Walk in interview for the following post under major research project entitled, “Goodness of fit and multi-sample inference procedures in the presence of nuisance parameters”
Shivaji University
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Walk in interview for Clerk-cum-Assistant (General Duty) and Clerk-cum-Assistant (Accounts)
Shivaji University

Recruitment of Part Time Specialist and Senior Resident
Employees State Insurance Corporation Hospital
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Recruitment of Stenographer in D.Y.Patil Education Society's Krishi Vigyan Kendra
D.Y.Patil Education Society's Krishi Vigyan Kendra

Recruitment fro the Posts of Sr. Scientist & Head, Farm Manager, Programme Assistant, Assistant, Driver and Skilled support staff in Shri Siddhagiri Math Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Shri Siddhagiri Math Krishi Vigyan Kendra

Recruitment For The Post Of Registrar in Shivaji University
Shivaji University
Notifications by
- shrimant babasaheb deshmukh mahavidyalaya
- shivaji university
- bank of india
- employees state insurance corporation hospital
- d.y.patil education society's krishi vigyan kendra
- shri siddhagiri math krishi vigyan kendra
- kolhapur
- maharashtra