Exam Details
Subject | general paper | |
Paper | paper 1 | |
Exam / Course | ugc net national eligibility test | |
Department | ||
Organization | university grants commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 28, August, 2016 | |
City, State | , |
Question Paper
Signature and Name of Invigilator PAPER-I
(Signature) OMR Sheet No. ............................................
(To be filled by the Candidate)
Roll No.
(Signature) (In figures as per admission card)
A-00 P.T.O.
Paper I
Note • This paper consists of Sixty multiple choice questions, each question carrying two marks.
Candidate is expected to answer any Fifty questions.
In case more than Fifty questions are attempted, only the first Fifty questions will be evaluated.
1. In a Ph.D. thesis which one is the correct sequence for showing scheme of Chapterisation
Survey of related studies, Introduction, Design of the study, Data-Analysis and interpretation, Conclusions and generalisations, suggested further study, References, Appendix
Introduction, Design of study, Data Analysis and Interpretation, Generalizations, Conclusions and Survey of related studies and suggestions for further research, References and Appendix
Introduction, Survey of related studies, Design of study, Data-presentation; analysis Interpretation, Formulation of generalization Conclusions, Suggestions for further research, References Appendix
Survey of related studies, References, Introduction, Design of study, Data analysis and interpretation, Conclusions and generalizations, Suggestions for further research, Appendix
2. Which of the following is not the critical feature of qualitative research
Actual settings are the direct source of data.
Data take the forms of words or pictures.
Seeking to establish relationships among measured social facts.
Researcher becomes immersed in the situation, present or past related to the phenomena.
3. A detailed description of methodology of research is required in
Seminar paper/Articles
Conference and Seminar Papers
4. Research ethics has a direct connection more often with which stages of research
Defining and delimiting the scope of research.
Problem formulation and reporting of research findings.
Defining the population and deciding the sampling technique for research.
Deciding about statistical techniques and data analysis.
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Read the following passage carefully and answer questions from 5 to 10
Many aspects of the motion-picture industry and its constituent companies are dissimilar to those observable in advanced-technology industries and firms. For instance, company longevity does not represent a consistent concern across the two organisational contexts. In the advanced-technology company for example, one new-product innovation which is expected to generate financial returns to the firm is insufficient for the company to be successful.
Rather, a stream of new product innovations is required. By contrast with the independent production company of this case, each new film which is expected to generate financial returns to the principals is sufficient for the company to be successful. Any subsequent new films involving the firm's participants will be produced by a different independent company.
As another instance, people's learning is expected to have different contributors and beneficiaries across the two organizational contexts. In the advanced-technology company, for example, each new product innovation provides an opportunity for participants on the project team to learn and acquire experience, and this same company intends to retain such participants, hence, benefit from their increased experience on the next project. By contrast with the independent production company, each new film provides an opportunity for participants on the project team to learn and acquire this experience also, but this same company has little or no expectation of retaining such participants, and hence, benefitting from their increased experience in the next project.
Experience is paramount in the motion-picture industry. Generally, on film projects, budgets are very tight, and schedules are very demanding. People are hired largely based on their experience and are expected to perform well immediately when called to do so. There is negligible slack time or margin for learning through trial and error, but experienced people learn exactly through trial and error. Because experience is valued so highly and film-production houses have such short time horizons, entry into the industry is very difficult for most people. Further, the role played by schools and colleges is minimal in this industry. Some skills and techniques can be learned and refined through formal education (e.g., acting schools, theatre, film degrees), but the majority come through direct experience. Mentoring plays an important role. True, the film business focuses heavily on exploitation over exploration. Yet success of the industry as a whole is critically dependent upon learning and exploration overtime. Answer the following questions
5. What is not a consistent concern across the two organisational contexts
Dissimilarity Product package
Financial return Company longevity
6. What will be sufficient for an independent production company to be successful
New product innovations Financial returns from each new film
Active role by firm's participants Organisational context
7. What does an advanced-technology company expect from the learning experience of its participants
Benefit for the next project Opportunity for more learning
Little expectation of retaining them(4) Help in marketing the previous product
8. What is not the expectation of an independent production company in the case of its participants
Absence from the next project. Retention for the next project.
Participation in the current project. Use of opportunity to acquire experience.
9. Why do film production houses value experience highly
Because of the importance of trial and error methods.
Because of the margin for learning.
Because of short time horizons.
Because it allows easy entry to everyone into the film world.
10. According to the author, what has been the focus of film business
Formal education Mentoring
Exploitation Indirect experience
A-00 4
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11. Internal and external factors that affect message reception by the students in the classroom are referred to as
feedback fragmentation
channelisation noise
12. A teacher in a classroom has immediate control over
the self, selected methods of communication and the message.
the audience, the noise and the reception.
the feedback, the technology and the audience experience.
the communication channel, other communicators, and external factors.
