Exam Details
Subject | organizational behavior | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.com. | |
Department | ||
Organization | solapur university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | October, 2018 | |
City, State | maharashtra, solapur |
Question Paper
M.Com. (Semester II) (CBCS) Examination Nov/Dec-2018
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives: 14
is the systematic study of attitudes, actions and behaviour of
individuals and groups in organization.
Organizational Behaviour Individual Behaviour
Group Behaviour Social Behaviour
The process of receiving, organizing, interpreting, checking and reacting
sensory stimuli is known as
Ability Attitude
Personality Perception
Conflict that arises within an individual is conflict.
Intergroup Interpersonal
Intrapersonal Interorganizational
Managerial Orientation towards teamwork is created under the
Autocratic Model Collegial Model
Supportive Model Custodial Model
Groups established by the organization to achieve organizational goals are
called groups.
Informal Formal
Friendship All of these
Understanding the real needs of two parties and finding a satisfactory
solution to conflict is known as
Lose-Lose strategy Win-lose strategy
Win-Win strategy All of the above
Team is a set of people who generate
Better results Positive synergy
Higher performance None
Ethical behavior is major responsibility of
Lower level management Middle level management
Top level management All levels of management
are the basic convictions that give an individual a sense of right
and wrong, good and bad.
Values Personality
Learning Attitude
10) Linking rewards with willingness to change and punishment with
unwillingness to change is accomplished by
Refreezing Enforcing
Changing Unfreezing
Page 2 of 2
11) Frustration is basically
Intrapersonal problem Interpersonal problem
Intragroup problem Intergroup problem
12) The first stage of group development is
Norming Storming
Forming Performing
13) A pervasive underlying set of beliefs, assumptions, values shared feelings
and perception, which influences the actions and decisions taken by an
organization is known as
Organizational development Organizational culture
Organizational change Social culture
14) The Autocratic model involves high cost.
Money Labour
Human None of these
Q.2 Answer the following. 14
Contributing disciplines to Organizational Behaviour
State the Need for change
Q.3 Answer the following. 14
Types and levels of conflict
Give the various stages of group development
Q.4 Answer any one of the following questions: 14
What is 'Organizational Behaviour'? State the significance of
Organizational Behaviour.
Define the term 'Job Satisfaction'. State the determinants of job
Q.5 Answer any one of the following questions: 14
What is How to cope with stress?
What is Organizational change? Explain phases of planned change.
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives: 14
is the systematic study of attitudes, actions and behaviour of
individuals and groups in organization.
Organizational Behaviour Individual Behaviour
Group Behaviour Social Behaviour
The process of receiving, organizing, interpreting, checking and reacting
sensory stimuli is known as
Ability Attitude
Personality Perception
Conflict that arises within an individual is conflict.
Intergroup Interpersonal
Intrapersonal Interorganizational
Managerial Orientation towards teamwork is created under the
Autocratic Model Collegial Model
Supportive Model Custodial Model
Groups established by the organization to achieve organizational goals are
called groups.
Informal Formal
Friendship All of these
Understanding the real needs of two parties and finding a satisfactory
solution to conflict is known as
Lose-Lose strategy Win-lose strategy
Win-Win strategy All of the above
Team is a set of people who generate
Better results Positive synergy
Higher performance None
Ethical behavior is major responsibility of
Lower level management Middle level management
Top level management All levels of management
are the basic convictions that give an individual a sense of right
and wrong, good and bad.
Values Personality
Learning Attitude
10) Linking rewards with willingness to change and punishment with
unwillingness to change is accomplished by
Refreezing Enforcing
Changing Unfreezing
Page 2 of 2
11) Frustration is basically
Intrapersonal problem Interpersonal problem
Intragroup problem Intergroup problem
12) The first stage of group development is
Norming Storming
Forming Performing
13) A pervasive underlying set of beliefs, assumptions, values shared feelings
and perception, which influences the actions and decisions taken by an
organization is known as
Organizational development Organizational culture
Organizational change Social culture
14) The Autocratic model involves high cost.
Money Labour
Human None of these
Q.2 Answer the following. 14
Contributing disciplines to Organizational Behaviour
State the Need for change
Q.3 Answer the following. 14
Types and levels of conflict
Give the various stages of group development
Q.4 Answer any one of the following questions: 14
What is 'Organizational Behaviour'? State the significance of
Organizational Behaviour.
Define the term 'Job Satisfaction'. State the determinants of job
Q.5 Answer any one of the following questions: 14
What is How to cope with stress?
What is Organizational change? Explain phases of planned change.
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