Exam Details
Subject | introduction to gis and gps | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.sc.geoinformatics | |
Department | ||
Organization | solapur university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | October, 2018 | |
City, State | maharashtra, solapur |
Question Paper
M.Sc. (Semester II) (CBCS) Examination Nov/Dec-2018
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions carry equal marks.
Q. 1 is compulsory.
Answer any two questions from Q.2, 3 4.
Answer any two questions from Q.5, 6 7.
Answer any five questions.
Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Q.1 Fill in the blanks with appropriate choice:- 14
DIP is known as
Digital Image Process Dot Image Process
Digital Image Product All of the above
Altitude of geostationary satellite is
20000Km 36000Km
900 Km 700 Km
DBMS stand for
Data building management system
Distribution Building management system
Database management System
Distribution building manipulation System
wavelength can penetrate clouds.
Optical Thermal
Microwave All of the above
is the world's first commercial high resolution imaging satellite.
Orb View-2 Quick bird
is a computer system for capturing, storing, analyzing, manipulating
and display spatial and spatial data.
Remote sensing GPS
GIS Both a b
LISS-I is of spatial resolution
10 m 90
70 72.5 m
The distance between two successive crest or trough is called
Amplitude Frequency
Wave number Wave length
Non selective scattering all wavelength are scattered equally then cloud
White Black O
Red Blue
Page 2 of 2
10) Which of the following is not a type of map projection?
Cyclonic Conical
Cylindrical Azimuthal
11) ETM stands for
Enrich thematic Mapper Enhance Temporal Mapper
Enhance Thematic Mapper Enhance Thematic Model
12) The SPOT satellites are sun synchronous satellite orbits at height
832 km 900 km
850 km 890 km
13) The process of transformation of spherical Geographic grid to plane
coordinate system is term as
Map design Map scale
Map projection Map model
14) Which of the following is vector data?
Point Line
Polygon All the above
Q.2 Define data analysis? Explain in detail analysis and visualization of data. 14
Q.3 What is Vector data? Explain in detail Vector data model? 14
Q.4 Discuss various GIS task? 14
Q.5 Write short note 14
Raster data
Q.6 Write in brief:- 14
Components of GIS
Segment of GPS
Q.7 Write small account 14
Quarry analysis
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions carry equal marks.
Q. 1 is compulsory.
Answer any two questions from Q.2, 3 4.
Answer any two questions from Q.5, 6 7.
Answer any five questions.
Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Q.1 Fill in the blanks with appropriate choice:- 14
DIP is known as
Digital Image Process Dot Image Process
Digital Image Product All of the above
Altitude of geostationary satellite is
20000Km 36000Km
900 Km 700 Km
DBMS stand for
Data building management system
Distribution Building management system
Database management System
Distribution building manipulation System
wavelength can penetrate clouds.
Optical Thermal
Microwave All of the above
is the world's first commercial high resolution imaging satellite.
Orb View-2 Quick bird
is a computer system for capturing, storing, analyzing, manipulating
and display spatial and spatial data.
Remote sensing GPS
GIS Both a b
LISS-I is of spatial resolution
10 m 90
70 72.5 m
The distance between two successive crest or trough is called
Amplitude Frequency
Wave number Wave length
Non selective scattering all wavelength are scattered equally then cloud
White Black O
Red Blue
Page 2 of 2
10) Which of the following is not a type of map projection?
Cyclonic Conical
Cylindrical Azimuthal
11) ETM stands for
Enrich thematic Mapper Enhance Temporal Mapper
Enhance Thematic Mapper Enhance Thematic Model
12) The SPOT satellites are sun synchronous satellite orbits at height
832 km 900 km
850 km 890 km
13) The process of transformation of spherical Geographic grid to plane
coordinate system is term as
Map design Map scale
Map projection Map model
14) Which of the following is vector data?
Point Line
Polygon All the above
Q.2 Define data analysis? Explain in detail analysis and visualization of data. 14
Q.3 What is Vector data? Explain in detail Vector data model? 14
Q.4 Discuss various GIS task? 14
Q.5 Write short note 14
Raster data
Q.6 Write in brief:- 14
Components of GIS
Segment of GPS
Q.7 Write small account 14
Quarry analysis
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- introduction to gis and gps
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