Exam Details
Subject | uml | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.c.a.science | |
Department | ||
Organization | solapur university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | December, 2016 | |
City, State | maharashtra, solapur |
Question Paper
Master of Computer Application II (Science)
Examination: Oct Nov 2016 Semester IV (New CGPA)
SLR No. Day
Date Time Subject Name Paper No. Seat No.
02.30 PM
05.00 PM
Instructions: Question no. 1 2 are compulsory
Attempt any three questions from Q. No. 3 to Q. No. 7
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Total Marks: 70
Q.1 Choose correct alternatives 10
If you want to plan project activities such as developing new functionalities or
test cases, which of the following OOAD artifacts is the most useful?
Sequence diagrams Use cases
Domain model Package diagram
Package diagrams are designed for
Organizing a large project
into components
Assisting deployment
Reducing dependency None of these
Divide a complex system into small, self-contained pieces that can be managed
independency. How is it called?
Abstraction Modularity
Encapsulation Hierarchy
Ordering abstractions into a tree-like structure. How is it called?
Abstraction Modularity
Encapsulation Hierarchy
Which of these are part of class operations specification format?
Name Parameter list
Return-type list All of these
Which statements are considered correct in reference to use case diagram?
A scenario is an interaction
between product and
particular interaction.
A use case diagram represents a
product's use cases and actors
involved in each use case
Both a and b None of the mentioned
What are true about a sequence diagram?
1. It describes the behavior in many use cases
2. It describes the behavior in a single use case.
3. It describes the behavior in a single object
4. It describes the behavior of several objects
1 and 2 1 and 3
2 and 3 2 and 4
Page 1 of 2
shows interaction between objects over a specific period time.
Sequence diagram Class diagram
Use Case diagram Package diagram
What is true about UML stereotypes?
A stereotypes is used for
extending the UML language
A stereotypes class must be
The stereotype {frozen}
indicates that the UML
element cannot be changed
UML profiles can be stereotyped
for backward compatibility.
10) Which are valid events in a state diagram?
Close() After()
State whether true or false 04
Activity diagram can be used to explore/discover parallel activities.
Generalization allows abstracting common features and defining them in a
Association lines may be unlabeled or they may show association name.
An instance operation can be called using any object.
Q.2 write a short notes on the following 08
Annotational things Reverse things
Answer the following 06
Describe aggregation with example.
What are stereotypes applied to dependency relations.
Q.3 Answer the following
Describes the concept of interface, types and roles.
What is a instance? What is state of an object? How these are represented in the
Q.4 Answer the followings
What is collaboration? Describe the structural part of the collaboration.
How the objects interact when they collaborate with one another? What are the
four possible combinations of interaction?
Q.5 Answer the followings
Describe action states and activity states.
What is an event? What are the different types of events that you can model in
the UML?
Q.6 Answer the following
Explain statechart diagram with example.
What is modeling? Explain the importance modeling? What are the five
different views of a software system?
Q.7 Answer the following
Explain behavioral things and grouping things in the UML.
UML is made simpler by the presence of common mechanisms. Explain those
four common mechanisms.
Examination: Oct Nov 2016 Semester IV (New CGPA)
SLR No. Day
Date Time Subject Name Paper No. Seat No.
02.30 PM
05.00 PM
Instructions: Question no. 1 2 are compulsory
Attempt any three questions from Q. No. 3 to Q. No. 7
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Total Marks: 70
Q.1 Choose correct alternatives 10
If you want to plan project activities such as developing new functionalities or
test cases, which of the following OOAD artifacts is the most useful?
Sequence diagrams Use cases
Domain model Package diagram
Package diagrams are designed for
Organizing a large project
into components
Assisting deployment
Reducing dependency None of these
Divide a complex system into small, self-contained pieces that can be managed
independency. How is it called?
Abstraction Modularity
Encapsulation Hierarchy
Ordering abstractions into a tree-like structure. How is it called?
Abstraction Modularity
Encapsulation Hierarchy
Which of these are part of class operations specification format?
Name Parameter list
Return-type list All of these
Which statements are considered correct in reference to use case diagram?
A scenario is an interaction
between product and
particular interaction.
A use case diagram represents a
product's use cases and actors
involved in each use case
Both a and b None of the mentioned
What are true about a sequence diagram?
1. It describes the behavior in many use cases
2. It describes the behavior in a single use case.
3. It describes the behavior in a single object
4. It describes the behavior of several objects
1 and 2 1 and 3
2 and 3 2 and 4
Page 1 of 2
shows interaction between objects over a specific period time.
Sequence diagram Class diagram
Use Case diagram Package diagram
What is true about UML stereotypes?
A stereotypes is used for
extending the UML language
A stereotypes class must be
The stereotype {frozen}
indicates that the UML
element cannot be changed
UML profiles can be stereotyped
for backward compatibility.
10) Which are valid events in a state diagram?
Close() After()
State whether true or false 04
Activity diagram can be used to explore/discover parallel activities.
Generalization allows abstracting common features and defining them in a
Association lines may be unlabeled or they may show association name.
An instance operation can be called using any object.
Q.2 write a short notes on the following 08
Annotational things Reverse things
Answer the following 06
Describe aggregation with example.
What are stereotypes applied to dependency relations.
Q.3 Answer the following
Describes the concept of interface, types and roles.
What is a instance? What is state of an object? How these are represented in the
Q.4 Answer the followings
What is collaboration? Describe the structural part of the collaboration.
How the objects interact when they collaborate with one another? What are the
four possible combinations of interaction?
Q.5 Answer the followings
Describe action states and activity states.
What is an event? What are the different types of events that you can model in
the UML?
Q.6 Answer the following
Explain statechart diagram with example.
What is modeling? Explain the importance modeling? What are the five
different views of a software system?
Q.7 Answer the following
Explain behavioral things and grouping things in the UML.
UML is made simpler by the presence of common mechanisms. Explain those
four common mechanisms.
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