Exam Details

Subject general studies
Exam / Course mains
Organization Karnataka Public Service Commission
Exam Date 2008
City, State karnataka,

Question Paper

Paper 1

Tune: 3 Hours l [Maximum Marks: 300
Each question is printed both in English and in Kannada. If any confusion arises in the Kannada version, please refer to the English Version ofthe questions.
Answers must be written in the medium specified (English or Kannada) in the Admission Ticket issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer book in the space provided for this purpose. No credit will be given for the answers written in a medium other than that specified in the Admission Ticket.
Candidates should attempt questions from all Parts.
The number of marks carried by each question is indicated with the question.
The Ie ngth ofthe answers should not, as far as possible, exceed the specification given for the question.


• Sf "J:iJJZ5FfI1</

1. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 200 -250 words each
Discuss the nature of the Revolt of 1857.
" ..J f"ha on ...1" .l:'..Xptaln tilC --}ji:uglitiiil11t: Vol "ULn. U.L .....
nationalists of the Indian National Congress.
Critically evaluate the social reforms with special reference to emancipation of women in Mysore state between 1881 and 1900.
Cd) Trace the various dimensions and facets of Backward Class Movements in Ka.rnataka.
2. Answer any four of the following questions m about 100 -120 words each: lOx4=40

Summarize the challenge thrown by the Gadhar revolutionaries to colonialism.

Do you agree -with the Vlew that the scheme of constitutional changes introduced in 1909 Act was designed as a milestone in the 'divide and rule' strategy

Highlight the work of Swarajists III the National Movement during 1922 -1925.

Major part of Dewan Mirza Ismail's administration was spent In suppressmg the popular agitations in Mysore. Comment.

Briefly explain the significance of 'Mysore Chalo' movement.

Summarize the literary development in Karnataka during the post-Independence days.

"",1i A
1. 'I1FiiS "0"" 300 200 IJO'" 250

oD10 To) ilTl KoD is 1881 eo", 1900 d iSiZ:JwiS
is a mom",if
Id) ifMl,Wif", Ioomli", 2;j<lJ;;SIiTW wwr;r 150M
2. 'I1FiiS mOJO. 1Il3d N:Jomr:D

100 - 120 10x4=40

=a53:i""loofJ wooS;:

1909 d FJdDclofJi;), "",eTl 3doo", ;>;;oWij50Ml3.if 2.)"'oo;;srlKI1 "Lam wow

1922 -1925 0 to;;sltloiJ FJoiJ,d

Id) Cli:lOlN' 'am.dDe;<o to<z1i3d if'Jm air.J'dD3:i. 'add ;loD.

ifN,j,Wifd 1J<l;;sffiTloiJ

Answer any two of the following questions in about 50 -60 words each:

Write brief notes on all of the following in about 20 -25 words each:

Write a note on the 'Safety Valve Theory' relateof the Indian National Congress. d to the founda tion
What were the socia-economic factors responscommunalism in India in the 19th century? ibl e fo r the genesIs of
Write a note on the Belgaum Session


Rabindranath Tagore

R.I.N. Revolt

I.N.A. Trials

Kengal Hanumanthaiya

Koot Rebellion

151 cc :1. ='0mdofoJ ",dw """ 50 -60 iJid7'!llii ;w."Od03

19'" ;roo"01'"

01 (1924 e e3"1',cO wdd':D5.
4. NM """ 20 5001 25 <5dK<lrt ;w."Od03 e3"!,cO wdd':D5
qi ""iffoJ"'·
(bl R.I.N. dort


5. Answer any three of the following questions III about 200 -250 words each
Examine the implications of global economic CrISIS on Indian GDP
growth in general and IT industry in specific.
Right to Information Act is best seen as an attempt to bring

Comment and justify.

Critically examine the poverty alleviation programmes of India.

Discuss the measures taken by Government of Karnataka in recent years to rectify regional imbalance.

Indian poverty shown on screen can fetch Osears. Comment.

