Exam Details

Subject advanced techniques in remote sensing
Exam / Course m.sc.geoinformatics
Organization solapur university
Exam Date 20, April, 2017
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.Sc.(Geoinformatics)(Semester III)(New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Day Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM
N.B. Answer any five questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
Question 1 is compulsory and should answered in
the question papers
Answer any two essay questions from 3 4
Answer any two short note question from 6 7
Draw neat labeled diagrams whenever necessary.
Q.1 Fill in the blank with appropriate choice: 14
Identity the wave length range of microwave partion of the
1 mm to 1m 2.5 mm to 4 m
5 mm to 7 m None of these
RADAR was first investigated by
C.V. Raman 1904 Taylor and young 1922
Homi Baba 1964 Vikram Sarabai (1972)
The aircraft travel in a straight line that is termed as
Azimuth flight Horizontal flight
Vertical flight None
Passive remote sensing record energy that is reflected or
emitted from the earth surface.
Solar Kinetic Passive electromagnetic
Identity the instrumental method to measure the surface wind
speed and direction of the ocean surface using space borne
Radiometer Scattrometer Thermometer Micrometer
A two or three dimensional graph in which observations made in
different bands are plotted against each other to called
Histrogram Pie diagram
Feature space plot Scatter plot
An aerial photograph may be assumed as projection.
Parallel Orthogonal Central Polyconic
IRS-P5 was launched on
Page 2 of 2
May 5th 2005 October 17th 2003
May 26th 1999 None
Which of the following country has launched RADARSAT?
U.S.A. India Japan CANADA
10) contains elevation information about all features in the
11) SAR stands for
Signal aperture radar Synthetic aperture radar
Sound aperture radar None
12) The energy of particles of molecular matter in random motion is
Kinetic heat Emissivity
Black body None
13) is a technique that is useful for the compression and
classification of data.
PCA IHS Supervised Unsupervised
14) All object like vegetation, soil, rock, water and people emit thermal
electromagnetic radiation in the
0.3 m to 14 m 0.1 m to 0.4 m
0.4 m to 0.7 m None
Q.2 Discuss in detail microwave remote sensing and throw light on its
Q.3 Enumerate the salient aspects of thermal infrared and its radiation
Q.4 Describe in detail color transformation and image fusion techniques
related to digital processing.
Q.5 Write short note on: 14
Active and passive remote sensing
Radar operating principles.
Q.6 Write in brief on: 14
Relief displacement
Q.7 Write small account on: 14
Principle component analysis
Atmospheric transmission


  • advanced techniques in gis
  • advanced techniques in remote sensing
  • application of rs and gis in disaster management
  • climatology (oet)
  • computer application in earth science
  • digital image processing
  • geoinformatics approach for natural resource management
  • geomorphology
  • information technology & management
  • introduction to geography
  • introduction to geology
  • introduction to gis and gps
  • introduction to statistical methods
  • introductions to remote sensing
  • it and management (vb.net)
  • spatial analysis
  • web gis