Exam Details

Subject advanced techniques in remote sensing
Exam / Course m.sc.geoinformatics
Organization solapur university
Exam Date October, 2018
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.Sc. (Semester III) (CBCS) Examination Nov/Dec-2018
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions carry equal marks.
Q. 1 is compulsory and should be answered in the question paper.
Draw neat and labeled diagram wherever necessary.
Q.1 Fill in the blanks with appropriate: 14
is thermal band in Landsat 7 ETM data.
One band Two band
Six band Four bands
is data best for the urban mapping and management.
Quick bird Land sat
IRS-P6 All of the above
Microwave portion of the spectrum includes wavelength within the
approximate range of
2 mm to 5 m 2.5 mm to 4 m
5 mm to 7 m 1 mm to 1 m
SAR stands for
Signal aperture radar Synthetic aperture radar
Sound aperture radar None
Digital Image Process is a collection of technique for manipulation of by
Radar SLAR
Digital images All of this
JERS stands for
Japanese Electromagnetic remote sensing
Japanese earth radar system
Japanese earth resource satellite
None of these
The launch of the first SAR satellite, Seasat, in is a huge
development that has been achieved in technology, techniques and
Information retrieval algorithms.
1977 1987
1979 1978
The is defined as "the set of methods, tools and means using data
of from two or more different images to improve the quality of information".
Fusion Image Image Analysis
Image Classification None of these
A perfectly black body:
Is a diffuse emitter
Absorbs all the radiations of every wave lengths
Emits power of every wave length
All of the above
Page 2 of 2
10) Which of the following is Not an Earth Observation Satellites?
Resourcesat GSAT
11) is defined as the angle between the radar beam and is
perpendicular to the surface.
Look angle Geoids
Incidence angle None of these
12) and radar systems have become established in many technical
areas such as military, civil and industrial purposes.
Microwave technique NIR
Thermal remote sensing None of these
13) C band is useful for space born
Commercial None of these
14) MODIS stands for
Morphed-image Revolving Spectroradiometer
Multi-Image Resolution Spectroradiometer
Multiple Optical Resolution Spectroradiometer
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
Q.2 Answer the following (Any Four)
1. Sensor
2. Microwave Remote Sensing
3. ERS-I
4. Radiometers
5. Thermal Remote Sensing
Write short notes (Any Two)
1. Landsat ETM+
2. PCA
3. Radar frequencies
Q.3 Answer the following (Any two) 08
1. Types of sensors
2. Explain terrain properties of RADAR
3. SIR-2
Answer the following (Any One)
1. System properties in detail
2. Explain thermal properties of material.
Q.4 Answer the following (Any Two) 10
2. Explain the RADAR
3. Describe the SLR
Answer the following (Any one) 04
2. SIR-I
Q.5 Answer the following (Any Two) 14
Image Fusion Techniques in detail.
Explain the thermal remote sensing and describe Plank Radiation
(Blackbody) law.
Explain the Wien's Displacement law and Stefan-Boltzmann Law.


  • advanced techniques in gis
  • advanced techniques in remote sensing
  • application of rs and gis in disaster management
  • climatology (oet)
  • computer application in earth science
  • digital image processing
  • geoinformatics approach for natural resource management
  • geomorphology
  • information technology & management
  • introduction to geography
  • introduction to geology
  • introduction to gis and gps
  • introduction to statistical methods
  • introductions to remote sensing
  • it and management (vb.net)
  • spatial analysis
  • web gis