Exam Details
Subject | Civil Engineering | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | B.Tech Civi Engg. (BTCLEVI)/B.Tech Electronics And Communication Engg. (BTECVI) | |
Department | School of Engineering & Technology (SOET) | |
Organization | indira gandhi national open university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | June, 2016 | |
City, State | new delhi, |
Question Paper
1. Describe briefly periodic heat flow and its characteristics.
2. What are the different types of thermal insulation used in buildings Write four advantages of thermal insulation. Explain how you will achieve thermal insulation of roofs in a tropical region.
3. Explain various types of joints in steel frames. Also write a brief note on design considerations of tall buildings.
4. Write a short essay on the fire-resistant construction of structural elements in view of fire-safety in buildings.
5. What are the different modes of building failures? Explain briefly.
6. What are the various types of elevators Explain briefly the design considerations of elevators.
7. Explain any two methods of distribution of water in a multi-storied building, with the help of a neat sketch.
8. What is the need for ventilation in buildings Describe briefly the functional requirements of a good ventilation system.
9. What do you understand by the term 'Acoustics and Acoustics of a building' What are the requirements for good acoustics?
10. Write brief notes on any two of the following:
Measurement of Illumination
Comfort Zone
Classification of Fire Zone
2. What are the different types of thermal insulation used in buildings Write four advantages of thermal insulation. Explain how you will achieve thermal insulation of roofs in a tropical region.
3. Explain various types of joints in steel frames. Also write a brief note on design considerations of tall buildings.
4. Write a short essay on the fire-resistant construction of structural elements in view of fire-safety in buildings.
5. What are the different modes of building failures? Explain briefly.
6. What are the various types of elevators Explain briefly the design considerations of elevators.
7. Explain any two methods of distribution of water in a multi-storied building, with the help of a neat sketch.
8. What is the need for ventilation in buildings Describe briefly the functional requirements of a good ventilation system.
9. What do you understand by the term 'Acoustics and Acoustics of a building' What are the requirements for good acoustics?
10. Write brief notes on any two of the following:
Measurement of Illumination
Comfort Zone
Classification of Fire Zone
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