Exam Details

Subject general studies
Exam / Course mains
Organization Karnataka Public Service Commission
Exam Date 2006
City, State karnataka,

Question Paper

Paper 1
TIll/f' 3 llollrs I Maximum Marhs 300

Each qucstion IS printed buth in English and in Kannada.
AW;lvers /nust be written in the medium specified (English or Kannada! in the Ad"U8swn Tiekel isslied to ,yOlt, (Dhich must be stated clearl)' on the cover of the answer i.n the space provided for this purpose. No credit will be given (or the answers Lvritten in a medillln other than that specified in the Admis.sion Tichet.
Candidates should attempt questions from all Parts.
The number of nwrhs carried b.y each is indicated with the qllcstwn.
The length oj'the answers should not, as far as possible, the specification given for the qllc8tion.

• Bf a"rz;a tH ?J'S5oJJ :J...0rJQ,j)
cc (2I
L Ansver two of the following questions in not more than 200 -250 words each:

Discuss the statement that the British conquered India "in a fit of" absent-mindedness",

Comment on the view that modern Indian nationalism was tlw expression of the aspirations and frustrations of the emergent. middle class.

Point out the contributions of Sir M. Viswcshvaraiah to the
modernization of Mysore.
Trace the stages in the unification of Karnataka.

2. Answer any four of the following questions in about 100 -120 words each lOx4=4D

Summarize the arguments of the "Drain theory".
(bl Was Chauri ChaLlfa reason enough for the suspension of the

Non-Cooperation Movement? lc) How Gandhian was t.he 'Quit India' Ivlovement

Bring out the peasant content in the Nagar Rebellion.

Can the work of Tipu Sultan be described as "confronting colonialism"

Highlight the work of Dr. Shivarama Karanth in popularizing SCtence.

3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 50 -60 words each

Write a note on the contributions of Mrs. Annie Rcsant to the llome Rule Movement.

Vhy did the Congress ministries resign in

Outline the impact of the Indian National Congress m tbe Karnataka region during the Freedom Struggle.

1. ilWC5 omoaw;,c:itfo; wtfai' 3tJ;J 200 Bon 250 Zb'tfno:s
«1 as, il
2. 1uo 120

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3. fiO-60 J
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I 1939 (Congress Ministries)

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oe; DcJ

[Tum over CC 141
4. Write brief notes on all of the following in about 20 -2fi words each
Th" 'Black Hole' of Calcutta
Gandhi-Irwin Pact
(dl 'The clement of social protest in Bhutaradhane
Field liIarshal K.M. Cariappa

151 cc
4. 20 Ded 25 ;;neddoa


5. Answer any three of the following questions In about 200 -250 words each

Discuss the contradiction between development and conservation or nature. What position would you take if the option were either one or the other? Defend your answer.

Bring" out the details of the nuclear deal between India and the United Staies of America. Is it lD accordance with India's Non-Aligned foreign policy?

Hlghlight the impart that the resurgent Chinese economy' has had in reshaping inter-state relatIOns in Asia.

Give a schematic account of the categories for reservation employed by the l-Iavanur, Vcnkataswamy and Chionappa Heddy Commissions for the socially and economically backward classes.

8xaminc the maJur problems faced by the Karnataka film industry in recent years.

m Do you think that poverty and unemployment arc inter-related problems If so, how have our national economic planners been attempting to alleviate poverty through employment generation programmes since 2002
Examine the lIicro-credit system introduced by lluhammed Yunus.
6. Answer any ."Jix of the j(}Jlowing questions in about 100 -120 words eadl

llighlight the salient features of the anti-monarchical and democratic movenwnt in in the last two years.
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How has the United States of America reacted to the nuclear
programme of North Korea
110n1,ion the main provisions of the RTI Act.

Discuss the implications of the proposed Greater Bangalorc Authority for solving infrastructure-related problems.

Highlight the major policy measures initiated by Karnataka to retain children aged 6 -14 years in school.

What arc the measures taken by the Government of Karnataka to rectify regional imbalances?

Analyse the main sources and problems of non-institutional sources of credit to the Agricultural sector.

Di8CUSS the recommendations of the Mahajan Commission regarding the boundary dispute between Karnataka and Maharashtra.

Assess the contribution of the corporate sector to the promotion of sports in India.

J Our urban complexes are not equipped to face natural disasters. Do you agree Illustrate your answer with the recent flooding of Mumbai city.
7. Answer any f'our of the following questions in about 50 -60 words each

Justify India's claims to a seat in the Security Council.

Vhat are the main aspects of the Common Minimum Programme of the UPA Government?

Hig-hlight the main provisions of the award of Cauvery waters by the Tribunal in 2006.

Account for the success of the Indian Railways in recent months.

Discuss Wind as a non-conventional source of energy in Karnataka.

