Exam Details

Subject uml
Exam / Course m.c.a.science
Organization solapur university
Exam Date November, 2017
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.C.A. (Semester IV) (CGPA) Examination Oct/Nov-2017
Day Date: Wednesday, 22-11-2017 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM
Instructions: Questions No.1 and 2 are Compulsory.
Attempt any three questions from Q.NO.3 to Q.NO.7
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose the correct alternative given in the bracket. 10
What are the notations for the use case diagrams?
Use case Actor
Prototype Both and
2 Which of the following determines state diagram?
The UML notation for specifying finite automata is the state
In the state diagrams state are represented by rounded rectangle
All of the above
None of the above
3 Which of the following is not a purpose for using activity diagrams?
To show the subsystems that make up a system
To model a task
To describe the logic of an operation
All of the above
4 Which of the following is the best definition of an actor?
An actor represents a user of the system
An actor represents a role played by a user of the system
An actor represents a role played by a user of the system or by an
external system
All of the above
5 What is an interaction diagram?
Interaction diagrams are the UML notations for dynamic modeling
of collaborations
Interaction diagrams are a central focus of engineering design
All of the above
None of the above
6 A package diagram consists of the following?
Package symbols
Grouping of use cases, classes components
Both and
Page 2 of 2
7 Components can be represented by which of the following?
Component symbols Stereotypes
Rectangular boxes Both and
8 Which among these are the common notations for deployment
Artifacts and nodes Stereotypes
Components All of the above
9 Which of the following is not kind prototype?
Horizontal Vertical
Lateral All of the above
1 What is collection of model elements called?
Box Dependency
UML packages Package members
State True/False 04
A property is a characteristics of the entity designated by a model
The main way to extend UML is by constraints, properties etc.
A note is a dog-eared box connected to any model element by a
dashed line.
Use case diagram is a dynamic model of interaction between product
and actors in a use case.
Q.2 Write a short note on following: 08
Advanced classes
Events and signals
Explain the following terms? 06
Structural modeling
Use case diagrams
Q3 Answer the following:
What are the objects of interaction diagram? Explain in detail. 07
What is active class? Write the different between normal class and active
Q4 Answer the following:
Explain in detail mechanisms and architecture of UML. 07
Explain the various terms and concepts used in sequence diagrams. 07
Q.5 Answer the following:
Draw collaboration diagram for creating an e-mail account and also draw
the sequence diagram for sending e-mail.
What are the benefits of sequence diagrams? Draw the sequence diagram
for making a hotel reservation system?
Q.6 Answer the following:
What are the advantages of UML? Explain object oriented design process. 07
Explain the processes and threads used in modeling techniques. 07
Q.7 Answer the following:
Explain various modeling techniques for component diagrams 07
Explain object Oriented design methodology with Grady Booch's approach. 07


  • .net
  • artificial intelligence
  • computer communication network
  • computer graphics
  • computer oriented statistics
  • data mining and warehouse
  • data structures
  • database management system
  • digital circuits and microprocessors
  • digital image processing
  • discrete mathematical structures
  • distributed operating system
  • finite automata
  • introduction to computers
  • java programming
  • management
  • mobile computing
  • network security
  • numerical analysis
  • object oriented programming using c++
  • opeartions research
  • operating system
  • pattern recognition mobile computing
  • programming using - c
  • programming with php
  • software engineering
  • system software
  • uml
  • web design techniques
  • web technology