Exam Details

Subject english
Paper paper 3
Exam / Course ugc net national eligibility test
Organization university grants commission
Exam Date June, 2012
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Question Paper

PAPER-III ENGLISH Signature and Name of Invigilator
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Time 2 1/2 hours] [Maximum Marks 150
Number of Pages in this Booklet 12 Instructions for the Candidates
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This paper consists of seventy five multiple-choice type of questions.

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Number of Questions in this Booklet 75
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J-30-12 1 P.T.O.

1. In Ben Jonson's Volpone, the animal imagery includes

the fox and the vulture

the fly and the cockroach

the fly, the crow and the raven

the fox, the vulture and the goat

and are correct.

only is correct.

and are correct.

and are correct.

2. Salman Rushdie's "Imaginary Homelands" is

a discussion of imperialist assumptions.

an essay that propounds an anti-essentialist view of place.

an existential lament on triumphant colonialism.

an orientalist description of his favourite homelands.

3. Identify the incorrect statement below

BASIC was an experiment initiated by C. K. Ogden and

I. A. Richards from 1926 to about 1940.

Expanded, BASIC read Broadly Ascertained Scientific International Course.

BASIC English was an attempt to reduce the number of essential words to 850.

While keeping to normal constructions, BASIC failed as an experiment because its documents were far too complicated and technical to understand.

4. Items in a published book appear in the following order

Index, Copyright Page, Bibliography, Footnotes

Copyright Page, Bibliography, Index, Footnotes

Copyright Page, Footnotes, Bibliography, Index

Bibliography, Copyright Page, Index, Footnotes

5. Match the following
James Thomson, Oliver Goldsmith, William Cowper, George Crabbe Meta­physical poets
George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, Andrew Marvell, Transitional Poets
Abraham Cowley, John Donne
Rupert Brooke, Wilfred Owen, War Poets
Siegfried Sassoon, Edmund Blunden,
Robert Graves.

(IV)W. H. Davies, Georgians Walter de la Mare, John Drinkwater, Rupert Brooke

6. The following phrases from Shakespeare have become the titles of famous works. Identify the correctly
matched group.

Pale Fire

The Sound and the Fury

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are

(IV)Under the Greenwood Tree
Of Cakes and Ale



7. Identify the statement that is NOT TRUE among those that explain "stage directions" in drama.

Stage directions inform readers how to stage, perform or imagine the play.

The place, time of action, design of the set and at times characters' actions or tone of voice are indicated by stage directions.

Stage directions are often italicized in the text of a play in order to be spoken aloud.

Stage directions may appear at the beginning of a play, before a scene or attached to a line of dialogue.

8. The emergence of the concept of "World literature" is associated with

Friedrich Schiller

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Johann Goltfried Herder

Immanuel Kant

9. Günter Grass's Tin Drum is part of a trilogy known as the Danzig trilogy. The other two novels are

The Flounder and Dog Years

The Rat and Cat and Mouse

Cat and Mouse and Dog Years

Crabwalk and The Rat

10. The hostess proudly announces that the family can afford a servant and her daughters have nothing to do with the kitchen. Who is the proud mother in this Jane Austen novel

Mrs. Morland

Lady Catherine de Burgh

Mrs. Bennet

Mrs. Dashwood

11. When Keats writes about the "beaker full" of "The blushful Hippocrene", Hippocrene is

the fountain of the horse

a spring sacred to the Muses

Mount Helicon produced from a blow of Pegasus


12. Which of the following statements on The Prelude by William Wordsworth is/are not true

The Prelude was published posthumously.

In this poem, Wordsworth records his development as a poet.

The poem runs to 14 books; at crucial stages the poet celebrates the sublime natural scenery in developing his spiritual, moral and imaginative nature.

Poems like "Michael", "The Old Cumberland Beggar", "She dwelt among the untrodden ways", "Nutting" etc. are the highlights of this volume.

to are true.

is not true.

is not true.

Only is true.

13. Assertion At the end of Heart of Darkness, Marlow tells a lie to the Intended about Kurtz when he tells her "The last word he pronounced was your name".
Reason Marlow tells this lie because he is secretly in love with the Intended and tells her what she wants to hear.

Both and are true is the correct explanation.

Both and are true, but

is not the correct explanation.