Explain the importance of gender-budgeting for Karnataka state.

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cc (10 I
8. Write brief noies on all of the following in about 20 words each:
Ball tampering
Ib) Amitahh Bachchan
Id) The Koragas
Ie) Datta Peetha tradition
(gJ Award
(hJ Michael Schumacher
Kiran Desai's Booker Prize wmning novel
Minimum Support Price

11 cc
8. &. M t.l"i,r-o eJociliD. 'Ssoir.ooru 20 -25
I I "ill""1,ft "mot.J flO"
(gl D
(il eJo5:Jw:J;)iJ KIl"d <ld". d=cili iRdoeJD
oloeJo ol<J

[Turn over
cc I 12 I
9. State \'hether the following statements are true or false. Justify
your answer 6
Ii) Smitha travels from Bangalore to Hassan at a speed of
40 kmph and returns at a speed of 60 kmph. The average
speed during the entire trip is 50 kmph.
(iiJ In a locality with outbreak of cholera, 60% of the inhabitants
were attacked while had been inoculated. The minimum
percentage of persons who were inoculated but attacked is 10.
The salary of a person is first increased by 20% and then
decreased by The net increase in salary is 15%.
The table given below shows the distribution of the life-time of 400
electric tubes

Life-time (hours) No. of tubes
300 :399 14 46 58 76 68 62 48 22 6
400 499
500 599
600 699
700 799
800 899
900 999
1000 1099
1100 1199

Find the percentage of tubes whose life-time is
at the most hours.
at least 600 hours but not more than 999 hours.
lesB than 700 hours or mOfe than 1099 hours.
more than 1200 hours.

u ex;

1:3. 13
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Distinguish between Bar diagram and Histogram Scatter diagram and Ogive curve State how these diubJTamS are useful in data analysis. 6
10. Illustrate, by a suitable diagram, the folluwing expenditure of a typical middle class household data on the 8

Item Percentage of Total Expenditure
Food 50
Clothing Housing Fuel and Light 15 15 7
Education 8
11 tsee}l aneous 5
lb) In the set-up of given above, find Qut the actual expenditures, if the total expenditure is Rs. 12,000. 2
The fonowing values of related variables x and yare gIven
4 10 12 14 20
6 16 40 42 46
Compute Pearson Correlation Coefficient r and 2100r
Interpret statistically the values obtained in
If every value of x is doubled, what will be the new value of r Give reasons. 10

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Paper 2
Tlm( nOIl,.s I Maximum Marhs . :WO

Rach pl'tnted both English and in Kannada.
Answers !/Lllst he written in the medium specified (Engli.sh or J((llllluc/rt) ilL the Admission Tic/wt iss/led to yOIl, which fIIl/S! bt· stated clearly on the the answer book in the span! provided li)r tills PUljJO;;C. No credit will be giuen trJ" the written in mcdium other than that speci/led In the Admission TIc1?et.
Condidates should attempt questiolls (rom all Parts.
The number carried b.v each question is indicated with the qucsfwlI.
The length or tile aILs/ocr.'> shuuld Hot, as as possible, e.Tceed gll'C1L the question.

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DD (2 i
1. Answer anyone of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 200 -250 words each 20xl =20

Di.",cuss the causes of the growing importance of regional parties in Indian politics.

Is there a justification for a bicameral legislature, when most. of the state legislatures in India are unicameral Substantiate YOUI' answer taking Karnataka as a case in point.

2. Answer any three of the following questions. Restrict your answers to 100 words each lOxJ=.10
Highlight the major inadequacies in the anti-defection after the amendment of 2003.
tbl Examine tho impact of dominant castes shaping mainstream politics in India.

Are voting studies useful In the political sensitization the electorate in India

What are the legal devices available in India for the protection of the freedom of Press

How useful is reservation for SCs and 81's in legislatures m representing their special grievances and interests Comment.

3. Answer any four questions. Restrict your answers to 50 -55 words each

Give a brief account National Commission fo of the composition and functions r Religious and Linguistic 1Tinorities. of tlw
(bJ Outline the policy of the physically challenged. Government of India towards the
Bring out the role of Kanshiram in Dalit awakening in India.


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DD (4I
(dl Do smaller states perform better in India Ansvc-r. keeping" Chatti"garh or Goa In VlCW.
"The owdia In India sensationalizes issues. Ii does not build public opInion " Comment.
(fJ Di"cuss the linguistic pluralism in Karnataka.
4. Write short noteS on the following. Restrict your answers to 20 -25 words each.

