Exam Details

Subject java programming
Exam / Course m.sc.computer science and information technology
Organization alagappa university
Exam Date April, 2018
City, State tamil nadu, karaikudi

Question Paper

Second Semester
Computer Science and Information Technology
(CBCS 2017 onwards)
Time 3 Hours Maximum 75 Marks
Part A (10 x 2 20)
Answer all questions.
1. What is a character constant? Give an example.
2. Why is java known as platform independent language?
3. Find the value of 14
4. List out any two mathematical functions in Java.
5. What is a vector? How is it different from an array?
6. What are the applications of wrapper classes?
7. Define: Web page.
8. Distinguish between applet and application.
9. What is the goal of JDBC?
10. Write down any two advantages of Enterprise bean.
Sub. Code
Sp 4
Part B x 5 25)
Answer all questions, choosing either or
11. Discuss the features of Java Language.
What is a token? List the various types of tokens
supported by Java.
12. What are the classifications of operators in Java?
Explain with examples.
Write a java program to find the sum of the digits of
a given integer.
13. Write a java program, which will read a string and
rewrite it in the alphabetical order.
Compare and contrast overriding and overloading a
14. Write a short note on Applet Tags.
Write an applet that displays the date and time.
15. Explain about the Serviet life cycle.
What is JSP? Explain about the JSP tags.
Sp 4
Part C x 10 30)
Answer any three questions.
16. List the basic data types used in java. Explain with
suitable example.
17. Write a Java program to find the factorial of a number.
18. Write a Java program that creates an abstract class
called dimension creates two subclasses, rectangle and
triangle. Include, appropriate methods for both the
subclasses that calculate and display the area of the
rectangle and triangle.
19. Explain the life cycle of an applet.
20. What is RMI? Explain the architecture of RMI.

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