Exam Details
Subject | philosophy | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.phil | |
Department | ||
Organization | central university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | June, 2012 | |
City, State | telangana, hyderabad |
Question Paper
1. According to Socrates,just as there is a difference between what an ironic statement says and its true meaning, so also appearances differ from reality. Even though Societies or individuals appear to differ about what is required for the good·life, that in no way contradicts the fact that:
A. what is right or wrong, true or false varies from one culture to another.
B. appearances are the only real way we have for knowing reality.
C. the distinction of appearance and reality is the basis.for the dialectical discovery of truth.
D. there are objective principles for thought and action that are required for the good life.
2. For Plato, ordinary sensible objects exist and are knowable as examples or instances of Ideas or "Forms" that do not exist in our ordinary sensible world. Forms do not exist in the sensible world because ...
A. in the sensible world only mathematical objects (e.g., triangles) can be known using hypotheses which are recollected when we are asked the right kinds of questions.
B. unlike everything in the sensible world, Forms are not individual things but rather the universal essences or natures by which individual things are what they are and are known.
C. nothing in the sensible, experienced world could exist or be identified as one particular thing or another unless there were a "Sensible World" Form (like the Form of beauty or justice).
D. the sensible world consists ofchangingFormsthatexistandareknownin terms of other changing Forms, which in tum exist and are known in terms of yet others in an endless regress.
3. Berkeley rejects Locke's distinction between primary and secondary qualities because:
A. All qualities are subjective
B. Only secondary qualities are subjective
C. Qualities are created by God
D. Qualities inhere in sUbstances
4. Which one of the following is an analytic statement according to Kant?
A. A rainy day is a cold day
B. A rainy day is a wet day
C. A rainy day is a pleasant day
D. A rainy day is a gloomy day
5. Which one of the following is the most appropriate description ofG()d according to Aristotle?
A. Pure form and perfect actuality
B. Pure matter and perfect actuality
C. Pure form and pure potentiality
D. Pure matter and pure potentiality
6. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the code given below:
List I List II
a. Aristotle i. Transcendental unity of apperception
b. Spinoza ii. Pre-established harmony
c. Leibniz iii. Unmoved mover
d. Kant iv. Intellectual love ofGod
A. iii iv i ii
B. iii iv ii i
C. ii i iv iii
D. iv iii ii i
7. Pratityasamutpada states that:
A. Whatever is, is momentary
B. There is no permanent self
C. Nothing is permanent
D. Whatever originates, originates depending on some conditions
8. Paratahpramanyavada claims that:
A. Pramanya cannot be ascertained at all by any pramana
B. Pramanya is self-ascertained
C. The causal conditions that produce prama produce its pramanya also
D. The causal conditions that produce prama do not produce its pramanya
9. "The highest and most satisfying form of human existence is that in which man exercises his rational faculties to the fullest extent" is the view of...
A. Socrates
B. Aristotle
C. Heidegger
D. Pythagoras
10. Aristotle says that what makes things be what they are--their essence--does not exist apart from individuals that exist in the world. So if all the members of a species were destroyed, then their essence or form:
A. would likewise be destroyed.
B. would be destroyed only if there were no one around to remember the species.
C. would continue existing (as with Plato's Forms) in some other realm of being.
D. would not be destroyed because there was no essence or form originally to be destroyed; there were only individuals, not universal essences or natures of things.
11. Which of the following characterization best describes the philosophy of Spinoia?
A. Monistic determinism
B. Pantheism
C. Pluralistic atheism
D. Mechanistic naturalism
12. Locke's representative theory of knowledge argues:
A. Knowledge is a recollection
B. Ideas are objects of knowledge
C. Knowledge is divine oracle
D. Knowledge is belief
13. The inference of previous rain at higher planes on the basis of the perception of muddy water in the overflowing river is an instance of ...
A. Purvavatanumana
B. Sesavatanumana
C. Kevalanvaylanumana
D. Samanyatodrstanumana
14. "Fire is cool because it is a substance", commits the fallacy of ...
A. Savyabhicara
B. Viruddha
C. Bhadhita
D. Asiddha
15. Jaina theory of syadvada implies that ...
A. All knowledge is certain
B. All knowledge is doubtful
C. All knowledge is relative
D. All knowledge is absolute
16. The effect is the actual modification of a cause, is the view of ...
A. Asatkaryavada
B. Parinamavada
C. Vivartavada
D. Pratityasamutpadavada
17. 'Good is a simple and unanalysable notion' is a case of ...
A. Subjectivism
B. Prescriptivism
C. Emotivism
D. Non-naturalism
18. Among the following, the statements that are not truth-functional are ..
I. Copernicus believed that the earth is round
II. The earth is round and Copernicus believed it
III. It is possible that the earth is round
IV. It is not the case that the earth is not round
A. IIand IV
B. II and III
C. I andIII
D. III and IV
19. Purva Mimamsa establishes the infallibility of the authority of the Veda on the ground that...
A. Veda is the word of God
B. Veda is the word of the sages
C. Veda is the word of the trustworthy person
D. Veda is impersonal
20. "I can know validly that the hill is fiery, by actually seeing the fire on the hill. 1can also know equally validly that the hill is fiery through inference. I can also know through testimony that the hill is fiery". A person subscribing to this view is upholding the theory of ...
