Exam Details
Subject | law | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | mains | |
Department | ||
Organization | Karnataka Public Service Commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2010 | |
City, State | karnataka, |
Question Paper
111/1 I
Paper 1
Time: 3 Hours J Maximum Marks: 300
Each question is printed both in English and in Kannada:
Answers must be written in the medium specified (English or Kannada) in the Admission Ticket issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer book in the space provided for this purpose. In case ofany doubt in the Kannada text, please refer to English text.
This paper has four parts ..
A 20 marks
B 100 marks
C 90 marks
D 90 marks
Marks allotted to each question are indicated in each part.
All questions in Part Part B and Part C are compulsory. Answer any three questions in Part D.
zff<izJ" <if ;:foe"'a0ci <if o:tDtyJUJfJd.
PART A 4x5=20
Answer each question in about 50 words. Each question carries 5 marks.
1. Explain "Theory of Territorial Nexus".
Explain Jus cogens Vienna CQovention.
Explain constitutive theory of recognition.
Explain "Double Jeopardy".
3 11/1
ADOJJ;JO;) 50 ?icJ'I1M o:J:JeucJ'ocff ero1M. 5 "'o",l1ro.
1. rlooo1>o:J (Territorial Nexus)
[Turn over
PARTB 10x10=100
Answer each question in about 100 words. Each question carnes 10 marks.
Explain 'Neutrality'. State the Rights and Duties of Neutral States and Belligerent States.
Examine the provisions and effectiveness of the hijacking conventions in providing free aerial navigation.
4. Write a short note on doctrine of 'Rebus sic Stantibus' in Treaty Law.
Discuss the power of States to restrict the freedom of trade and commerce in their territories in the light of recent judicial decisions.
The doctrines of "pith and substance" and the "colourable legislation" have helped in interpreting the entries in various lists and have promoted harmony among the states and union.' Comment.
The controversy among jurists about the sources of International Law was settled under Article 38 of the Statute of ICJ. Clearly state the sources formally referred to in Article 38.
Discuss the protection to commercial advertisements under Article
Discuss the contingencies under which an ordinance may be promulgated. State the duration of an Ordinance. Also mention any limitations on exercise of this power.
'Since the Law of Nations primarily deals with relations between states, the states are the only subjects of International Law'. Critically examine.
Discuss the views of Supreme Court on pardoning power of President and Governor.
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Answer each 15 marks. question m about 150 words. Each question carries
12. State the various theories regarding International Law and Municipal Law. the relati onship between
Discuss provisions relating to 'use of force' against another member state and its use in 'domestic jurisdiction' under Article U.N. Charter.
Discuss the limits of the amending power of Parliament.
What is the scope and content of the phrase 'reasonable opportunity of being heard" in respect of the charges in Article 311(2) of the Constitution of India Does it embrace a right to receive a copy of the Inquiry Officer's report? State the Case Law on the subject.
Describe the constitutional provisions relating to Reservation in Promotions.
"The exclusive economic zone is sui generis and also modifies the regime of the high seas over which it extends." Critically examine this statement drawing attention to the special features and legal incidents of this new maritime zone as established by the U.N. Convention on the Law of Sea, 1982.
13. AlCS"i; ""!OuCS 0S03:J oS 8WfJ oSoIf: 2(7 cscs '"tloSoIf:ru'"
15. Alo;)"",oJcs 311(2) AiJO'g wow w;>rIf.l "'I;>ilOlCloSo oo'o'CloSo z"oru ",ru ;)iZoSo ilOlo!JO<:t (Case law)
16. o:Jornoo'; ;Jet"lii Alowol;>
17, "'Ill Oil' sui generis 0S03:J ",ru to AlomSCS 5'<ZOoJ ;)1!I.Al0;loSo 1982 ;Jo'.1;)o1>Aloocs oe,ilOlo', oSJOAi AlomS omoJ<l. ilOlo!JO<:t HoSooJ
[Turn over
PARTD 3><30=90
Answer any three af the fallowing questions, each m about 300 words. Each question carries 30 marks.