CD Critically examine the problems faced by farmers of Karnataka and illustrate your answer with decrease in agricultural productivity.
6. Answer any five of the following questions in about 100 120 words each:
(al Discuss the Authority on implications of the the city infrastructure. proposed Greater Bangalore
Highlight Act. the objectives of National Rural Employment Guarantee
Explain the present power scenario of Karnataka and the anomalies. comment on
Cd) Highlight the recommendations of National Knowledge Commission.
Examine the implications wildlife conservation. of Tribal Act of India on forest and
co Highlight the objectives of Right to Education Bill.
Critically examine the partnership projects. need and significance of private public
'Corporate governance Satyam episode. at cross-roads' Illustrate the event with

I7) cc

5. iNM oST.Ji:/Jesoc1d.f.l oJoJIld' "!,So5.f.lom 200 Boa 250 tiari";r'i 20x3=60

m riSo' e iil'0" GDP z.J11.,;ffir'ioS:> ;Jtl,otWolF IT '!JmBoOOo

omloS 050"0, ""z";3a oJoJIltl7:b"; 0000'1, wi til' 1,.

wi W;;5)""'3.iSWolF

dlis ";Btitl7:b"; o"NO'w0" 0"0B>b zo13,1,.

"",o3a tioclOOo ;Jiill.

o"NO,Mo"a wm""'3.o"WolF ;Jm. wdcfuB.
6. ilVFi'i oST.Ji:/Jmao'.f.l 10m "!,So5.f.lom 100 Boa 120 21ari,' 10x5=50

z.l0"V.f.l0'0 cfu0 a i'irio'a o'zoilriv 21B'""m"v wr'i n zo13, 1,.

erodr.Jlri m3B ""cfudOOo omro. MI,.

t"",wo"a wmo'" 3<IJ.riv wdcfuB.


WOCSo"Wi, oocfuclOOo o"oB>b wdcfuB.

050"" m"i1.f.lclOOo wi w";BI,B.

0" tiB il"v '"ri3. f tiB

(hi opIwilOOo ""


cc 181
Answer/write short notes on, any six of the following questions In about

Write brief notes on all of the follow,jug in about 20 25 words each:

50 60 words each 5x6=30
Special Economic Zones
Pseudo secularism obstructing anti-terrorism efforts
Virtual technology
Cd) J:ustify India's claims to a seat In the Security Council.
National river lining project
CD Can you account for the near System in most of the States collapse of the Public Distribution
Why do you think the total ban very effective? on smoking In public p laces is not
What is NINJNA


Micro-credit groups Ib) Core banking system

Rain Water Harvesting

A.R. Rehman

Minimum Support Price Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan

Datta Peeta tradition

Kodava culture

Moral policing

'Vhite Tiger'

191 cc
7. NM 50-60 iB'CSKI1 5x6=30
(aJ £e"; e iil ;;ieJoSJ KI1:J.
Ib) "d1:i".

If) w3'0;:leii wowo
Ig) oJ WOl 1 ;Jo:Jet;l woW ",;I"'3oSJil.
8. woc1loD. Wold 20-25 iB'CSKI1 2xlO=20

2.lu'. ruo"i!KI1,

z.l OWeJ z.l05
(gJ d3 r1>er:1 cddocdo
IhJ 7JO-;;3ovS

IJ I (Vhite tiger)
cc I 101

9. Explain the construction and uses of the following diagrams 4
Following data relate to the amount spent on import and export by
a country for the period from 1991 to 1998

Year Import (in crares of Rsj Export (in crares of Rs.)
1991 28·3 42·8
1992 34·7 51·3
1993 62·9 70·4
1994 95·1 82·4
1995 78·4 65·7
1996 85·3 93·8
1997 92·5 112·4
1998 107·4 128·5

Plot a time-series graph to the above data and comment on your observations. 8
The amount of income-tax paid by a sample 125 employees of a company is summarized in the following frequency distribution
Income tax paid No. of employees
(in '000 Rs.)
0-5 12
5 -10 29
10 -15 36
15 ­20 23
20-25 11
25 -30 8
30 ­35 4
35 -40 2

