute ipfinite knowledge, rwwer and goodness to God acknowledging the fact of innocent persons' suffering. One cannot be mistaken about .one is own · experience, and suffering is an 'experience. Hence, Gqc:fc'"°annot have-at 'least one 6i the three attributes infinite knowledge, ·. power and goodness." ·Evaluate this argument.
What sort of criterion can one provide for identifying rebirth as opposed to birth? Discuss.
If morality has to follow from religion, · can there be rational justification for "moral actions?Discuss

6. Answer each of the following in about 200 words 20x3=60

l s contingent argun1ent for the existence of God anything more than a logical exercise? D1scuss.
lf each and every argument has to take . that its premises are true, would the causal ·argument for the existence of God as First Cause be different from assun1ing that it is true? Argue in favour of your position.
Human mind is uch that it naturally observes order in nature. Given this, can one use argµment from Design for the existence of God? Discuss

7. Answer each part below in about 200 words 20X3=60

Why is grace of God needed for liberation? Discuss with an example.
Distinguish between Indian concept of 'Jivatma1 and Plato's concept of 'Soul.
If ignorance is the cause of suffering, knowledge should remove suffe:ring. What is the notion of knowledge which a liberated person acquires? Discuss.

8. Answer each part bcl ow in about 200 words 20x3=60
If religious_ experience is unique 1 what makes it an experience? How is this experience logically differ nt from the experience of loneliness,happiness, etc.?
Religious language is dependent on natural language for an analogy and a symbol to work. Why not then treat religious language as a specialized language bkc telegraphic language? Discuss.
The fact that different religions originated at different places and in different centuries proves that plurality of reHgi.ons is a. fact. How correct would it oe to say that all re.ligions are esS·entially the same? Discuss.


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