18. "India has established a secular state where individual's liberty and equality is placed above religion." Elucidate. Can a Law prohibit religious conversions achieved by use of fraud, force or allurement being violative of right to propagate religion guaranteed under Article 25 of the Constitution?
19. "The Indian Constitution is a classic case of maintaining a balance
between purely federal and purely unitary type of government."
Cb) State the procedure of the appointment of the judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts and the rules on the transferability of High Court judges.
20. Ca) State the rules of natural justice and the effect of their non-observance. Should "administrative inconvenience" be allowed to block the path of natural justice Comment.
'Henry VIII clause has been an illustration of excessive which can't be done, but India is using its narrower version.' Discuss.
21. Is the threat or use of nuclear weapons in any circumstances permitted under International law Answer the question in the light of the Advisory opinion of the ICJ dated 8th July 1996.
State the distinction between recognition of a and a 'Government'. Discuss whether there is a duty to recognize.
22. Define extradition. State the essential conditions for extradition. What is the relationship of 'Extradition' with 'Asylum'
Explain State succession mentioning the difference between Universal and Partial succession.
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Note: The English version of the instructions is printed on the front cover of this question paper.
111/2 I
Paper 2
Time: 3 Hours j Maximum Marks: 300
Each question is printed both in English and in Kannada.
Answers must be written in the medium specified (English or Kannada) in the Admission Ticket issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer book in the space provided for this purpose. In case ofany doubt in the Kannada text, please refer to English text.
This paper has four parts:
A 20 marks
B 100 marks
C 90 marks
D 90 marks
Marks allotted to each question are indicated in each part.
All questions in Part Part B and Part C are compulsory. Answer any three questions in Part D.
51SifoJ:! 'i/JlJdtR
PART A 4x5=20
Answer each question in about 50 words. Each question carries 5 marks.
1. who is a citizen of United States was travelling in a ship registered in India. During the voyage kills a resident of
U.K. Can A be punished in an Indian Court
What is the difference between "offer" and "invitation to offer" under Law of Contract
offers to sell a horse to at a pnce of 500 or 1,000 Is this contract enforceable
Define damnum sine injuria.
I 3 11/2
50 i!fCJ'rrM o:oedCJ'ocff ero'JDiI>.
5 t9oifrrllJ.
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Oolo!.r.J;)oS .s,Oold ";)eCl50il Cl50iJ am
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damnum sine injuria
[Turn over
PARTB lOxlO=100
Answer each question m about 100 words. Each question carnes 10 marks.
Contrast the features of the offence of 'wrongful confinement' on one hand with the offence of 'Kidnapping/Abduction' on the other.
Abetment of an offence is a complete offence by itself. Whether an attempt to abet an offence would also he an offence? Examine.
What is meant by negotiable instruments? State the differences between Promissory note and Bill of exchange.
in the darkness of the night kills his son considering him as a tiger. Decide the liability of
threatens to shoot if does not agree to sell his property to on a certain price. sells his property to Is this contract valid?
an industry is situated in thickly populated area, engaged In producing poisonous gas. Due to electricity short circuit gas leaks. It resulted in the death of and his family? Is liable for the tragedy?
A Bill is payable to or to Order. A thief steals it from and forges the endorsement of and endorses the Bill to takes in good faith and for value. Can recover the Bill
State the features of offence of 'cruelty against married woman' in S 498A of IPC.
Distinguish between Libel and Slander. Whether the distinction holds good in India?
State the scheme of the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961. Whether the Act prohibits dowry or only makes the bride richer?
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PARTe 6x15=90
Answer each question in about 150 words. Each question carries 15 marks.
Briefly state the essential features of offence of theft, and extortion of property. When does the offence become robbery and dacoity
What is meant by "Res Ipsa Loquitur" under tort of negligence How does it affect the tort of negligence
Explain the meaning of "Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention of all" found in S 34 of IPe. Distinguish it from member of unlawful assembly in prosecution of the common object" in Section 149 of 1PC.
What is agency? What are the modes of termination of agency?
What is meant by dishonour of cheque What are the recent amendments made to tackle dishonour of cheques
What is meant by 'privity of contract' doctrine What is its position in 1ndia
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PARTD 3x30=90 Answer any three of the following questions, each m about 300 words. Each question carries 30 marks.