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.

14. Ear-training in ELT is easily achieved by



cloze tests

listening exercises

précis writing





15. William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra and Coriolanus are based on

Holinshed's Chronicles

Folk-tales and legends

Older Roman Plays

Plutarch's Lives

16. The basic concept that creation was ordered, that every species exists in a hierarchy of status, from God to the lowest creature, was prevalent in the Renaissance. In this hierarchical continuum, man occupies the middle position between the animal kinds and the angels. This world view is known as


The Enlightenment

The Great Chain of Being


17. In Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse the lighthouse does not symbolize

permanence at the heart of change.

change in the unchanging world.

celebration of life in the heart of death.

celebration of order in the heart of chaos.

18. "Can one imagine any private soldier, in the nineties or now, reading Barrack-Room Ballads and feeling that here was a writer who spoke for him It is very hard to do so. When he is writing not of British but of "loyal" Indians he carries the 'Salaam, Sahib' motif to sometimes disgusting lengths. Yet it remains true that he has far more interest in the common soldier, far more anxiety that he shall get a fair deal, than most of the "liberals" of his day and our own. He sees that the soldier is neglected, meanly underpaid and hypocritically despised by the people whose incomes he safeguards".

This is E. M. Forster's "India, Again".

This is Malcolm Muggeridge on

E. M. Forster's India.

This is T. S. Eliot on Rudyard Kipling.

This is George Orwell on Rudyard Kipling.

19. In the well-known poem " To his coy mistress", the word coy means

shy timid

voluptuous sensuous

20. From the following list, identify "back­formation": Sulk, bulk, stoke, poke, swindle, bundle.

Sulk, bulk, stoke, poke

Stoke, poke, swindle, bundle

Sulk, stoke, bundle

Bulk, poke, bundle

21. "It blurs distinctions among literary, non-literary and cultural texts, showing how all three intercirculate, share in, and mutually constitute each other." What does it in this statement stand for




New Historicism

22. For, though, I've no idea. What this accoutred frowsty is worth, It pleases me to stand in silence here.
(Fill in the blank)

bar barn

attic alcove

23. Which of the following novels is NOT a Partition novel



Clear Light of the Day

That Long Silence

24. Of the following characters, which one does not belong to A House for Mr. Biswas


Ralph Singh



25. In English literature, the trope of the vampire was used for the first time by

Matthew Gregory Lewis

John Polidori

John Stagg

Bram Stoker

26. Why is "Universal grammar" so called

It is a set of basic grammatical principles universally followed and easily recognized by people.

It is a set of basic grammatical principles assumed to be fundamental to all natural languages.

It is a set of advanced grammatical principles assumed to be fundamental to all natural languages.

It is a set of universally respected practices that have come, in time, to be known as "grammar".

27. Identify the novel with the wrong subtitle listed below

Middlemarch, a Study of Provincial Life

Tess of the D'Urbervilles, A Pure Woman

The Mayor of Casterbridge, A Man of Character

Felix Holt, the Socialist

28. Match List I with List II. List I List II

David Malouf The Solid Mandala

Patrick White Wild Cat Falling

Peter Carey Remembering Babylon
(IV)Colin Johnson True History of the Kelly Gang

29. The opening sentence of Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, "Happy families are all alike, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." The specific cause of the unhappiness in Oblonsky's house was the husband's affair with

a kitchen maid

an English governess

a French governess

a socialite

30. This periodical had the avowed intention "to enliven morality with wit and to temper wit with morality… to bring philosophy out of the closets and libraries, schools and colleges, to dwell in clubs and assemblies, at tea-tables and coffee houses". It also promoted family, marriage and courtesy.
The periodical under reference is

The Tatler

The Spectator

The Gentleman's Magazine

The London Magazine

31. Assertion "Tam Shanter" by John Clare is about the experience of an ordinary human being and became quite popular during that time.
Reason John Clare, having suffered bouts of madness, could really feel for the misery of common man.
In the context of the two statements, which of the following is correct

Both and are true and explains

Both and are true, but

does not explain

is true but is false.

is false but is true.

32. Alexander Pope's An Essay in Criticism

Purports to define "wit" and "nature" as they apply to the literature of his age.

