Exam Details

Subject materials processing
Exam / Course m.sc. in physics
Organization solapur university
Exam Date November, 2016
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

Master of Science II (Physics-Materials Science)
Examination: Oct/Nov 2016 Semester III (New CBCS)
SLR No. Day
Date Time Subject Name Paper
No. Seat No.
2:30 P.M
5:00 P.M
Material processing
Instructions: Q.No.1 and 2 are compulsory.
Answer any three questions from Q.No.3 to Q.No.7.
All questions carry equal marks.
Total Marks:70
Q.1 Objective question. 14
Choose the correct alternative: 06
The atmospheric pressure is equal to
760 Torr 1 Torr
7.6 Torr 76 Torr
In resistive evaporation the filaments are usually are made of refractory
metals such as Tungsten or Tantalum mainly because of their
Melting point Conductivity
Ductility Hardness
DC sputtering cannot be used for deposition of
Metal Alloy
Oxide All above
In physisorption due to adsorption of the adsorption of the adsorbate
molecules the electronic structure of the surface
Changes irrespective of the adsorbate concentration
Does not change irrespective of the adsorbate concentration
N Changes with respect to the adsorbate concentration
None of the above
The capillary nucleating theory considers the
Interface energy of the film and substrate
Roughness of the Substrate
Melting point of the Substrate
All of the above
The sticking coefficient depends on
Substrate temperature
Substrate area
Substrate shape
None of the above
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State True or False: 08
McLeod gauge can be used for continuous measurement of vacuum.
MBE is a deposition technique for growing expitaxial film in ambient
Electrodeposition can be used to deposit only conducting substrates.
In chemisorption, a strong chemical bond is formed between the
adsorbate atom or molecule and the substrate.
Ion pump is noise free.
In case of MOCVD we may get carbon impurity.
Low nucleation rate results into deposition of thin film of large grain
Quartz crystal measures thickness by measuring change in oscillation
Q.2 Write short answers: 14
Spray pyrolysis 5
Diffusion pump 5
Ion plating 4
Q.3 Write the principles of rotary, diffusion and turbo molecular pump. 10
Explain working of pirani gauge, in which vacuum range it can be used? 04
Q.4 Discuss in brief different types of CVD. 10
What are different advantages and disadvantages of CVD over PVD? 04
Q.5 Explain in detail different types of sputtering. How rf sputtering is helpful for
depositing oxide thin films?
Discuss importance of ALD. 04
Q.6 Discuss mechanical, electrical and optical properties of thin films. 10
Explain quartz crystal film thickness measurement. 04
Q.7 Discuss fundamentals of diffusion, further explain grain boundary and thin
film diffusion.
How stress is generated in thin films? 04
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  • advanced techniques of materials characterization
  • analog & digital electronics
  • analog & digital electronics]
  • analytical techniques
  • atomic, molecular & nuclear physics
  • classical mechanics
  • condensed matter physics
  • dielectric & ferroel
  • ectric properties of materials
  • electrodynamics
  • magnetic materials
  • materials processing
  • microelectronics
  • physics of nano materials
  • quantum mechanics
  • semiconductor devices
  • statistical mechanics