Exam Details
Subject | political science | |
Paper | paper 2 | |
Exam / Course | ugc net national eligibility test | |
Department | ||
Organization | university grants commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | June, 2015 | |
City, State | , |
Question Paper
1 In Arthashastra, how many departments of the government find mention
2 Who of the following fled Athens for Calchis, order that the Athenians might not commit a second crime against philosophy'
3 Who among the following said of Rousseau, "Ardent apostle of Reason, he has done more than most to prepare the way for the age of unreason in which he live"
Karl Popper
4 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below
List I List II
Hobbes defence of sovereignty and assertion of the claims of political authority over religion
Locke defence of Individual freedom of thought and expression
Rousseau limited form of constitutional government
J.S. Mill claim that sovereignty has its origin in the people and remains with the people
5 Who among the following compares the organisations of civil society to a powerful system of 'Fortresses and earthworks' standing behind the state
6 Which one of the following social contract traditions has not been revitalised by John Rawls in his book A Theory of Justice
John Locke
J.J. Rousseau
Immanuel Kant
7 Who among the following said that Bhakti in religion may be a road to the salvation of the soul. But in politics, Bhakti or hero worship is a sure road to degradation and eventual dictatorship
Jayaprakash Narayan
M.N. Roy
B.R. Ambedkar
8 Who said, 'therefore, the sword of Brutus is holy. Therefore the Baghanakha of Shivaji is of fair fame. Therefore, the beheading of Charles I is a just deed. Therefore the arrow of William Tell is divine
M. N. Roy
Subhas Chandra Bose
Aurobindo Ghose
V.D. Savarkar
9 Which one of the following is not a feature of Easton's intellectual foundation stones of behaviouralism
Pure Science
10 Which one of the following is not a factor, for Fukuyama, leading to the triumph of liberal democracy
The struggle for 'recognition'.
The logic of science's mastery over nature.
The absence of major contradictions in liberal democracy.
The triumph of liberalism is more in terms of economics than ideologies.
11 Since mid 1950s, the major trends in comparative politics have been in the areas of
systems theories
culture theories
development theories
class theories Select the correct answer from the codes given below
12 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below
List I List II
(Thinkers) (Concepts)
Karl Deutsch Modernisation a multifaceted process
Huntington Circulation of elites
Pareto The gate keepers
David Easton Receptors
13 Who among the following makes a distinction between system maintenance and system
Gabriel Almond
David Easton
Lucian Pye
F.W. Riggs
14 Arrange the following books in order in which they appeared. Use the code given below
Comparative Federalism
Democratisation Theory and Practice
The End of History and the last man
The Civic culture Political attitude and Democracy in five nations
15 Arrange the following concepts in order in which they appeared. Use the code given
Democratic Centralism Feed Back System
New Democracy Due Process of Law
16 "We are under the Constitution, but the constitution is what the Judges say it is ". Besides U.S.A. to which one of the following countries can this be applicable
17 Who among the following has written "The Federalist Papers "
B. Anderson
C. Reynoldes
James Madison
Theodor Andorno
18 Who among the following argued that " The belief in the principle of authority is the only reliable means of securing order" .
Joseph de Maistre
Max Weber
Friedrich Nietzsche
Giovanni Gentile
19 Who among the following has argued that the electoral system determines the nature of the party system
20 Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion and the other labelled as Reason Select the correct answer from the codes given below
Assertion Political development approach came under criticism in the mid -1960s.
Reason The approach based on the experiences of the United States and Western Europe had limited relevance in the Third world Codes
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true but is false
is false but is true
21 What is the correct order in which the fo11owing terms are enshrined in the Preamb1e to the Constitution of India
Equa1ity Liberty Justice Fraternity
Se1ect the correct answer from the codes given be1ow
22 Which of the fo11owing rights are avai1ab1e to foreigners 1iving in India Equa1ity before 1aw Right to education Freedom of speech Freedom of movement Se1ect the correct answer from the codes given be1ow
23 Who is the First Law Officer of the Government of India
Chief Justice of India
Law Secretary
So1icitor Genera1 of India
Attorney -Genera1 of India
24 Which one of the fo11owing cannot be disso1ved but can be abo1ished
Lok Sabha
Rajya Sabha
State Legis1ative Counci1
State Legis1ative Assemb1y
25 Who among the fo11owing Governor appointees can be removed on1y by the Governor Advocate -Genera1 Members of the State Finance Commission Members of the State Pub1ic Service Commission Vice Chance11or of a State University Se1ect the correct answer from the codes given be1ow Codes
26 The maximum period of the President Ru1e in a state under Artic1e 356 can be
One year
Two year
Three year
Four year
27 Which of the fo11owing statements are not true about the process of constitutiona1 Amendment in India
The Par1iament can amend the Constitution with a specia1 majority.