Claims no originality in the thought that governs this work.

is a prose essay that gives us such quotes as "A little learning is a dangerous thing

Appeared in 1701.

and are incorrect.

and are incorrect.

to are correct.

only and are correct.

33. What is register

The way in which a language registers in the minds of its users.

The way users of a language register the nuances of that language.

A variety of language used in social situations or one specially designed for the subject it deals with.

A variety of language used in non-professional or informal situations by professionals.

34. Jeremy Collier's Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage (1698) attacked

the practice of mixing tragic and comic themes in Shakespeare's plays.

the bawdiness of "low" characters in Shakespeare's plays.

the coarseness and ugliness of Restoration Theatre.

irreligious themes and irreverent attitudes in the plays of the seventeenth century.

35. One of the most important themes the speakers debate in Dryden's An Essay on Dramatic Poesy

European and non-European perceptions of reality.

English and non-English perceptions of reality.

the relative merits of French and English theatre.

the relative merits of French and English poetry.

36. Identify the correctly matched pair

Amitav All About H. Ghosh


Anita Inheritance of Desai Loss

Shashi A Bend in the Deshpande Ganges

Salman The Enchantress Rushdie of Florence

37. Match the following correctly

Langue Noam Parole Chomsky

Competence C. S. Pierce Performance

Ieonic Ferdinand de Indexical Saussure

Readerly Roland Writerly Barthes

38. 1. Joy Kogawa Bloody Rites
M. G. Obasan Vasanjee

Sky Lee The Gunny Sack

Arnold Disappearing Itwaru Moon Café

1 2 3 4

39. Why does Jean Baudrillard adopt Disneyland as his own sign

Disneyland is by far the most eminently noticeable cultural sign in the post modern world.

Disneyland captures 'essences' and 'non-essences' of Reality more convincingly than other cultural venues.

Disneyland is an artefact that so obviously announces its own fictiveness that it would seem to imply some counter balancing reality.

Disneyland is both 'appearance' and 'reality' in the post modern visual game of handy-dandy.

40. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of Dante Gabriel Rossetti

D. G. Rossetti was a Londoner, the son of an Italian refugee who taught Italian at King's college.

Rossetti formed the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood with Holman Hunt, Ford Madox Brown and Painter Millais.

He married Christina Georgina who was a poet in her right.

Rossetti's "Blessed Damozel" displays his remarkable gifts as a poet and painter.

41. Goethe's Faust (Part I Scene opens in

heaven hell

forest Faust's study

42. "Is it their single-mind-sized skulls or a trained Body, or genius, or a nestful of brats Gives their days this bullet and automatic purpose…." (Thrushes) In the above lines what does
refer to and what quality of does the poet speak of
I. Human beings and their intelligence
II. The thrushes and their concentration in achieving what they set out for
III. The efficiency of the thrushes in getting at their prey
IV. All the above

Only III is correct.

Only IV is correct.

I and II are correct.

II and III are correct.

43. Find the odd (wo)man out Belladonna Engenides The Typist Marie Madame Sosostris the ruin­
bibber Tiresias the Youngman Carbuncular


Madame Sosostris


The ruin bibber

44. Wilkie Collins's novel, The Moonstone (1868) tells the story of

a detective's exploits in Victorian England.

a doctor's adventures in a Middle-Eastern Suburb.

a fabulous yellow diamond stolen from an Indian shrine.

illegal mining of diamonds in eastern U.P. during British rule.

45. Identify the correctly matched group

"Because I Walt could not stop Whitman for death…

"O Captain William

My Captain!" Carlos Williams
"Two roads Emily diverged in a Dickinson wood…"

"So much Robert depends Frost upon…"

46. "Nowstop your noses, readers, all and some, For here's a tun of midnight- work tocome, Og, from a treason-tavern rolling home. Round as a globe and liquor'd e'vry chink, Goodly and great he rails behind his link".
In the above passage from Absalom and Achitophel, link means

a connection in the court

a hired servant who carries a lighted torch

a social tie

a rich patron

47. Which among the following is NOT a typical "Indian English Poem" by Nissim Ezekiel

"How the English Lessons Ended"

"The Railway Clerk"

"Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T.S."