18. Answer in brief the following
List the 'offences against body' under IPC grading them from lesser offence with lesser penalties to higher offences leading to highest penalty.
State briefly the distinguishing features of 'culpable :qamicide' and
19. Explain 'actus non faeit reum nisi mens sit rea' as an element for liability under IPC. Mention the method of determining intention, Contrast it with requirement under the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954.
Write a comment on 'dowry death' even though it may be culpable homicide' or but with a lesser penalty and assumption of guilt as also rules of proof.
State the meaning and effect of the principle that "time IS the essence of the contract" and the consequences thereof.
In the changing scenario the judicial decisions have indicated that exceptions to "caveat emptor" doctrine are becoming more important. Comment, and illustrate with relevant cases.
(bl What do you understand by breach of contract under Sec. 73 What are principles governing damages
Substantiate that the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 has now introduced Isupremacy of consumer' (caveat venditor).
.,.TI 0 11/2 3x30=90
"lIflN' 300 30 Io'ou'rrro. ero1c1>iJ;>
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19. ",.QAoi> "!Jood 'actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea' (Intentian) Mh e wod otdrlWt,r::I e 1954 r:i
'eilftJo1;i e q1w.J eFd2.Jo5or:r;,r::Irj.;;, 5'taiil "l 2.JOo':J:;1O.
20. il'm1Ooi wa2.J eqr,
731$e 'Sood wacJdei3:l oi"/,r1..rt
21. "caveat emptor" 2.J05<;1 iO w°2.Jl e.l'"iO. Ato2.Jo<j!05!./, "!Jil'dCQrll1 eror:r;,iZr:i"r19,;;,otlrt
1986d mJJ55'r:i e<r1 "mJJ5il'd (caveat venditar)
[Turn over
11/2 I 10
22. Explain the concept of 'State Liability', Whether the State is liable when a private vehicle suffers damages In collision with
1. an army truck carrying Jawans towards frontier positions.
II. an army truck carrying food for Jawans on duty.
III: a vehicle of Karnataka Government engaged in sanitary work.
Discuss the concept of vicarious liability of master for actions of an employee. Explain the various tests evolved by Courts.
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Note; The English version of the instructions is printed on the front cover of this question paper.
Paper 1
Time: 3 Hours J Maximum Marks: 300
Each question is printed both in English and in Kannada:
Answers must be written in the medium specified (English or Kannada) in the Admission Ticket issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer book in the space provided for this purpose. In case ofany doubt in the Kannada text, please refer to English text.
This paper has four parts ..
A 20 marks
B 100 marks
C 90 marks
D 90 marks
Marks allotted to each question are indicated in each part.
All questions in Part Part B and Part C are compulsory. Answer any three questions in Part D.
zff<izJ" <if ;:foe"'a0ci <if o:tDtyJUJfJd.
PART A 4x5=20
Answer each question in about 50 words. Each question carries 5 marks.
1. Explain "Theory of Territorial Nexus".
Explain Jus cogens Vienna CQovention.
Explain constitutive theory of recognition.
Explain "Double Jeopardy".
3 11/1
ADOJJ;JO;) 50 ?icJ'I1M o:J:JeucJ'ocff ero1M. 5 "'o",l1ro.
1. rlooo1>o:J (Territorial Nexus)
[Turn over
PARTB 10x10=100
Answer each question in about 100 words. Each question carnes 10 marks.
Explain 'Neutrality'. State the Rights and Duties of Neutral States and Belligerent States.
Examine the provisions and effectiveness of the hijacking conventions in providing free aerial navigation.
4. Write a short note on doctrine of 'Rebus sic Stantibus' in Treaty Law.
Discuss the power of States to restrict the freedom of trade and commerce in their territories in the light of recent judicial decisions.
The doctrines of "pith and substance" and the "colourable legislation" have helped in interpreting the entries in various lists and have promoted harmony among the states and union.' Comment.
The controversy among jurists about the sources of International Law was settled under Article 38 of the Statute of ICJ. Clearly state the sources formally referred to in Article 38.
