Exam Details

Subject philosophy
Exam / Course m.phil
Organization central university
Exam Date 2011
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper


M. Phil. Entrance Examination, June 2011
Hall.Ticket No.
Time: 2 Hours Ma:•. Marks: 75
The Question Paper consists oftwo Parts: Part A and Part B.

Part A ofthe question paper 01"25 (mu!uflL-choice) questions ofODe mark each. There will be a DeJ!:ath'c marking ofl/J for every wrong answer. You have 10 the questions in this part in the qUL"Stion peper itself.
Part B consists oftwo scctions. SectioD I ofPart B conctists ofshort essay t)"Pe questions.
•Sectlon D ofPart n consistsoflong..sa)·typequestions. Ascpamteanswerbook is
provided to answer questions from these two sections oCPart B.
I. Which onc among the following is not klcsha according to Patanjali?
Asmita Vifcalapa Dw!Sha
2. Prabhakara school ofPurva Mimamsa propounds ...
Tatparyaw,da Akhanda'akyarthavodo
3. A{anahpar)'aya according to la.inism ..,
is a kind ofmediale knowledge
is a kind ofimmediate knowledge
is a kind ofmemory knowledge
is not a knowledge
4. Which ofthe following is trueof arambhavada?
The effect is a new beginning
The effect is an illusion
The effect is only expJicit manifestation ofthe cause
The effect is transformation ofthe cause
S. The sens-object contact that fileilitntes the cognition of the univc:rsal ofa substance,
according to N)..ya, is ...
Samyoga SamJ"ktasamm-ayo Sam)1,ktasamal'eta SamOl'Cl)'Q I
6. The statement sincali'lacks the condition of ...
akanlaa sannidhi tatpaTJYa I

7. In Ramanuja's phito:.ophy knO\ ledge that is attributh·e is known ns ...

8. IdentilY the correct combination
VaibhasiJ:a, Bahyanha-l'rotyaIaOl-ada
Sa"trontillD, Bahyanha-protyalaamda
Yogocam. Bahyarlhanllmcyal'ada Vaibhasika. bahyalha,,"mcyavada
9. Match the List -1with US1-U and 5clo;1 the correct answer from the code given below:
LiSI-I List -II

Sridhara Vivclca-<:hudamani

Jayantabh>na Sribh>shya

Sankara Nyayakandali

Ramanuja Nyayamanjari

Ca) Cb) Ce) Cd)
JO. Which among the following combinations is consistent?

PUl'VaIliimamsa, anyathakhyathi, vivartavada
Dvaita, akhyati, parinamavada
Visistadvaita, satkhyal. parinamavada
Advaita, asatlchyati, viloartCll'ada
11. Aristotle criticizes Plato's theory ofidC3S, because:
It involves infmite regress Ideas lIDd their particulars belong to different orders Ideas belong only to the pralicates of the prim3I}' subSlll11ces No ideas can initiate any activity of reolization
12. Who makes the distinction between truths ofrcason and truths offilet?
bnmanucl Kant
l .
13. Match the List] with List 11 and choose wrrcc:t answer from the code given below:
List I List U

Critical methcd Hegel

The method ofdoubt Kant

The speculative metbod Plato

The dialectical method Descartes


14. According to Immanuel Kant, self in itself is ...
Only thinkable
Only perceivable
Neither perceivable nor thinkable
1S. The principle ofsufficient reason according to Lcibniz means ...
Rca.",n provides beth the nccessory and the sufficient condItion for the
explanation aCthe world Reason can be reduced to cause There can be no troe assertion without there being a sufficient reason for it
Nothing is sufficient before reason l
16. LocJce's representativetheory ofknowledgeargues ...
Know1cd:gc is a recollection ofideas innate in mind
Ideas are objects ofknowledge
Knowledge is divine oracle
Knowledge is belief
17. According to prescriptivism moral judgments ore ...
Capable ofbcing proved lIUe or filIse
Persuasive in cbaractcr
Expressive ofpcople's approvol ordisappro,..1
Subjective in cbaracter

18. Which ofthe following is the main criticism th:J.t Hume advances agllm'tt pennancnt Self?
Selfis the epiphenomcoon ofh=brain
Selfis only a term naming the successIOn ofsCDS:Itions and ideas having
rescmblanCC!a •
It is fiction needed for collcolI,"e practice .
Only moralists mve imposed Self Conscience to amict natural impulses of

r 1
19. Frcgc's thesis that sense determines reference implies:
Sense is the same as reference
Reference is the same as smse
Sense is the psycbological basis ofreference
Sense provides the condition ofreference
20. According to Quine anaI)1icity cannot be defined because attempt to define il involves .. .
VioJation of scientific 1.lws
Violation of social norms
Violation of literary priociples
21. Wingcnstcin's idea oemeaning as use implies that words acquire their meaning
because they arc ...
Names ofobjects Regarded as tools in a tool box performing multiple oflanguage Description ofmenial events Description ofsocial events 1
22. tMan is naturally good, and only by institutions is he malle bad' is the view of ...
J.S. Mill

23. The contraposition operntion in S)llogistic Logic is a combination ofthc fullowing logical operations in the order given below:
Obvc:r5ion, Conversion. Ob'ersion
Conversion. Ob'crsion, Con'ersion
Obvmion, Oln-mion, Conversion
Conversion, Conversion. Obversion lI
24. With which rule oCinfcrcncc is the lo{!jcal expression and thenp_ r'is
Mathematical in"uction
Modus tollen. Hypothetical sylloSism Conditional Jlroof lI
25. Identify the correct Iotical symbolization for the English sentence "Barking dogs
never bite," x is a dog; Bx: barks; x hites)
«Ox A Bx)
-.«Ox A Bx)
«Ox A Bx) 1

Section I Mllrks: 20
Answer two afthe foUo\i.ng questions in ISO words c;Jch.•11 questions canoy eqUID marks.
arc the main features ofExislcntiahsm os a philosophiCOlI movement?

Elucidate the ccntralit)· ufpratitYGstmllltpmlol'oda in Buddhist philosophy.

"AnckantaOlda docs justice to the complex nature ofReality". Discuss.

Discuss Logical positivi!ots' argumL't1f against the possibilityofmetlphysics ns a meaningful discoun.e.

Section II Marks: 30
Answer aDy mll ofthe following questions in 250 words each. All questions cony equal marks.
J. Di!cuss RaW)"S theory ofJustice.
Explain the significance ofKmit"s Copernican revolution in Philosophy

How does Quine rcject the analytic-synthetic distinction? Discuss.

IfBrahman in Advaita is changeless and one without the other. then how can one explain causation in Adv-uta? Discuss.

S. Is an)'othaJcJryati"'Qda an adequate explanation ofperccptual error? Discuss


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