"The Patriot"

48. Match the correct pair

George Eliot 1. Ellis Bell

Saki 2. Mary Anne Evans

Emily Bronte 3. Samuel Langhorne Clemens

Mark Twain 4. H. H. Munro

2 3 1 4

2 4 1 3

1 3 4 2

3 2 1 4

49. In Canto 17 of the Inferno, the monster Geryon represents

fraud usury

sloth gluttony

50. I-A. Richards's famous experiment with poems and his Cambridge students is detailed in Practical Criticism A Study of Literary Judgement (1929). Richards was astonished by

the poor quality of his students' "stock responses"

the very astute remarks made by his students

the non-availability of poems, worthy of class-room attention

the success of his experiment

51. Based on the following description, identify the text in reference This is a play in which no one comes, no one goes, nothing happens. In its opening scene a man struggles hard to remove his boot. The play was originally written in French, later translated into English. It was first performed in 1953.

Look Back in Anger

Waiting for Godot

The Zoo Story

The Birthday Party

52. One of the following Canterbury Tales is in prose, identify.

The Pardoner's Tale

The Parson's Tale

The Monk's Tale

The Knight's Tale

53. In his distinction between imagination and fancy, Coleridge identifies the following

it dissolves, diffuses, dissipates, in order to recreate.

it has aggregative and associative power.

it plays with fixities and definites.

it has shaping and modifying power. The correct combination reads

and for fancy; and for imagination.

and for fancy; and for imagination.

and for fancy; and for imagination.

and for fancy; and for imagination.

54. Julia Kristeva's 'Intertextuality' derives from

Saussure's signs

Chomsky's deep structure

Bakhtin's dialogism

Derrida's difference

and and

and and

55. Ralph Ellison enjoys subverting myths about white purity through characters like

Norton Bledsoe

Rhinehart all of the above

and and

and and

56. Which of the following is NOT TRUE of Ralph Waldo Emerson

He wrote essays on New England scenery, woodcraft and plantations.

He was an eloquent pulpit orator, a member of the Unitarian Church under William Chawming.

In essays like "Nature", he elaborates on the importance of seeing familiar things in new ways.

His famous "American Scholar" was delivered as an address before the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Cambridge in 1837.

57. "Exorcism" is the title of Act III of who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf What is the significance of 'exorcism' in the context of the play

The casting out of evil spirits

Deconstructing of myths involving marriage, fertility and sons

Facing life without illusions

Exposing all attempts at illusion-making

58. "Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender". This is an important statement defining the womanist perspective advanced by

Toni Morrison

Zora Neale Hurston

Alice Walker

Bell Hooks

59. Identify the mismatched pair in the following where characters in Golding's Lord of the Flies fit the allegorized pattern of virtues and vices.

Ralph -rationality

Piggy -pragmatism

Jack -pity

Simon -innocence

60. A Subaltern perspective is one where

Power-structures define and determine your command of language and language of command in an uneven world.

The politically dispossessed could be voiceless, written out of the historical record and ignored because their activities do not count for "Cultural" or "Structured".

You don't know what your is, how to deal with a and therefore you are forced to put stereotyped situations in it to please your listeners.

You begin to see how we live, how we have been living, how we have been led to imagine ourselves, how our language has trapped as well as liberated us.

61. "Interlanguage" is a term we owe to M.A.K. Halliday.

Interlanguage develops an autonomous and self-contained grammatical system

It is a distinct stage in a learner's progress in the study of a second language.

It owes nothing at all either to the learner's native or target second language.

is correct.

is correct.

and are correct.

and are correct.

62. In a classic statement that inaugurated Feminist thought in English, we read "A woman writing thinks back through her mothers". Where does this occur

Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own

Kate Millet's Sexual Politics

Gertrude Stein's Three Lives

Mary Hiatt's The Way Women Write.

63. Identify the correctly matched pair of translators and translations.

A. K. The Ramayana Ramanujan

Manmathanath The Bhagavad Dutt Gita

Mohini Speaking of Chatterjee Shiva

Romesh The Chandra Dutt Mahabharata

64. Assertion In The Power and the Glory, Greene shows how the Whisky Priest transcends his weakness for drink and his human fears, moving towards martyrdom.
Reason Transcendence in Greene's novels is generally an outcome of love for humanity, but pride is also an essential ingredient in the Priest's character.

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.