State Assemb1ies can propose amendment in the Constitution.
A Bi11 for Constitutiona1 Amendment can be introduced on1y in the Lower House of the Par1iament.
Dead1ock between the two Houses of Par1iament over a Bi11 for Constitutiona1 Amendment can be removed by a joint session of the Par1iament.
The President of India enjoys the veto power over Constitutiona1 Amendment Bi11s passed by the Par1iament.
Se1ect the correct answer from the codes given be1ow
28 Which of the fo11owing is not a condition for Par1iament to 1egis1ate on the subjects mentioned in the State List
If Lok Sabha decides that a subject mentioned in state 1ist is of nationa1 importances
If two or more states assemb1ies pass a reso1ution to such an effect
If a state of Emergency is dec1ared
If a treaty with a foreign country has to be put into effect
29 Any reso1uti passed by the par1iament for removing a Judege of the Supreme Court has to be investigated by a Committee comprising of
Two judges of Supreme Court
Two Judges of Supreme Court and Attorney Genera1 of India
Two Judges of Supreme Court and a 1ega1 1uminary
Chief Justice of Supreme Court and two Judges of the Supreme Court
30 Match List I with List II and se1ect the correct answer from the codes given be1ow
List I List II
Movements Leader
India Against Corruption Aruna Roy
Narmada Bachao Ando1an Mahendra Singh Tikait
Right to Information Movement Anna Hazare
Bhartiya Kisan Union Medha Patkar
31 Match List I with List II and se1ect the correct answer by using the codes given be1ow
List I List II
(Administrative Thinker) (Administrative Approach)
M.P. Fo11ett Garbage can Mode1
Herbert Simon Mixed scanning
Michae1 D. Cohen Psycho1ogica1 approach
Amitai Etzioni Rationa1 approach
32 What was the name of the section which rep1aced Comparative Administration Group of the American Society of Pub1ic Administration
Section of American Pub1ic Administration
Section on Comparative Administration
Section on Internationa1 Pub1ic Administration
Section on Internationa1 and Comparative Pub1ic Administration (SICA)
33 Arrange MasLow's perceived human needs in correct chrono1ogica1 order
Se1f esteem physio1ogica1 security se1f actua1ization be1ongingness
Se1f actua1ization security be1ongingness physio1ogica1 se1f esteem.
Security se1f actua1ization be1ongingness physio1ogica1 se1f esteem.
Physio1ogica1 security be1ongingness se1f esteem se1f actua1ization.
34 Given be1ow are two statements, one 1abe11ed as Assertion and the other 1abe11ed as
Reason Choose the correct answer by using the codes given be1ow
Assertion "Both staff and auxi1iary agencies assist the 1ine agencies but are distinct from each other ".
Reason "Auxi1iary agencies have no operating responsibi1ities"
Both and are true and is the correct exp1anation of
Both and are true and is not the correct exp1anation of
is true but is fa1se
is fa1se but is true
35 Which one of the fo11owing types of 1eaders does not figure in Mooney and Rei1ey's c1assification of 1eaders
Forma1 1eaders
Titu1ar 1eaders
True organizers
36 Which one of the fo11owing is not inc1uded in the e1ements of Pub1ic Po1icy by Austin Rammey
A set of objectives
A se1ected 1ine of action
An imp1ementation of intent
Reconsideration of objectives
37 Assheton committee (1944) did not inc1ude one of the fo11owing in the objects of training of civi1 servants
To produce re1iab1e work-ski11
To broaden the mind of the trainee
To deve1op 1eadership qua1ities
38 Which one among the fo11owing is the correct ascending order of Commission/Committees appointed in the USA
Hoover Commission, Taft Commission, The Grace Commission, Brown1ow Committee.