A. Svatahpramanyavada
B. Pramanavyavastavada
C. Pramanasamplavavada
D. Parathpramanavada
21. "Some one knows that the criminal escaped from the prison on account of collusion with the second guard of the prison, because he knows that there are only two guards and he. definitely knows the first guard was not involved in the collusion" is according to the Mimamsakas an instance of ...
A. Inference
B. Hypothetical reasoning
C. Presumption
D. Doubt
22. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the code given below:
List I List II
a.Gangesa i. Vivekacudamani
b.Badarayana ii. Tattvacintamani
c.Sankara iii. Padarthadharmasangraha
d.Prasastapada iv. Brahmasutras
A. iii iv i ii
B. ii iv i iii
C. ii i iv iii
D. iv iii ii i
23. In a quantificational logic, function symbol is used as ...
A. A term
B. A predicate letter
C. Identity relation
D. A quantifier
24. is tautologically equivalent to all of the following except
A. -P.Q
25. If the universal negative proposition "No S is P" is true,which of the following must hold? (Assume Traditional square of Opposition)
A. All S is P true and some S is not P is false
B. Some S is P,some S is not P and all S is P are false
C. All S is P and some S is P are false and some S is not P is true
D. All S is P is false and some S is P is true
Write short notes on any Four of the following in 250 words each.
26. What is the semantic implication that follows from Berkeley's statement 'esse est perceipi'?
27. Why does Spinoza think that God alone is absolutely real? Explain.
28. Comment on Plato's analogy of the cave and its significance in his theory of knowledge.
29. Explain the meaning of Kant's notion of 'Transcendental unity of apperception'.
30. What does Rawls mean by "a fully adequate scheme of equal basic liberties"?
31. Does the effect pre-exist in the cause? Discuss.
32. What is dharmabhutqjnana and how is it different from svarupajnana
33. Explain the Jaina theory of nayavada.
34. How is the empirical ego in Sartre and Heidedgger different from the transcendental ego in Husserl?
35. Why analyticity cannot be defined without circularity? Answer your question with reference to Quine's arguments.
36. What is the process of the dialectic as used by Hegel? How does this differ from Plato's dialectic?
37. Discuss the relation between the individual and the state in Liberalism.
38. What are the reasons for modem Naiyayikas in instituting a distinction between ordinary and extraordinary perception. Discuss.
39. Bring out the metaphysical implications of pratityasamutpadavada.
A. what is right or wrong, true or false varies from one culture to another.
B. appearances are the only real way we have for knowing reality.
C. the distinction of appearance and reality is the basis.for the dialectical discovery of truth.
D. there are objective principles for thought and action that are required for the good life.
2. For Plato, ordinary sensible objects exist and are knowable as examples or instances of Ideas or "Forms" that do not exist in our ordinary sensible world. Forms do not exist in the sensible world because ...
A. in the sensible world only mathematical objects (e.g., triangles) can be known using hypotheses which are recollected when we are asked the right kinds of questions.
B. unlike everything in the sensible world, Forms are not individual things but rather the universal essences or natures by which individual things are what they are and are known.
C. nothing in the sensible, experienced world could exist or be identified as one particular thing or another unless there were a "Sensible World" Form (like the Form of beauty or justice).
D. the sensible world consists ofchangingFormsthatexistandareknownin terms of other changing Forms, which in tum exist and are known in terms of yet others in an endless regress.
3. Berkeley rejects Locke's distinction between primary and secondary qualities because:
A. All qualities are subjective
B. Only secondary qualities are subjective
C. Qualities are created by God
D. Qualities inhere in sUbstances
4. Which one of the following is an analytic statement according to Kant?
A. A rainy day is a cold day
B. A rainy day is a wet day
C. A rainy day is a pleasant day
D. A rainy day is a gloomy day
5. Which one of the following is the most appropriate description ofG()d according to Aristotle?
A. Pure form and perfect actuality
B. Pure matter and perfect actuality
C. Pure form and pure potentiality
D. Pure matter and pure potentiality
6. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the code given below:
List I List II
a. Aristotle i. Transcendental unity of apperception
b. Spinoza ii. Pre-established harmony
c. Leibniz iii. Unmoved mover
d. Kant iv. Intellectual love ofGod
A. iii iv i ii
B. iii iv ii i
C. ii i iv iii
D. iv iii ii i
7. Pratityasamutpada states that:
A. Whatever is, is momentary
B. There is no permanent self
C. Nothing is permanent
D. Whatever originates, originates depending on some conditions
8. Paratahpramanyavada claims that:
A. Pramanya cannot be ascertained at all by any pramana
B. Pramanya is self-ascertained
C. The causal conditions that produce prama produce its pramanya also
D. The causal conditions that produce prama do not produce its pramanya
9. "The highest and most satisfying form of human existence is that in which man exercises his rational faculties to the fullest extent" is the view of...