I 11 cc
l,lil71 C
H. a25il ero05oir.>,rM:i" 4

0 ct 1991 10 1998 IT e.., e >So >So ill rt AID Wo I;l

QjQ;jr­ e>Soo'o (il""e,j IT"'. (il""e,j IT"'.
1991 283 42·8
1992 34·7 51·3
1993 62·9 70·4
1994 95·1 82·4
1995 78·4 65·7
1996 85·3 93·8
1997 92·5 112·4
1998 107·4 128·5


125 ero AI0Cl"J to e Cl"J of! 3Drt NOO<l il r:i t:l

In how many different ways can the following be done?

Selection of 2 books from 6 different books.

Arrangement of the letters of the word 'SATYAM'.

"0Cl"J uSJ to e Cl"JoS:> -3D rt eroo;"'lll71'<1 Aloirl"
0-5 12
-10 29
10 -15 36
15 -20 23
20 -25 11
25 -30 8
30 -35 4
35 -40 2

CC 12
(iD Draw the less than cumulative frequency curve. Determine the median, lower quartile and upper quartile. What is the level above which 15% of employees fall the 8
10. A batsman finds that by scoring a half century in the 6th innings of his test matches he has bettered his average of the previous 5 innings by 3 runs. What is his average after the 6th innings 4
For the data gIVen below on related variables x draw a scatter diagram, compute the coefficient of correlation, and interpret clearly the results in and and y
110 100 140 120 80 90

70 60 80 60 1020

Construction of a even number using the digits 4. without repeating any digit. 2x3=6
(13 I cc


1.530'i'"E"0"; ;;So3l

"'WoJo5c 3DIi 15% ero&lf7Wo
10, e5oc:5.rieJ 6 Iootloi 5 3 Zvr.Jw 6 ts3c::S "AJo.r;;:1e
';owot;l3 x ;;So3l y 'eJli

",om 1.lmao wdo'llD,

";af;c;owot;l wrMom&, ;;So3l
Iiii) oo;ori.J;; a

x 110 100 140 120 80 90

B1 D'MeJ'il omCiim
Ii) 6 2

SATYAM wOW e5c:5c:5 "''LarieJ !3Ji,eCiirl.
5 weJl. i:la""" 2x3=6

C1 P2008
Paper 2 7'1me Hours I rMaximum Marks: 300
Each question is printed both in EnRlish and in Kannada. If any conjilsion arises in the Kannada verRian, please refer to the English Version ofthe questions.
Answers must be written in the medium specified (English or Kannada) in the Admission Ticket issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer book in the space provided for this purpose. No credit will be given for the answers written in a medium other than that specified in the Admi88ion Ticket.
Candidates should attempt questions from all Parts.
The number of nwrks carried by each question is indicated u!ith the question.
The length oj'the answers should not, as far as possible, exceed the specifl:cation given {or the question.

. fif ill'"e!J0cJ" :&iJ2JFJiT'/ o:lliS;rfUOfld

1. Answer anyone of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 200 -250 words 20xl=20

Discuss the problems and challenges of regional imbalance in Karnataka with special reference to the Hyderabad -Karnataka regIOn.

Examine the impact of coalition politics on the working of parliamentary democracy in India.

2. Answer any three of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 100 -125 words each lOx3=30

Bring out the status, problems and challenges faced by womell representatives in the working of Panchayati Raj institutions in Karnataka.

Discuss the arguments for bringing the judiciary within the purvIew of the Right to Information Act.

Analyse the recommendations made by the Sarkaria Commission with specific reference to the appointment and dismissal of State Governors.

Examine the ways-and-means by which the 'Bhoomi' project has strengthened e-governance in Karnataka.

Discuss the major issues and challenges of urban governance raised in the Second Administrative Reforms Commission Report.