Discuss the protection to commercial advertisements under Article
Discuss the contingencies under which an ordinance may be promulgated. State the duration of an Ordinance. Also mention any limitations on exercise of this power.
'Since the Law of Nations primarily deals with relations between states, the states are the only subjects of International Law'. Critically examine.
Discuss the views of Supreme Court on pardoning power of President and Governor.
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... 00 ai
Answer each 15 marks. question m about 150 words. Each question carries
12. State the various theories regarding International Law and Municipal Law. the relati onship between
Discuss provisions relating to 'use of force' against another member state and its use in 'domestic jurisdiction' under Article U.N. Charter.
Discuss the limits of the amending power of Parliament.
What is the scope and content of the phrase 'reasonable opportunity of being heard" in respect of the charges in Article 311(2) of the Constitution of India Does it embrace a right to receive a copy of the Inquiry Officer's report? State the Case Law on the subject.
Describe the constitutional provisions relating to Reservation in Promotions.
"The exclusive economic zone is sui generis and also modifies the regime of the high seas over which it extends." Critically examine this statement drawing attention to the special features and legal incidents of this new maritime zone as established by the U.N. Convention on the Law of Sea, 1982.
13. AlCS"i; ""!OuCS 0S03:J oS 8WfJ oSoIf: 2(7 cscs '"tloSoIf:ru'"
15. Alo;)"",oJcs 311(2) AiJO'g wow w;>rIf.l "'I;>ilOlCloSo oo'o'CloSo z"oru ",ru ;)iZoSo ilOlo!JO<:t (Case law)
16. o:Jornoo'; ;Jet"lii Alowol;>
17, "'Ill Oil' sui generis 0S03:J ",ru to AlomSCS 5'<ZOoJ ;)1!I.Al0;loSo 1982 ;Jo'.1;)o1>Aloocs oe,ilOlo', oSJOAi AlomS omoJ<l. ilOlo!JO<:t HoSooJ
[Turn over
PARTD 3><30=90
Answer any three af the fallowing questions, each m about 300 words. Each question carries 30 marks.
18. "India has established a secular state where individual's liberty and equality is placed above religion." Elucidate. Can a Law prohibit religious conversions achieved by use of fraud, force or allurement being violative of right to propagate religion guaranteed under Article 25 of the Constitution?
19. "The Indian Constitution is a classic case of maintaining a balance
between purely federal and purely unitary type of government."
Cb) State the procedure of the appointment of the judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts and the rules on the transferability of High Court judges.
20. Ca) State the rules of natural justice and the effect of their non-observance. Should "administrative inconvenience" be allowed to block the path of natural justice Comment.
'Henry VIII clause has been an illustration of excessive which can't be done, but India is using its narrower version.' Discuss.
21. Is the threat or use of nuclear weapons in any circumstances permitted under International law Answer the question in the light of the Advisory opinion of the ICJ dated 8th July 1996.
State the distinction between recognition of a and a 'Government'. Discuss whether there is a duty to recognize.
22. Define extradition. State the essential conditions for extradition. What is the relationship of 'Extradition' with 'Asylum'
Explain State succession mentioning the difference between Universal and Partial succession.
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Note: The English version of the instructions is printed on the front cover of this question paper.
111/2 I
Paper 2
Time: 3 Hours j Maximum Marks: 300
Each question is printed both in English and in Kannada.
Answers must be written in the medium specified (English or Kannada) in the Admission Ticket issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer book in the space provided for this purpose. In case ofany doubt in the Kannada text, please refer to English text.
This paper has four parts:
A 20 marks
B 100 marks
C 90 marks
D 90 marks
Marks allotted to each question are indicated in each part.
All questions in Part Part B and Part C are compulsory. Answer any three questions in Part D.
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PART A 4x5=20
Answer each question in about 50 words. Each question carries 5 marks.
1. who is a citizen of United States was travelling in a ship registered in India. During the voyage kills a resident of
U.K. Can A be punished in an Indian Court
What is the difference between "offer" and "invitation to offer" under Law of Contract
offers to sell a horse to at a pnce of 500 or 1,000 Is this contract enforceable
Define damnum sine injuria.
