Exam Details
Subject | java programming | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | p.g.d.c.a. | |
Department | ||
Organization | solapur university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | October, 2018 | |
City, State | andhra pradesh, solapur |
Question Paper
P.G.D.C.A. (Semester II) (CBCS) Examination Oct/Nov-2018
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose the single correct alternative: 14
Java uses both and for its program execution.
Assembler, Compiler Complier Interpreter
Complier Assembler Loader Interpreter
Java was developed at sun Microsystems in 1991 by the term headed by
James Gosling Linus Torvalds
Ken Thompson Denies Riches
statement is used to display information on the standard output
System.out.println(); printf();
system.out.Print(); outline();
access specifier states that main() method is accessible to all
other classes.
Private Protected
Public Both a and b
AWT stand for
Abstract window Toolkit Active windows tool
Activated windows toolbox Active word tool
thread is the default thread which starts executing immediately
when we start the program.
Main Sub
Many None of these
The errors in a program are mainly classified into two types, namely
complier time and run time
program time and debug time
scanning time and program time
read time and write time
Java exception handing mechanism mainly uses five keywords
extend, try, catch, native, new
try, catch, finally, throw, throws
try, catch, do, while, case
finally, try, catch, public, import
package contains classes for implementing graphical user
Page 2 of 2
10) The default value of a boolean data type is
True False
11) Byte code is platform independent.
True False
12) Global variables are not supported in Java.
True False
13) JDK is a set of various tools and used to develop and execute Java
True False
14) A thread in a dead state can run again on the invocation of start() method.
True False
Q.2 Explain the object oriented concepts in detail. 07
What is Exceptions? Explain exception handling methods. 07
Q.3 What is Java programming? Explain its advantages. 07
What is if-else? Explain with suitable example. 07
Q.4 Solve any two questions. 14
What is variable declaration and initialization? Explain with suitable
What is AWT? Explain radio button and label with suitable example.
Explain different data types used in Java programming.
Q.5 Solve any two questions. 14
Explain the Java virtual machine in detail.
What is mean by Thread? Explain its life cycle in detail.
Write a program to input three numbers and find out largest number
among these numbers.
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose the single correct alternative: 14
Java uses both and for its program execution.
Assembler, Compiler Complier Interpreter
Complier Assembler Loader Interpreter
Java was developed at sun Microsystems in 1991 by the term headed by
James Gosling Linus Torvalds
Ken Thompson Denies Riches
statement is used to display information on the standard output
System.out.println(); printf();
system.out.Print(); outline();
access specifier states that main() method is accessible to all
other classes.
Private Protected
Public Both a and b
AWT stand for
Abstract window Toolkit Active windows tool
Activated windows toolbox Active word tool
thread is the default thread which starts executing immediately
when we start the program.
Main Sub
Many None of these
The errors in a program are mainly classified into two types, namely
complier time and run time
program time and debug time
scanning time and program time
read time and write time
Java exception handing mechanism mainly uses five keywords
extend, try, catch, native, new
try, catch, finally, throw, throws
try, catch, do, while, case
finally, try, catch, public, import
package contains classes for implementing graphical user
Page 2 of 2
10) The default value of a boolean data type is
True False
11) Byte code is platform independent.
True False
12) Global variables are not supported in Java.
True False
13) JDK is a set of various tools and used to develop and execute Java
True False
14) A thread in a dead state can run again on the invocation of start() method.
True False
Q.2 Explain the object oriented concepts in detail. 07
What is Exceptions? Explain exception handling methods. 07
Q.3 What is Java programming? Explain its advantages. 07
What is if-else? Explain with suitable example. 07
Q.4 Solve any two questions. 14
What is variable declaration and initialization? Explain with suitable
What is AWT? Explain radio button and label with suitable example.
Explain different data types used in Java programming.
Q.5 Solve any two questions. 14
Explain the Java virtual machine in detail.
What is mean by Thread? Explain its life cycle in detail.
Write a program to input three numbers and find out largest number
among these numbers.
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