Exam Details

Subject introduction to gis and gps
Exam / Course m.sc.geoinformatics
Organization solapur university
Exam Date November, 2016
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

Master of Science I (Geoinformatics)Examination: Oct/Nov 2016
Semester II New CBCS)
SLR No. Day
Date Time Subject Name Paper
No. Seat No.
10:30 AM
01:00 PM
Introduction to
Geographical Information
System GPS
Instructions: All Questions are compulsory.
Question 1 is compulsory.
Answer any two essay questions from
Answer any two short note questions from
Draw neat labeled diagram wherever necessary.
Total Marks:70
Q.1 Fill in the blanks with appreciate choice. 14
Data that describe the characteristics of spatial features is
Coverage Vector
Spatial Aspatial
Satellite orbits are inclined at an angle of 55o from
Equator Specific latitude
Greenwich meridian North pole
Distance per inch DOT per inch
Distance per information None of these
Father of GIS is
Vikram Sarabhai Jack Dangermond
Roger Tomlinson None of these
format is a popular geospatial vector data format for geographic
information system software.
.shp .jpj
.dwq None of these
of the following is not a use of GIS.
Locating traffic accidents Locating utility poles
Measuring weather data Traffic pattern analysis
GIS is capable of spatially referred data of the earth.
Integrating Analyzing
Storing All of the above
It takes a GPS satellite to orbit the earth.
12 hr 16
14 18
You are close to your actual position can a GPS receiver measure.
Within 1000 m Within 10 m
Within 100 m Within 1 m
Page 1 of 2
10) Aspects of GIS system do NOT include
Legal representation a physical location
Cartography and remote sensing
Photogrammetry and geography
Land surveying and mathematics
11) Attribute data are one type of spatial data
True False
True only in case of discrete data None of a above
12) is known as georeferencing.
Aligning your data with a location on the Earth's surface
Converting data to a feature class
Projecting your data so that it has no distortion
None of above
13) Spatial data can be described as
Data containing an area attribute
Data that has a geographic element
Data concerned with measurements
None of above
14) One of the following statements is not correct
GIS technology is capable to study the environmental surrounding
GIS technology is a tool box processing maps and fundamental concepts
for spatial measurement
GIS technology contains analytic capabilities for overlaying maps
GIS technology is the same as traditional mapping
Q.2 Define Topology and explain in details with examples. 14
Q.3 Define GPS and give its applications in detail. 14
Q.4 Give the list of error in spatial data editing. 14
Q.5 Write short note on: 14
Geographic reference
Spatial data structures
Q.6 Write in brief on: 14
Vector data model
History of GIS
Q.7 Write small account on: 14
Projection and coordinate system
Errors in GIS database


  • advanced techniques in gis
  • advanced techniques in remote sensing
  • application of rs and gis in disaster management
  • climatology (oet)
  • computer application in earth science
  • digital image processing
  • geoinformatics approach for natural resource management
  • geomorphology
  • information technology & management
  • introduction to geography
  • introduction to geology
  • introduction to gis and gps
  • introduction to statistical methods
  • introductions to remote sensing
  • it and management (vb.net)
  • spatial analysis
  • web gis