Exam Details
Subject | law of evidence | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | b.a. ll.b. | |
Department | ||
Organization | Hidayatullah National Law University | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | September, 2018 | |
City, State | chhattisgarh, raipur |
Question Paper
ID No.
Mid Term Examination, September 2018
B.A. LL.B. (HONS.)
Law of Evidence
Max. Marks: 20 Max. Time: 1:30 Hrs.
Note: Answer any TWO questions out of three.
The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question.
1. "It is not necessary that statement of same transaction should be made at the place or time of occurrence". Justify the statement with the help of decided cases in the light of Res Gestae. Whether the statements made too late under Res Gestae are relevant? Discuss with suitable cases. (Marks 10)
2. Answer the following: (Marks 5 ×
a. What do you mean by "shall presume" and "conclusive proof"? Discuss the difference with illustrations, under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872.
b. "When facts not otherwise relevant become relevant."Explain and illustrate.
3. Answer any two of the following: (Marks 5 ×
a. "The definition of evidence is considered to be incomplete, as it does not include the whole material, on which the decision of judge may rest". Comment.
b. Whether a judgment in a previous case is admissible as Evidence in a subsequent case? If so, for what purpose?
c. A prosecutes B for adultery with wife. B denies that C is wife, but the court convicts B for adultery. Afterwards, C is prosecuted for bigamy, marrying B during life time. C says that she never was wife. Is the judgment against B irrelevant as against Answer with reasoning.
Mid Term Examination, September 2018
B.A. LL.B. (HONS.)
Law of Evidence
Max. Marks: 20 Max. Time: 1:30 Hrs.
Note: Answer any TWO questions out of three.
The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question.
1. "It is not necessary that statement of same transaction should be made at the place or time of occurrence". Justify the statement with the help of decided cases in the light of Res Gestae. Whether the statements made too late under Res Gestae are relevant? Discuss with suitable cases. (Marks 10)
2. Answer the following: (Marks 5 ×
a. What do you mean by "shall presume" and "conclusive proof"? Discuss the difference with illustrations, under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872.
b. "When facts not otherwise relevant become relevant."Explain and illustrate.
3. Answer any two of the following: (Marks 5 ×
a. "The definition of evidence is considered to be incomplete, as it does not include the whole material, on which the decision of judge may rest". Comment.
b. Whether a judgment in a previous case is admissible as Evidence in a subsequent case? If so, for what purpose?
c. A prosecutes B for adultery with wife. B denies that C is wife, but the court convicts B for adultery. Afterwards, C is prosecuted for bigamy, marrying B during life time. C says that she never was wife. Is the judgment against B irrelevant as against Answer with reasoning.
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