Exam Details

Subject artificial intelligence
Exam / Course m.c.a.science
Organization solapur university
Exam Date November, 2016
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

Master of Computer Application I (Computer Science)
Examination: Oct Nov 2016 Semester V (New CGPA)
SLR No. Day
Date Time Subject Name Paper
No. Seat No.
10.30 AM
01.00 PM
Artificial Intelligence

We Instructions: Question no. 1 2 are compulsory
Attempt any three questions from Q. No. 3 to Q. No. 7
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Total Marks: 70
Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives 10
AI focused on the sort of problem solving that we do every day when we
decide how to get to work in morning often celled
Scientific Analysis Theorem proving
Commonsense reasoning Depth First search
Specify one or more states that would be acceptable as solutions to the
problem. These states are called.
Problem state Solution state
Goal state Initial state
requires less memory since only the nodes on the current path are
Breadth First Search Solution space
Depth First Search Problem space
is an area of the search space that is higher than surrounding areas
and that itself has a slope.
Local maxima Ridge O
Plateau Foothills
A straight forward procedure to solve might operate in a state
space of partial solutions in which letters are assigned particular numbers as
their values.
Monkey and Banana problem
Missionaries and Cannibal problem
Crypt-arithmetic problem
Tower of Hanoi problem
The predicate is a binary one, whose first argument is object and
whose second argument is class to which object belongs.
Alpha represents a lower bound on the value that a node may
ultimately be assigned.
Minimizing Maximizing
Leaf Root
an early AI program that simulated the behavioral of Rogerian
The primitive acts stands for applications of physical location of
an object.
10) In analysis, the structure representing what was said is reinterpreted
to determine what was actually meant.
Semantic Syntactic
Pragmatic Morphological
State True or False: 04
User can search forward through the state space from the start to a goal state.
One efficient many-many match algorithm is RETE.
First three decades of AI research is that intelligence requires color image
A computable functions is a function that maps from problem state
descriptions to measures of desirability, usually represented as numbers.
Q.2 Write a short note: 08
Baye's theorem
Production System
Answer the following: 06
What do you mean by Artificial Intelligence?
Briefly define the term script
Q.3 Answer the following:
What do you mean by predicate logic? Discuss the applicability of
computable functions and predicates.
What do you mean by cut-off or pruning? State and describe procedure for
adding Alpha-Beta cut-off.
Q.4 Answer the followings
Discuss the first search as a part of Heuristic search technique with suitable
Define the term reasoning. Discuss the four factor influence to decide a better
kind of reasoning.
Q.5 Answer the followings
Discuss different kinds of questions as issues in knowledge representation
needs to be addressed?
What do you mean by probability? State and describe Dempster-Shafer
Theory with suitable example.
Q.6 Answer the following
Discuss in detail steps of semantic Analysis as the process of Natural
Language processing with suitable example.
Discuss in detail the concept of conceptual Dependency as strong slot and
filler structure with suitable example.
Q.7 Answer the following
Explain in detail various task domain of Artificial Intelligence as the target of
work in it?
State and discuss in detail process of explanation and knowledge acquisition
as a part of Expert system.


  • .net
  • artificial intelligence
  • computer communication network
  • computer graphics
  • computer oriented statistics
  • data mining and warehouse
  • data structures
  • database management system
  • digital circuits and microprocessors
  • digital image processing
  • discrete mathematical structures
  • distributed operating system
  • finite automata
  • introduction to computers
  • java programming
  • management
  • mobile computing
  • network security
  • numerical analysis
  • object oriented programming using c++
  • opeartions research
  • operating system
  • pattern recognition mobile computing
  • programming using - c
  • programming with php
  • software engineering
  • system software
  • uml
  • web design techniques
  • web technology