3. Answer any four of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 50 -55 words each 5x4=20
(al Examine the importance of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA).
Discuss the importance of the Delimitation exercise with specific reference to Karnataka.
13) DD

1. ,"000 200 -250 WJ'0c:I°JJ0 1.3,eiJ 20xl=20

il'N,l,wei eiN,l,Weic:l c:03J

AloAltleoil Al c:I roo 11, 0 N.

2. OSJJoliooru 100 -125
il'N,l,Wei c:I ITO"" O<Joil, iOruD;<;oJJoJ;;5 2J1i
Q u n
(bl om/oJJ o5eiJ, cSc3tloJ;;5 o':J030
ol, W<J omnoJ;;5
(dJ D'JJ O5OHJ<> eiN,l,Weic:l (c-governance) z.)e.X:3&NQ
wuczol, ",olio'Hc:I cSHo O5OHJ<> ei)D30 woc:l
3. OSJJoliooru 50 Doc:l 55 WJloc:loJJoe.l'eiJ 5x4=20
la) erod'OlH (NREGA) oS; ttJOill
Ib I eiNil,Wei;;5N?,
(Delimitation exercise)

[Turn over
DO (41

Discuss the nature and working of the Finance Commission.

Examine the major issues raised by the Supreme Court in the Golaknath case.

Bring out the important provIsIOns in the Representation of Peoples' Act 1951 to deal with the problem of 'criminalisation of politics'.

CD Discuss the emerging trends in the Indian Administrative culture.
4. Write short notes on all of the following. Restrict your answer to 20 -25 words each 2xlO=20

Public Interest Litigation (PILl

Creamy layer

Inner-party democracy
Cd) Sachar Committee Report

The l04th Constitution Amendment

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Rural Mission (JNNURM)

Nanavati Commission

Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal

The Nagana Gowda Committee

151 DD

lei Id) Ii.ow n omro
M ...,
(eJ 8'on0 10 CS3;l I;l ""db" 1951 ;Jo'JOQI>.
iNf'lCS 1Jodb(l. 20 (loo 25
M 2xlO=20

Ie) 104 AfoZlc;rvcs
In Afo:i, D""., ",,;JoIDCS
(gJ 1Oo:ia5o'er.oeft csHo' Afoz(JNNURM)

Ih) """"o:i '"oir.l'H

""03eo 10<JZl"'"1:1

""HCS 7fV

ITurn over
DD 16
5. Answer anyone of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 200 -250 words 20xl=20

What do you mean by inclusive growth Discuss the strategy adopted in this direction by both Centre and States.

Bring out the main difference between two (1999 2005) Human Development Reports of Government of Karnataka.

6. Answer any three of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 100 -125 words each: 10x3=30

Explain the objectives of Karnataka State Agricultural Produce Processing and Export Corporation Ltd. (KAPPEC) in exporting horticultural products.

Highlight the loan waiver scheme announced in the Union Budget 2008 -09.

Explain the reasons [or failure of WTO talks on Doha Issues III July 2008 at Geneva.

Give a brief outline on the Fringe Benefits Tax in India.

Analyse the measures taken by the Government of Karnataka to attain fiscal discipline.

7. Answer any four of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 50 -fiG words each 5x4=20

Point out main features of Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana.

Explain the role of KSSIDC in the development of small industries in Karnataka.

Describe the functions of Finance Commissions specified In Article of the Constitution.

171 DD
5. Nf'lol =o;iJmnclf.J ;Jm. 200 -250 o5n",:,.1i 20x1=20
Ia) 2.l'.1w'rM wonoeiSJ e"w'ello "f.J °elmw' ilbD Oi!il 1,j2.,-lo.
Ib) iliTol,-w iI n wr:ffZ) o;ffi) olw' e t;I"lJ1il (1999 mOi!il 2005)

