Exam Details
Subject | Civil Engineering | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | B.Tech Civi Engg. (BTCLEVI)/B.Tech Electronics And Communication Engg. (BTECVI) | |
Department | School of Engineering & Technology (SOET) | |
Organization | indira gandhi national open university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | June, 2015 | |
City, State | new delhi, |
Question Paper
1. Define daylighting. Outline the design guidelines to be followed in the design of a building for daylighting.
2. Explain the solar-air temperature concept as applicable for building design purposes.
3. What are the requirements and conditions of good acoustics in a building? Discuss in detail.
4. Describe the fire-resisting properties of concrete, steel and glass used as building materials.
5. Differentiate between engineered building and non-engineered building from building failures point of view.
6. Discuss the various components of a typical sewage disposal scheme for a residential colony, with neat flow diagrams.
7. Explain with neat sketches the various sunshading devices.
8. Why is an expansion joint needed in a building What are the guidelines for its location?
9. In which situations do escalators become more essential than elevators in a building Discuss the special features and design considerations of passenger elevators, service elevators and goods elevators.
10.(a) Differentiate between air-borne noise and structure-borne noise.
Write a note on prefabricated construction with reference to tall structures.
2. Explain the solar-air temperature concept as applicable for building design purposes.
3. What are the requirements and conditions of good acoustics in a building? Discuss in detail.
4. Describe the fire-resisting properties of concrete, steel and glass used as building materials.
5. Differentiate between engineered building and non-engineered building from building failures point of view.
6. Discuss the various components of a typical sewage disposal scheme for a residential colony, with neat flow diagrams.
7. Explain with neat sketches the various sunshading devices.
8. Why is an expansion joint needed in a building What are the guidelines for its location?
9. In which situations do escalators become more essential than elevators in a building Discuss the special features and design considerations of passenger elevators, service elevators and goods elevators.
10.(a) Differentiate between air-borne noise and structure-borne noise.
Write a note on prefabricated construction with reference to tall structures.
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