Exam Details

Subject introduction to gis and gps
Exam / Course m.sc.geoinformatics
Organization solapur university
Exam Date 20, November, 2017
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.Sc. (Semester II) (CBCS) Examination Oct/Nov-2017
Day Date: Monday, 20-11-2017 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM
Instructions: Answers any five questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
Question 1 is compulsory.
Answer any two from Q.2, 3 4.
Answer any two questions from Q.5, 6 7.
Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14
The uses points and their Y coordinates to contrast spatial
feature of point, line and areas.
Vector data model Raster data model
None of these All of the above
NAD stands for
North American data New American datum
North American Datum None of these
is a computer system for capturing, storing, analyzing and
displaying geographical entities.
Remote Sensing GPS
DGPS Geographic information system
Components of GIS are
Computer system GIS software's
Data All of the above
WGS stands for
World Geologic System World Geodetic System
Wide Geodetic System World Geographic System
GIS deal with which kind of data
Numeric data Binary data
Spatial data Complex data
What is meta data
It is data about data It is oceanic data
It is contour data It is metrological
DBMS stand for
Database monitoring system
Database management system
Database manufacturing system
All of the above
Page 2 of 2
Key component of spatial data quality include
Positional and temporal accuracy
Lineage and completeness
Logical consistency
All of the above
10) of the following belong to the eight spatial relationship.
Disjoint meets, equal Content cover overlap O
Inside covered by All of the above
11) Minimum numbers of satellites required to got position in GPS.
2 4
5 6
12) GLONASS stand for
Global navigation satellite system
Global navy system
Global network satellite system
All of these
13) is the Father of GIS
Vikram sarabhai Vijay bhatakar
Roger Tomlinson None of these
14) DEM stands for
Digital Enhance Model Digital Eleven Model
District Elevation Model Digital Elevation Model
Q.2 Describe components and advantages of GIS. 14
Q.3 Explain Raster and Vector data structure. 14
Q.4 Define GIS? Describe its history and applications. 14
Q.5 Write short notes on: 14
Hardware and software of GIS
Q.6 Write briefly on the following. 14
Advantages of GPS
Map projection
Q.7 Write small accounts on: 14


  • advanced techniques in gis
  • advanced techniques in remote sensing
  • application of rs and gis in disaster management
  • climatology (oet)
  • computer application in earth science
  • digital image processing
  • geoinformatics approach for natural resource management
  • geomorphology
  • information technology & management
  • introduction to geography
  • introduction to geology
  • introduction to gis and gps
  • introduction to statistical methods
  • introductions to remote sensing
  • it and management (vb.net)
  • spatial analysis
  • web gis