;Jclf.JJ> lo.
6. =o;iJmcmf.J m-or:fo 100 -125 o5n",:,.1i lOx3=30
la) ffil2::iu (KAPPEC)
Ihl 2008 -09 cI eoil w'.c.m 053,nO ;;Jf.Je..Aimci """,miTol clr.'tjilc.m
M q
IcJ df.J'=il'oM03 2008 cI oldci O3<lomcl Aioy>wil IWTO)
Id) z"",cI"ci 3M cill Aiotg03<lf'l !,.lo.
Ie) A;;lI;lAiru iliTol,-Wil AiO<J'-clo;iJ ""MOelmw' iloDOi!il
7. "'.1M =o;iJrr.lnclf.J NilOlO. 50-55 2.l'ilb 5x4=20
la) nsm '1d.r.J'tjmo< clr.'tjilcill mowo
Ih) et;l>IJ1il1i Aiowol;llon03 KSSIDC oil ilb Oi!il lo.

280 13)


Enumerate the objectives of Special Economic Zones Policy 2000 III India.

Explain the strategy of Government of Karnataka brought out In the "Medium Term Fiscal Plan" 2000 -01 to 2004 -05.

(Turn over
DD 181
Mention the method of measurement of child malnutrition adopted in the third National Family Health Survey (NFHS 2006.
8. Write short notes on all of the following, Restrict your answer to 20 -25 words each: 2xlO=20

Karnataka State Finance Commission

Panchasutra in Karnataka Agricultural Policy -2006
(dl Sampoorna Grameena Rozgar Yojana

Gender Budgeting

Yashaswini Health Insurance for farmers

Good Governance

Stree Shakti Yojana

District Planning Committee


(el 2000 -01 2004

8. oo'oWOSrO wocfuD. 20 Do", 25 2xlO=20
Ig) q,3Dmfi eo"",rIv
Ihl elZ<l3

[Turn over
DD I 10)
9. Answer anyone of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 200 -250 words 20xl=20
Explain diagrammatically the salient features of natural drainage systems of India.
(bl Discuss the distribution and production trends of Iron Ore III India with special reference to Karnataka.
10. Answer anyone of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 100 -150 words: lOxl=lO
Write about trends of urbanization SInce 1971 in India.
(hi Discuss the broad features of land use in India with a note on trends of land use in Karnataka.
11. Answer any two of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 50 words each

Examine the route proposal for Ganga -Cauvery Canal.

Write critically on the seismic zones of Peninsular India.

Examine the role of Express Highways in India.


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DD 12 I
12. Answer anyone of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 200 250 words 20xl =20

Explain how the implementation of a major irrigation project without properly educating the farmers of the region leads to "loss of fertility of the land" and "socio·economic problem".

Discuss the impact of coal based power plants on the environment of coastal Karnataka and its mitigative measures.

13. Write brief notes on any f'our of the following. Restrict your answer to 100 -120 words each: lOx4=4IJ

Nuclear weapons

Gene therapy

Balanced diet
(dl Nanotechnology

Hazardous wastes
Radiation technology applications

14. Write short notes on all of the following. Restrict your answer to 20 -25 words each


Soil conservation

Mini Hydro-electric projects

Kyasanoor Forest Disease

(dl Silica fume
Satellite Imageries
(gl Solar Satellite -Aditya
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research
(il Tejas aircraft
Ul Bluetooth
I 13I DD

12. ,"odo erJ'lDlo ;JofJ. 1Il'lu 200 DoCS 250

la, Sckocs AiD=CS S"O;;:5tJil Somro c:JD °cs ol,n ";Jf.J;;noSo i:Sotil," AiofJ";o" ,"lin ""U£8WOln'J'lcl Ib) liN<J,WiSc:J liOOl;;:51l iiJDAiucs litJcsttJ
MQ tl
iiJD""ofJ"'NJ 2523,10.
1a. Nil""" on 8o':J!.liiJ oOililD.
o noJ
100 Docs 120 iiJcs,"" ;;nsoSotJu,s, <50.

If) ei'$.oSo,""o

14 Dccs 21i
. "
;;nsoSo tJu,s, <50. 2xlO=20
wJ tiS

(el eU[B.

eI'Uc:J"0.;af (Satellite Imageries)
(hi oJoJoru;;:5Dcs Aio"foJ'c;!NiJ


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