A. Socrates
B. Aristotle
C. Heidegger
D. Pythagoras
10. Aristotle says that what makes things be what they are--their essence--does not exist apart from individuals that exist in the world. So if all the members of a species were destroyed, then their essence or form:
A. would likewise be destroyed.
B. would be destroyed only if there were no one around to remember the species.
C. would continue existing (as with Plato's Forms) in some other realm of being.
D. would not be destroyed because there was no essence or form originally to be destroyed; there were only individuals, not universal essences or natures of things.
11. Which of the following characterization best describes the philosophy of Spinoia?
A. Monistic determinism
B. Pantheism
C. Pluralistic atheism
D. Mechanistic naturalism
12. Locke's representative theory of knowledge argues:
A. Knowledge is a recollection
B. Ideas are objects of knowledge
C. Knowledge is divine oracle
D. Knowledge is belief
13. The inference of previous rain at higher planes on the basis of the perception of muddy water in the overflowing river is an instance of ...
A. Purvavatanumana
B. Sesavatanumana
C. Kevalanvaylanumana
D. Samanyatodrstanumana
14. "Fire is cool because it is a substance", commits the fallacy of ...
A. Savyabhicara
B. Viruddha
C. Bhadhita
D. Asiddha
15. Jaina theory of syadvada implies that ...
A. All knowledge is certain
B. All knowledge is doubtful
C. All knowledge is relative
D. All knowledge is absolute
16. The effect is the actual modification of a cause, is the view of ...
A. Asatkaryavada
B. Parinamavada
C. Vivartavada
D. Pratityasamutpadavada
17. 'Good is a simple and unanalysable notion' is a case of ...
A. Subjectivism
B. Prescriptivism
C. Emotivism
D. Non-naturalism
18. Among the following, the statements that are not truth-functional are ..
I. Copernicus believed that the earth is round
II. The earth is round and Copernicus believed it
III. It is possible that the earth is round
IV. It is not the case that the earth is not round
A. IIand IV
B. II and III
C. I andIII
D. III and IV
19. Purva Mimamsa establishes the infallibility of the authority of the Veda on the ground that...
A. Veda is the word of God
B. Veda is the word of the sages
C. Veda is the word of the trustworthy person
D. Veda is impersonal
20. "I can know validly that the hill is fiery, by actually seeing the fire on the hill. 1can also know equally validly that the hill is fiery through inference. I can also know through testimony that the hill is fiery". A person subscribing to this view is upholding the theory of ...
A. Svatahpramanyavada
B. Pramanavyavastavada
C. Pramanasamplavavada
D. Parathpramanavada
21. "Some one knows that the criminal escaped from the prison on account of collusion with the second guard of the prison, because he knows that there are only two guards and he. definitely knows the first guard was not involved in the collusion" is according to the Mimamsakas an instance of ...
A. Inference
B. Hypothetical reasoning
C. Presumption
D. Doubt
22. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the code given below:
List I List II
a.Gangesa i. Vivekacudamani
b.Badarayana ii. Tattvacintamani
c.Sankara iii. Padarthadharmasangraha
d.Prasastapada iv. Brahmasutras
A. iii iv i ii
B. ii iv i iii
C. ii i iv iii
D. iv iii ii i
23. In a quantificational logic, function symbol is used as ...
A. A term
B. A predicate letter
C. Identity relation
D. A quantifier
24. is tautologically equivalent to all of the following except
A. -P.Q
25. If the universal negative proposition "No S is P" is true,which of the following must hold? (Assume Traditional square of Opposition)
A. All S is P true and some S is not P is false
B. Some S is P,some S is not P and all S is P are false
C. All S is P and some S is P are false and some S is not P is true
D. All S is P is false and some S is P is true
Write short notes on any Four of the following in 250 words each.
26. What is the semantic implication that follows from Berkeley's statement 'esse est perceipi'?
27. Why does Spinoza think that God alone is absolutely real? Explain.
28. Comment on Plato's analogy of the cave and its significance in his theory of knowledge.
29. Explain the meaning of Kant's notion of 'Transcendental unity of apperception'.
30. What does Rawls mean by "a fully adequate scheme of equal basic liberties"?
31. Does the effect pre-exist in the cause? Discuss.
32. What is dharmabhutqjnana and how is it different from svarupajnana
33. Explain the Jaina theory of nayavada.
34. How is the empirical ego in Sartre and Heidedgger different from the transcendental ego in Husserl?
35. Why analyticity cannot be defined without circularity? Answer your question with reference to Quine's arguments.
36. What is the process of the dialectic as used by Hegel? How does this differ from Plato's dialectic?
37. Discuss the relation between the individual and the state in Liberalism.
38. What are the reasons for modem Naiyayikas in instituting a distinction between ordinary and extraordinary perception. Discuss.
39. Bring out the metaphysical implications of pratityasamutpadavada.
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