13. What do communicated words carry in a classroom situation
Inspiration, controversy and introspection
Diversion, criticism and irrationality
Insipidity, irrationality, and non-acceptance
Power, structure and tradition
14. As a good classroom communicator, you are supposed to know your
audience emotions silent cues
artful pauses counter arguments
15. Figure out the components of non-verbal communication in a classroom from the following
Facial expression, cultural space and seating arrangement
Speed of utterance, feel good factor and acoustics
High sound, physical ambience and teacher-learner distance
Facial expression, kinesics and personal space
16. Which of the following are the basic factors of effective listening
Opinionation, stare and glare and interruptions
Aggressive questioning, continuous cues and frequent movement
Me-too-ism, glancing sideways, and offering advice
Acknowledgement of thoughts, reflection, and asking open-ended questions
17. In a particular code, HOSPITALS is coded as HSOLSAPTI. The code of BIOLOGICALS will be
18. In the series 13, 25, 41, ……. the next term is
59 63
61 68
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18. ÀÖéÜÖ»ÖÖ 13, 25, 41, ............ ´ÖÓî:
Ó ë †ÝÖ»Öß ÃÖÜ.ÖÖ Æü
59 63
61 68
19. At present, a mother is 3 times older than her son. After 5 years, the sum of their ages will be 70 years. The age of the mother after 10 years will be
40 55
45 60
20. In the series AYD, BVF, DRH, GMJ, the next term is
21. C and D are sisters. A and B are brothers. E is son of A and brother of D. B is related to C as
Brother Son
Uncle Father-in-law
22. Anil played 8 cricket matches. The mean (average) of the runs was found to be 80. After playing four more matches, the mean of the runs of all the matches was found to be 70. The total runs made in the last four matches is
400 300
200 100
23. If two propositions are connected in such a way that they cannot both be false although they may both be true, then their relationship is called
Contrary Subcontrary
Contradictory Subalternation
24. Which one among the following is not a characteristic of a deductive type of argument
The conclusion follows from the premise/premises necessarily.
The argument admits degree of complexity.
The argument provides us knowledge about matters of fact.
The argument must be either valid or invalid.
25. Select the code which states the condition of an invalid deductive argument
All the premises are true but the conclusion is false.
Some of the premises are true but the conclusion is false.
All the premises are false and the conclusion is also false.
All the premises are true and the conclusion is also true.
26. Given below are two premises, with four conclusions drawn from them (taking singly or together); which conclusions are validly drawn Select the correct answer from the codes given below Premises All bats are mammals.
Birds are not bats.
Conclusions Birds are not mammals.
Bats are not birds.
All mammals are bats.
Some mammals are bats.
and and
and and
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(Signature) OMR Sheet No. ............................................
(To be filled by the Candidate)
Roll No.
(Signature) (In figures as per admission card)
A-00 P.T.O.
Paper I
Note • This paper consists of Sixty multiple choice questions, each question carrying two marks.
Candidate is expected to answer any Fifty questions.
In case more than Fifty questions are attempted, only the first Fifty questions will be evaluated.
1. In a Ph.D. thesis which one is the correct sequence for showing scheme of Chapterisation
Survey of related studies, Introduction, Design of the study, Data-Analysis and interpretation, Conclusions and generalisations, suggested further study, References, Appendix
Introduction, Design of study, Data Analysis and Interpretation, Generalizations, Conclusions and Survey of related studies and suggestions for further research, References and Appendix
Introduction, Survey of related studies, Design of study, Data-presentation; analysis Interpretation, Formulation of generalization Conclusions, Suggestions for further research, References Appendix
Survey of related studies, References, Introduction, Design of study, Data analysis and interpretation, Conclusions and generalizations, Suggestions for further research, Appendix
2. Which of the following is not the critical feature of qualitative research
Actual settings are the direct source of data.
Data take the forms of words or pictures.
Seeking to establish relationships among measured social facts.
Researcher becomes immersed in the situation, present or past related to the phenomena.
3. A detailed description of methodology of research is required in
Seminar paper/Articles
Conference and Seminar Papers
4. Research ethics has a direct connection more often with which stages of research
Defining and delimiting the scope of research.
Problem formulation and reporting of research findings.
Defining the population and deciding the sampling technique for research.
Deciding about statistical techniques and data analysis.
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Read the following passage carefully and answer questions from 5 to 10
Many aspects of the motion-picture industry and its constituent companies are dissimilar to those observable in advanced-technology industries and firms. For instance, company longevity does not represent a consistent concern across the two organisational contexts. In the advanced-technology company for example, one new-product innovation which is expected to generate financial returns to the firm is insufficient for the company to be successful.
Rather, a stream of new product innovations is required. By contrast with the independent production company of this case, each new film which is expected to generate financial returns to the principals is sufficient for the company to be successful. Any subsequent new films involving the firm's participants will be produced by a different independent company.
As another instance, people's learning is expected to have different contributors and beneficiaries across the two organizational contexts. In the advanced-technology company, for example, each new product innovation provides an opportunity for participants on the project team to learn and acquire experience, and this same company intends to retain such participants, hence, benefit from their increased experience on the next project. By contrast with the independent production company, each new film provides an opportunity for participants on the project team to learn and acquire this experience also, but this same company has little or no expectation of retaining such participants, and hence, benefitting from their increased experience in the next project.