The Grace Commission, Hoover Commission, Taft Commission, Brown1ow Committee.
Taft Commission, Brown1ow Committee, Hoover Commission, The Grace Commission.
Brown1ow Committee, Taft Commission, The Grace Commission, Hoover Commission.
39 Who ca11ed bureaucrats as 'ru1ing servants
F.M. Marx
Martin Krygier
Robert K. Merton
Joseph La Pa1ombara
40 Which constitutiona1 amendment provided for the setting up of Administrative Tribuna1s in India
24th Amendment
59th Amendment
42nd Amendment
44th Amendment
41 Who among the fo11owing regards Internationa1 Po1itics as an autonomous discip1ine
C.A.W. Manning Kar1in M. Copper Martin Wright Hoffson
Se1ect the correct answer from the codes given be1ow
42 Which of the fo11owing pairs correct1y match. Choose your answer from the codes given be1ow
The contro1 of the Arms Race Hed1ey Bu11
Some Economic Aspects of Disarmament L. Gromoo and V. Strigachow
The cha11enge of the Nineteen sixties James P. Warbarg
Winning without war Emi1e Benoit
43 Who among the fo11owing is not re1ated to Bargaining Theory
Kenneth Wa1tz
J.F. Nash
Thomas Sche11ing
Roger Fisher
44 Which one of the fo11owing was not feature of O1d Dip1omacy
Freedom of Action for Ambassadors
45 In which year Brezhnev had propounded the concept of Asian Co11ective Security System
46 Which of the fo11owing Artic1es of the charter of United Nations Organisation are re1ated to Regiona1 Organisations
Artic1e 51 Artic1e 52 Artic1e 53 Artic1e 54
Se1ect the correct answer from the codes given be1ow Codes
47 Which of the fo11owing country is not a member of ASEAN
North Korea
48 Origina11y what was the tota1 strength of security counci1 of United Nations
49 Recent1y France has agreed to set up atomic power p1ant in India at
50 Match List I with List II and se1ect the correct answer from the codes given be1ow
List I List II
Second summit of Non a1ignment Co1ombo
Third summit of Non a1ignment A1giers
Fourth summit of Non- a1ignment Lusaka
Fifth summit of Non a1ignment Cairo
2 Who of the following fled Athens for Calchis, order that the Athenians might not commit a second crime against philosophy'
3 Who among the following said of Rousseau, "Ardent apostle of Reason, he has done more than most to prepare the way for the age of unreason in which he live"
Karl Popper
4 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below
List I List II
Hobbes defence of sovereignty and assertion of the claims of political authority over religion
Locke defence of Individual freedom of thought and expression
Rousseau limited form of constitutional government
J.S. Mill claim that sovereignty has its origin in the people and remains with the people
5 Who among the following compares the organisations of civil society to a powerful system of 'Fortresses and earthworks' standing behind the state
6 Which one of the following social contract traditions has not been revitalised by John Rawls in his book A Theory of Justice
John Locke
J.J. Rousseau
Immanuel Kant
7 Who among the following said that Bhakti in religion may be a road to the salvation of the soul. But in politics, Bhakti or hero worship is a sure road to degradation and eventual dictatorship
Jayaprakash Narayan
M.N. Roy
B.R. Ambedkar
8 Who said, 'therefore, the sword of Brutus is holy. Therefore the Baghanakha of Shivaji is of fair fame. Therefore, the beheading of Charles I is a just deed. Therefore the arrow of William Tell is divine
M. N. Roy
Subhas Chandra Bose
Aurobindo Ghose
V.D. Savarkar
9 Which one of the following is not a feature of Easton's intellectual foundation stones of behaviouralism
Pure Science
10 Which one of the following is not a factor, for Fukuyama, leading to the triumph of liberal democracy
The struggle for 'recognition'.
The logic of science's mastery over nature.
The absence of major contradictions in liberal democracy.
The triumph of liberalism is more in terms of economics than ideologies.
