Exam Details
Subject | governance & rural community development – i | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.s.w. | |
Department | ||
Organization | solapur university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | April, 2017 | |
City, State | maharashtra, solapur |
Question Paper
M.S.W. (Semester III) Examination, 2017
Day Date: Tuesday, 25-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50
Time: 02:30 PM to 04:30 PM
N.B. All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Multiple choice question 10
is not the source of revenue of panchayat.
Tax on consumption of water Income tax
Tax on building Tax on trading
The function/s of Gram Sabha is are
Examine the annual statement of accounts
Undertake programmes for adult education
Discuss socio economic development programme
All of these
Better implementation of rural development programme can be ensured if
those responsible for actual implemention are
Paid reasonable well Appropriately trained
Sufficiently motivated All of these
The rural community development programme was launched in the year
1952 1957 1978 1998
White revolution was launched with the objective of
To increase fisheries To raise milk production
To increase agricultural production To decrease pollution
Right to information Act was the enacted in the year
2005 2003 2009 2010
The objective of seri culture in India was to
Increase the production of fruits
Rearing of silkworm for production of raw silk
Increase agricultural production
Enhancing fish farming
Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana cover/s the following aspect/s
such as
Training Credit Marketing All of these
Page 1 of 2
NREGA scheme is related to for rural people.
Sanitation Anti poverty
Guarantee of employment Water supply
10) Long form of IRDP is
Integrated Rural Development Project
International Rural Development Programme
Integrated Rural Development Programme
Integration of Rural development in Project
Q.2 Write short answers of the following. (Any 4 out of 08
Define Cooperation
White Revolution
Saint Gadgebaba Gram Swachata Abhiyan
Bee keeping
Q.3 Write Short notes. (Any 4 out of 12
Jalswarajya Project
Principles of Community Development
History of Panchayat Raj
73rd Amendment Act
3 tier structure of PRI
Recommendation of P.B. Patil Committee
Q.4 Answer any one long question of the following. 10
Discuss the cooperative movements in India.
Write a brief review on rural reconstruction experiments in pre-independence
Q.5 Explain the importance of Gram sabha in Panchayat Raj 10
Day Date: Tuesday, 25-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50
Time: 02:30 PM to 04:30 PM
N.B. All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Multiple choice question 10
is not the source of revenue of panchayat.
Tax on consumption of water Income tax
Tax on building Tax on trading
The function/s of Gram Sabha is are
Examine the annual statement of accounts
Undertake programmes for adult education
Discuss socio economic development programme
All of these
Better implementation of rural development programme can be ensured if
those responsible for actual implemention are
Paid reasonable well Appropriately trained
Sufficiently motivated All of these
The rural community development programme was launched in the year
1952 1957 1978 1998
White revolution was launched with the objective of
To increase fisheries To raise milk production
To increase agricultural production To decrease pollution
Right to information Act was the enacted in the year
2005 2003 2009 2010
The objective of seri culture in India was to
Increase the production of fruits
Rearing of silkworm for production of raw silk
Increase agricultural production
Enhancing fish farming
Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana cover/s the following aspect/s
such as
Training Credit Marketing All of these
Page 1 of 2
NREGA scheme is related to for rural people.
Sanitation Anti poverty
Guarantee of employment Water supply
10) Long form of IRDP is
Integrated Rural Development Project
International Rural Development Programme
Integrated Rural Development Programme
Integration of Rural development in Project
Q.2 Write short answers of the following. (Any 4 out of 08
Define Cooperation
White Revolution
Saint Gadgebaba Gram Swachata Abhiyan
Bee keeping
Q.3 Write Short notes. (Any 4 out of 12
Jalswarajya Project
Principles of Community Development
History of Panchayat Raj
73rd Amendment Act
3 tier structure of PRI
Recommendation of P.B. Patil Committee
Q.4 Answer any one long question of the following. 10
Discuss the cooperative movements in India.
Write a brief review on rural reconstruction experiments in pre-independence
Q.5 Explain the importance of Gram sabha in Panchayat Raj 10
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