Experience is paramount in the motion-picture industry. Generally, on film projects, budgets are very tight, and schedules are very demanding. People are hired largely based on their experience and are expected to perform well immediately when called to do so. There is negligible slack time or margin for learning through trial and error, but experienced people learn exactly through trial and error. Because experience is valued so highly and film-production houses have such short time horizons, entry into the industry is very difficult for most people. Further, the role played by schools and colleges is minimal in this industry. Some skills and techniques can be learned and refined through formal education (e.g., acting schools, theatre, film degrees), but the majority come through direct experience. Mentoring plays an important role. True, the film business focuses heavily on exploitation over exploration. Yet success of the industry as a whole is critically dependent upon learning and exploration overtime. Answer the following questions
5. What is not a consistent concern across the two organisational contexts
Dissimilarity Product package
Financial return Company longevity
6. What will be sufficient for an independent production company to be successful
New product innovations Financial returns from each new film
Active role by firm's participants Organisational context
7. What does an advanced-technology company expect from the learning experience of its participants
Benefit for the next project Opportunity for more learning
Little expectation of retaining them(4) Help in marketing the previous product
8. What is not the expectation of an independent production company in the case of its participants
Absence from the next project. Retention for the next project.
Participation in the current project. Use of opportunity to acquire experience.
9. Why do film production houses value experience highly
Because of the importance of trial and error methods.
Because of the margin for learning.
Because of short time horizons.
Because it allows easy entry to everyone into the film world.
10. According to the author, what has been the focus of film business
Formal education Mentoring
Exploitation Indirect experience
A-00 4
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11. Internal and external factors that affect message reception by the students in the classroom are referred to as
feedback fragmentation
channelisation noise
12. A teacher in a classroom has immediate control over
the self, selected methods of communication and the message.
the audience, the noise and the reception.
the feedback, the technology and the audience experience.
the communication channel, other communicators, and external factors.
13. What do communicated words carry in a classroom situation
Inspiration, controversy and introspection
Diversion, criticism and irrationality
Insipidity, irrationality, and non-acceptance
Power, structure and tradition
14. As a good classroom communicator, you are supposed to know your
audience emotions silent cues
artful pauses counter arguments
15. Figure out the components of non-verbal communication in a classroom from the following
Facial expression, cultural space and seating arrangement
Speed of utterance, feel good factor and acoustics
High sound, physical ambience and teacher-learner distance
Facial expression, kinesics and personal space
16. Which of the following are the basic factors of effective listening
Opinionation, stare and glare and interruptions
Aggressive questioning, continuous cues and frequent movement
Me-too-ism, glancing sideways, and offering advice
Acknowledgement of thoughts, reflection, and asking open-ended questions
17. In a particular code, HOSPITALS is coded as HSOLSAPTI. The code of BIOLOGICALS will be
18. In the series 13, 25, 41, ……. the next term is
59 63
61 68
11. ÛúõÖÖ ´Ö×¾ÖªÖÙ£Ö.ÖÖ«Ö¸üÖ ÃÖ¤êÆÏüü ¯ÖÏæÏüÖ»Ö®Öê ê †ÖÓüÛú ‹¾Ö²ÖÖÊ ÛúÖ¸üë ê Œ.ÖÖ ÛúÆüÆîü
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18. ÀÖéÜÖ»ÖÖ 13, 25, 41, ............ ´ÖÓî:
Ó ë †ÝÖ»Öß ÃÖÜ.ÖÖ Æü
59 63
61 68
19. At present, a mother is 3 times older than her son. After 5 years, the sum of their ages will be 70 years. The age of the mother after 10 years will be
40 55
45 60
20. In the series AYD, BVF, DRH, GMJ, the next term is
21. C and D are sisters. A and B are brothers. E is son of A and brother of D. B is related to C as
Brother Son
Uncle Father-in-law
22. Anil played 8 cricket matches. The mean (average) of the runs was found to be 80. After playing four more matches, the mean of the runs of all the matches was found to be 70. The total runs made in the last four matches is
400 300
200 100
23. If two propositions are connected in such a way that they cannot both be false although they may both be true, then their relationship is called
Contrary Subcontrary
Contradictory Subalternation
24. Which one among the following is not a characteristic of a deductive type of argument
The conclusion follows from the premise/premises necessarily.
The argument admits degree of complexity.
The argument provides us knowledge about matters of fact.
The argument must be either valid or invalid.
25. Select the code which states the condition of an invalid deductive argument
All the premises are true but the conclusion is false.
Some of the premises are true but the conclusion is false.
All the premises are false and the conclusion is also false.
All the premises are true and the conclusion is also true.
26. Given below are two premises, with four conclusions drawn from them (taking singly or together); which conclusions are validly drawn Select the correct answer from the codes given below Premises All bats are mammals.
Birds are not bats.
Conclusions Birds are not mammals.
Bats are not birds.
All mammals are bats.
Some mammals are bats.
and and
and and
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