Both and are true, but

is not the correct explanation for

Both and are true and is the correct explanation for

65. Which of the following statements on John Dryden is incorrect

John Milton and John Dryden were contemporaries.

Dryden was a Royalist, while Milton fiercely opposed monarchy.

Dryden wrote a play on the Mughal Emperor Humayun.

Dryden was appointed the Poet Laureate of England in 1668.

is incorrect.

is incorrect.

is incorrect.

and are incorrect.

66. "Like walking, criticism is a pretty nearly universal art; both require a constant intricate shifting and catching of balance; neither can be questioned much in process; and few perform either really well. For either a new terrain is fatiguing and awkward, and in our day most men prefer paved walks and some form of rapid transport-some easy theory or overmastering dogma." (R.P.Blackmur, "A Critic's Job of Work")

Blackmur compares walking with criticism because he considers both to be "arts" of a similar kind that call for attention to detail and utmost care.

Blackmur admits that some people do however manage to be good critics and good walkers.

Critics prefer tried and tested approaches for much the same reason as Walkers would look for paved walks and rapid transport.

Blackmur does not quite give us the equivalents of "Some paved walks and some form of rapid transport" in order to press his comparison.

and are correct.

and are correct.

only is correct.

only is correct.

67. The world dominated by cold and hypocritical materialists is represented by William Blake in the mythological figure of .

Urizen Albion

Geryon Satan

68. Identify the correctly matched group

Third Space Wolfgang Iser Hybridity Edward Soja Reception Ferdinand de

aesthetics Saussure Langue Homi Bhabha

Third Space Ernst Bloch Hybridity Edward Said Reception Eve K. Sedgwick

aesthetics Langue G. S. Frazer

Third Space Edward Soja Hybridity Homi Bhabha Reception Wolfgang Iser

aesthetics Langue Ferdinand de Saussure

Third Space G. S. Frazer Hybridity Eve K. Sedgwick Reception Edward Soja

aesthetics Langue Edward Said

69. Which of the following can be best described as the first statement of Bernard Shaw's idea of Life Force; a play dealing with a woman's pursuit of her mate; and a play whose third act called "Don Juan in Hell" is both unconventional and hilarious

The Devil's Disciple

Man and Superman


Arms and the Man

70. Identify the untrue statement on the CONTACT ZONE below

"The contact zone" is a space where disparate cultures meet, clash and grapple with each other.

In Postcolonial societies "contact" suggests the historical moment when settler and indigenous cultures first met.

The idea of the Contact Zone was first proposed and defined by Mary Louise Pratt's

Imperial Eyes Travel Writing and Transculturation (1992)

It is believed that the Contact Zone was largely instrumental in spearheading nationalist movements across the world.

71. Name the novel in which
I. the protagonist is a war veteran called Tayo.
II. Tayo returns from World War II, thoroughly disillusioned and haunted by his violent actions of war time.
III. Tayo seeks consolation and counsel from old Betonie.
IV. The protagonist realizes the importance of harmonizing humanity and the universe.



Daisy Miller

Enter, Conversing

72. One of the following poems in Men and Women is addressed to Elizabeth Barrett Browning by the poet. Identify it.

"In Three Days"

"By the Fireside"

"One Way of Love"

"One Word More"

73. Match List-I with List-II according to the codes given below

List I List II
I. Tennessee 1. Emperor Jones Williams
II. Eugene O'Neill 2. A Streetcar Named Desire III.Lorraine 3. After the Fall Hansberry IV.Arthur Miller 4. A Raisin in
the Sun I II III IV

3 1 4 2

1 3 2 4

4 2 3 1

2 1 4 3

74. Match the correct pair
I. Theatre of 1. Safdar Hashmi Cruelty
II. Theatre of the 2. Georg Kaiser Oppressed III.Expressionist 3. Jerzy Theatre Grotowsky
IV.Agitprop 4. Augusto Bal

1 2 4 3

3 4 2 3

2 3 1 4

4 1 3 2

75. Bertolt Brecht's Epic Theatre

turns the spectator into an observer

wears down the spectator's capacity for action

relies on argument

presents man as a process

and are correct; and are incorrect.

and are correct; is wrong.

and are correct; and are incorrect.

and are correct; is incorrect.

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