Kannada classical language
(bl 'fawang Controversy

Nanavati Commission
(ell Oversight Committee

Inter-State Council
If) National llighways Authority
(gJ im mna CLlse

'Office-of profit' and Elected representatives

Bharatiya Kisan Union
(j"J Research and Analysis Ving

0 GO
CJ ,rc

13 1;1
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DD (6I
5. Answer one of the following two questions. llestriet your answer to 200 words:
Explain the main objectives and structure of national economIC reforms in India since 991. Show whether or not the components of economic reforms arc similar between the National and the State levels.
Ihl Describe the major objectives and principles of Vorld Trade Organization. J'vlentiol1 the maw agreements of Vv'orld Trade Organi:r,ation.
6. Answer three of the following five questions. Restrict YOUI' answers to 100 each:

List the major sources of revenue for the village panchayats in Karnatakn. \1hat havc· been the significant reforms in regard

Analyse the process of decentralized planning in Knrnatakn State.

Who arc targeted by the 'targeted' Public Distnbution System Explain your answer with reference to Karnataka State.

Explain the indicators in the construction of the National Human Development Index in India.

does "PURA" Ilwan Answer, with special reference to t.he S/I!Jarna Granu)da.ya initiative in Karnataka.

7. Amnver any {our of the following six questions in about fiO words ench

11ention the major items of agricultural and non-agncultural export., from. Karnataka State.

DistmgUlsh the important strategies for reduction in the revenue deficit of the Government of Karnataka.

Explain tht' major source of indirect taxes of the Government of India.


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DD i 8 i
(elJ Highlight the major targets and objectives of Karnataka's Nev·,' Industrial Policy 2006 -2011.
Explain the major justifications for establishing Special Economic Zones in Tndia.
(fJ Vhat arc the monitarablc indicators for education and literacy in India's Tenth Five Year Plan?
8. "/rite a brief note on (lach of the following in about 20 words each 2xlO=:20 (aJ Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission

Statistical Organir.ation

National Sample Survey Organization
(dl Karnataka Udyog Mitra

Securities Exchange Board of India
(fJ Bilateral Exchange Rate

Prime Lending Rate

Priority Sectors in Banking
Net National Product
{jJ Telc-dcnsity

(tl .1 2006-2011 t1

,...., ........... M bc 8

(IJ I 8 r1. ""


1,1 i

DD (10I
9. Answer anyone question. Restrict your answer to 200 -250

Discuss the salient features of Deccan Trap.

Critieally examine the Hydel power resources of Karllataka.

10. Answer anyone question. Restrict your answer to 100 -150 words.
Bring out the salient features of the Cauvery Tlvor system.
Elucidate the geographical factors responsible for variation 111
population density in Karnataka.

11. Answer any two questions. Restrict your answers to 50 words erich.

Highlight the geographical factors responsible for Dairy development in India.

List the uses of Meteorological satellites.

Give an account of Manganese production III Karnataka.

o O aCJ II 0;» 6 cq13 o lD I o o C'.J a 0 .....,..... II II B 6J> 6 fJ J b B 13 1" b 0 c Q lr) "-'...... I 13: li) tC...... "n r 06fZ 0 d 1,» ...ki 0 18 tl g 0b 0
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. 0

12. Answer anyone of the ful1ov'iing questions. Hes1.rict your to 200 -2flO words 20xl Chmate is becoming the single largest t11fcat to the world,
Hov does this arCed India? (bJ What is 'Organic Farnung' How is it expected to solve the problemslill-effccts of modern agriculture?
la. II,.'rite brief notes OIl any (our of the following. Restrict yOl-lf answers to 100 -120 words pach.

Acid Rain
Ihl Ecological footprint
(cJ Jlunicipal Solid -Vastcs (MSWJ and Supreme Court guidelines
(ell Jaipul' fooL

Global Ilositiolllng Systems

14. Vnte short on oIl of the following. Restrict your answers t.o 20 -2fl words each.


?vlooile computing
i Bt Cotton

(fJ BlOmC'thanalion
(gl Amorphous Silicon
(il Salinlzation
(jJ Chikungunya

o o a "" " a " a "
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1tJ'" iJ :30 "ID B Q lZ oj 12 1u C" b jJ 1:3 13··13 12 lJUJljb0tlg lJ 55":3 I'lJ lJ rJ c 012 0C Q'1J n 10 fl b 0.;)£b R13 Q[3 fj> 03 § 12 c -rr M tJ iJe nOJ>i'l .Dc") 12 18 IP m..} F H Q b 1>3 if v tJ) 0 a IJ Z1J' is c. H" b B ·0 16 b C3 13 fJ a q 12 1r yC­11 18 6.J :l.. CJ..l hlJ'. 01? b lu 1P C ef§"3 IJ ff 12 G

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  • kannada
  • kannada literature
  • law
  • management
  • mathematics
  • mechanical engineering
  • philosophy
  • physics
  • political science and i.r.
  • psychology
  • public administration
  • rural development & cooperation
  • sociology
  • statistics
  • urdu
  • zoology