Exam Details

Subject agricultural engineering
Paper paper 1
Exam / Course indian forest service
Organization union public service commission
Exam Date 2010
City, State central government,

Question Paper

S . 2.0JO
Paper I
!Time Allowed: Three Hourst IMaximum Marks: 2001
C':"'ndidates should attempt questions 1 and 5
which are, compulsory, and any THREE ofthe
remnining questions, selecting at least ONE
question from each Section.
All questions carry equal marks.
Marks allotted to parts ofa question are
indicated against each.

Answers must be written in ENGLISH only.
Assume suitable data, if necessary, and indicate
the same clearly.
sketches may be drawn, wherever required.

1. Answer any four of the following
Define point rainfall and normal rainfall. A catchment has five rain gauge stations IJ II, III, IV and V. The ()epth of annual normal rainfall recorded in these is 73·0, 79,5 and 85·0 em respectively. In a year the rain gauges at station V went Qut of order and the rainfall recorded in the other four stations was 87·5, 77·2, 85'5 and 94·5 cm at IJ IIJ III and IV respectively. What was the rainfall at station V in that year?

Define the runoff. Di5CUSS the Rational method for estimating the peak runoff rate In a watershed. What is assumption and weakness of the Rational formula? 10
What is sheet erosion? How does it differ from rill erosion Differentiate the' soil particles by surface creep and saltation. 10
In a pond the following elevations of contour lines and the areas within. the contour lines were . found:

Calculate the capacity ofthis pond. 10
Discuss the strip cropping arid stubble mulches of crop residues as the measures for controlling wind erosion. 10

B-JGT-K-BFA 2 [Contd.] B-JGT-K-BFA 3 [Contd.] .
2. A variable grade graded bund of 300 m is to be
constructed in a cultivated land of surface
slope: The bund channel is to be created by the
embankment only and horizontal distance
between these two bunds is 50 m. Estimate the
time of concentration and the total drop in head
in designing this graded bund. Assume channel
grade to be 0·13% and 0·15% for
each' 1I4th length from upper section onwards.·
Show the sketch of the bund. 20
Using neat sketches, compare simple and
diaphragm type of elnbankments. 10

With a neat sketch, describe the constructional
details of a brush dam. 10
3. Design a parabolic shape grassed waterway with
the following 20
Expected runoff 2·2 m3/s
Slope of the channel =3·5%
Maximum permissible velocity,= 2·0 mls
Manning's n
Discuss the' importance of people's participation
in watershed development. 10
Give the sketch of a straight dr,op spillway and
label it. In which situation is this suggested? 10

4. Design a contour bundtwith the following: 20
Land slope
Rainfall abstraction 25%
'The maxImum rainfall expected In 10:.year
recurrence interval 10 em
Horizontal spacing between the bund =50 ni
Side slope of the bund 1
Seepage line in bund soil 5 1
A bund is to be constructed of top wid"th 2-0 m
and side slope 1 by the soils of excavated
channel 3·0 In deep, 2·0 m bottom width and 1 1.
side slope. The channel and bund is constructed
side-by-side of equal length. What is the height
'and bottom width of the bund 10
Write short notes on 10
Digital processing of remotely sensed data

B-JGT-K-BFA 4 {Contd.l
5. Answer any four of the following

Define irrigation and irrigation channel. With the diagram differentiate irrigation and drainage channel. 10

. Prove that for most economlC trapezoidal channel section, half of the top width is equal to the length of the.-side. 10

Prove that the specific energy, Ee 3Y2 c

in· a rectangular channel: 10

Describe the flow measurement In a channel with the help of Current meter method. 10

What do we mean by lining irrigation channel? What are the ,advantages and disadvantages of

it 10
6. Compute the most efficient bottom width of an open channel. to carry a flow _2·2 m deep in silty loam soil.' What -is the discharge of channel if
. hydraulic gradient (slope) is 0·05% Assume Manning's n as 0·04. Assume any reasonable data, if necessary. 20
8-JGT-K-BFA 5 (Contd.]
l _
Irrigation was given to bring the soil ...in. field
capacity. Determine the field capacity of the soil
from the following data:
Root zone depth =1·5 m
Moisture content in the soil 7·5%
Dry density of the soil =1·5 glee
Water applied to soil =50 m3
Water lost due to evaporation, etc.
Area of plot =100 m2 10
Discuss the infiltration opportunity time,
advance and -recession of flow related to border
irrigation. 10
. 7. A stream of 150 lit/sec was diverted from a
canal and 120 lit/sec was delivered to .3 wheat
field of 1·75 ha. The irrigation continued for
7·5 hours. The effective root zone depth was
1·8 m. The run-off loss in the field was 450 m3 .
The depth of water penetrated linearly from
1·8 m at the head end to 1·2 m at the tail
end. The moisture holding capacity of the soil is
25 em/m depth of soiL Irrigation was given at
50% depletion of available soil moisture.
Determine the water conveyance efficiency,
water application efficiency, water
storage' efficiency, and water distribution
efficiency. 20
Define water well. Derive an expreSSIOn for
discharge from a well completely penetratIng in
horizontal aquifer. 10
What are the sources of drainage problems
What are the illaeffects of drainage 10

B-JGT-K-BFA 6 rContd.]


. 8. Design a most efficient trapezoidal drainage channel for an area of 10· km2 assuming Manning's roughness coefficient maximum pennissible velocity 1·4 m/s and side slope 1 1. The rate of water removal is calculated by Q 2·5 A0·6 .(Q in and Ain
Determine the outflow from 250 m lengths of tiles spaced 15 m apart laid at a depth of 2 m the impermeable layer if the water table is maintained at a height' of 5 ill from ·the impervious layer. . Assume soil hydraulic conductivity as 20 cmlh. .10

• Describe the plan of a cattle shed. 10






  • agricultural engineering
  • agriculture
  • animal husbandary and veterinary science
  • botany
  • chemical engineering
  • chemistry
  • civil engineering
  • english
  • forestry
  • general knowledge
  • geology
  • mathematics
  • mechanical engineering
  • physics
  • statistics
  • zoology