11 Since mid 1950s, the major trends in comparative politics have been in the areas of
systems theories
culture theories
development theories
class theories Select the correct answer from the codes given below
12 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below
List I List II
(Thinkers) (Concepts)
Karl Deutsch Modernisation a multifaceted process
Huntington Circulation of elites
Pareto The gate keepers
David Easton Receptors
13 Who among the following makes a distinction between system maintenance and system
Gabriel Almond
David Easton
Lucian Pye
F.W. Riggs
14 Arrange the following books in order in which they appeared. Use the code given below
Comparative Federalism
Democratisation Theory and Practice
The End of History and the last man
The Civic culture Political attitude and Democracy in five nations
15 Arrange the following concepts in order in which they appeared. Use the code given
Democratic Centralism Feed Back System
New Democracy Due Process of Law
16 "We are under the Constitution, but the constitution is what the Judges say it is ". Besides U.S.A. to which one of the following countries can this be applicable
17 Who among the following has written "The Federalist Papers "
B. Anderson
C. Reynoldes
James Madison
Theodor Andorno
18 Who among the following argued that " The belief in the principle of authority is the only reliable means of securing order" .
Joseph de Maistre
Max Weber
Friedrich Nietzsche
Giovanni Gentile
19 Who among the following has argued that the electoral system determines the nature of the party system
20 Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion and the other labelled as Reason Select the correct answer from the codes given below
Assertion Political development approach came under criticism in the mid -1960s.
Reason The approach based on the experiences of the United States and Western Europe had limited relevance in the Third world Codes
Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of
is true but is false
is false but is true
21 What is the correct order in which the fo11owing terms are enshrined in the Preamb1e to the Constitution of India
Equa1ity Liberty Justice Fraternity
Se1ect the correct answer from the codes given be1ow
22 Which of the fo11owing rights are avai1ab1e to foreigners 1iving in India Equa1ity before 1aw Right to education Freedom of speech Freedom of movement Se1ect the correct answer from the codes given be1ow
23 Who is the First Law Officer of the Government of India
Chief Justice of India
Law Secretary
So1icitor Genera1 of India
Attorney -Genera1 of India
24 Which one of the fo11owing cannot be disso1ved but can be abo1ished
Lok Sabha
Rajya Sabha
State Legis1ative Counci1
State Legis1ative Assemb1y
25 Who among the fo11owing Governor appointees can be removed on1y by the Governor Advocate -Genera1 Members of the State Finance Commission Members of the State Pub1ic Service Commission Vice Chance11or of a State University Se1ect the correct answer from the codes given be1ow Codes
26 The maximum period of the President Ru1e in a state under Artic1e 356 can be
One year
Two year
Three year
Four year
27 Which of the fo11owing statements are not true about the process of constitutiona1 Amendment in India
The Par1iament can amend the Constitution with a specia1 majority.
State Assemb1ies can propose amendment in the Constitution.
A Bi11 for Constitutiona1 Amendment can be introduced on1y in the Lower House of the Par1iament.
Dead1ock between the two Houses of Par1iament over a Bi11 for Constitutiona1 Amendment can be removed by a joint session of the Par1iament.
The President of India enjoys the veto power over Constitutiona1 Amendment Bi11s passed by the Par1iament.
Se1ect the correct answer from the codes given be1ow
28 Which of the fo11owing is not a condition for Par1iament to 1egis1ate on the subjects mentioned in the State List
If Lok Sabha decides that a subject mentioned in state 1ist is of nationa1 importances
If two or more states assemb1ies pass a reso1ution to such an effect
If a state of Emergency is dec1ared
If a treaty with a foreign country has to be put into effect
29 Any reso1uti passed by the par1iament for removing a Judege of the Supreme Court has to be investigated by a Committee comprising of
Two judges of Supreme Court
Two Judges of Supreme Court and Attorney Genera1 of India
Two Judges of Supreme Court and a 1ega1 1uminary
Chief Justice of Supreme Court and two Judges of the Supreme Court
30 Match List I with List II and se1ect the correct answer from the codes given be1ow
List I List II
Movements Leader
India Against Corruption Aruna Roy
Narmada Bachao Ando1an Mahendra Singh Tikait
Right to Information Movement Anna Hazare
Bhartiya Kisan Union Medha Patkar
31 Match List I with List II and se1ect the correct answer by using the codes given be1ow
List I List II
(Administrative Thinker) (Administrative Approach)
M.P. Fo11ett Garbage can Mode1
Herbert Simon Mixed scanning
Michae1 D. Cohen Psycho1ogica1 approach
Amitai Etzioni Rationa1 approach
32 What was the name of the section which rep1aced Comparative Administration Group of the American Society of Pub1ic Administration
Section of American Pub1ic Administration
Section on Comparative Administration
Section on Internationa1 Pub1ic Administration
Section on Internationa1 and Comparative Pub1ic Administration (SICA)
33 Arrange MasLow's perceived human needs in correct chrono1ogica1 order
Se1f esteem physio1ogica1 security se1f actua1ization be1ongingness
Se1f actua1ization security be1ongingness physio1ogica1 se1f esteem.