I 3 11/2
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[Turn over
PARTB lOxlO=100
Answer each question m about 100 words. Each question carnes 10 marks.
Contrast the features of the offence of 'wrongful confinement' on one hand with the offence of 'Kidnapping/Abduction' on the other.
Abetment of an offence is a complete offence by itself. Whether an attempt to abet an offence would also he an offence? Examine.
What is meant by negotiable instruments? State the differences between Promissory note and Bill of exchange.
in the darkness of the night kills his son considering him as a tiger. Decide the liability of
threatens to shoot if does not agree to sell his property to on a certain price. sells his property to Is this contract valid?
an industry is situated in thickly populated area, engaged In producing poisonous gas. Due to electricity short circuit gas leaks. It resulted in the death of and his family? Is liable for the tragedy?
A Bill is payable to or to Order. A thief steals it from and forges the endorsement of and endorses the Bill to takes in good faith and for value. Can recover the Bill
State the features of offence of 'cruelty against married woman' in S 498A of IPC.
Distinguish between Libel and Slander. Whether the distinction holds good in India?
State the scheme of the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961. Whether the Act prohibits dowry or only makes the bride richer?
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PARTe 6x15=90
Answer each question in about 150 words. Each question carries 15 marks.
Briefly state the essential features of offence of theft, and extortion of property. When does the offence become robbery and dacoity
What is meant by "Res Ipsa Loquitur" under tort of negligence How does it affect the tort of negligence
Explain the meaning of "Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention of all" found in S 34 of IPe. Distinguish it from member of unlawful assembly in prosecution of the common object" in Section 149 of 1PC.
What is agency? What are the modes of termination of agency?
What is meant by dishonour of cheque What are the recent amendments made to tackle dishonour of cheques
What is meant by 'privity of contract' doctrine What is its position in 1ndia
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PARTD 3x30=90 Answer any three of the following questions, each m about 300 words. Each question carries 30 marks.
18. Answer in brief the following
List the 'offences against body' under IPC grading them from lesser offence with lesser penalties to higher offences leading to highest penalty.
State briefly the distinguishing features of 'culpable :qamicide' and
19. Explain 'actus non faeit reum nisi mens sit rea' as an element for liability under IPC. Mention the method of determining intention, Contrast it with requirement under the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954.
Write a comment on 'dowry death' even though it may be culpable homicide' or but with a lesser penalty and assumption of guilt as also rules of proof.
State the meaning and effect of the principle that "time IS the essence of the contract" and the consequences thereof.
In the changing scenario the judicial decisions have indicated that exceptions to "caveat emptor" doctrine are becoming more important. Comment, and illustrate with relevant cases.
(bl What do you understand by breach of contract under Sec. 73 What are principles governing damages
Substantiate that the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 has now introduced Isupremacy of consumer' (caveat venditor).
.,.TI 0 11/2 3x30=90
"lIflN' 300 30 Io'ou'rrro. ero1c1>iJ;>
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19. ",.QAoi> "!Jood 'actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea' (Intentian) Mh e wod otdrlWt,r::I e 1954 r:i
'eilftJo1;i e q1w.J eFd2.Jo5or:r;,r::Irj.;;, 5'taiil "l 2.JOo':J:;1O.
20. il'm1Ooi wa2.J eqr,
731$e 'Sood wacJdei3:l oi"/,r1..rt
21. "caveat emptor" 2.J05<;1 iO w°2.Jl e.l'"iO. Ato2.Jo<j!05!./, "!Jil'dCQrll1 eror:r;,iZr:i"r19,;;,otlrt
1986d mJJ55'r:i e<r1 "mJJ5il'd (caveat venditar)
[Turn over
11/2 I 10
22. Explain the concept of 'State Liability', Whether the State is liable when a private vehicle suffers damages In collision with
1. an army truck carrying Jawans towards frontier positions.
II. an army truck carrying food for Jawans on duty.
III: a vehicle of Karnataka Government engaged in sanitary work.
Discuss the concept of vicarious liability of master for actions of an employee. Explain the various tests evolved by Courts.
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Note; The English version of the instructions is printed on the front cover of this question paper.
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