KOLHAPUR 416 004. ADVT. NO. EST 9/2016
Applications are invited in the prescribed form available online on Sh hivaji University website www.unishivaji.ac.in unnder the tab Recruitments. For the followingg Administrative post to be filled in Shivaji Unive ersity as per the provisions under Section 79 of M.U. Act, 1994. (Tenure of the post is for a periodd of 5 years and it is covered under salary grants s scheme of Govt. of Maharashtra)
- Interested candidates may apply online on or before 07/07/2016 6
- Last date for submisssion of application form (print out of f filled in online application form) is 12 2/07/2016 up to 6:00 p.m. in the University y office.
Sr. No. | Name of Post, Pay Band and AGP / Grade Pay | Cat tegory | Vacant post | Qualification and E Experience |
1 | Finance & Accounts Officer ( ) Rs. 3740067000 AGP 10000 (for UGC Qualifications & Teaching Experience) Rs. 3740067000 AGP 8900 (For other candidates) | OOpen | 1 | 1) A Masters degree with at le equivalent grade of B in t scale. (5% relaxation in SC/ST & Departmental can of 5% from 55% to 50% of to the Ph.D. Degree holde their Masters Degree prio 1991. 2) At least 15 years of exp Professor in the AGP of R with eight years of servi Rs.8000/and above inc Professor along with expe administration OR Comparable experience establishment and / or o Higher Education OR 15 years of administrative ex years as Deputy Registrar or 3) Knowledge of Marathi is es east 55 % marks or its the UGC seven point Masters Degree for ndidates). A relaxation f marks is permissible ers, who have passed or to 19th September, perience as Assistant Rs.7000/and above or ices in the AGP of cluding as Associate erience in educational in research other institutions of xperience of which 8 r an equivalent post. ssential. |
- Proficiency in Marathi an nd English languages is essential.
- Age limit for post Canddidate shall not be less than 45 years of age unle ess already in the service of the Universities s or affiliated colleges.
- Tenure and Age of Retir rement This is tenure appointment initially fo or a period of five years and the person shalll be eligible for reappointment. During this teenure, in case of retirement, the age of rettirement shall be 58 years for a person from tthe nonteaching cadre and 60 years for a person from the teaching cadre. The post a
a carries retirement benefits according to the GGovt. and University rules.
Continued. 2
- As per the General Administration Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai 400 032 Notification No. SRV 2000/CR(17/2000)/XII, dated 28th March, 2005 in respect of 'Small Family ', A person who desires to apply for any post in Group A, B, C and D in any Government Service shall submit, along with the application, a declaration form in prescribed FORM.
- The reservation for Female candidates will be in accordance with Government
Resolution No. MISC 1096/..30/2 dated 1August, 1997 issued by the Womens and Child Welfare Department.
- The reservation for handicapped candidates will be in accordance with Government Resolution No. 2011/(22/11)/1 dtd. 24 January, 2011 issued by the Higher & Technical Education Department.
- Applicants already in the employment either in temporary capacity or in permanent capacity in the University / Affiliated colleges, outside the University in government agencies should submit their applications through proper channel on or before last date prescribed for the purpose.
- Applications with incomplete information or / and erased/ wrong information, in respect of educational qualifications, experience, age etc., if the certificates attached with application are not attested and / or application without prescribed fee will not be considered. No correspondence in this respect will be made.
- Applicants who are not eligible will not be informed individually.
- Applicants should attend Examination/ test/ interview at his/ her own expenses.
- The selection process shall be undertaken through rigorous scrutiny at every level / every stage of verification. If it is found that the information received from an applicant is false and/ or is based on false certificates, will be liable for legal action, then such candidate will be immediately barred from further process.
- Canvassing directly or indirectly is strictly prohibited and liable for disqualification.
- All updates, corrigendum (if any), instructions regarding this recruitment from time to time shall be updated on Shivaji University website only. Hence applicants are advised to visit university website regularly for further updates / details.
- University reserves the right to fill or not to fill the post advertised.
- The prescribed Online Application Link is available on university website www.unishivaji.ac.in under the tab Recruitment. This needs to be filled and printout of the same on A4 size paper, in 01 copy with necessary attested documents and Demand Draft drawn in the favour of the Finance and Accounts Officer, Shivaji University, Kolhapur payable at Kolhapur OR Cash Receipt of University of Rs.500/(Non Refundable) should accompany the application form.
- Printout online application form submitted with attested copies of certificates should be sent in an envelope superscripted
"Application for the post of Finance and Accounts Officer", so as to reach the same to following address
The Registrar Shivaji University, Vidhaynagar, Kolhapur 416 004. (Maharashtra State)
Continued. 3
- The last date for submission of (Print out of filled in Online) application form with necessary attested documents is 12/07/2016 up to 6:00 p.m.
- Applications received after the last date will not be considered. The University will not be responsible for postal delay, if any.
- The Date of publication of advertisement shall form the basis for considering prescribed upper and lower age limit for the post.
- The Candidate appointed in the University services after 1 Nov., 2005 would be covered under new Defined Contribution Pension Scheme and the existing pension scheme (i.e. Maharashtra Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1982 and Maharashtra Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules 1984) and General Provident Fund Scheme (GPF) will not be applicable to such candidates as per Government Resolution No. CPS1005/126/SER4, dated 31st Oct., 2005 and subsequent Government Resolutions issued from time to time. This rule shall not be applicable to the candidate, who is already working on the post covered under pension scheme.
- Candidate should possess a Certificate of D.O.E.A.C. Societies C.C.C or O level or A level or B level or C level or MSCIT or GECT Certificate of Maharashtra State Higher & Technical Education Board OR a Certificate in Computer Operation prescribed by the Govt. of Maharashtra from time to time. Those who are not possessing the said Certificate, they will have to produce the Certificate within two years from the date of their appointment. However relaxation in the computer literacy will be considered as per Govt. Resolution No. 2002/..14/02/12,.02 , 2003
- Educational Qualifications shall be considered as on closing date.
- The University reserves all rights to decide criteria / procedure for short listing of eligible candidates.
- Disputes related to this advertisement are subject to Kolhapur Jurisdiction.
- The call letters will be issued to the candidates as per University rules.
- Mere possession of minimum qualifications does not confer any right to be called for interview and / or selection.
- Teaching experience shall be considered in respect of approved fulltime teacher.
Place: Kolhapur. | DR.V. N. Shinde |
Date: 08/06/2016 | Ag. REGISTRAR |
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 08-Jun-2016 | |
Applications | 07-Jul-2016 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Shivaji University
- Organization City, State : kolhapur, maharashtra
- Organization Website : http://www.unishivaji.ac.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results