Exam Details

Subject engineering geology
Exam / Course b.tech
Organization Institute Of Aeronautical Engineering
Exam Date February, 2018
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

Hall Ticket No Question Paper Code: ACE003
B.Tech III Semester End Examinations (Supplementary) February, 2018
Regulation: IARE R16
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70
Answer ONE Question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the question must be answered in one place only
1. Describe any two cases of failure of civil engineering structures from geological point of view.

What is erosion. Describe the erosional features created by sand blasting.
2. List and comment the important agents of weathering. Illustrate with an example for the rock.

Give a brief account of different branches of geology which plays a vital role in civil engineering.

3. What are rock forming minerals? Give physical properties for the following minerals with their
chemical composition and engineering uses.
i. Quartz
ii. Muscovite Mica
iii. Calcite
What are metamorphic rocks? What elements would you choose to classify the metamorphic
rocks and how these are utilized for engineering?
4. Write an explanatory note on the following physical properties with relevant examples.
i. Diaphaneity in minerals
ii. Hardness in minerals
iii. Cleavage in minerals
Compare and contrast between the following pairs of sedimentary rocks.
i. Conglomerate and Shale
ii. Sandstone and Limestone
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5. What is earthquake and how would you classify the earthquake.
Express the various types of faults with neat sketches and indicate the affects for civil engineering
6. Delineate briefly with neat sketches.
i. Parts of fault
ii. Out crop
iii. Dip and strike
Explain the causes of earthquake and write down the disasters affected by earthquake?
7. Describe the different types of dams with neat figures. Clearly mention when a particular type
of dam is preferred.
State the factors contributing to the successful formation of a reservoir behind a dam.
8. write a brief note on the structure of dam with a neat sketch. How could you determine the
problems associated with dam sites?
Explain in detail electrical resistivity survey for groundwater exploration.
9. Describe the influencing geological factors for the alignment of a tunnel.
Give a detailed description of rocks which permit tunneling without problems.
10. Discuss the tunnels in tilted strata and mention the uses of tunnels.
What are tunnels? Discuss the position of tunneling in unconsolidated rocks.


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  • electrical measurements and instrumentation
  • electrical technology
  • electromagnetic field theory
  • electromagnetic theory and transmission lines
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  • engineering drawing
  • engineering geology
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  • fluid mechanics and hydraulics
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  • fundamental of electrical engineering
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  • high speed aerodynamics
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  • linear algebra and ordinary differential equations
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  • mathematical transforms techniques
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  • strength of materials - ii
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