Exam Details

Subject java programming
Exam / Course p.g.d.c.a.
Organization solapur university
Exam Date May, 2017
City, State andhra pradesh, solapur

Question Paper

P.G.D.C.A (Semester II) Examination, 2017
Day Date: Saturday, 06-05-2017 Max. Marks: 80
Time: 02.30 AM to 05.30 PM
Instructions: Q.1 and Q.7 are compulsory.
Solve any two question from Q. No. and 4.
Solve any one question between Q.5 and Q.6
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose the correct alternative: 08
According to sun syntax of java is based on
Basic C All of these
In java there is automatic collection.
Garbage Memory Both a and b None of
We may carry the java code to any platform.
Class file Data Bytecode None of the above
When one task is performed by different ways i.e known as
Abstraction Inheritance Object Polymorphism
JVM is platform
Independent Dependant
Both a and b None of these
is a name of memory location.
Data type Object Variable None of
Default size of Boolean data type is bit.
0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit
Fill in the blanks: 08
In java, we use class to achieve abstraction.
JVM Stands for
There are types of data types in java.
is a collection of similar type of elements.
The switch statement executes statement from multiple
The loop is used to traverse array in java.
If you use semi colons in the for loop, it will be infinitive for
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SLR-T 15
Q.2 What is java? Explain Features of java with suitable example. 08
What is Error? Explain Error handling in java. 08
Q.3 Explain array with suitable example. 08
What is variable? How variable will be declared and Managed in
java? Explain with suitable example.
Q.4 Write a program to print following output.

Write a program to input any one number and find it strong or not. 08
Q.5 Explain Applet Life Cycle in java. 08
Explain thread Life Cycle in java. 08
Q.6 Write a program to input any two numbers and swap them without
using third variable.
Write a program to show the database connectivity using java and
Q.7 Write short notes:
Input Streams 06
If else Statement 05
Event handling in java 05


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