Exam Details

Subject voice and laryngectomee
Paper paper 3
Exam / Course b.sc. audiology and speech language pathology
Organization Dr.M.G.R. Medical University
Exam Date February, 2018
City, State tamil nadu, chennai

Question Paper

FEBRUARY 2018 Sub. Code: 2313
Q.P. Code: 802313
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer all questions
I. Elaborate on: x 10 30)
1. Explain the developmental changes with respect to structure of larynx and
voice characteristics from birth to senescence.
2. Who are professional voice users? Describe the classification of professional
voice users and importance of vocal hygiene program.
3. What is trachea esophageal speech? Describe the anatomical aspects, candidacy
types of TEP, complications associated with fitting of TEP.
II. Write notes on: x 5 40)
1. Discuss the aetiology, symptoms, Laryngoscopic findings and management for
vocal cord nodules.
2. Discuss the aetiology, symptoms, Laryngoscopic findings and management for
3. What is hypothyroidism? Describe the voice characteristics in patients with
4. Describe any two therapy techniques that may be used for mutational falsetto.
5. Write about the histology of Vocal cord.
6. Describe the types of trachea-oesophageal prosthesis.
7. Write about vocal function exercises.
8. Expand and Explain GRBAS.
III. Short answers on: (10 x 3 30)
1. Pitch perturbation.
2. Laryngeal stuttering.
3. Write about Voice Handicap Index.
4. Define: Diplophonia Pitch breaks Voice break.
5. Name three recent approaches to treat hyper functional voice disorders.
6. Vocal hygiene program.
7. Nerve supply to larynx.
8. What is S/Z ratio? Indicate its importance on identifying voice disorders.
9. Define hypo nasality and list any four aetiologies.
10. Write different types of breathing.


  • anatomy and physiology of speech and hearing
  • audiology
  • basic medical sciences related to speech and hearing
  • basic statistics and scientific enquiry in audiology and speech language pathology
  • clinical psychology
  • communication sciences
  • community oriented professional practices in speech languagepathology and audiology
  • community oriented professional practices in speechlanguagepathology and audiology
  • diagnostic audiology
  • electronics and acoustics
  • fluency and its disorders
  • introduction to human communication
  • linguistics and phonetics
  • management for persons with hearing impairments
  • motor speech disorders
  • neurogenic language disorders in adults
  • neurology
  • noise measurements and hearing conservation
  • noise measurments and hearing conservation
  • otolaryngology
  • paediatric audiology
  • rehabilitative audiology
  • research methods and statistics
  • speech – language pathology
  • speech language development and disorders
  • technology and management for persons with hearing impairments
  • technology and management for persons with hearing impairments i
  • technology and management forpersons with hearing impairments
  • voice and laryngectomee