Exam Details
Subject | advanced techniques in remote sensing | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.sc.geoinformatics | |
Department | ||
Organization | solapur university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | November, 2016 | |
City, State | maharashtra, solapur |
Question Paper
Master Of Science II (Geoinformatics)
Examination: Oct Nov 2016 Semester III (New CBCS)
SLR No. Day
Date Time Subject Name Paper No. Seat No.
02.30 PM
05.00 PM
Advanced Techniques in
Remote Sensing
Instructions: Answer Any Five question.
Question 1 is compulsory.
All question carry equal marks.
Answer any two essay questions from no.2, 3 and 4.
Answer any two questions from no. 6 and 7.
Draw neat and labeled diagram wherever necessary.
Total Marks:
Q.1 Rewrite the following sentences by selecting correct answers from given
The arrangement of terrain features which provides attributes: the shape,
size and texture of objects is called
Spectral variation Spatial variation
Temporal variation None
A is a theoretical construct that absorbs all the radiation that
fall on it and radiates energy at the maximum possible rate per unit area.
Blackbody Kinetic heat
Emissivity all the above
In radar imaging, the direction of orientation in which the electrical field
vector of electromagnetic radiation vibrates is called
Foreshortening speckle
layover polarization
Expand JERS.
Japanese electromagnetic remote sensing
Japanese earth radar system
Japanese earth resource satellite
Passive remote sensing record energy that is reflected or emitted
from the earth surface.
Kinetic Solar
Electromagnetic Sound
Satellites travelling at the angular velocity at which the earth rotates, as a
result, they remain above the same point on earth at all times is a
Polar orbiting satellite GPS satellite
High resolution satellite None
From space borne platforms, the is mainly used to
measure the ocean surface winds speed and direction.
Scatteroneter Radiometer
Thermometer none
A. H. Taylor and L.C. young were the first in 1922 to investigate
Page 1 of 2
MODIS stands for
Moderate resolution imaging spectro radiometer
Multi-image resolution spectro radiometer
Multiple optical resolution spectro radiometer
Morphed image revolving spectro radiometer
10) Name the technique that is useful for the compression and classification of
PCA Supervised
Unsupervised HIS
11) Imm to Im range of wavelength in the spectrum is used for.
LIDAR Passive remote sensing
Microwave remote sensing None
12) LIDAR means
Linear selecting and
Light selecting and ranging
Look detecting and ranging None
13) Find the odd one out
14) What is the altitudinal range of geostationary satellite
20200 KM 3600 KM
2600 KM None
Q.2 Explain with a illustrative diagram synthetic aperture radar. 14
Q.3 Describe the properties of ERS-1 and JERS-1 14
Q.4 Explain the planck radiation law and add a note on wien's displacement law. 14
Q.5 Write briefly on the following- 14
Q.6 Enumerate briefly on the following: 14
Radar interpretation
Image fusion
Q.7 Write short notes on the following: 14
Atmospheric transformation
Significance a of thermal IR sensors.
Examination: Oct Nov 2016 Semester III (New CBCS)
SLR No. Day
Date Time Subject Name Paper No. Seat No.
02.30 PM
05.00 PM
Advanced Techniques in
Remote Sensing
Instructions: Answer Any Five question.
Question 1 is compulsory.
All question carry equal marks.
Answer any two essay questions from no.2, 3 and 4.
Answer any two questions from no. 6 and 7.
Draw neat and labeled diagram wherever necessary.
Total Marks:
Q.1 Rewrite the following sentences by selecting correct answers from given
The arrangement of terrain features which provides attributes: the shape,
size and texture of objects is called
Spectral variation Spatial variation
Temporal variation None
A is a theoretical construct that absorbs all the radiation that
fall on it and radiates energy at the maximum possible rate per unit area.
Blackbody Kinetic heat
Emissivity all the above
In radar imaging, the direction of orientation in which the electrical field
vector of electromagnetic radiation vibrates is called
Foreshortening speckle
layover polarization
Expand JERS.
Japanese electromagnetic remote sensing
Japanese earth radar system
Japanese earth resource satellite
Passive remote sensing record energy that is reflected or emitted
from the earth surface.
Kinetic Solar
Electromagnetic Sound
Satellites travelling at the angular velocity at which the earth rotates, as a
result, they remain above the same point on earth at all times is a
Polar orbiting satellite GPS satellite
High resolution satellite None
From space borne platforms, the is mainly used to
measure the ocean surface winds speed and direction.
Scatteroneter Radiometer
Thermometer none
A. H. Taylor and L.C. young were the first in 1922 to investigate
Page 1 of 2
MODIS stands for
Moderate resolution imaging spectro radiometer
Multi-image resolution spectro radiometer
Multiple optical resolution spectro radiometer
Morphed image revolving spectro radiometer
10) Name the technique that is useful for the compression and classification of
PCA Supervised
Unsupervised HIS
11) Imm to Im range of wavelength in the spectrum is used for.
LIDAR Passive remote sensing
Microwave remote sensing None
12) LIDAR means
Linear selecting and
Light selecting and ranging
Look detecting and ranging None
13) Find the odd one out
14) What is the altitudinal range of geostationary satellite
20200 KM 3600 KM
2600 KM None
Q.2 Explain with a illustrative diagram synthetic aperture radar. 14
Q.3 Describe the properties of ERS-1 and JERS-1 14
Q.4 Explain the planck radiation law and add a note on wien's displacement law. 14
Q.5 Write briefly on the following- 14
Q.6 Enumerate briefly on the following: 14
Radar interpretation
Image fusion
Q.7 Write short notes on the following: 14
Atmospheric transformation
Significance a of thermal IR sensors.
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