Exam Details
Subject | artificial intelligence | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.c.a.science | |
Department | ||
Organization | solapur university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | November, 2016 | |
City, State | maharashtra, solapur |
Question Paper
Master of Computer Application I (Computer Science)
Examination: Oct Nov 2016 Semester V (Old CGPA)
SLR No. Day
Date Time Subject Name Paper No. Seat No.
10.30 AM
01.00 PM
Artificial Intelligence
Instructions: Question no. 1 2 are compulsory
Attempt any three questions from Q. No. 3 to Q. No. 7
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Total Marks: 70
Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives 10
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Putting your intelligence into computer
Programming with your own intelligence
Making a machine intelligent
Playing a Game
Which is the commonly used programming language for AI?
Java Perl
What is the problem state space
The whole problem
Your definition to a problem
Problem you design
Representing your problem with variable and parameter
A production consists of
A set of Rule
A sequence of steps
Both and
An arbitrary representation to problem
Which search method takes less memory
Depth First Search Breadth First Search
Both and Linear search
Which is the best way to go for Game playing problem
Linear approach Heuristic approach
Random approach Optimal approach
How do you represent "All dogs have tails".
Which is not a property of knowledge representation?
Representation Adequacy
Inferential adequacy Inferential efficiency
A Hybrid Bayesian network contains
Both discrete and continuous variables
Only discrete variables
Only continuous variable
Both discrete and discontinuous variable
10) Which is not a desirable property of a logical rule-based system
Locality Attachment
Detachment Truth Functionality
State True or False 04
It is possible to get stuck in a local maximum in simulated annealing.
The backward chaining is that it runs a greater risk of not being a complete
search technique if first-order logic.
The basic idea of partitioned nets is to break network into spaces which consist
of group of nodes and arcs with regard each space as a node.
The traditional set theory is also known as Fuzzy set theory.
Q.2 Write a short note on the following 08
Means Ends analysis
Predicate logic
Answer the following 06
What do you mean by frames?
Write a note on fuzzy logic.
Q.3 Answer the following
Explain the different steps in natural language processing.
Explain hill climbing search technique in detail.
Q.4 Answer the followings
Explain iterative deepening.
Explain in detail the various issues in knowledge representation.
Q.5 Answer the followings:
Explain expert system shells and explanation knowledge acquisition.
Define problem. Explain problem as a state space search.
Q.6 Answer the following:
What is Artificial intelligence? Discuss the underlying assumption.
Describe the procedure of MINIMAX search in game playing.
Q.7 Answer the following:
Explain rule based system with example.
Explain in detail the concept of scripts with example
Examination: Oct Nov 2016 Semester V (Old CGPA)
SLR No. Day
Date Time Subject Name Paper No. Seat No.
10.30 AM
01.00 PM
Artificial Intelligence
Instructions: Question no. 1 2 are compulsory
Attempt any three questions from Q. No. 3 to Q. No. 7
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Total Marks: 70
Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives 10
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Putting your intelligence into computer
Programming with your own intelligence
Making a machine intelligent
Playing a Game
Which is the commonly used programming language for AI?
Java Perl
What is the problem state space
The whole problem
Your definition to a problem
Problem you design
Representing your problem with variable and parameter
A production consists of
A set of Rule
A sequence of steps
Both and
An arbitrary representation to problem
Which search method takes less memory
Depth First Search Breadth First Search
Both and Linear search
Which is the best way to go for Game playing problem
Linear approach Heuristic approach
Random approach Optimal approach
How do you represent "All dogs have tails".
Which is not a property of knowledge representation?
Representation Adequacy
Inferential adequacy Inferential efficiency
A Hybrid Bayesian network contains
Both discrete and continuous variables
Only discrete variables
Only continuous variable
Both discrete and discontinuous variable
10) Which is not a desirable property of a logical rule-based system
Locality Attachment
Detachment Truth Functionality
State True or False 04
It is possible to get stuck in a local maximum in simulated annealing.
The backward chaining is that it runs a greater risk of not being a complete
search technique if first-order logic.
The basic idea of partitioned nets is to break network into spaces which consist
of group of nodes and arcs with regard each space as a node.
The traditional set theory is also known as Fuzzy set theory.
Q.2 Write a short note on the following 08
Means Ends analysis
Predicate logic
Answer the following 06
What do you mean by frames?
Write a note on fuzzy logic.
Q.3 Answer the following
Explain the different steps in natural language processing.
Explain hill climbing search technique in detail.
Q.4 Answer the followings
Explain iterative deepening.
Explain in detail the various issues in knowledge representation.
Q.5 Answer the followings:
Explain expert system shells and explanation knowledge acquisition.
Define problem. Explain problem as a state space search.
Q.6 Answer the following:
What is Artificial intelligence? Discuss the underlying assumption.
Describe the procedure of MINIMAX search in game playing.
Q.7 Answer the following:
Explain rule based system with example.
Explain in detail the concept of scripts with example
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