Exam Details
Subject | governance & rural community development – i | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.s.w. | |
Department | ||
Organization | solapur university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | April, 2018 | |
City, State | maharashtra, solapur |
Question Paper
M.S.W. (Semester III) (CBCS) Examination Mar/Apr-2018
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Multiple choice questions. 14
The 3 tier system of Panchayat Raj Institution was introduced in the year
1959 1999
1947 1998
NABARD is the aims at rural development.
Agency Bank
Association Project
Act was notified by Govt. of India in the year 2005.
NREGA Poverty Alleviation
Cooperative Societies RTE
Jalswarajya Project was launched in Maharashtra in the
2002 2007
1995 2009
is the government undertaking department working in the field of
women welfare.
The aim of horticulture was to
Increase milk production Increase fish farming
Increase fruit cultivation Increase Vermi Compost
The Constitutional Amendment Act provides a framework of local
self governance to Panchayat Raj Institution.
70th 76th
74th 73rd
Integrated Rural development Programme was universally launched in the
1980 1998
2003 2005
The objective of Green Revolution was
To provide irrigation facilities
To raise fish farming
To increase productivity in agriculture
To raise milk production
10) It is mandatory for gram panchayat to conduct gram sabha once in
6 months 4 months
A year Quarterly in the year
Page 2 of 2
11) SGSRY stands for
Self help Group Swa Rojgar Yojana
Sampoorna Gramin Swa Rojgar Yojana
Support Guidance for Rural Youth
Self Governance Rural Yojana
12) DRDA ensures effective utilization of funds intended for
Potable water supply Anti poverty
Anti dowry Sanitation
13) Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana cover/s the following aspect/s such
Marketing Credit
Training All of these
13) Mahatma Gandhi once said that, "India lives in constitute
very heart of India".
Tribal Tribal Slum Slum
City Local Village village
Q.2 Answer the following questions. (Any 14
Bee Keeping
Concept of Democratic Decentralization
Historical Developments of Panchayat Raj
Blue Revolution
Concept of Cooperatives
Saint Gadgebaba Gram Swachata Abhiyaan
Naik Committee‟s Recommendations on Panchayat Raj
Q.3 Write short notes on. (Any 2 out of 14
Problems of rural community development
73rd Amendment to Indian Constitution
Importance of Gram Sabha in Panchayat Raj
Impact of LPG on cooperative
Q.4 Write broad question. (Any one) 14
Write an essay on „Right to Information
Define Rural Community Development and Discuss its principles in detail,
Q.5 Write a brief note on role of Panchayat Raj Institution in Rural Community
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Multiple choice questions. 14
The 3 tier system of Panchayat Raj Institution was introduced in the year
1959 1999
1947 1998
NABARD is the aims at rural development.
Agency Bank
Association Project
Act was notified by Govt. of India in the year 2005.
NREGA Poverty Alleviation
Cooperative Societies RTE
Jalswarajya Project was launched in Maharashtra in the
2002 2007
1995 2009
is the government undertaking department working in the field of
women welfare.
The aim of horticulture was to
Increase milk production Increase fish farming
Increase fruit cultivation Increase Vermi Compost
The Constitutional Amendment Act provides a framework of local
self governance to Panchayat Raj Institution.
70th 76th
74th 73rd
Integrated Rural development Programme was universally launched in the
1980 1998
2003 2005
The objective of Green Revolution was
To provide irrigation facilities
To raise fish farming
To increase productivity in agriculture
To raise milk production
10) It is mandatory for gram panchayat to conduct gram sabha once in
6 months 4 months
A year Quarterly in the year
Page 2 of 2
11) SGSRY stands for
Self help Group Swa Rojgar Yojana
Sampoorna Gramin Swa Rojgar Yojana
Support Guidance for Rural Youth
Self Governance Rural Yojana
12) DRDA ensures effective utilization of funds intended for
Potable water supply Anti poverty
Anti dowry Sanitation
13) Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana cover/s the following aspect/s such
Marketing Credit
Training All of these
13) Mahatma Gandhi once said that, "India lives in constitute
very heart of India".
Tribal Tribal Slum Slum
City Local Village village
Q.2 Answer the following questions. (Any 14
Bee Keeping
Concept of Democratic Decentralization
Historical Developments of Panchayat Raj
Blue Revolution
Concept of Cooperatives
Saint Gadgebaba Gram Swachata Abhiyaan
Naik Committee‟s Recommendations on Panchayat Raj
Q.3 Write short notes on. (Any 2 out of 14
Problems of rural community development
73rd Amendment to Indian Constitution
Importance of Gram Sabha in Panchayat Raj
Impact of LPG on cooperative
Q.4 Write broad question. (Any one) 14
Write an essay on „Right to Information
Define Rural Community Development and Discuss its principles in detail,
Q.5 Write a brief note on role of Panchayat Raj Institution in Rural Community
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