Exam Details

Subject cellular and molecular pharmacology
Exam / Course m. pharmacy (pharmacognosy)
Organization G. Pulla Reddy College Of Pharmacy
Exam Date August, 2018
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

M. Pharmacy (Pharmacology) I-Semester (Supple.) Examination, August 2018
Subject: Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Note: Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 Describe about the gene mapping and sequencing techniques.
Write a note on siRNA. 5
2 Discuss in brief about G proteins and cAMP.
Write a note on ligand gated ion channel receptors. 5
3 Explain about the restriction enzymes. 7
Write a note on ELISA and Western Blotting technique.
4 Describe in detail about genetic variations in drug transporters . 10
Write a note on nutrigenomics. 5
5 Explain the various types of cell culture techniques. 8
Write a note on cell viability assays. 7
6 Explain in detail about intrinsic and extrinsic pathway of apoptosis. 15
Write the structure and functions of cell membrane.
7 Describe in brief about micro-array technique and PCR.
Write the clinical applications of immunotherapeutics. 5
8 Explain the principle and applications of flow cytometry. 6
Write a note on biosimilars and glucose uptake assays.


  • advanced pharmacognosy-i
  • advanced pharmacognosy-ii
  • advanced pharmacology-i
  • advanced pharmacology-ii
  • cellular and molecular pharmacology
  • clinical research and pharmacovigilance
  • herbal cosmetics
  • indian system of medicine
  • industrial pharmacognostical technology
  • medicinal plant biotechnology
  • modern pharmaceutical analytical techniques
  • pharmacological and toxicological screening methods - ii
  • pharmacological toxicological screening methods – i
  • phytochemistry
  • principles of drug discovery