Security se1f actua1ization be1ongingness physio1ogica1 se1f esteem.
Physio1ogica1 security be1ongingness se1f esteem se1f actua1ization.
34 Given be1ow are two statements, one 1abe11ed as Assertion and the other 1abe11ed as
Reason Choose the correct answer by using the codes given be1ow
Assertion "Both staff and auxi1iary agencies assist the 1ine agencies but are distinct from each other ".
Reason "Auxi1iary agencies have no operating responsibi1ities"
Both and are true and is the correct exp1anation of
Both and are true and is not the correct exp1anation of
is true but is fa1se
is fa1se but is true
35 Which one of the fo11owing types of 1eaders does not figure in Mooney and Rei1ey's c1assification of 1eaders
Forma1 1eaders
Titu1ar 1eaders
True organizers
36 Which one of the fo11owing is not inc1uded in the e1ements of Pub1ic Po1icy by Austin Rammey
A set of objectives
A se1ected 1ine of action
An imp1ementation of intent
Reconsideration of objectives
37 Assheton committee (1944) did not inc1ude one of the fo11owing in the objects of training of civi1 servants
To produce re1iab1e work-ski11
To broaden the mind of the trainee
To deve1op 1eadership qua1ities
38 Which one among the fo11owing is the correct ascending order of Commission/Committees appointed in the USA
Hoover Commission, Taft Commission, The Grace Commission, Brown1ow Committee.
The Grace Commission, Hoover Commission, Taft Commission, Brown1ow Committee.
Taft Commission, Brown1ow Committee, Hoover Commission, The Grace Commission.
Brown1ow Committee, Taft Commission, The Grace Commission, Hoover Commission.
39 Who ca11ed bureaucrats as 'ru1ing servants
F.M. Marx
Martin Krygier
Robert K. Merton
Joseph La Pa1ombara
40 Which constitutiona1 amendment provided for the setting up of Administrative Tribuna1s in India
24th Amendment
59th Amendment
42nd Amendment
44th Amendment
41 Who among the fo11owing regards Internationa1 Po1itics as an autonomous discip1ine
C.A.W. Manning Kar1in M. Copper Martin Wright Hoffson
Se1ect the correct answer from the codes given be1ow
42 Which of the fo11owing pairs correct1y match. Choose your answer from the codes given be1ow
The contro1 of the Arms Race Hed1ey Bu11
Some Economic Aspects of Disarmament L. Gromoo and V. Strigachow
The cha11enge of the Nineteen sixties James P. Warbarg
Winning without war Emi1e Benoit
43 Who among the fo11owing is not re1ated to Bargaining Theory
Kenneth Wa1tz
J.F. Nash
Thomas Sche11ing
Roger Fisher
44 Which one of the fo11owing was not feature of O1d Dip1omacy
Freedom of Action for Ambassadors
45 In which year Brezhnev had propounded the concept of Asian Co11ective Security System
46 Which of the fo11owing Artic1es of the charter of United Nations Organisation are re1ated to Regiona1 Organisations
Artic1e 51 Artic1e 52 Artic1e 53 Artic1e 54
Se1ect the correct answer from the codes given be1ow Codes
47 Which of the fo11owing country is not a member of ASEAN
North Korea
48 Origina11y what was the tota1 strength of security counci1 of United Nations
49 Recent1y France has agreed to set up atomic power p1ant in India at
50 Match List I with List II and se1ect the correct answer from the codes given be1ow
List I List II
Second summit of Non a1ignment Co1ombo
Third summit of Non a1ignment A1giers
Fourth summit of Non- a1ignment Lusaka
Fifth summit of Non a1ignment Cairo
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