Exam Details

Subject advance instrumental analysis
Exam / Course m. pharmacy (pharm. analysis)
Organization G. Pulla Reddy College Of Pharmacy
Exam Date August, 2018
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

M. Pharmacy (Pharm. Analysis) II-Semester (Main) Examination,
August 2018
Subject: Advance Instrumental Analysis
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Note: Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 a. Explain about various types of columns and column problems in HPLC.
b. Write the principle and advantages of Ultra and Nano liquid chromatography?
2 a. Discuss about ion exchange chromatography and write in detail about its
b. Explain the various components of HPTLC and write its advantages over
column chromatography?
3 a. Write about various detectors used in GLC?
b. Explain the principle and basic configuration of capillary electrophoresis?
4 Elaborate with neat sketch, the instrumentation of mass spectrometry?
5 a. What do you mean by chemical shift? Explain the various factors influencing
b. Explain about nuclear double resonance and its applications?
6 a. Mention various tandem MS/MS systems and explain any one briefly with neat
b. Discuss the principle and applications of size exclusion chromatography?
7 a. Explain about preparative HPLC?
b. Discuss about FT NMR with reference to C13 NMR
8 a. Explain about LC-NMR hyphenation.
b. Write about fragmentation ruleS in MS?

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